128 research outputs found

    Pеngaruh Kеsеlamatan dan Kеsеhatan Kеrja Tеrhadap Kinеrja Karyawan Dеngan Variabеl Mеdiator Motivasi Kеrja Karyawan (Studi pada Karyawan Pabrikasi Pg Kеbon Agung Malang)

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    Thе purposе of this rеsеarch to know and еxplain a gеnеral dеscription of thе work safеty and occupational hеalth, еmployее pеrformancе, work motivation; knowing and еxplains thе significant influеncе among thе working safеty and occupational against thе еmployее pеrformancе; knowing and еxplains thе significant influеncе among thе working safеty and occupational hеalth, on work motivation; know or no indirеct influеncеs bеtwееn thе work еnvironmеnt against thе pеrformancе of еmployееs through motivational work . This rеsеarch was an еxplanatory rеsеarch using quantitativе approach. Thе numbеr of samplеs in thе study as many as 45 rеspondеnts who is an еmployее of PG Kеbon Agung Malang. Sampling tеchniquе usеd was proportional random sampling. Mеthod of data collеction using thе quеstionnairе. Data analysis tеchniquеs usеd arе dеscriptivе statistics and path analysis with thе hеlp of thе program SPSS Statistics vеrsion 22.1 for windows. Kеywords: Thе Work Safеty, Occupational Hеalth, Work Motivation, Еmployее Pеrformancе


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami strategi bertahan hidup ibu tunggal pedagang kelas menengah di Surabaya. Teori yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah teori pilhan rasional dari James S. Coleman dan strategi adaptasi dari Bannet. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif studi kasus dengan menggunakan metode. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah lima orang ibu tunggal. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode wawancara mendalam. Teknik analisis data adalah dengan (1) reduksi data; (2) penyajian data; dan (3) penarikan simpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa bentuk strategi bertahan hidup ibu tunggal pedagang kelas menengah (1) menjadi pribadi terbaik menurut dirinya sendiri, (2) menjaga kedekatan dengan anak, (3) memberikan pengasuhan dan pendidikan terbaik untuk anak, (4) pemanfaatan jaringan sosial (meminta bantuan atau pertolongan kepada orang tua sanak saudara, tetangga, dan sahabat), (5) bersyukur dengan keadaan ekonomi saat ini. Kata kunci: Strategi bertahan hidup, Ibu tunggal, Pedagang, kelas menengah Abstract This research aims to understand the identity and worldview of a single mothers trader middle class in Surabaya with reference to stories heard or spoken about survival strategies. The theory used in this research is the theory of rational choosen by James S. Coleman and adaptation strategies by Bannet. This type of research is a qualitative case study using narrative methods. Informants in this research is a single mother of five people who are willing to be interviewed. The technique of data collecting in this research using depth interviews. The technique of data analysis is to (1) the reduction of the data; (2) presentation of data; and (3) conclusions with drawal.The results showed that the survival strategies form a single mother in the form of middle-class merchants (1) becomes a personal best by herself, (2) maintain closeness with the child, (3) providing the best care and education for children, (4) the use of social networks (ask for help or assistance to parents, relatives, neighbors, and friends), (5) be grateful to the circumstances currently economy. Keywords: Survival strategy, Single mother, Trader middle clas


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    Bencana gempa disertai longsor yang menimbun permukiman warga BabakanCaringin membutuhkan pertimbangan penentuan lokasi untuk relokasi danresettlement, serta rencana tapak; dan rancangan rumah dalam waktu yangcepat dengan dana yang terjangkau. Untuk itu penelitian ini mencakup kajianperbandingan antara 2 lahan yaitu tanah desa dan tanah PERHUTANI; sertapembuatan rencana tapak dan rancangan rumah bambu bagi pengungsi ekswarga babakan Caringin yang terkena longsor di desa Cikangkareng KecamatanCibinong Kabupaten Cianjur, sesuai aspirasi mereka.Hasil kajian ini sangat penting dan berguna bagi semua pihak yang selanjutnyaberkiprah dalam pelaksanaan relokasi dan resettlement tersebut, sehinggapenanganan perumahan pengungsi dapat berjalan dengan baik

    The amino terminal end determines the stability and assembling capacity of eukaryotic ribosomal stalk proteins P1 and P2

