12,673 research outputs found

    The identification of gamma ray induced EAS

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    Some of the penetrating particles in gamma-induced EAS from Cygnus X-3 observed by a single layer of flash-bulbs under 880 g cm/2 concrete, may be punched through photons rather than muons. An analysis of the shielded flash-tube response detected from EAS is presented. The penetration of the electro-magnetic component through 20 cm of Pb is observed at core distances approx. 10 m

    Average features of the muon component of EAS or = 10(17) eV

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    Three 10 sq m liquid scintillators were situated at approximately 0 m, 150 m and 250 m from the center of the Haverah Park array. The detectors were shielded by lead/barytes giving muon detection thresholds of 317 MeV, 431 MeV and 488 MeV respectively. During part of the operational period the 431 MeV threshold was lowered to 313 MeV for comparison purposes. For risetime measurement fast phototubes were used and the 10% to 70% amplitude time interval was parameterized by T sub 70. A muon lateral density distribution of the form rho mu (R theta) = krho(500)0.94 1/R(1 + R/490)-eta has been fitted to the data for 120 m R 600 m and 0.27 (500) 2.55. The shower size parameter (500) is the water Cerenkov response at 500 m from the core of the extensive air showers (EAS) and is relatable to the primary energy. The results show general consistency

    Muon fluctuation studies of EAS 10(17) eV

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    Fluctuation studies need to compare a parameter which is sensitive to longitudinal fluctuations against a parameter which is insensitive. Cascade calculations indicate that the shower size parameter at Haverah Park, rho (500), and the muon density are insensitive while parameters that significantly reflect the longitudinal development of a particular extensive air shower (EAS) include the muon/water Cerenkov response ratio and the muon arrival time dispersion. This paper presents conclusions based on muon fluctuation studies of EAS measured between 1976 and 1981 at Haverah Park

    The muon content of EAS as a function of primary energy

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    The muon content of extensive air showers (EAS) was measured over the wide primary energy range 10 to the 16th power to 10 to the 20th power eV. It is reported that the relative muon content of EAS decreases smoothly over the energy range 10 to the 17th power to 10 to the 19th power eV and concluded that the primary cosmic ray flux has a constant mass composition over this range. It is also reported that an apparent significant change in the power index occurs below 10 to the 17th power eV rho sub c (250 m) sup 0.78. Such a change indicates a significant change in primary mass composition in this range. The earlier conclusions concerning EAS of energy 10 to the 17th power eV are confirmed. Analysis of data in the 10 to the 16th power - 10 to the 17th power eV range revealed a previously overlooked selection bias in the data set. The full analysis of the complete data set in the energy range 10 to the 16th power - 10 to the 17th power ev with the selection bias eliminated is presented

    Multiplayer Cost Games with Simple Nash Equilibria

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    Multiplayer games with selfish agents naturally occur in the design of distributed and embedded systems. As the goals of selfish agents are usually neither equivalent nor antagonistic to each other, such games are non zero-sum games. We study such games and show that a large class of these games, including games where the individual objectives are mean- or discounted-payoff, or quantitative reachability, and show that they do not only have a solution, but a simple solution. We establish the existence of Nash equilibria that are composed of k memoryless strategies for each agent in a setting with k agents, one main and k-1 minor strategies. The main strategy describes what happens when all agents comply, whereas the minor strategies ensure that all other agents immediately start to co-operate against the agent who first deviates from the plan. This simplicity is important, as rational agents are an idealisation. Realistically, agents have to decide on their moves with very limited resources, and complicated strategies that require exponential--or even non-elementary--implementations cannot realistically be implemented. The existence of simple strategies that we prove in this paper therefore holds a promise of implementability.Comment: 23 page

    Additional three-dimensional boundary-layer computations for a finite swept wing

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    Calculations have been made of the three-dimensional, compressible, turbulent boundary layer on the finite supercritical wing of the NASA modified F-8 transonic research airplane. The calculations were based on the wing pressure distribution measured in flight at M = 0.90, instead of on wind tunnel data at M = 0.50 and 0.99. Data on the boundary-layer thickness, displacement thickness, skin-friction components, and integrated streamwise skin friction are presented for points along the streamwise stations at which pressure measurements were made

    Melissa W. Nash Correspondence

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    Entries include a typed letter on personal stationery with advice on how to locate the biographical information of Newton and his fellow authors within the pages of his book

    Inclusive One Jet Production With Multiple Interactions in the Regge Limit of pQCD

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    DIS on a two nucleon system in the regge limit is considered. In this framework a review is given of a pQCD approach for the computation of the corrections to the inclusive one jet production cross section at finite number of colors and discuss the general results.Comment: 4 pages, latex, aicproc format, Contribution to the proceedings of "Diffraction 2008", 9-14 Sep. 2008, La Londe-les-Maures, Franc