18 research outputs found


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    Shallots is one of nine basic food of houshold in Inonesia. Base on these fact, the development of shallots (include plantations and marketing) is one of priority on agricultural development policy. The reseach aims is to analysys of marketing functions, marketing channel, margins, profits, farmers share, and efficiency ofunion marketing in Sub-districtof Kuanfatu, South-Central Timor Regency. The data of reseach taken with interviews of  30 shallots farmers and 15 marketing players (snowball sampling). Analys data by margin of marketing analysis, marketing profit, farmer's share, and marketing efficiencyanalysis. The results of reseach shows three marketing channels in the research area i.e. channel one (farmers-retailers-consumers), channel two(farmers- collectors-retailers-consumers) and  channel three(farmers-collectors-wholesalers-retailers- consumers). The marketing channel base of the target of marketing. Geographic position of market determinan of the marketing channel choices. The length of this marketing channel is very dependent on the onion advice market geographically. The farther the target market, the longer the market chain. This condition is also reflected in the margins and famers share of each available channel. As good as the channel short (channel 1) marketing margins are getting smaller, and parmers share getting bigger, and conversely the marketing margins are getting bigger on marketing channels that are getting longer


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    This research was conducted in Kelaisi Timur village, Sub District of Alor Selatan, Alor Regency. The aims of study is to find out the marketing channel, marketing margin, farmer’s share, marketing advantage and the level of marketing efficiency of vanilla. Research data obtained by interviews 54 respondents.  The data collected are primary data and secondary data. The vanilla marketing channel,  marketing margin, farmer’s share, marketing advantage and the level of marketing efficiency of vanilla were analyzed quantitatively, qualitatively and descriptively. The results of the study indicate that two marketing channel of vanilla. The first channel farmers directly sell to inter-island traders. The second channel the farmers sell to collectors and then sell to inter-island traders. The price difference between levels of institutions in the marketing system is channel I of Rp. 176.000,-/kg, and the channel II of Rp. 200.000,- in the collector and Rp. 176.000,- on the inter island traders. The farmers share vanilla in the Kelaisi Timur Urban village to the mall which is the highest in channel I which is is equal to 81,97%, while channel II is 61,48%. While the highest marketing adventage are in farmers in the channel II which is equal to Rp. 370.625,59 per kg /kg, And the efficiency of vanilla marketing  in both channel is already efficient


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    The research aims is to knows the internal factors  (strength and weakness) and the external factors (opportunity and threat) that influence the agribusiness development of coffee and its another alternative strategy of agribusiness development of coffee in East Poco Ranaka Sub district, East Manggarai Regency. This research uses survey as its method while the data are taken from primary and secondary sources. The respondents determination are purposive sampling using keyperson, who are 26 respondents at its amount. Data analysis is conducted with qualitative and quantitative analysis using SWOT analysis (IFAS-EFAS analysis, SWOT matrix analysis, and SWOT quadrant). The results of the study show that the internal factor as well as the main strengths that determines the increasing of the agribusiness development of coffee in East Poco Ranaka Sub district are  natural conditions that comply with the requirements of growing Arabica coffee, having distinctive properties and characteristics and the product which is sold is in dry HS (Hard Skill). While for the main weakness, those are, the spirit-less of the young to become a coffee-farmer as their profession also the lowness of coffee`s production, and the lowness of coffee’s productivity. Meanwhile, the external factor as well as the main opportunity that gives good impact to the agribusiness development of coffee in East Poco Ranaka Sub district is the increase of consumption and demand of coffee in order to be the base material in the agroindustry also the government supports to agribusiness coffee. In another side, the main threat is the market competition.The strategy which is needed to be considered in the locus of the research is an aggressive strategy. This aggressive strategy refers to the SO (Strength-Opportunity) strategy, which means efforts for maximizing all the possible opportunities. This study then, suggests to give the priority to the mount of sales, to give priority to the wider network in marketing information of Arabica coffee, and Asnikom role as the center in the marketing of Arabica coffee. But, it is possible to consider another strategy while keep focusing on SO strategy in order to increase the agribusiness development of coffee in the locus  of the research. This research also finds some disadvantage and threat in coffee agribusiness so that there should be a cooperation among the agribusinesses in managing this disadvantage and threat so that this agribusiness can keep exist even becoming bigger especially in East Poco Ranaka Sub district, East Manggarai Regency


