50 research outputs found

    Solidago litoralis è realmente una specie indipendente da S. virgaurea (Asteraceae)? Indagini biosistematiche volte a chiarirne il valore tassonomico-evolutivo. Is Solidago litoralis an actual species? New approaches to its systematic placement

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    Solidago litoralis Savi (Asteraceae) è un endemismo costiero della Toscana settentrionale. Nonostante sia sempre stata riconosciuta come un’entità a sé stante, autori diversi l’hanno classificata al rango di specie o come sottospecie o varietà dell’Eurasiatica Solidago virgaurea L. Sebbene vi siano evidenze ecologiche a sostegno del suo rango specifico, la letteratura conta ben pochi studi di tassonomia sperimentale che confrontino S. litoralis e S. virgaurea in modo oggettivo. Lo scopo di questa tesi è di comparare le due entità sotto diversi punti di vista: ecologico (studio dei caratteri funzionali e della germinazione), filogenetico (tramite uso di due marcatori molecolari plastidiali) e citogenetico (analisi dei cariotipi, localizzazione dei loci di rDNA e stima della quantità di DNA). Da questo studio è emerso come, dal punto di vista citogenetico e molecolare, non sussistano differenze rilevanti tali da giustificare il rango specifico. Viene comunque confermata una certa distanza dal punto di vista ecologico, anche se S. virgaurea sembra potenzialmente capace di assumere strategie ecologiche simili a quelle di S. litoralis. Quest’ultima viene infine identificata come un’entità in apparente via di speciazione, anche se studi che indaghino la reale compatibilità genetica tra i due taxa saranno necessari per una risposta definitiva in questo senso. Solidago litoralis Savi (Asteraceae) is endemic to northern coasts of Tuscany. Although it has always been recognized as somehow distinct, different authors have classified it either as at species rank or as a subspecies or a variety of the Eurasiatic Solidago virgaurea L. Even though there is ecological evidence for its specific rank, few studies of experimental taxonomy comparing S. litoralis and S. virgaurea have been published. Aim of this thesis is to compare the two units from different points of view: ecological (by comparing functional characters and germination), phylogenetic (using two plastidial molecular markers) and cytogenetic (karyotype analysis, localization of rDNA loci and genome size estimation). From a cytogenetic and molecular point of view, this study didn’t find any difference supporting the specific rank of S. litoralis. However, a difference in ecological responses to habitats is confirmed, even though S. virgaurea seems potentially capable of assuming ecological strategies similar to those of S. litoralis. This latter is identified as apparently being at the initial steps of a speciation event, albeit studies on the actual genetic compatibility among the two taxa will be necessary to provide a definitive answer

    Variations in Function and Vocal Acoustic Characteristics After Orthognathic Surgery: Preliminary Results

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    Objective: To determine the effects of orthognathic surgery on oral function and vocal quality in order to assess the need for speech therapy after surgery. Material and Methods: Thirty-seven patients scheduled for mono-jaw surgery, specifically maxillary (G1:15 patients), mandibular advancement (G2:10 patients) or mandibular set-back (G3:12 patients), were recruited for this prospective cohort study. Evaluation of oral functions, video recordings of speech articulation and audio recordings of voice were obtained before surgery (T0), and at 1 (T1) and 6 months (T2) after surgery. Spectrographic analysis and self-evaluation questionnaire regarding the vocal performance (VAPP) were performed. Both qualitative and quantitative statistical analysis was performed, mainly using generalized linear models for dichotomous data (p<0.05). Results: The formant frequencies (F1 and F2) of the main vowels vary after orthognathic surgery according to the type of surgery. Before surgery, 84% of patients analyzed showed difficulties in breathing and positioning the tongue both at rest and swallowing. Thanks to surgical correction of the malocclusion, the major part of these issues were resolved within 6 months. In 25% of cases, a change in the voice and/or articulation had occurred. Conclusion: Vocality improves after orthognathic surgery and it changes in relation to the type of surgery. However, vocality did not normalize completely. Speech assessment should be considered after surgery in order to offer adequate speech therapy if necessary.&nbsp

    Relationship among physical activity level, mood and anxiety states and Quality of Life in Physical Education students.

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    Background: Physical activity level (PAL) is known to play an important role in reducing risk factors associated with sedentarism, in addition to improving the mental health and health-related quality of life (HRQL). Objective: Investigate the relationship of PAL and their domains with HRQL, mood state (MS) and anxiety. Method: 140 Physical Education students (23.6 ± 3.7 years) were evaluated. The Baecke Habitual Physical Activity and Quality of Life (QOL-36) questionnaires, State-Trait Anxiety Inventories (STAI-S and STAI-T) and Profile of Mood States (POMS) scale were used to investigate PAL, HRQL and mental health indicators. Pearson’s correlation coefficient examined the association between PAL and both mental health and HRQL parameters. Results: There was a correlation between state anxiety and both the domain leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) (p = 0.013) and total PAL score (p = 0.010). In relation to MS, a negative correlation was found between LTPA and total mood disorder (TMD) (p = 0.004). However, there were positive correlations between the vigor subscale and both LTPA (p=0.001) and total PAL (p=0.019). With respect to HRQL, analysis of the relationship between LTPA and total PAL demonstrated positive coefficients with the physical component summary (PCS) (p=0.000; p = 0.005), mental component summary (MCS) (p = 0.000; p = 0.006) and total HRQL (p = 0.000; p = 0.003). Conclusion: The findings suggest that the rise in LTPA was related to an increase in HRQL and MS. However, PAL was positively related to anxiety

