78 research outputs found

    The effect of massage with Sesame oil on infant anthropometric measurements and their sleep pattern

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    Background and aim: Massage is an important part of baby and infant health care in different societies. Considering specific role of massage with natural oils we studied the effect of massage with sesame oil on infant anthropometric measurements and their sleep pattern. Method: This clinical-trial study was performed on 150 two months healthy infants who were referred to the health care centers in Arak city. Samples were randomly divided into one of the following groups: massage with sesame oil massage only and no massage. In sesame oil group mothers performed massages on whole of their infant body for a period of 10 minutes two times per day for 4 weeks. In solely massage group the method was the same as previous group but without oil. No massage was done in control group. Anthropometric measurements and sleep pattern were evaluated before and after the interventions and data were analyzed using Chi-square ANOVA Kroskal-Wallis and Post-Hoc tests. Results: At the beginning of the study anthropometric measurements did not show significant difference between groups. After 4 weeks the average increase in infant weight in sesame oil solely massage and control group were 1076.23±273.12 965.24±310.12 686.14±220.92 respectively (

    Microwave application for the detection of biodiesel-glycerine and biodiesel-water interfaces in the biodiesel production

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    In biodiesel industry there is a need to detect interfacing layer between biodiesel and glycerine after the transesterification and interfacing layer between water and biodiesel after the washing process. The detection of these two interfaces is important for separation process. In this work, a simple, low cost, and accurate microwave reflection type system for production of coconut biodiesel has been applied for the detection these interfaces. A module that works at 10.7 GHz, consisting of a microwave generator and a detecting diode, is used to measure the microwave reflection coefficient at various positions through the tank. The experimental results show the ability of the system to detect the level or height of these interfaces at the accuracy of 0.1 mm

    Effects of different regimens of PGF2α treatment during postpartum on reproductive performance in dairy cows

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    O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos do tratamento pós-parto precoce com PGF2α sobre o desempenho reprodutivo de vacas leiteiras sincronizadas para reprodução controlada por monta natural após o período de espera voluntário. Neste experimento, 120 vacas foram distribuídas em três grupos independentes da presença ou ausência de corpo lúteo. Vacas no grupo PG-14 foram tratadas com PGF2α a partir do 14o dia pós-parto, vacas do grupo PG-28 foram tratadas com PGF2α a partir do 28o dia pós-parto e as vacas do grupo PG-42 não foram tratadas com PGF2α até o final do período de espera voluntário (d42). Após o 42o dia pós-parto as vacas dos três grupos foram tratadas com PGF2α com intervalos de 14 dias até a monta natural após o período de espera voluntário. Os registros dos parâmetros reprodutivos incluíram: dias para o primeiro estro, dias para a primeira cobertura, dias em aberto, serviços por concepção, taxa de concepção, percentagem de animais repetidores de cios e as perdas de gestações. O tratamento precoce com PGF2α, a partir do 14o dia pós-parto reduziu significativamente os dias para o primeiro estro (34,9 ± 0,74, P < 0,003), dias para a primeira cobertura (62,35 ± 1,53, P < 0,04), dias em aberto (117,23 ± 3,1, P<0,001) e o número de serviços por concepção (1,9 ± 0,009, P < 0,02); e o grupo PG-14 apresentou um acréscimo na taxa de concepção (52,5%, P < 0,05). A proporção da síndrome de vacas repetidoras de cios tendeu a ser afetada pelo tratamento com PGF2α a partir do 14o dia pós-parto. A conclusão obtida foi que o tratamento das vacas com PGF2α a partir do 14o dia pós-parto melhorou o desempenho reprodutivo dos animais.The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of early postpartum PGF2α treatment on reproductive performance in dairy cows synchronized with targeted breeding and natural mating after voluntary waiting period. In this experiment, 120 cows were assigned to three groups irrespective of presence or absence of luteal tissue. Cows in PG-14 group were treated with PGF2α from day 14 postpartum, cows in PG-28 group were treated with PGF2α from day 28 postpartum and cows in PG-42 group were not treated with PGF2α until the end of voluntary waiting period (d 42). After day 42 postpartum, cows in three groups were treated with PGF2α within 14-day intervals until natural mating after voluntary waiting period. Recorded reproductive parameters included days to first heat, days to first mating, days open, service per conception, conception rate, percentage of repeat breeder animals and pregnancy loss. Early PGF2α treatment from day 14 postpartum significantly decreased days to first estrus (34.9 ± 0.74, P < 0.003), days to first mating (62.35 ± 1.53, P < 0.04), days open (117.23 ± 3.1, P < 0.001) and service per conception (1.9 ± 0.09, P < 0.02); and PG-14 group presented increased conception rate (52.5%, P < 0.05). The proportion of repeat breeder syndrome tended to be affected by treatment with PGF2α from day 14 postpartum. In conclusion, treatment of cows with PGF2α from day 14 postpartum improved reproductive performance.

