138 research outputs found

    A [mu]+SRstudy of uniaxial stress induced symmetry breaking in an Fe single crystal

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    For the first time, external uniaxial stress has been used in a (mu)(\u27+)SR experiment. The stress dependences of the following parameters were obtained for Fe crystals: the muon precessional frequency, (nu)(,(mu)), the transverse (longitudinal) depolarization rates, 1/T(,2) (1/T(,1)), and F(,T)/F(,L), the ratio of the probabilities for the muon to find domains with transverse/longitudinal fields. The shift in (nu)(,(mu)) was -0.34 (+OR-) 0.023 MHz per 100 micro-strain along the -axis. Changes in other parameters depend on the sample history but they, in general, increase with stress.;External stress changes the muon occupational probability at each site which significantly affects the dipolar field averaged over interstitial sites of the same initial symmetry. This change in the averaged dipolar field is shown to be the main cause of the shift in (nu)(,(mu)). to calculate the dipolar field at each site, the finite extension of the muon probability density and displacement of neighboring host atoms around the site are explicitly taken into account. From the experimental results and the dipolar field calculation, it is possible to estimate the anisotropy of the double-force tensor, (P(,1)-P(,2)), for the muon in Fe. This clearly shows that in Fe, for reasonable muon wave function shapes, the muon is more likely to occupy the 4T(0) site configuration.;For a random distribution of domains among the six easy axes of Fe, the dipolar field averaged over a region of the sample should be zero. However, the external stress breaks this randomness and with a certain magnitude of tensile stress in the z-axis, domains will align along the (+OR-) z-directions. A muon with its initial spin aligned perpendicular to the z-axis does not distinguish the stress induced domain alignment from the saturation along the + or - z direction. The experimental result shows the same stress dependence of (nu)(,(mu)) for both the stress induced and the externally saturated domain alignments. as expected the change in (nu)(,(mu)) with low stress is very small without the application of an external saturation field. Also, the change in F(,T)/F(,L) is consistent with that in (nu)(,(mu)) indicating that this parameter is a good measure of the domain alignment.;Similar results were obtained for polycrystalline samples. The interpretation made on the single crystal result is applicable to these results and it is possible to explain why local strains in Fe tend to reduce the magnitude of (nu)(,(mu))

    Complete security analysis of {quantum key distribution} based on unified model of sequential discrimination strategy

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    The quantum key distribution for multiparty is one of the essential subjects of study. Especially, without using entangled states, performing the quantum key distribution for multiparty is a critical area of research. For this purpose, sequential discrimination, which provides multiparty quantum communication and quantum key distribution for {multiple receivers}, has recently been introduced. However, since there is a possibility of eavesdropping on the measurement result of a receiver by an intruder using quantum entanglement, a security analysis for {quantum key distribution} should be performed. {However,} no one has provided the security analysis for {quantum key distribution in view of the sequential scheme} yet. In this work, by proposing a unified model of sequential discrimination including an eavesdropper, we provide the security analysis of {quantum key distribution based on the unified model of sequential discrimination strategy.} In this model, the success probability of eavesdropping and the secret key rate can be used as a figure of merit. Then, we obtain a non-zero secret key rate between the sender and receiver, which implies that the sender and receiver can share a secret key despite eavesdropping. Further, we propose a realistic quantum optical experiment for the proposed model. We observe that the secret key between the sender and receiver can be non-zero, even with imperfections. As opposed to common belief, we further observe that the success probability of eavesdropping is smaller in the case of colored noise than in the case of white noise

    Magneto-Acoustic Stress Responses of Various Rail Metallurgies

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    The magneto-acoustic stress measurement technique has been evaluated by the authors as a means of revealing information on residual and applied stresses in ferromagnetic materials. Past work has included: documentation of the response of carbon steels to various test configurations [1], the effect of grain size and cooling rates in medium carbon alloy steels [2], test results obtained with a railroad rail sample [3], and investigations performed with a prototype device for examining full railroad wheels [4]. Other published papers have sought to provide detailed reviews of the test theory and model behind this technique in light of the accumulated test data [5,6]

    Method and apparatus for using magneto-acoustic remanence to determine embrittlement

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    A method and apparatus for testing steel components for temperature embrittlement uses magneto-acoustic emission to nondestructively evaluate the component are presented. Acoustic emission signals occur more frequently at higher levels in embrittled components. A pair of electromagnets are used to create magnetic induction in the test component. Magneto-acoustic emission signals may be generated by applying an AC current to the electromagnets. The acoustic emission signals are analyzed to provide a comparison between a component known to be unembrittled and a test component. Magnetic remanence is determined by applying a DC current to the electromagnets and then by turning the magnets off and observing the residual magnetic induction