    Scale to Assess Leaders' Perceptions about their Workers' Digital Addiction

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    Background: With the evolution of technologies and the mobility factor, new digital devices have emerged, influencing human behavior and provoking diverse dependencies due to their abusive use. Collective environments begin to exhibit the symptoms of such dependencies, compromising people's quality of life (QOL). The objective of the present study was to validate the scale to evaluate the perception of leaders on digital employee addiction (EPLDDE) initially with 17 questions. Methods:The scale was constructed with real situations of digital addiction and through the evaluation of the semantic comprehension and consistency of the items by judges until final formatting of the instrument. Data collection was done via the internet. The sample consisted of 312 volunteers from a federal state-owned company. After data collection, a database was created for statistical analysis. Statistical program R was used. Findings: Bartlett’s and Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) tests confirmed adequacy for factorial analysis. Three statistical criteria were used, and scree plot presented adequate commonalities indicating 5 factors and the withdrawal of 3 questions from the scale. In the second AF, results ratified 14 questions. Cronbach's alpha showed a positive result of 0.8131717. Conclusion: The 14-item EPLDDE scale was validated for the evaluation of the perception of leaders regarding digital dependence of employees in organizations. This scale can contribute to studies on organizational QOL. The limitations found did not compromise the results

    Citizens AND HYdrology (CANDHY): conceptualizing a transdisciplinary framework for citizen science addressing hydrological challenges

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    Widely available digital technologies are empowering citizens who are increasingly well informed and involved in numerous water, climate, and environmental challenges. Citizen science can serve many different purposes, from the "pleasure of doing science" to complementing observations, increasing scientific literacy, and supporting collaborative behaviour to solve specific water management problems. Still, procedures on how to incorporate citizens' knowledge effectively to inform policy and decision-making are lagging behind. Moreover, general conceptual frameworks are unavailable, preventing the widespread uptake of citizen science approaches for more participatory cross-sectorial water governance. In this work, we identify the shared constituents, interfaces, and interlinkages between hydrological sciences and other academic and non-academic disciplines in addressing water issues. Our goal is to conceptualize a transdisciplinary framework for valuing citizen science and advancing the hydrological sciences. Joint efforts between hydrological, computer, and social sciences are envisaged for integrating human sensing and behavioural mechanisms into the framework. Expanding opportunities of online communities complement the fundamental value of on-site surveying and indigenous knowledge. This work is promoted by the Citizens AND HYdrology (CANDHY) Working Group established by the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS)

    Effects of exercise on physical and mental health, and cognitive and brain functions in schizophrenia: clinical and experimental evidence

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    Exercise promotes several health benefits, such as cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and cardiorespiratory improvements. It is believed that the practice of exercise in individuals with psychiatric disorders, e.g. schizophrenia, can cause significant changes. Schizophrenic patients have problematic lifestyle habits compared with general population; this may cause a high mortality rate, mainly caused by cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. Thus, the aim of this study is to investigate changes in physical and mental health, cognitive and brain functioning due to the practice of exercise in patients with schizophrenia. Although still little is known about the benefits of exercise on mental health, cognitive and brain functioning of schizophrenic patients, exercise training has been shown to be a beneficial intervention in the control and reduction of disease severity. Type of training, form of execution, duration and intensity need to be better studied as the effects on physical and mental health, cognition and brain activity depend exclusively of interconnected factors, such as the combination of exercise and medication. However, one should understand that exercise is not only an effective nondrug alternative, but also acts as a supporting linking up interventions to promote improvements in process performance optimization. In general, the positive effects on mental health, cognition and brain activity as a result of an exercise program are quite evident. Few studies have been published correlating effects of exercise in patients with schizophrenia, but there is increasing evidence that positive and negative symptoms can be improved. Therefore, it is important that further studies be undertaken to expand the knowledge of physical exercise on mental health in people with schizophrenia, as well as its dose-response and the most effective type of exercise

    Tetti verdi multistrato per lo sviluppo sostenibile di città resilienti: quattro casi studio italiani