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    Hortikultura menjadi salah satu komoditas yang banyak diusahakan oleh petani di Indonesia, salah satunya adalah Kelompok Tani Uimatkuli dan Moenfeu di Kabupaten Kupang yang membudidayakan tanaman kelor dan pare. Hasil panen sebagian diolah menjadi keripik pare dan stik kelor. Kualitas produk akan terjaga apabila dikemas dengan baik karena proses pengemasan bertujuan untuk melindungi produk dari berbagai penyebab kerusakan. Desain kemasan menjadi hal yang harus diperhatikan karena berfungsi sebagai media komunikasi kepada konsumen dan berpengaruh terhadap nilai jual dan citra produk. Pentingnya pengemasan dan desain kemasan dalam memasarkan produk belum dipahami oleh anggota Kelompok Tani Uimatkuli dan Moenfeu karena keterbatasan permodalan dan wawasan. Oleh karena itu dilakukan pengabdian dengan metode pendidikan masyarakat dan pelatihan. Metode pendidikan masyarakat dilakukan dengan memberikan sosialisasi mengenai pentingnya pengemasan dan desain kemasan, sementara metode pelatihan dilakukan dengan demonstrasi atau percontohan menggunakan alat dan bahan yang diperlukan dalam proses pengemasan. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah seluruh anggota Kelompok Tani Uimatkuli dan Moenfeu memiliki wawasan dan keterampilan mengenai pengemasan dan desain kemasan. Adanya inovasi pengemasan dan desain kemasan yang dilakukan diharapkan dapat menarik lebih banyak konsumen, meningkatkan penjualan, dan pada akhirnya berdampak pada peningkatan kesejahteraan anggota kelompok tani


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    This study aims to determine consumer tastes in making decisions on purchasing boiled corn and to determine the factors that influence consumers in making purchasing decisions for boiled corn. This research was conducted in July 2020. Oesao Village was chosen to be the research location on purpose or purposive sampling, with the consideration that Oesao Village is a selling area for boiled corn that is visited by many buyers. Determination of respondents by chance (accidental sampling), namely finding consumers who are enjoying or buying boiled corn in the research location with the number of respondents as many as 50 people.             The results of the study are based on the Chi Square analysis, all the attributes examined in this study with a confidence level of 95%, there are three attributes that have differences in consumer tastes, namely attributes of type, size and volume, while the other two attributes, namely taste and cleanliness, have the same consumer taste There is no difference in taste for the attributes of boiled corn. And based on the results of the Fishbein Multi-attribute analysis, the attributes that become consumers' taste are consecutively the attributes with clean hygiene, sweetness, low purchase volume (<10 ears), with large / medium maize sizes and sweet corn types. Based on the results of multiple linear regression analysis, with simultaneous testing (F-test), it is found that the independent variables consisting of price (X1), location (X2), service (X3) and season (X4) together have an effect on the decision. purchase of boiled corn (Y). For partial testing (t-test), it was found that the independent variable (X) which affected the dependent variable (Y), namely the purchase decision, was the service variable (X3) and season (X4)


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of traditional market dimensions consisting of price, service, quality, physical environment, location and diversity of goods on consumer loyalty and the most dominant market dimension influencing consumer loyalty at the Oesapa Traditional Market in Kupang City. The results of this study indicate that the market dimensions that have a real or significant influence on consumer loyalty are price, quality, location and variety of goods.  Then what does not have a significant or real influence is the service and the physical environment.  It can be said that loyal consumers shopping at the Oesapa Traditional Market are more influenced by considerations of cheap and negotiable prices, good product quality, with a varied variety of goods and easily accessible locations.  The negative effect on the price variable is that if the price increases, consumer loyalty will decrease.  Then the dimension that has the greatest influence on consumer loyalty is the diversity of goods.  Loyal consumers shop at a traditional market due to the many and varied types of goods compared to other place


