18 research outputs found

    An analysis of David Popper’s Concert Etude Op. 55 No. 2 and proposed solutions for problems encountered during execution.

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    David Popper, viyolonsel tekniğinin gelişiminde oldukça ö nemli bir rolü olan bestecidir. Eserleri ve etütleri, hem viyolonsel eğitiminde yaygın olarak kullanılmakta hem de profesyonel sahnelerde icra edilmektedir. İlgili literatür incelendiğinde besteci ile ilgili Türkçe olarak yayınlanmış bilimsel nitelikli çalışmaların oldukça sınırlı olduğu görülmektedir. Bu çalışmada, Popper Popper’in viyolonselciler tarafından en çok seslendirilen eserlerinden biri olan Concert Etude parçası ile ilgili çalışma yöntemleri ve eserdeki müzikal ve teknik detaylar incelenmiştir. Aynı zamanda eseri iyi bir şekilde yorumlayabilmek için gerekli olan bazı ek çalışmalara pedagojik açıdan da değinilmiş ve bu çalışmalarda Popper Popper’in konser parçalarını geliştirmeye yarayan etütlerinin ö nemi üzerinde durulmuştur. Çalışmanın amacı, özellikle Concert Etude parçasında kullanıla n teknik uygulamaları açıklayıcı bir şekilde incelemek ve bu parç ay ı çalışacak olan müzisyenlerin daha yüksek bir teknik düzeye ulaşmalarına yardımcı olmaktır. Bu araştırma sonucunda anlatılan bilgilerin öncelikle Concert Etude parçası ve Popper Popper’in diğer konser parçalarına oldukça ö nemli ve aydınlatıcı bir bakış açısı sunacağı düşünülerek bu eserleri yorumlayacak olan viyolonselcilere ışık tutacağı ve yol göstereceği umulmaktadır.David Popper is a cellist and composer, who played a crucial role inthe development of the violoncello technique. His works and etudes are bothextensively used in teaching violoncello and performed in professionalstages. A review of the relevant literat ure results in a limited number ofscientific studies on the composer as published in Turkish. In this study, an analysisof exercise methods for PopperPopper’s Concert Etude, one of the mostperformed etudes by cellists, as well as musical and technical aspects in theetude has been conducted. In addition, some additional works as required forsatisfactory interpretation of the etude were discussed in terms ofpedagogical aspects and the importance of the etudes contained in suchworks and useful for improved pe rformance of PopperPopper’s concert pieces wasemphasized. The primary objective of this study is to provide a descriptiveanalysis of the technical applications used in Concert Etude and helpmusicians planning to practice this etude achieve a more advanced tec hnicallevel. The information described in this study is considered to provideessential and illustrative perspective especially on Concert Etude as well asother concert pieces of Popper, and it is expected that such information willlight the way and lea d cellists who plan to interpret the PopperPopper’s aforesaidetude

    Antagonistic effects of Satureja hortensis essential oil against AFB₁ on human lymphocytes in vitro

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    Satureja hortensis L. (Lamiaceae) используется как народное средство для лечения разных заболеваний, таких как спазмы, мышечные боли, тошнота, нарушения пищеварения, диарея и инфекционные заболевания. В настоящей работе на примере лимфоцитов человека in vitro изучали антагонистическое действие эфирного масла S. hortensis (SHE) на афлатоксины B₁ (AFB₁). Анализ эфирных масел проводился с помощью газовой хроматографии – масс-спектрометрии (GC-MS). Антигенотоксический эффект SHE был оценен на основании изучения обмена сестринских хроматид (SCE) и микроядерного теста против AFB₁. Кроме того, для оценки антиоксидативных эффектов SHE использовали уровень активностей малоновых диальдегидов (MDA), супероксиддисмутазы (SOD) и глютатионпероксидазы (GPx). Показано, что AFB₁ (5 µM) увеличивает частоту SCE, MN и уровень MDA. AFB₁ в той же концентрации снижает активность SOD и GPx. Однако различные концентрации SHE с AFB₁ снижали частоту SCE, MN и уровень MDA, а также существенно увеличивали активность SOD и GPx. Концентрации SHE 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 µL были наиболее эффективными. Результаты работы четко показали, что SHE имеет сильный антиоксидативный и анти-генотоксический эффект. Такая биологическая активность определяется химическим составом SHE.Satureja hortensis L. (Lamiaceae) has been used as a folk remedy to treat various such as cramps, muscle pains, nausea, indigestion, diarrhea, and infectious diseases. In this study, the antagonistic effects of essential oil of S. hortensis (SHE) were studied against aflatoxin B₁ (AFB₁) in human lymphocytes in vitro. The analysis of the essential oil was performed by using Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Anti-genotoxic effects of the SHEs was evaluated using sister chromatid exchange (SCE), micronuclei (MN) tests against AFB₁. Also level of malondialdehyde (MDA), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activities used to determine the anti-oxidative effects of the SHEs. This result showed AFB₁ (5 μM) increased the frequencies of SCE, MN and the level of MDA. AFB₁ at the same concentration decreased the activities of SOD and GPx. However, different concentrations of SHE with AFB₁ decreased the frequency of SCE and MN and level of MDA and also increased the activities of SOD and GPx significantly. Especially, the 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 μL dose of SHE are more effective than other doses. The results of this experiment have clearly shown that SHE has strong antioxidative and antigenotoxic effects, these biological activities of SHEs can be due to its component