    Magnetoresistive flux focusing eddy current flaw detection

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    A giant magnetoresistive flux focusing eddy current device effectively detects deep flaws in thick multilayer conductive materials. The probe uses an excitation coil to induce eddy currents in conducting material perpendicularly oriented to the coil's longitudinal axis. A giant magnetoresistive (GMR) sensor, surrounded by the excitation coil, is used to detect generated fields. Between the excitation coil and GMR sensor is a highly permeable flux focusing lens which magnetically separates the GMR sensor and excitation coil and produces high flux density at the outer edge of the GMR sensor. The use of feedback inside the flux focusing lens enables complete cancellation of the leakage fields at the GMR sensor location and biasing of the GMR sensor to a location of high magnetic field sensitivity. In an alternate embodiment, a permanent magnet is positioned adjacent to the GMR sensor to accomplish the biasing. Experimental results have demonstrated identification of flaws up to 1 cm deep in aluminum alloy structures. To detect deep flaws about circular fasteners or inhomogeneities in thick multilayer conductive materials, the device is mounted in a hand-held rotating probe assembly that is connected to a computer for system control, data acquisition, processing and storage

    Issues on Reproducibility/Reliability of Magnetic NDE Methods

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    One of the critical elements related to the practicality of any NDE technique is its reproducibility under nominally the same inspection conditions. The results of certain test methodologies, however, are not always repeatable and understanding the origin of the irreproducibility is often as critical as obtaining reproducible results. One example is the characterization of residual stress in structural ferromagnets using the magnetoacoustic (MAC) method [1]. Although it has not been widely publicized, the test results of this method are known to be time-dependent. Two distinct types of time dependencies have been observed during testing. The first type has a clearly definable relaxation time, while no such trend has been observed for the second

    Finite Element Modeling of the Bulk Magnetization of Railroad Wheels to Improve Test Conditions for Magnetoacoustic Residual Stress Measurements

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    The magnetoacoustic measurement technique has been used successfully for residual stress measurements in laboratory samples[l-4]. However, when used to field test samples with complex geometries, such as railroad wheels, the sensitivity of the method declines dramatically[5,6]. It has been suggested that the decrease in performance may be due, in part, to an insufficient or nonuniform magnetic induction in the test sample[6]. The purpose of this paper is to optimize the test conditions by using finite element modeling to predict the distribution of the induced bulk magnetization of railroad wheels. The results suggest that it is possible to obtain a sufficiently large and uniform bulk magnetization by altering the shape of the electromagnet used in the tests. Consequently, problems associated with bulk magnetization can be overcome, and should not prohibit the magnetoacoustic technique from being used to make residual stress measurements in railroad wheels

    Improved Thermoplastic/Iron-Particle Transformer Cores

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    A method of fabricating improved transformer cores from composites of thermoplastic matrices and iron-particles has been invented. Relative to commercially available laminated-iron-alloy transformer cores, the cores fabricated by this method weigh less and are less expensive. Relative to prior polymer-matrix/ iron-particle composite-material transformer cores, the cores fabricated by this method can be made mechanically stronger and more magnetically permeable. In addition, whereas some prior cores have exhibited significant eddy-current losses, the cores fabricated by this method exhibit very small eddy-current losses. The cores made by this method can be expected to be attractive for use in diverse applications, including high-signal-to-noise transformers, stepping motors, and high-frequency ignition coils. The present method is a product of an experimental study of the relationships among fabrication conditions, final densities of iron particles, and mechanical and electromagnetic properties of fabricated cores. Among the fabrication conditions investigated were molding pressures (83, 104, and 131 MPa), and molding temperatures (250, 300, and 350 C). Each block of core material was made by uniaxial-compression molding, at the applicable pressure/temperature combination, of a mixture of 2 weight percent of LaRC (or equivalent high-temperature soluble thermoplastic adhesive) with 98 weight percent of approximately spherical iron particles having diameters in the micron range. Each molded block was cut into square cross-section rods that were used as core specimens in mechanical and electromagnetic tests. Some of the core specimens were annealed at 900 C and cooled slowly before testing. For comparison, a low-carbon-steel core was also tested. The results of the tests showed that density, hardness, and rupture strength generally increased with molding pressure and temperature, though the correlation was rather weak. The weakness of the correlation was attributed to the pores in the specimens. The maximum relative permeabilities of cores made without annealing ranged from 30 to 110, while those of cores made with annealing ranged from 900 to 1,400. However, the greater permeabilities of the annealed specimens were not associated with noticeably greater densities. The major practical result of the investigation was the discovery of an optimum distribution of iron-particle sizes: It was found that eddy-current losses in the molded cores were minimized by using 100 mesh (corresponding to particles with diameters less than or equal to 100 m) iron particles. The effect of optimization of particle sizes on eddy-current losses is depicted in the figure
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