42 research outputs found


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    Fish scales are the result of fish waste that is often found in the community environment. Fish scales are usually immediately discarded In this study to a fish scales shredder was designed to destroy fish scales into powder. This machine uses crushed system consisting of 8 rotary blades and 4 fixed blades which are directly from the shaft of the electric motor. This machine is operated by using an electric motor by using an engine shaft, bearings and chopper blades. In this study, calculations, design and testing of fish scales shredder with experimental material, namely fish scales, leaves and twigs. In this study, the electric motor power used is 1 hp that can work 8 hours / day with an average production capacity of 10 kg / day. The diameter of the shaft used is 8 mm with S35C-D material. The results of this shredder research machine are more optimally used in leaf material.  Sisik ikan merupakan limbah yang biasanya segera dibuang begitu saja karena tidak dapat diolah dan dimanfaatkan. Oleh karena itu, dalam penelitian ini alat penghancur sisik ikan dirancang untuk mengolah sisik ikan menjadi bubuk untuk memudahkan pemanfaatannya. Alat ini menggunakan sistem penghancur yang terdiri dari 8 bilah putar dan 4 bilah tetap yang langsung dari poros mesin yang dioperasikan dengan menggunakan motor listrik, bantalan dan pisau perajang. Dalam penelitian ini, perhitungan, desain dan pengujian mesin penghancur sisik ikan menggunakan bahan eksperimental yaitu sisik ikan, daun dan ranting pohon serta daya motor listrik yang digunakan adalah 1 hp yang dapat bekerja 8 jam/hari dengan rata-rata kapasitas produksi sebesar 10 kg/hari. Poros mesin digunakan material S35C-D dengan diameter 8 mm. Hasil penelitian dari mesin penghancur ini menunjukkan bahwa lebih optimal untuk digunakan pada material daun. &nbsp

    Analisis Sifat Mekanik Material Komposit Ecenggondok Berbahan Filler Ampas Singkong Dengan Matrik Polyester

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    The using of composits material currently more developed together with the using of it from the simpler like larges of housing tools to industry sector.The composite resech supported by fiber of eichhornia crassipes solms that has filler of cassava waste that has functions to know tensile strength and impact strength.This reseach used the various added of cassava waste , 0, 20, 25, and 30 (% of weight) and using of polyester resin matrix, the form of the composite speciment is plat with the fractions volume eichhornia crassipes solms fiber 20 % (constant), the fiber length 25 mm, because methode to found eichhornia crassipes solms fiber using methode of manual so that nothing of fibers have cuality and length with the same.Composite manufacturing process carried out by the methode of hand lay up with emphasis manually using glass as a mold and pressure.The results tensile reseach founded that lests of filler as used so that the higest that tensile strength, the highest tensile strength at variations added of cassava waste 0 %  ( 9,311 N/mm2 ) and for impact strength the biggest added of cassava waste so that the highest energy to fight  of materials , the high tensile strength found in the variations added of cassava waste 25 % ( 0,018282 J/mm2 )

    Pengaruh Daya Motor Bensin Terhadap Kapasitas Produksi Mesin Pemipil Jagung

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    The demand for corn kernels is increasing in developing countries. This study focuses to investigated the effect of power engine on the production capacity of corn sheller machine. The power of engine has been varied i.e 4 HP, 5,5 HP and  8 HP. The methods of this research using by empirisly calculated. The results shows that the maximum production capacity obtained on power engine at 8 HP, 5,5 HP and 4 HP are 14 kg/minutes, 10 kg/min, and 7 kg/min, respectively. The conclusion of this research is the production capacity of corn sheller machine affected by power engine, shaft diameter, pegs length, bearing number and spin sheller

    Sifat Mekanik dari Komposit Poliester-Serat Pelepah Kelapa: Efek Perendaman Serat dalam Larutan Kimia Alkali

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    Dalam paper ini, modifikasi permukaan serat menggunakan kimia alkali dilakukan untuk menyelidiki efek perendaman serat dalam larutan kimia alkali dari serat pelepah kelapa terhadap sifat mekanik dari komposit termoset. Serat pelepah kelapa direndam dalam larutan kimia sodium hidroksida selama 60 menit, 120 menit, 180 menit dan 240 menit pada temperatur ruangan. Sifat mekanik, meliputi kekuatan bending, dan kekuatan tarik yang diukur dengan menggunakan ultimate tensile machine (UTM). Analisa kegagalan dari komposit juga telah diselidiki dan dianalisa melalui foto makro patahan dari komposit uji dan telah dibandingkan dengan komposit yang diperkuat serat pelepah tanpa diperlakukan kimia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sifat kekuatan bending dari sampel komposit (NS4) menggunakan serat yang direndam selama 240 menit lebih tinggi dibandingkan komposit lain yang dipelajari; disebabkan diameter serat lebih kecil dan ikatan interface serat–resin lebih kuat.  Mode kegagalan komposit dengan adanya fiber pull–out menunjukkan jenis patahan ulet. Hasil ini bermanfaat untuk peneliti dan industriawan sebagai dasar dalam mengembangkan bahan alternatif pengganti produk komersial yang ramah lingkungan