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    The study aims is to know of farmers participation in increasing sorghum productivity and obstacles of increasing sorghum productivity in the reseach area. This research was conducted with a survey 43 famers in Kawalelo Vilage. The data were analyze descriptive qualitative and statistics as follows: average analysis, presentation. The results of reseach showed that Farmers participation in increasing sorghum productivity in reseaarch area are very good category with the percentage value of achieving a maximum score of an average score of 85.18% with the yield of sorghum productivity reaching 12.38 kw/Ha. The constraints faced by farmers in farming sorghum are very small, namely limited area of land because almost all sorghum farmers have participated very well in developing sorghum

    Risiko Pendapatan Usahatani Padi Sawah (Kasus Desa Noelbaki, Kecamatan Kupang Tengah, Kabupaten Kupang, NTT)

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    Farming is one of the industries most susceptible to risk and unpredictability in terms of results and profitability. In Noelbaki Village, Central Kupang, Kupang. This study intends to examine income, income risk, and factors that influence lowland rice farming income risk. To identify 46 respondents, the sample was determined using a basic random sampling procedure. Primary data was acquired through interviews and a questionnaire for this study. The income function model's input-output methodology, coefficient of variation (CV), and residual squared are used in data analysis. The average value of income in lowland rice cultivation per hectare each growing season was Rp. 28,374,581,-/ha/MT, according to the findings. The CV score of 3.26 percent indicates the average amount of income risk in lowland rice growing. Land area, fertilizers, insecticides, and UPT are elements that minimize income risk, whereas seeds raise income risk. Because seeds dictate the quality of plant development, whereas other production elements may be regulated by farmers, this suggests that seeds are a determinant of income risk. Farmers must pay attention to seed quality if rice growing is to stay risk-free


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    This study aims to find out how the price fluctuations of medium and premium quality rice are and also to see how the movement patterns that occur every month in the Inpres Naikoten 1 Kupang market and the Alok Maumere market. The data used in this study are secondary data. The data collection method used in the form of secondary data obtained through related institutions such as the Central Statistics Agency, in the completeness of primary data it is also necessary to conduct a survey of the two markets. Analysis of the data used in this study used Coefficient of Variation (CV) analysis (First Goal), while to see the pattern of rice price movements used graphical analysis (Second Goal). The results of this study indicate the level of rice price fluctuations that occurred in the Naikoten 1 Kupang Inpres Market and Alok Maumere Market in the period January 2018 - December 2020, it can be concluded that the CV obtained for the price of medium and premium quality rice in the Naikoten 1 Inpres Market Kupang and Alok Maumere Market in the period January 2018 – December 2021 ranged from 2.45% - 0.23% (Medium 1, Naikoten Inpres Market 1 Kupang), 2.38% - 0.44% (Premium 1, Naikoten Inpres Market 1 Kupang), 4.25% - 0.00% (Medium 1, Pasar Alok Maumere), 4.69% - 0.13% (Premium 1, Pasar Alok Maumere), it can be said that the level of fluctuations in the price of medium and premium quality rice in the two markets in the period January 2018 – December 2020 is said to fluctuate low, either good or bad. in the Naikoten 1 Inpres Market in Kupang and the Alok Maumere Market. In the pattern of price movements for medium and premium quality rice in both markets, it shows that the price movements that occurred were not not too many price changes that can be said to decrease or increase drastically

    Kinerja usahatani dan pemasaran terong ungu di Kabupaten Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    Purple eggplant is becoming a popular plant cultivated, especially by small farmers in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). The purpose of this study was to measure the farm performance and marketing of purple eggplant. The research method used a survey method, using 46 sample farmers obtained by simple random sampling—the standard of eggplant cultivation measures farming performance. Business feasibility uses R/C ratio and marketing performance using Margin and Farmer Share (FS) and the marketing function. The results showed that the farming performance, as seen from the cultivation of purple eggplant, showed that every cultivation activity carried out by the farmer had almost fulfilled the ideal growth requirements according to the farmer's expectations with a production yield of 7.476 ton / 0.3ha. The income of purple eggplant farming is Rp. 3,033,840/the land area/planting season once. Purple eggplant farming is feasible, indicated by R/C> 1—marketing of purple eggplant through 4 marketing channels. The marketing system for eggplant is quite good, as indicated by the FS of 41.66%. Not many marketing functions are carried out at each stage so that not much-added value is generated. It is necessary to improve the purple eggplant cultivation system and increase the marketing function to increase the added value of purple eggplant