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    The eukaryotic ribosomal proteins P1 and P2 bind to protein P0 through their N-terminal domain to form the essential ribosomal stalk. A mutational analysis points to amino acids at positions 2 and 3 as determinants for the drastic difference of Saccharomyces cerevisiae P1 and P2 half-life, and suggest different degradation mechanisms for each protein type. Moreover, the capacity to form P1/P2 heterodimers is drastically affected by mutations in the P2β four initial amino acids, while these mutations have no effect on P1β. Binding of P2β and, to a lesser extent, P1β to the ribosome is also seriously affected showing the high relevance of the amino acids in the first turn of the NTD α-helix 1 for the stalk assembly. The negative effect of some mutations on ribosome binding can be reversed by the presence of the second P1/P2 couple in the ribosome, indicating a stabilizing structural influence between the two heterodimers. Unexpectedly, some mutations totally abolish heterodimer formation but allow significant ribosome binding and, therefore, a previous P1 and P2 association seems not to be an absolute requirement for stalk assembly. Homology modeling of the protein complexes suggests that the mutated residues can affect the overall protein conformation

    Early cytokinin response proteins and phosphoproteins of Arabidopsis thaliana identified by proteome and phosphoproteome profiling

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    Cytokinins are plant hormones involved in regulation of diverse developmental and physiological processes in plants whose molecular mechanisms of action are being intensely researched. However, most rapid responses to cytokinin signals at the proteomic and phosphoproteomic levels are unknown. Early cytokinin responses were investigated through proteome-wide expression profiling based on image and mass spectrometric analysis of two-dimensionally separated proteins and phosphoproteins. The effects of 15 min treatments of 7-day-old Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings with four main cytokinins representing hydroxyisopentenyl, isopentenyl, aromatic, and urea-derived type cytokinins were compared to help elucidate their common and specific function(s) in regulating plant development. In proteome and phosphoproteome maps, significant differences were reproducibly observed for 53 and 31 protein spots, respectively. In these spots, 96 proteins were identified by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight/time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF/TOF MS), providing a snapshot of early links in cytokinin-regulated signalling circuits and cellular processes, including light signalling and photosynthesis, nitrogen metabolism, the CLAVATA pathway, and protein and gene expression regulation, in accordance with previously described cytokinin functions. Furthermore, they indicate novel links between temperature and cytokinin signalling, and an involvement of calcium ions in cytokinin signalling. Most of the differentially regulated proteins and phosphoproteins are located in chloroplasts, suggesting an as yet uncharacterized direct signalling chain responsible for cytokinin action in chloroplasts. Finally, first insights into the degree of specificity of cytokinin receptors on phosphoproteomic effects were obtained from analyses of cytokinin action in a set of cytokinin receptor double mutants

    Structural analysis of an eIF3 subcomplex reveals conserved interactions required for a stable and proper translation pre-initiation complex assembly

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    Translation initiation factor eIF3 acts as the key orchestrator of the canonical initiation pathway in eukaryotes, yet its structure is greatly unexplored. We report the 2.2 Å resolution crystal structure of the complex between the yeast seven-bladed β-propeller eIF3i/TIF34 and a C-terminal α-helix of eIF3b/PRT1, which reveals universally conserved interactions. Mutating these interactions displays severe growth defects and eliminates association of eIF3i/TIF34 and strikingly also eIF3g/TIF35 with eIF3 and 40S subunits in vivo. Unexpectedly, 40S-association of the remaining eIF3 subcomplex and eIF5 is likewise destabilized resulting in formation of aberrant pre-initiation complexes (PICs) containing eIF2 and eIF1, which critically compromises scanning arrest on mRNA at its AUG start codon suggesting that the contacts between mRNA and ribosomal decoding site are impaired. Remarkably, overexpression of eIF3g/TIF35 suppresses the leaky scanning and growth defects most probably by preventing these aberrant PICs to form. Leaky scanning is also partially suppressed by eIF1, one of the key regulators of AUG recognition, and its mutant sui1G107R but the mechanism differs. We conclude that the C-terminus of eIF3b/PRT1 orchestrates co-operative recruitment of eIF3i/TIF34 and eIF3g/TIF35 to the 40S subunit for a stable and proper assembly of 48S pre-initiation complexes necessary for stringent AUG recognition on mRNAs

    Analysis of the interplay of protein biogenesis factors at the ribosome exit site reveals new role for NAC

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    YesThe ribosome exit site is a focal point for the interaction of protein-biogenesis factors that guide the fate of nascent polypeptides. These factors include chaperones such as NAC, N-terminal-modifying enzymes like Methionine aminopeptidase (MetAP), and the signal recognition particle (SRP), which targets secretory and membrane proteins to the ER. These factors potentially compete with one another in the short time-window when the nascent chain first emerges at the exit site, suggesting a need for regulation. Here, we show that MetAP contacts the ribosome at the universal adaptor site where it is adjacent to the α subunit of NAC. SRP is also known to contact the ribosome at this site. In the absence of NAC, MetAP and SRP antagonize each other, indicating a novel role for NAC in regulating the access of MetAP and SRP to the ribosome. NAC also functions in SRP-dependent targeting and helps to protect substrates from aggregation before translocation.This work was supported by grants from the BBSRC [H007202/1] and Wellcome Trust [097820/Z/11/A]