53 research outputs found

    A quantum-mechanical perspective on linear response theory within polarizable embedding

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    The derivation of linear response theory within polarizable embedding is carried out from a rigorous quantum-mechanical treatment of a composite system. Two different subsystem decompositions (symmetric and nonsymmetric) of the linear response function are presented, and the pole structures as well as residues of the individual terms are analyzed and discussed. This theoretical analysis clarifies which form of the response function to use in polarizable embedding, and we highlight complications in separating out subsystem contributions to molecular properties. For example, based on the nonsymmetric decomposition of the complex linear response function, we derive conservation laws for integrated absorption cross sections, providing a solid basis for proper calculations of the intersubsystem intensity borrowing inherent to coupled subsystems and how that can lead to negative subsystem intensities. We finally identify steps and approximations required to achieve the transition from a quantum-mechanical description of the composite system to polarizable embedding with a classical treatment of the environment, thus providing a thorough justification for the descriptions used in polarizable embedding models

    How Far Does a Receptor Influence Vibrational Properties of an Odorant?

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    The biophysical mechanism of the sense of smell, or olfaction, is still highly debated. The mainstream explanation argues for a shape-based recognition of odorant molecules by olfactory receptors, while recent investigations suggest the primary olfactory event to be triggered by a vibrationally-assisted electron transfer reaction. We consider this controversy by studying the influence of a receptor on the vibrational properties of an odorant in atomistic details as the coupling between electronic degrees of freedom of the receptor and the vibrations of the odorant is the key parameter of the vibrationally-assisted electron transfer. Through molecular dynamics simulations we elucidate the binding specificity of a receptor towards acetophenone odorant. The vibrational properties of acetophenone inside the receptor are then studied by the polarizable embedding density functional theory approach, allowing to quantify protein-odorant interactions. Finally, we judge whether the effects of the protein provide any indications towards the existing theories of olfaction

    Beyond the electric-dipole approximation in simulations of X-ray absorption spectroscopy: Lessons from relativistic theory

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    We present three schemes to go beyond the electric-dipole approximation in X-ray absorption spectroscopy calculations within a four-component relativistic framework. The first is based on the full semi-classical light-matter interaction operator, and the two others on a truncated interaction within Coulomb gauge (velocity representation) and multipolar gauge (length representation). We generalize the derivation of multipolar gauge to an arbitrary expansion point and show that the potentials corresponding to different expansion point are related by a gauge transformation, provided the expansion is not truncated. This suggests that the observed gauge-origin dependence in multipolar gauge is more than just a finite-basis set effect. The simplicity of the relativistic formalism enables arbitrary-order implementations of the truncated interactions, with and without rotational averaging, allowing us to test their convergence behavior numerically by comparison to the full formulation. We confirm the observation that the oscillator strength of the electric-dipole allowed ligand K-edge transition of TiCl4_4, when calculated to second order in the wave vector, become negative, but also show that inclusion of higher-order contributions allows convergence to the result obtained using the full light-matter interaction. However, at higher energies, the slow convergence of such expansions becomes dramatic and renders such approaches at best impractical. When going beyond the electric-dipole approximation, we therefore recommend the use of the full light-matter interaction.Comment: The following article has been submitted to The Journal of Chemical Physics. After it is published, it will be found at this https://aip.scitation.org/toc/jcp/current New version with substantial revision, including further insight into origin-dependence in multipolar gaug

    Averaged Solvent Embedding Potential Parameters for Multiscale Modeling of Molecular Properties

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    Published version available in J. Chem. Theory Comput., 2016, 12 (4), pp 1684–1695. We derive and validate averaged solvent parameters for embedding potentials to be used in polarizable embedding quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) molecular property calculations of solutes in organic solvents. The parameters are solvent-specific atom-centered partial charges and isotropic polarizabilities averaged over a large number of geometries of solvent molecules. The use of averaged parameters reduces the computational cost to obtain the embedding potential, which can otherwise be a rate-limiting step in calculations involving large environments. The parameters are evaluated by analyzing the quality of the resulting molecular electrostatic potentials with respect to full QM potentials. We show that a combination of geometry-specific parameters for solvent molecules close to the QM region and averaged parameters for solvent molecules further away allows for efficient polarizable embedding multiscale modeling without compromising the accuracy. The results are promising for the de- velopment of general embedding parameters for biomolecules, where the reduction in computational cost can be considerable

    Open-ended response theory with polarizable embedding:Multiphoton absorption in biomolecular systems

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    We present the theory and implementation of an open-ended framework for electric response properties at the level of Hartree–Fock and Kohn–Sham density functional theory that includes effects from the molecular environment modeled by the polarizable embedding (PE) model. With this new state-of-the-art multiscale functionality, electric response properties to any order can be calculated for molecules embedded in polarizable atomistic molecular environments ranging from solvents to complex heterogeneous macromolecules such as proteins. In addition, environmental effects on multiphoton absorption (MPA) properties can be studied by evaluating single residues of the response functions. The PE approach includes mutual polarization effects between the quantum and classical parts of the system through induced dipoles that are determined self-consistently with respect to the electronic density. The applicability of our approach is demonstrated by calculating MPA strengths up to four-photon absorption for the green fluorescent protein. We show how the size of the quantum region, as well as the treatment of the border between the quantum and classical regions, is crucial in order to obtain reliable MPA predictions

