7 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Substitusi Semen dengan Limbah Pertanian pada Beton Ringan Struktural

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    Study ini membandingkan kuat hancur, berat volume antara beton ringan dengan beton dengan mengganti sebagian semen (PC) dengan limbah pertanian. Limbah pertanian yang dimaksud adalah sekam padi dan ampas tebu. Penggunaan limbah pertanian tersebut sebaga material pengganti semen dikarenakan mempunyai sifat pozzolan yang cukup tinggi. Pemakaian limbah pertanian ini dengan membakar ampas tebu dan sekam padi dengan suhu tertentu sehingga menjadi abu. Limbah tebu diambil dari Pabrik Gula Prajekan Bondowoso, dibakar dengan suhu 8000C selama 8 jam. Limbah Padi diambil dari limbah Pabrik Padi di Kalisat Jember, dibakar dengan suhu 8500C selama 45 menit. Kandungan silika dari hasil pembakaran tersebut masing-masing sebesar 59,5% dan 79,5% . Prosentase pengganti sebagian PC sebesar 5%, 10%, 15% dan 20%, dengan perbandingan campuran abu ampas tebu (AAT) dan abu sekam padi (ASP) adalah 1:1. Pengujian dilakukan pada umur 28 hari dengan bentuk benda uji silender berukuran 10x20 cm. Hasil kuat hancur tertinggi pada benda uji dengan subsitusi PC sebesar 5% dan berat volume yang terendah pada benda uji dengan pengantian semen sebesar 20%. Effect of Cement Substitution with Agricultural Waste on Lightweight Structural ConcreteThis study compares the shattering strength, volume weight between lightweight concrete and concrete by replacing part of the Portland cement (PC) with agricultural waste. The agricultural waste in question is rice husk and sugarcane bagasse. The use of agricultural waste is as a substitute for cement because it has quite high pozzolanic properties. Use of this agricultural waste by burning sugarcane bagasse and rice husk with a certain temperature so that it becomes ash. Sugarcane waste is taken from Bondowoso Prajekan Sugar Mill, burned at 8000C for 8 hours. Rice waste is taken from the rice factory waste in Kalisat Jember, burned at 8500C for 45 minutes. The silica content of the combustion products was 59.5% and 79.5%, respectively. The percentage of partial PC replacement is 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%, with a ratio of bagasse ash (BA) to rice husk ash (RHA) is 1: 1. The test was carried out at 28 days in the form of a 10 x 20 cm slender test object. The highest yield of crushing strength in specimens with PC substitution of 5% and the lowest volume weight in specimens with cement replacement of 20%

    Effect of Physician Notification Regarding Nonadherence to Colorectal Cancer Screening on Patient Participation in Fecal Immunochemical Test Cancer Screening: A Randomized Clinical Trial.

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    International audienceImportance: Increasing participation in fecal screening tests is a major challenge in countries that have implemented colorectal cancer (CRC) screening programs.Objective: To determine whether providing general practitioners (GPs) a list of patients who are nonadherent to CRC screening enhances patient participation in fecal immunochemical testing (FIT).Design, setting, and participants: A 3-group, cluster-randomized study was conducted from July 14, 2015, to July 14, 2016, on the west coast of France, with GPs in 801 practices participating and involving adult patients (50-74 years) who were at average risk of CRC and not up-to-date with CRC screening. The final follow-up date was July 14, 2016.Interventions: General practitioners were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 groups: 496 received a list of patients who had not undergone CRC screening (patient-specific reminders group, 10 476 patients), 495 received a letter describing region-specific CRC screening adherence rates (generic reminders group, 10 606 patients), and 455 did not receive any reminders (usual care group, 10 147 patients).Main outcomes and measures: The primary end point was patient participation in CRC screening 1 year after the intervention.Results: Among 1482 randomized GPs (mean age, 53.4 years; 576 women [38.9%]), 1446 participated; of the 33 044 patients of these GPs (mean age, 59.7 years; 17 949 women [54.3%]), follow-up at 1 year was available for 31 229 (94.5%). At 1 year, 24.8% (95% CI, 23.4%-26.2%) of patients in the specific reminders group, 21.7% (95% CI, 20.5%-22.8%) in the generic reminders group, and 20.6% (95% CI, 19.3%-21.8%) in the usual care group participated in the FIT screening. The between-group differences were 3.1% (95% CI, 1.3%-5.0%) for the patient-specific reminders group vs the generic reminders group, 4.2% (95% CI, 2.3%-6.2%) for the patient-specific reminders group vs the usual care group, and 1.1% (95% CI, -0.6% to 2.8%) for generic reminders group vs the usual care group.Conclusions and relevance: Providing French GPs caring for adults at average risk of CRC with a list of their patients who were not up-to-date with their CRC screening resulted in a small but significant increase in patient participation in FIT screening at 1 year compared with patients who received usual care. Providing GPs with generic reminders about regional rates of CRC screening did not increase screening rates compared with usual care.Trial registration: clinicaltrials.gov Identifier: NCT02515344