291 research outputs found

    Exploring Mass Message Customization

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    The paper begins with the exploratory concept of ā€˜mass customizationā€™ and then moves on to discuss the possibility of applying it in business communication. Further, it gives a brief framework within which to fit this concept. The author then argues the relevance of the concept in todayā€™s workplace. However, this paper does not discuss the details of the ā€˜process of mass message customization.ā€™ It just hints to possible areas for further research and exploration.

    Soft Factorization in QED from 2D Kac-Moody Symmetry

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    The soft factorization theorem for 4D abelian gauge theory states that the S\mathcal{S}-matrix factorizes into soft and hard parts, with the universal soft part containing all soft and collinear poles. Similarly, correlation functions on the sphere in a 2D CFT with a U(1)U(1) Kac-Moody current algebra factorize into current algebra and non-current algebra factors, with the current algebra factor fully determined by its pole structure. In this paper, we show that these 4D and 2D factorizations are mathematically the same phenomena. The soft `tHooft-Wilson lines and soft photons are realized as a complexified 2D current algebra on the celestial sphere at null infinity. The current algebra level is determined by the cusp anomalous dimension. The associated complex U(1)U(1) boson lives on a torus whose modular parameter is Ļ„=2Ļ€ie2+Īø2Ļ€\tau =\frac {2\pi i }{e^2}+\frac{\theta}{ 2 \pi}. The correlators of this 2D current algebra fully reproduce the known soft part of the 4D S\mathcal{S}-matrix, as well as a conjectured generalization involving magnetic charges.Comment: 20 page

    Re-narrating and re-masculating the 'brute' in the first season of eKasi: our stories

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    A research report submitted to the Faculty of Humanities, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts. Wits University, Johannesburg, 2015Hollywood has always paid much attention to black masculinity; depicting black males in ways that demean them to keep them as subordinates. This stereotypical representation of black men, especially in the townships, has been one that South African filmmakers have subscribed to with the constant portrayal of black men as ā€˜as animals, brutes, natural born rapists, and murderersā€™ (hooks 2004). A study of e.tvā€™s short film series, eKasi: Our Stories, will illustrate how this series typifies what Morrell refers to as ā€˜new masculinitiesā€™ and furthermore explores black masculinities as multitudinous as ā€œthere are many characteristics and experiences that define black menā€ (Whiting & Lewis 2008). The first season of the series, with five episodes will be critically studied to demonstrate how black masculinities have been reimaged by the filmmakers of these short films. These short films open up spaces for various identities for black men by affording the characters complexity. This will be showcased with a careful examination of the themes of these five stories. Also of equal importance is the characterisation of the black male characters in relation to others and their communities. The study focuses on how the revision of the black man from the township gives back to him the humanity, dignity and most notably masculinity which he had been stripped off since his first appearance on film and television. By employing Harrisā€™ (2006) notion of a New Black Cinema, it will be demonstrated that the short film series is in line with emerging theories of the revision of the black image onscreen

    Gene transfer in a newly established spontaneous feline fibrosarcoma cell line

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    Fibrosarcoma is a deadly disease in cats and is most often located at classical vaccine injections sites. More rare forms of spontaneous non-vaccination site (NSV) fibrosarcomas have been described and have been found associated to genetic alterations. Purpose of this study was to compare the efficacy of adenoviral gene therapy in NVS fibrosarcoma. The NVS fibrosarcoma cell line (Cocca-6A) was isolated from a spontaneous fibrosarcoma that occurred in a domestic calico cat. Cocca-6A fibrosarcoma cells were morphologically and cytogenetically characterized. The feline cells were karyotyped and their chromosome number was counted using a Giemsa staining. Giemsa block staining of metaphase spreads of the Cocca-6A cells demonstrated deletion of one of the E1 chromosomes, where feline p53 maps. Adenoviral gene therapy demonstrated a remarkable effect on the viability and growth of the Cocca-6A cells following transduction with adenoviruses carrying RB/p105, Ras-DN, Mda-7/IL-24 or their combination. Adenoviral gene transfer was verified by western blot analysis. Flow cytometry assay and Annexin-V were used to study cell-cycle changes and cell death of transduced cells. Therapy for feline fibrosarcomas is often insufficient for long lasting tumor eradication. The use of Ad.Ras-DN, Ad.Rb/p105 and Ad.Mda7/IL-24 has been identified as a gene therapy for a possible future adjuvant treatment in spontaneous feline fibrosarcoma. More gene therapy studies should be conducted in order to understand if these viral vectors could be applicable regardless the origin (spontaneous vs. vaccine induced) of feline fibrosarcomas

    How South Africa's borrowed higher education policies alienate the Higher Certificate students and contribute to the creation of NEETs