    A clinical study of the effect of Glycyrrhiza glabra plant and exercise on the quality of life of menopausal women

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    BACKGROUND: Most women experience significant changes during and after menopause which causes various complications of menopause and the changes in quality of their life. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of Glycyrrhiza glabra plant and exercise on quality of life (QOL) of menopausal women. METHODS: This clinical experiment was performed in Arak, Iran. The study subjects consisted of 120 menopausal women. The participants were selected through convenience method and randomly divided into 4 groups of 30 subjects. Group 1 participants were administered 3 Glycyrrhiza glabra tablets daily. Group 2 participants had a regular exercise program. Group 3 participants were simultaneously administered Glycyrrhiza glabr tablets like group 1 and had an exercise program like group 2. Group 4 received no intervention. The participants’ QOL was investigated before and 1 month after the intervention using the Menopause-Specific Quality of Life (MENQOL) Questionnaire. Data analysis was performed in SPSS software using Mann-Whitney, Wilcoxon, Kruskal-Wallis, and chi-square tests, and variance analysis. RESULTS: No significant difference between the four groups in terms of vasomotor, psychosocial, physical, and sexual health, and QOL based on the Kruskal-Wallis test before the intervention. However, a significant difference was observed between the groups in terms of vasomotor, psychosocial, physical, and sexual health and QOL after the intervention. CONCLUSION: The results of this study showed the efficacy of Glycyrrhiza glabra and exercise programs in controlling the symptoms of menopause. It is recommended that postmenopausal women use exercise programs and Glycyrrhiza glabra to control menopausal symptoms

    Psychological Components Related to Students Success in a Blended Learning Environment

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    This study aims to identify the psychological components related to student success in a blended learning environment. The research method is applied , and data collection was conducted using a qualitative approach through a systematic review method. To achieve the goal of the study, a systematic and comprehensive review of the research background was conducted based on Sandlowski and Barroso's (2006) seven-step model. For this purpose, resources from databases (Elsevier, Scopus, ProQuest, Eric, Emerald, Springer) and related keywords were searched. After reviewing 480 papers from theoretical and scientific sources related to the research topic based on specific criteria and removing unrelated papers, a full review of the remaining 58 studies was performed. The systematic review of the research background resulted in the identification of 5 components, 9 concepts, and 75 codes. The results of the meta-synthesis indicate that the psychological components of students who want to succeed in the blended learning environment at the university include the following: emotional strategies and components (positive emotions and motivational beliefs), communication (connection resources, communication skills), cognitive (high-level thinking and academic engagement), metacognitive (self-management in learning and self-perception of learning), and personality.Among these, the role of emotional and metacognitive strategies and components is more important than others. Therefore, they have a greater impact on the success of blended learning

    Application of cognitive science in management (A meta-synthesis study)

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    Abstract This study aimed to study the application of cognitive science in management. The research method was qualitative and meta-synthesis. The research population comprises all of the more than 2000 scientific-technical documents found in 8 internal scientific databases and 10 external scientific databases. Out of these articles, after subject review, abstracts and contents were finally selected and analyzed for 63 articles. Open coding analysis method was used in two levels of concepts and categories for qualitative analysis. Based on the analysis, three groups of applications of cognitive science in management were identified, each of which included subdivisions. The first group is the application of cognitive science to management functions including leadership, decision making, planning, supervision and cognitive control. The second group has been applying the cognitive sciences in various management styles including neuro-leadership, rational-brain leadership, wise and self-directed leadership and self-management. The third group deals with the application of cognitive science in various areas of management including cognitive management and cognitive business management