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    JIS steel SS 400 is one of the most common types of steel used for hot rolling steel structures general. This steel is excellented to the weldability and machinability properties. This study aimed to determine the effect of heat treatment with preheating without tempering (PTT), with preheating and tempering (PT), without preheating and without tempering (TPTT), and  without preheating tempering (TPT). The test results are then compared with the raw material specimens. Method of forming specimens using welding SMAW (Shielded Metal Arc Welding) DC reverse polarity using E7018 type electrode diameter of 4 mm. Type of seam used is V open seam with slit width and height of 2 mm and the width of the root angle 70o. This studied used a low alloy steel (JIS steel SS 400) which contain high levels of 0.20% C, maximum 0.005% S, maximum 0.005% P with repetitions each variation three times. Tests conducted it has testing the tensile strength, brinell hardness testing, and microstructure photo shoot. Value of the brinell hardness of welded joints highest in the tempering specimens without preheating, amounting with  163,911 HB hardness value. The structure of cementite and pearlite formed. While the lowest hardness values of specimens owned by raw material is 120,498 HB hardness values that form the microstructure of pearlite and ferrite.


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    Komposit merupakan suatu struktur material yang tersusun dari dua kombinasi atau lebih konstituen yang dikombinasikan secara makroskopik yang mana keduanya tidak saling melarutkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sifat kekuatan impact komposit sandwich plastik bekas diperkuat serat sisal dengan core bonggol jagung. Metodologi penelitian mengacu pada pengujian dilakukan yaitu  pengujian impact sesuai dengan standar ASTM D-5942 dengan impak Charpy yaitu dengan memvariasikan persentase volume serat sisal (5%, 10%,  15%, 20%, 25%, dan 30%) dan variasi arah serat sisal yaitu acak dan searah.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dan kekuatan impact komposit sandwich plastik bekas yang diperkuat serat sisal dengan core bonggol jagung cenderung mengalami peningkatan seiring dengan penambahan presentase serat. Kekuatan impact tertinggi pada fraksi volume serat sisal (30%) sebesar 0,0460 J/mm2­ dengan arah serat acak dan terendah pada variasi volume serat sisal (5%) dengan arah serat searah sebesar 0,019 J/mm2­. Rata-rata pada arah serat searah lebih besar dibandingkan dengan arah serat acak, sedangkan Rata-rata kekuatan impact  lebih besar pada arah serat acak dibandingan dengan arah serat searah

    Perilaku Tarik Komposit Laminat Serat Kulit Waru-Aluminium

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    Waru fiber-aluminium laminate composite is engineering materials which have high stiffness, strength properties and weight to strength ratio. The aim of this study is to find out the effect of the number of waru fiber to tensile strength on laminate composite waru fiber-Aluminium. The process of laminating composite waru fiber-aluminium is done by vacuum infusion resin method with layers variation 1, 2, 3, 4  and fiber direction 45/45 angle woven basket. The result shows that the tensile strength of the waru-Al fiber composite decreases and the elongation value of the composite increases due to the addition of layers of fiber waru lower bond strength on adhesive-aluminum and adhesive-waru. The lowest tensile strength of 153,642 MPa has occurred in composite with 4 layers of waru fibre


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    The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze about absorption properties of the composite laminate, microstructure hybrid sisal and banana fiber with epoxy matrix. Composite manufacturing was done by hand lay-up method with a ratio of fiber volume fraction of sisal and banana trunks 0:40, 10:30, 15:25, 20:20, 30:10, 40:0 (%) With direction of sisalana agave fiber orientation and banana fiber by fiber length according to the mold. Specimen testing was done by the water absorption test with the standard ASTM D571-8,. Test results obtained from the average water absorption properties of composites with the highest ratio of fiber volume fraction of 40%: 0% is 42.4% while the lowest average water absorption properties contained in the composite with fiber volume fraction of 0%: 40%, with percentage of 11.5%. Therefore we can conclude the increasing volume fraction of sisal fiber withidirection of  fiber orientation, the lower of water absorption properties and conversely increasing the volume of woven banana fiber orientation, the higher of water absorptionproperties


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    The usage of carbon steel at present is growing rapidly. The carbon steel is commonly used in the machining appliance and material construction, as well as oil or gas piping. Improvement of physical properties of steel can be performed by electroplating. The goal of this research was to prove the influence variation of strong electric current and processing time electroplating tensile strength, hardness and layer thickness on low carbon steel with chrome. The benefits of this research is to gain the information about a strong in fluence of electric current and time again sthardness and thickness of thetensile strength of low carbon steel with chrome plating.This research using low carbon steel coated by electroplating method with variations strong electric current 17.8A, 22.7A and 27.3A, and the length of processing 5, 10, and 15 minutes. The type of testing which done are to test the thickness, the hardness and tensile test. The processing of data were analyzed using analysis of variance two-way.Thickness layer of chrome increased along with increasing strong currents and the length of time coating. The highest value of the thickness chrome layer with strong currents occur in the calculation of 27.3A and with in 15 minutes of 0.00015 as well as microscope observation of 0.483 where there is a difference between calculation and observation microscope 400X magnification ranges from 99.9%. The highest hardness values obtained with strong currents 27,3A and within 15 minutes of 23,58 VHN  or 12,621% harder  compare with raw materials. For tensile test itself was increasing tensile strength with the highest value of 627.8 N / mm2 or 6.65% more than raw material