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    A review of four South African policies reveals that the post-apartheid government harbours neoliberal values that promote competition in higher education and promote the use of English. Through a critical document analysis, the research aimed to ascertain if the use of only English in South African higher education policies lead to a reproduction of neoliberal policies that actively exclude higher certificate students in universities. This study found that the neoliberal values further disenfranchise vulnerable student groups exemplified by the higher certificate cohort in university contexts as the policies barely address their linguistic rights through quantifiable strategies. Instead, English is promoted as necessary in both education and employment. The stateā€™s failure to reflect on linguistic access is most perilous for students who are already outcasted in universities and the neoliberal focus on bachelor's programmes within Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics condemns vulnerable students to possible NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training) status. Robert Phillipsonā€™s ideas on linguistic neoimperialism are used to situate this discussion. Ideas on disinvestment and disconnection are entertained as one of possible solutions to linguistic neoimperialism


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    Research on synthesis N-lauroyl serinamide through serine reaction with methyl laurate and lauroyl chloride has been carried out. Synthesis N-lauroyl serinamide by two reaction methods, the first method was through the esterification reaction of lauric acid to produce methyl laurate and then an amidation reaction was carried out by serine to produce N-lauroyl serinamide with percent yield of 73.86% and HLB value of 6.54. Through the FTIR test showed vibration absorption of the carbonyl amide group at wave number 1624.96 cm-1. The second method is through the chlorination reaction where lauric acid is converted to lauroyl chloride and then an amidation reaction is carried out by serine to produce N-lauroyl serinamide with percent yield of 93.75% and HLB value of 7.27. Through the FTIR test showed vibration absorption of the amide carbonyl group at wave number 1631.78 cm-1. The result shows that N-lauroyl serinamide can be synthesized through serine reaction with methyl laurate and lauroyl chloride which can be used as an emulsifier o/w (oil in water).Penelitian sintesis N-lauroil serinamida melalui reaksi amidasi serin dengan metil laurat dan lauroil klorida telah dilakukan. Sintesis N-lauroil serinamida melalui 2 metode reaksi, yang pertama melalui reaksi esterifikasi asam laurat menghasilkan metil laurat dan selanjutnya dilakukan reaksi amidasi dengan serin untuk menghasilkan N-lauroil serinamida dengan persen rendemen sebesar 73,86% dan nilai HLB sebesar 6,54. Melalui uji FT-IR menunjukkan serapan vibrasi dari gugus karbonil amida pada bilangan gelombang 1624,96 cm-1. Yang kedua melalui metode reaksi klorinasi dimana asam laurat dikonversi menjadi lauroil klorida dan selanjutnya dilakukan reaksi amidasi dengan serin untuk menghasilkan N-lauroil serinamida dengan persen rendemen sebesar 93,75% dan nilai HLB sebesar 7,27. Melalui uji FT-IR menunjukkan serapan vibrasi gugus karbonil amida pada bilangan gelombang 1631,78 cm-1. Hal ini menunjukkan N-lauroil serinamida dapat disintesis melalui reaksi amidasi serin dengan metil laurat dan lauroil klorida yang dapat digunakan sebagai pengemulsi o/w (oil in water)

    Investigation Of Ultrasound Targeted Microbubbles As A Therapeutic Gene Delivery System For Prostate Cancer

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    A major challenge for effective gene therapy is systemic delivery of viruses carrying therapeutic genes into affected tissue. The immunogenic nature of human adenoviruses (Ads) limits their use for intratumoral (IT) injection in gene therapy. Ads transfection is further hampered by the fluctuating presence of Coxsackie and Adenovirus Receptor (CAR) and integrins on the cellsā€™ surface. To circumvent these limitations we developed a novel approach wherein Ads are encapsulated inside the shell of lyophilized, lipid-encapsulated, perfluorocarbon microbubbles (MBs)/ultrasound (US) contrast agents, which act as delivery vehicles for a sitespecific gene transfer system. We performed infection studies with Ad.GFP (Green Fluorescent Protein), Ad.mda-7 (melanoma differentiation associated gene 7) and CTV.mda-7 on human DU145 and mouse prostate cancer cells as well as observed enhanced GFP expression when Ad.GFP was delivered by MBs and US. Our results show that US breaks open the MB/Ads complexes by undergoing cavitation at the sonoporated site, which allows Ads to transfer their transgene only to the sonoporated region. Cavitation collapse of the MBs creates small shockwaves that increase cell permeability by forming temporary micropores on the cell surface bypassing the receptormediated dependence of Ads for transfection. Fetal bovine serum (FBS) containing complement did not allow the unprotected Ads to infect the cells; however, MBs complexed with Ad.GFP did infect DU145 and TRAMP-C2 cells in a FBS rich media. We studied MB assisted gene delivery of reporter (GFP) and therapeutic genes (p53, Rb, Rb2 (p130) and Mda-7/IL-24) into prostate cancer (PC) xenografted in immune-compromised athymic mice. The results demonstrated that MBs protect the host from unspecific viral immune response thus protecting the viral payload and allowing for intravenous (IV) injection rather than IT injection. Additionally, Ad gene transfer was enhanced at the targeted/sonoporated mice tumor xenografts. This research demonstrated mda-7ā€™s efficacy in reducing primary (treated) and untreated tumors that simulated the presence of metastasis in athymic mice xenograft models bearing human PC cells. Bystander anti-tumor activity of mda-7, a secreted cytokine was noted for non-targeted tumors. Earlier in vitro studies on the combination of radiation and gene therapy (Ad.p53, Ad.Rb, and Ad.p130) demonstrated an increase in the percentage of cell death for DU145 cells. We also studied UTMD (ultrasound targeted microbubble destruction) gene therapy in combination with external beam radiation for radiation resistant PC. The results demonstrated an enhanced therapeutic benefit of tumor suppressor genes in radiation resistant PC. We also demonstrated an increase in the expression of tumor suppressor genes at the tumor site due to MBs and US. These findings highlight the potential therapeutic benefit of this novel image guided gene transfer technology alone or in combination with external beam radiation for prostate cancer patients with therapy resistant disease