    Assessment of teaching and learning system in e-higher education, Case Study: Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences at the University of Tehran

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    Background and Objective:Evaluating the quality of the teaching-learning system is a process that is done to improve the quality and increase stakeholder’s satisfaction with e-learning programs, and in line with the development of university e-learning courses, attention to the evaluation of the quality of these courses has become important in several ways. First, the managers and staff of these courses need continuous self-evaluation to increase the quality of the courses. Second, the identification of quality e-learning courses at the national and international levels will help to develop the horizons of activities in this field. Finally, the development of e-learning will allow more attention to customer orientation in higher education and education customers can choose the best option by identifying quality university courses. The aim of current study is the evaluation of learning-teaching system from the students’ viewpoint at the Faculty of Psychology and Education in the University of Tehran. Also, the research seeks to find the main related factors and variables with the evaluation of e-learning system. Methods: The current research is applied and descriptive-correlational and the research population included all students who were studying in the academic year 1394-95. The sample included 175 students selected by simple random sampling. In this study, after reviewing the literature about measuring quality at different context, 28 main indicators affecting quality of online teaching-learning systems are identified and after the survey of experts, the final model is designed. This model consists of training, technology, communication, evaluation, management, resource support, ethical and institutional dimensions based on Badhal Khan's model. Then, the research data were analyzed based on the questionnaires and research questions Findings: The results of the structural analysis indicated that the model is fit.  Also the results revealed that the management actor had the most and the ethical factor has the least connection to the quality of teaching-learning system from the perspective of the students Conclusion: In general, the results of this study showed that in terms of desirability, students' attitudes about assessment factors in e-learning courses are at a relatively desirable level, which indicates some strengths and weaknesses of the e-learning system in the country that can provide valuable information. This provides for managers and officials of the country's higher education system to adopt principled policies and use appropriate strategies and strategies to improve and enhance the quality of dimensions, and by allocating resources and reviewing the development of appropriate standards and mechanisms for the system have proper planning and e-learning.   ===================================================================================== COPYRIGHTS  ©2019 The author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, as long as the original authors and source are cited. No permission is required from the authors or the publishers.  ====================================================================================

    A clinical study of the effect of Glycyrrhiza glabra plant and exercise on the quality of life of menopausal women

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    BACKGROUND: Most women experience significant changes during and after menopause which causes various complications of menopause and the changes in quality of their life. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of Glycyrrhiza glabra plant and exercise on quality of life (QOL) of menopausal women. METHODS: This clinical experiment was performed in Arak, Iran. The study subjects consisted of 120 menopausal women. The participants were selected through convenience method and randomly divided into 4 groups of 30 subjects. Group 1 participants were administered 3 Glycyrrhiza glabra tablets daily. Group 2 participants had a regular exercise program. Group 3 participants were simultaneously administered Glycyrrhiza glabr tablets like group 1 and had an exercise program like group 2. Group 4 received no intervention. The participants’ QOL was investigated before and 1 month after the intervention using the Menopause-Specific Quality of Life (MENQOL) Questionnaire. Data analysis was performed in SPSS software using Mann-Whitney, Wilcoxon, Kruskal-Wallis, and chi-square tests, and variance analysis. RESULTS: No significant difference between the four groups in terms of vasomotor, psychosocial, physical, and sexual health, and QOL based on the Kruskal-Wallis test before the intervention. However, a significant difference was observed between the groups in terms of vasomotor, psychosocial, physical, and sexual health and QOL after the intervention. CONCLUSION: The results of this study showed the efficacy of Glycyrrhiza glabra and exercise programs in controlling the symptoms of menopause. It is recommended that postmenopausal women use exercise programs and Glycyrrhiza glabra to control menopausal symptoms