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    Negli ultimi anni le inondazioni in ambito urbano sono state sempre più frequenti, provocando notevoli danni sia livello sociale che a livello economico. Questo fenomeno è in parte determinato da un aumento di urbanizzazione causato dalla crescita della popolazione, che tende sempre più a spostarsi dalle zone rurali alle aree urbane, che si espandono molto velocemente, spesso con infrastrutture idrauliche inadeguate. Inoltre, a causa di cambiamenti climatici, soprattutto nelle aree mediterranee, si può osservare un aumento di lunghi periodi di siccità, intervallati da piogge di breve durata, ma di sempre più forte intensità e frequenza. La presenza di questi fenomeni di pioggia intensa, in un ambiente altamente urbanizzato, determina un forte rischio di inondazione urbana. I tetti verdi, detti anche tetti giardino, sono stati ampiamente studiati come possibile soluzione di ingegneria naturalistica per ridurre il deflusso superficiale generato dalla presenza di tetti, trattenendo una frazione della precipitazione nello strato di terreno. Oltre alla significativa capacità di mitigazione del deflusso urbano, i tetti verdi presentano molteplici vantaggi in diversi ambiti: per esempio la presenza di queste strutture garantisce una riduzione della temperatura media dell’ambiente circostante, riducendo così l’effetto di isola di calore, che caratterizza le grandi città moderne. I tetti verdi, inoltre, garantiscono un isolamento termico per gli edifici sottostanti, favorendo il risparmio di energia per il funzionamento di impianti di climatizzazione e riscaldamento. Da un punto di vista ecologico, i tetti verdi riproducono parzialmente un ambiente naturale: assorbono CO2 e attraggono diverse specie di insetti e piccoli animali, facilitando così l’aumento della biodiversità. Infine, aumentano il valore estetico della città e possono essere utilizzate per attività ricreative, migliorando il benessere della comunità. Tra le varie tipologie di tetti verdi, quelli multistrato presentano uno strato aggiuntivo che permette di raccogliere l’acqua che percola dallo strato di terreno, stoccarla e utilizzarla in un secondo momento per diversi usi in cui non viene richiesta acqua potabile (come ad esempio l’irrigazione di giardini domestici o il lavaggio delle strade). Il presente lavoro illustra i risultati preliminari del progetto “the Polder Roof field lab”, nell’ambito del quale alcuni prototipi di tetti verdi multistrato proposti dalla compagnia olandese MetroPolder Company sono stati installati in 4 città italiane (Fig.1, Cagliari, Palermo, Perugia e Viterbo) al fine di valutare le potenzialità di questa “nature-based solution” in un clima Mediterraneo, soprattutto in termini di riduzione del deflusso superficiale durante eventi intensi di pioggia e di isolamento termico per l’edificio sottostante.Nello specifico, questo contributo ha, dunque, l’obiettivo di presentare le caratteristiche dei quattro casi studio, discutendo, sulla base dei risultati preliminari, le possibili linee di ricerca future. Le analisi preliminari, condotte studiando le misure di deflusso e di temperatura durante il periodo invernale da dicembre 2020 a marzo 2021, sottolineano l’elevata capacità di ritenzione durante eventi di pioggia intensi e la capacità di mitigazione dell’escursione termica giornaliera ottenibili con l’utilizzo di queste tecnologie

    Twenty-three unsolved problems in hydrology (UPH) – a community perspective

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    This paper is the outcome of a community initiative to identify major unsolved scientific problems in hydrology motivated by a need for stronger harmonisation of research efforts. The procedure involved a public consultation through on-line media, followed by two workshops through which a large number of potential science questions were collated, prioritised, and synthesised. In spite of the diversity of the participants (230 scientists in total), the process revealed much about community priorities and the state of our science: a preference for continuity in research questions rather than radical departures or redirections from past and current work. Questions remain focussed on process-based understanding of hydrological variability and causality at all space and time scales. Increased attention to environmental change drives a new emphasis on understanding how change propagates across interfaces within the hydrological system and across disciplinary boundaries. In particular, the expansion of the human footprint raises a new set of questions related to human interactions with nature and water cycle feedbacks in the context of complex water management problems. We hope that this reflection and synthesis of the 23 unsolved problems in hydrology will help guide research efforts for some years to come

    Reducing the environmental impact of surgery on a global scale: systematic review and co-prioritization with healthcare workers in 132 countries

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    Abstract Background Healthcare cannot achieve net-zero carbon without addressing operating theatres. The aim of this study was to prioritize feasible interventions to reduce the environmental impact of operating theatres. Methods This study adopted a four-phase Delphi consensus co-prioritization methodology. In phase 1, a systematic review of published interventions and global consultation of perioperative healthcare professionals were used to longlist interventions. In phase 2, iterative thematic analysis consolidated comparable interventions into a shortlist. In phase 3, the shortlist was co-prioritized based on patient and clinician views on acceptability, feasibility, and safety. In phase 4, ranked lists of interventions were presented by their relevance to high-income countries and low–middle-income countries. Results In phase 1, 43 interventions were identified, which had low uptake in practice according to 3042 professionals globally. In phase 2, a shortlist of 15 intervention domains was generated. In phase 3, interventions were deemed acceptable for more than 90 per cent of patients except for reducing general anaesthesia (84 per cent) and re-sterilization of ‘single-use’ consumables (86 per cent). In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for high-income countries were: introducing recycling; reducing use of anaesthetic gases; and appropriate clinical waste processing. In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for low–middle-income countries were: introducing reusable surgical devices; reducing use of consumables; and reducing the use of general anaesthesia. Conclusion This is a step toward environmentally sustainable operating environments with actionable interventions applicable to both high– and low–middle–income countries