94 research outputs found

    Near horizon superconformal symmetry of rotating BPS black holes in five dimensions

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    We investigate the asymptotic supersymmetry group of the near horizon region of the BMPV black holes, which are the rotating BPS black holes in five dimensions. When considering only bosonic fluctuations, we show that there exist consistent boundary conditions and the corresponding asymptotic symmetry group is generated by a chiral Virasoro algebra with the vanishing central charge. After turning on fermionic fluctuations with the boundary conditions, we also show that the asymptotic supersymmetry group is generated by a chiral super-Virasoro algebra with the vanishing central extension. The super-Virasoro algebra is originated in the AdS2 isometry supergroup of the near horizon solution.Comment: 25 pages, Latex, no figure; references adde

    Operator Formulation of Green-Schwarz Superstring in the Semi-Light-Cone Conformal Gauge

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    In this article we present a comprehensive account of the operator formulation of the Green-Schwarz superstring in the semi-light-cone (SLC) gauge, where the worldsheet conformal invariance is preserved. Starting from the basic action, we systematically study the symmetry structure of the theory in the SLC gauge both in the Lagrangian and the phase space formulations. After quantizing the theory in the latter formulation we construct the quantum Virasoro and the super-Poincare generators and clarify the closure properties of these symmetry algebras. Then by making full use of this knowledge we will be able to construct the BRST-invariant vertex operators which describe the emission and the absorption of the massless quanta and show that they form the appropriate representation of the quantum symmetry algebras. Furthermore, we will construct an exact quantum similarity transformation which connects the SLC gauge and the familiar light-cone (LC) gauge. As an application BRST-invariant DDF operators in the SLC gauge are obtained starting from the corresponding physical oscillators in the LC gauge.Comment: 88 pages, ptptex, no figure. Some clarifications are made and a reference is added in section 6. Published versio

    Renormalization Group Flow near the Superconformal Points in N=2 Supersymmetric Gauge Theories

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    The behavior of the beta-function of the low-energy effective coupling in the N=2 supersymmetric SU(2) QCD with several massive matter hypermultiplets and in the SU(3) Yang-Mills theory is determined near the superconformal points in the moduli space. The renormalization group flow is unambiguously fixed by looking at limited types of deformation near the superconformal points. It is pointed out that the scaling dimension of the beta-function is controlled by the scaling behavior of moduli parameters and the relation between them is explicitly worked out. Our scaling dimensions of the beta-functions are consistent in part with the results obtained recently by Bilal and Ferrari in a different method for the SU(2) QCD.Comment: 16 pages, latex, no figure, some references adde

    Three-Dimensional Extremal Black Holes and the Maldacena Duality

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    We discuss the microscopic states of the extremal BTZ black holes. Degeneracy of the primary states corresponding to the extremal BTZ black holes in the boundary N=(4,4) SCFT is obtained by utilizing the elliptic genus and the unitary representation theory of N=4 SCA. The degeneracy is consistent with the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy.Comment: 25 pages, Latex file, no figure, minor changes in section 2.2 and several typos are correcte

    Stimulated Emission of Dark Matter Axion from Condensed Matter Excitations

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    We discuss a possible principle for detecting dark matter axions in galactic halos. If axions constitute a condensate in the Milky Way, stimulated emissions of the axions from a type of excitation in condensed matter can be detectable. We provide general mechanism for the dark matter emission, and, as a concrete example, an emission of dark matter axions from magnetic vortex strings in a type II superconductor are investigated along with possible experimental signatures.Comment: 20 pages, no figure; corrected typos, added references, and minor change

    Making confining strings out of mesons

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    The light mesons such as pi, rho, omega, f0, and a0 are possible candidates of magnetic degrees of freedom, if a magnetic dual picture of QCD exists. We construct a linear sigma model to describe spontaneous breaking of the magnetic gauge group, in which there is a stable vortex configuration of vector and scalar mesons. We numerically examine whether such a string can be interpreted as the confining string. By using meson masses and couplings as inputs, we calculate the tension of the string as well as the strength of the Coulomb force between static quarks. They are found to be consistent with those inferred from the quarkonium spectrum and the Regge trajectories of hadrons. By using the same Lagrangian, the critical temperature of the QCD phase transition is estimated, and a non-trivial flavor dependence is predicted. We also discuss a possible connection between the Seiberg duality and the magnetic model we studied.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figures, 3 tables, typos corrected, references adde

    Spectral-Function Sum Rules in Supersymmetry Breaking Models

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    The technique of Weinberg's spectral-function sum rule is a powerful tool for a study of models in which global symmetry is dynamically broken. It enables us to convert information on the short-distance behavior of a theory to relations among physical quantities which appear in the low-energy picture of the theory. We apply such technique to general supersymmetry breaking models to derive new sum rules.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figur

    Wheeler-DeWitt Equation in AdS/CFT Correspondence

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    We discuss a quantum extension of the holographic RG flow equation obtained previously from the classical Hamiltonian constraint in the bulk AdS supergravity. The Wheeler-DeWitt equation is proposed to generate the extended RG flow and to produce 1/N subleading corrections systematically. Our formulation in five dimensions is applied to the derivation of the Weyl anomaly of boundary N=4 SU(N) super-Yang-Mills theory beyond the large N limit. It is shown that subleading 1/N^2 corrections arising from fields in AdS_5 supergravity agree with those obtained recently by Mansfield et al. using their Schroedinger equation, thereby guaranteeing to reproduce the exact form of the boundary Weyl anomaly after summing up all of the KK modes.Comment: 7 pages, LaTex, references adde