    Comparison of square root of time approach and statistical approach to minimize subjectivity in the determination of minimum in-situ stress

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    A formation\u27s minimum in-situ stress is an important parameter to determine for hydraulic fracturing. While minimum in-situ stress, and its orientation, can be measured from triaxial tests on core, it is more common to measure it as closure stress, by performing pressure testing of wells in the field. Closure stress is considered equal to, or a good approximation of the minimum in-situ stress for most cases. The analytical methods applied to such pressure testing include the square root of time plot, G function plot and the G-dP/dG plot. These plots require the engineer to fit tangent lines to the data, and the intersection of the tangent lines defines closure stress. The answer obtained is somewhat subjective, and a range of values of closure stress may result depending on how the tangents are fitted to the data. In 1989, Lee and Haimson described a statistical method for determining closure stress in water wells. Their work demonstrated the application of a non-linear regression technique for determining an upper and lower bound for closure stress. This work applies the non-linear regression method to both a water well and a gas well, and compares closure stress found with a statistical analysis to the values determined from square root of time plots. Results from this analysis show that for a water well domain, there is close agreement between closure stress derived from the square root of time plot and the value determined from statistical analysis. A slightly larger difference occurs between these values in the gas well example, indicating that a statistical analysis of closure stress may be of greater significance in analyzing oil/gas wells --Abstract, Page iii

    Pengaruh Kesejahteraan Guru Komite terhadap Semangat Mengajar Guru

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    This study aims to determine the effect of the welfare of committee teachers on the enthusiasm of teaching high school teachers in the Komba City sub-district, East Manggarai Regency, East Nusa Tenggara. This type of research is quantitative research that emphasizes the analysis of numerical data (numbers) obtained by statistical methods with the independent variable being the welfare of the teacher and the dependent variable is the spirit of teaching. The sample was 25 high school teachers spread in 8 city schools in Komba by completing the questionnaire in full. Data collection techniques using Field Research. Data were analyzed using Pearson Product Moment and obtained r table and correlation coefficient of "r" product moment with degrees of freedom (df) = n-2 and real level (Ī±) = 0.05. The results of this research are known r-count of 0.456, and r-table of 0.413 is also known at a significant level of 5% (0.05). Thus r-count> r-table, 0.456> 0.413. Conclusion, there is a significant influence between the level of welfare of the committee of teachers on the enthusiasm of teaching teachers. Keywords: Teacher Welfare, Spirit of Teachin

    An Online Magazine for and by Children: A Quasi Experimental Study

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    The objective of the study was to help children conceptualise and develop an on-line magazine and observe changes in their skills and confidence as communicators due to their experience of developing this online magazine. A single group Post-test Post-test design was used for this study. A natural sample consisting of 23 students studying in standard six of Amrit Vidyalaya, Kalol, India was selected. The data collection was organized in three phases: Conducting the pre-tests, administering the treatment, conducting the post-tests. Paired samples t-tests were computed with the pre-test and the post-tests scores. Other statistics like measures of central tendency, correlation coefficients and range were computed for all the three tests. An evaluation questionnaire consisting of six questions was administered to 24 students of class sixth of Baroda High School, Alkapuri, Vadodara after the launch of the magazine on www.amritvidyalya.org website. The effect of the treatment has been positive in all the tests, however statistically only the Computer Test-1 showed significant change. Moreover, there is a direct indication from studentsā€™ writings that they have had an enriching learning experience and the treatment has had a positive impact on them.
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