    Molecular quantum mechanical gradients within the polarizable embedding approach—Application to the internal vibrational Stark shift of acetophenone

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    We present an implementation of analytical quantum mechanical molecular gradients within the polarizable embedding (PE) model to allow for efficient geometry optimizations and vibrational analysis of molecules embedded in large, geometrically frozen environments. We consider a variational ansatz for the quantum region, covering (multiconfigurational) self-consistent-field and Kohn–Sham density functional theory. As the first application of the implementation, we consider the internal vibrational Stark effect of the C==O group of acetophenone in different solvents and derive its vibrational linear Stark tuning rate using harmonic frequencies calculated from analytical gradients and computed local electric fields. Comparisons to PE calculations employing an enlarged quantum region as well as to a non-polarizable embedding scheme show that the inclusion of mutual polarization between acetophenone and water is essential in order to capture the structural modifications and the associated frequency shifts observed in water. For more apolar solvents, a proper description of dispersion and exchange–repulsion becomes increasingly important, and the quality of the optimized structures relies to a larger extent on the quality of the Lennard-Jones parameters

    Harmonic Infrared and Raman Spectra in Molecular Environments Using the Polarizable Embedding Model

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    We present a fully analytic approach to calculate infrared (IR) and Raman spectra of molecules embedded in complex molecular environments modeled using the fragment-based polarizable embedding (PE) model. We provide the theory for the calculation of analytic second-order geometric derivatives of molecular energies and first-order geometric derivatives of electric dipole moments and dipole–dipole polarizabilities within the PE model. The derivatives are implemented using a general open-ended response theory framework, thus allowing for an extension to higher-order derivatives. The embedding-potential parameters used to describe the environment in the PE model are derived through first-principles calculations, thus allowing a wide variety of systems to be modeled, including solvents, proteins, and other large and complex molecular environments. Here, we present proof-of-principle calculations of IR and Raman spectra of acetone in different solvents. This work is an important step toward calculating accurate vibrational spectra of molecules embedded in realistic environments

    Theoretical Description of Electronic Transitions in Large Molecular Systems in the Optical and X-Ray Regions

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    The size and conformational complexity of proteins and other large systems represent major challenges for today's methods of quantum chemistry.This thesis is centered around the development of new computational tools to gain molecular-level insight into electronic transitions in such systems. To meet this challenge, we focus on the polarizable embedding (PE) model, which takes advantage of the fact that many electronic transitions are localized to a smaller part of the entire system.This motivates a partitioning of the large system into two regions that are treated at different levels of theory:The smaller part directly involved in the electronic process is described using accurate quantum-chemical methods, while the effects of the rest of the system, the environment, are incorporated into the Hamiltonian of the quantum region in an effective manner. This thesis presents extensions of the PE model with theaim of expanding its range of applicability to describe electronic transitions in large molecular systemsin the optical and X-ray regions. The developments cover both improvements with regardto the quantum region as well as the embedding potential representing the environment.Regarding the former, a damped linear response formulation has been implemented to allow for calculations of absorption spectra of large molecular systems acrossthe entire frequency range. A special feature of this development is its abilityto address core excitations that are otherwise not easily accessible.Another important development presented in this thesis is the coupling of the PE model to a multi-configuration self-consistent-field description of the quantum region and its further combination with response theory. In essence, this extends the PE model to the study of electronic transitions in large systems that are prone to static correlation --- a situation that is frequently encountered in biological systems. In addition to the direct environmental effects on the electronic structure of the quantum region, another important component of the description of electronic transitions in large molecular systems is an accurate account of the indirect effects of the environment, i.e., the geometrical distortions in the quantum region imposed by the environment. In thisthesis we have taken the first step toward the inclusion of geometry distortions in the PE frameworkby formulating and implementing molecular gradients for the quantum region. To identify critical points related to the environment description, we perform a theoretical analysis of the PE model starting from a full quantum-mechanicaltreatment of a composite system. Based on this, we present strategies for an accurate yet efficient construction of the embedding potentialcovering both the calculation of ground state and transition properties. The accurate representation of the environment makes it possible to reduce the size of the quantum region without compromising the overall accuracy of the final results. This further enables use of highly accurate quantum-chemical methods despite their unfavorable scaling with the size of the system. Finally, some examples of applications will be presented to demonstrate how the PE model may be applied as a tool to gain insight into and rationalize the factors influencing electronic transitions in large molecular systems of increasing complexity.The dissertation was awarded the best PhD thesis prize 2016 by the Danish Academy of Natural Sciences.QC 20170209</p
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