    Cumhuriyet dönemi'nin ilk yıllarında özel sektör ve sanayileşmede Nuri Demirağ'ın önemi

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    Ankara : İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent Üniversitesi İktisadi, İdari ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü, 2012.This work is a student project of the The Department of History, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University.by İbrahim Mert Öztürk.Öztürk, İbrahim Mert. HIST 200-12ÖZTÜRK HIST 200-12/5 2011-1

    Protective Role of Mentha longifolia L. ssp. longifolia against Aflatoxin B

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of essential oil of Mentha longifolia L. ssp. longifolia, used since ancient times for the treatment of many digestive tract diseases, on the genotoxicity and oxidative stress by a single dose of Aflatoxin B1 (5 ?M) in the human lymphocyte culture. The total of the 12 identified components accounted for 97.69 % by Gas chromatography (GC). Major components of the oil were cis-piperitone epoxide (26.52 %), piperitenone oxide (26.40 %), pulegone (15.66 %) and piperitenone (13.57 %). According to the results obtained from GC-MS systems, monoterpenes consist of 89.19 % of the total oil approximately while sesquiterpenes were represented in small quantities in the oil. We studied the anti-genotoxic effects of essential oils of M. longifolia (MEO) by using sister chromatid exchange (SCE) and micronucleus (MN) test systems. Also, the anti-oxidative effects of MEO were evaluated by using superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and malondialdehyde (MDA) assay. The SCE frequency and the number of MN were increased when treated with AFB1. Especially, MEO at 1.5 and 2.0 ?l reduced SCE frequency and MN number in the human lymphocyte (p <0.05). In addition, AFB1 treatment significantly reduced the activity of SOD and GPx and elevated the level of MDA (p<0.05). MEOs treatment led to significant attenuation of AFB1-induced oxidative stress by normalization of the activities of SOD and GPx and the MDA (p < 0.05). These results suggest that MEOs could provide anti-oxidative and anti-genotoxic protection for the oxidative and genotoxic agents that cause many diseases including cancer and neurodegenerative disease. © 2013 Har Krishan Bhalla & Sons

    Molecular determination of genotoxic effects of manganese (Mn) on maize (Zea mays L.) by RAPD

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    Eurobiotech Agriculture Symposium -- APR 12-14, 2012 -- Erciyes Univ, Kayseri, TURKEYWOS: 000318064700103…European Biotechnol Themat Network Asso

    Genotoxic effects of copper (Cu) pollution on Zea mays (L.) seedlings

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    Eurobiotech Agriculture Symposium -- APR 12-14, 2012 -- Erciyes Univ, Kayseri, TURKEYWOS: 000318064700100…European Biotechnol Themat Network Asso

    Genotoxic potential of catmint essential oil

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    Eurobiotech Agriculture Symposium -- APR 12-14, 2012 -- Erciyes Univ, Kayseri, TURKEYWOS: 000318064700144…European Biotechnol Themat Network Asso

    Investigation of anti-oxidative and anti-genotoxic effects of Origanum vulgare L. essential oil on human lymphocytes in vitro

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    Origanum vulgare L. (Lamiaceae) is a flavoring herb widely using around the world. Some preparations and extracts from O. vulgare have been used in Turkish traditional medicine to treat several ailments including digestive disorders and menstrual problems. This study is designed to examine the chemical composition and in vitro antigenotoxic and antioxidant activity of the essential oil of O. vulgare (OVE) from Turkey. The essential oil of O. vulgare was analized by using GC. OVEs that were investigated antagonistic effects against oxidative stress and the genotoxic effects of aflatoksin B1 (AFB1). Anti-genotoxic activity was evaluated by sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) and micronucleus (MN) tests. In additional to investigating protective role of OVEs against the oxidative stress of AFB1 in vitro, oxidative status was assessed on erythrocytes by measuring following oxidative stress markers like; super oxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), malondialdehyde (MDA).The total of the 25 identified components are accounted for 96.03 % (GC). Major components of the oil were ?-caryophyllene (20.40%), and caryophyllene oxide (34.44%). In the SCE and MN tests, it was observed that OVEs suppressed the mutagenic effects of AFB1. OVEs were observed to modulate the adverse effects of AFB1. The results of this experiment clearly reveal that OVEs have strong anti-oxidative and anti-genotoxic effect. These anti-genotoxic effects of O. vulgare essential oils are probably related to its action on the enzymatic activation system. Anti-oxidative and anti-genotoxic effect may be role of these compounds (?-caryophyllene and caryophyllene oxide). © 2012, Har Krishan Bhalla & Sons

    Epigenetic effects of malathion on seeds of Triticumaestivum

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    Eurobiotech Agriculture Symposium -- APR 12-14, 2012 -- Erciyes Univ, Kayseri, TURKEYWOS: 000318064700104…European Biotechnol Themat Network Asso