279 research outputs found
La rente foncière dans le processus de patrimonialisation des espaces forestiers.
Alors que la forêt méditerranéenne est considérée comme un espace bien peu rentable et de "peu" de valeur économique, elle confère, par le cadre qu'elle procure, une valeur extrêmement importante aux biens immobiliers. Elle est à l'origine ainsi de sa propre dégradation par l'urbanisation. La protection des espaces forestiers contre la pression foncière doit donc être une priorité forte des politiques d'aménagement du territoire
Et si l'efficacité de la lutte contre les incendies jouait comme une incitation aux comportements les plus risqués ?
L'efficacité de la lutte contre les incendies de forêt est-elle susceptible de faire oublier la forte relation qui existe entre construction en forêt et risque ? C'est le paradoxe dont nous fait part cet article. Il nous apporte aussi des données objectives sur un vieux débat : pourquoi et comment responsabiliser les candidats à l'installation dans une zone à risque ? Débat cependant toujours d'actualité, sachant que, face au développement de l'urbanisation, les moyens publics ne pourront pas assumer la protection de toutes les habitations
Ross-kabbani operation in an infant with mitral valve dysplasia.
Background. Mitral valve replacement can be very difficult to obtain in infants because the valve annulus diameter can be smaller than the available prosthesis. Case Report. We describe the case of a 2-month-old female weighing 3.5 kg affected by mitral valve dysplasia leading to severe valve stenosis. Despite full medication, the clinical conditions were critical and surgery was undertaken. The mitral valve was unsuitable for repair and the orifice of mitral anulus was 12 mm, too small for a mechanical prosthesis. Therefore, a Ross-Kabbani operation was undertaken, replacing the mitral valve with the pulmonary autograft and reconstructing the right ventricular outflow tract with an etherograft. Results. The postoperative course was uneventful and the clinical conditions are good at 4-month follow-up. Conclusion. The Ross-Kabbani operation can be an interesting alternative to mitral valve replacement in infants when valve repair is not achievable and there is little space for an intra-annular mechanical prosthesis implant
Lateral patellar luxation in nine small breed dogs
The objective of this paper was to describe the clinical features, the management and the outcome of nine small breed dogs affected with lateral patella luxation referred during the period between January 2010 and December 2014. Patellar luxations were classified according to: breed, age, sex, weight, and grade of patellar luxation, as well as if unilateral or bilateral, and concurrent cranial cruciate ligament lesion. In affected dogs, surgical correction consisted in the combination of tibial tuberosity transposition and soft tissue procedure. Adjunctive condroplasty or trochleoplasty was performed as needing. The outcome was found positive after surgical management with low complication rate and complications have been easily managed with high success rate
Ruolo della chirurgia endovascolare nelle rotture aortiche del politraumatizzato con lesioni polidistrettuali di pertinenza chirurgica
Nel politraumatizzato con gravi lesioni polidistrettuali di interesse chirurgico il trattamento endovascolare (TEV) della rottura posttraumatica dell’ aorta toracica (RPAT) rappresenta oggi una valida alternativa terapeutica al trattamento chirurgico convenzionale.
Nella nostra esperienza (ottobre 2001-novembre 2004) abbiamo
osservato 5 casi di RPAT (3 rotture istmiche, 2 rotture aorta toracica
discendente) in gravi politraumatizzati, tutti di sesso maschile, di etÃ
compresa fra i 23 ed i 42 anni (media 32,4), trattate con successo con
TEV. Il Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) era compreso fra 5 e 13. Tutti i
pazienti sono stati sottoposti, dopo adeguata stabilizzazione del quadro clinico-emodinamico, ad angio-TC total body al fine di valutare
la lesione aortica ed identificare le altre lesioni associate. In 4 casi erano coinvolti più distretti corporei di pertinenza chirurgica (3 casi:
trauma osseo, addominale e neurochirurgico; 1 caso: trauma osseo, addominale, neurochirurgico e toracico). Il TEV è stato eseguito sempre
in sala operatoria previa arteriografia digitale. La durata media della
procedura angio-radiologica è stata di 105 minuti (range 80 - 125).
Non si è verificata nessuna complicanza né immediata né a distanza
(follow-up = medio 24 mesi; range 12-36).
In conclusione il TEV delle RPAT offre in pazienti ‘critici’ una valida opzione terapeutica alla chirurgia tradizionale in grado di stabilizzare il quadro clinico e trattare successivamente ‘in sicurezza’ le altre gravi lesioni chirurgiche associate
Comparing the effects of combined numerical and visuospatial psychoeducational trainings conducted by curricular teachers and external trainers. Preliminary evidence across kindergarteners
The aim of this study was to verify the efficacy of two pencil-and-paper trainings empowering numerical and visuo-spatial abilities in Italian five-year-old kindergarteners. Specifically, the trainings were respectively carried out by the curricular teacher or by an external trainer. The former received a specific training in order to use the psychoeducational programmes with her pupils, whereas the latter received a specific education about the role of numerical and visuo-spatial abilities for school achievement and she was also trained to use psychoeducational trainings in kindergarten schools. At pre-test and post-test nonverbal functions and numeracy knowledge were assessed through a battery of standardized tests. The results show that both the numerical psychoeducational programme and the visuo-spatial one are useful tools to enhance mathematical achievements in kindergarteners. However, when the trainings were proposed by the external trainer, the efficacy of the psychoeducational programmes was more significant. These outcomes seem to be related both to the expertise and the novelty effect of the external trainer on the classroom
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