556 research outputs found

    Subcentimeter depth resolution using a single-photon counting time-of-flight laser ranging system at 1550 nm wavelength

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    We demonstrate subcentimeter depth profiling at a stand off distance of 330m using a time-of-flight approach based on time-correlated single-photon counting. For the first time to our knowledge, the photon-counting time-of-flight technique was demonstrated at a wavelength of 1550nm using a superconducting nanowire single-photon detector. The performance achieved suggests that a system using superconducting detectors has the potential for low-light-level and eye-safe operation. The system’s instrumental response was 70ps full width at half-maximum, which meant that 1cm surface-to-surface resolution could be achieved by locating the centroids of each return signal. A depth resolution of 4mm was achieved by employing an optimized signal-processing algorithm based on a reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo method

    Low Timing Jitter Detector for Gigahertz Quantum Key Distribution

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    A superconducting single-photon detector based on a niobium nitride nanowire is demonstrated in an optical-fibre-based quantum key distribution test bed operating at a clock rate of 3.3 GHz and a transmission wavelength of 850 nm. The low jitter of the detector leads to significant reduction in the estimated quantum bit error rate and a resultant improvement in the secrecy efficiency compared to previous estimates made by use of silicon single-photon avalanche detectors.Comment: 11 pages, including 2 figure

    Characterization of fiber-generated entangled photon pairs with superconducting single-photon detectors

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    We demonstrate the suitability of fiber-generated entangled photon pairs for practical quantum communications in the telecom band by measuring their properties with superconducting single-photon detectors that produce negligible dark counts. The photon pairs are created in approximately 5-ps duration windows at 50 MHz rate while the detectors are operated in ungated free running mode. We obtain a coincidence to accidental-coincidence ratio >80 with raw photon-counting data, i.e., without making any post-measurement corrections. Using a previously demonstrated counter-propagating scheme we also produce polarizationentangled photon pairs at 50-MHz rate, which in coincidence detection directly yield two-photon interference with a fringe visibility >98%

    Origami World

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    We paste together patches of AdS6AdS_6 to find solutions which describe two 4-branes intersecting on a 3-brane with non-zero tension. We construct explicitly brane arrays with Minkowski, de Sitter and Anti-de Sitter geometries intrinsic to the 3-brane, and describe how to generalize these solutions to the case of AdS4+nAdS_{4+n}, n>2n>2, where nn n+2n+2-branes intersect on a 3-brane. The Minkowski and de Sitter solutions localize gravity to the intersection, leading to 4D Newtonian gravity at large distances. We show this explicitly in the case of Minkowski origami by finding the zero-mode graviton, and computing the couplings of the bulk gravitons to the matter on the intersection. In de Sitter case, this follows from the finiteness of the bulk volume. The effective 4D Planck scale depends on the square of the fundamental 6D Planck scale, the AdS6AdS_6 radius and the angles between the 4-branes and the radial AdSAdS direction, and for the Minkowski origami it is M42=2/3(tanα1+tanα2)M4L2M_4{}^2 = {2/3} \Bigl(\tan \alpha_1 + \tan \alpha_2 \Bigr) M_*{}^4 L^2. If Mfew×TeVM_* \sim {\rm few} \times TeV this may account for the Planck-electroweak hierarchy even if L104mL \sim 10^{-4} {\rm m}, with a possibility for sub-millimeter corrections to the Newton's law. We comment on the early universe cosmology of such models.Comment: plain LaTeX, 23 pages + 2 .eps figure

    Picosecond-resolution single-photon time lens for temporal mode quantum processing

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    Techniques to control the spectro-temporal properties of quantum states of light at ultrafast time scales are crucial for numerous applications in quantum information science. In this work, we report an all-optical time lens for quantum signals based on Bragg-scattering four-wave mixing with picosecond resolution. Our system achieves a temporal magnification factor of 158 with single-photon level inputs, which is sufficient to overcome the intrinsic timing jitter of superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors. We demonstrate discrimination of two terahertz-bandwidth, single-photon-level pulses with 2.1 ps resolution (electronic jitter corrected resolution of 1.25 ps).We draw on elegant tools from Fourier optics to further show that the time-lens framework can be extended to perform complex unitary spectro-temporal transformations by imparting optimized temporal and spectral phase profiles to the input waveforms. Using numerical optimization techniques, we show that a four-stage transformation can realize an efficient temporal mode sorter that demultiplexes 10 Hermite–Gaussian (HG) modes. Our time-lens-based framework represents a new toolkit for arbitrary spectro-temporal processing of single photons, with applications in temporal mode quantum processing, high-dimensional quantum key distribution, temporal mode matching for quantum networks, and quantum-enhanced sensing with time-frequency entangled states.Chaitali Joshi, Ben M. Sparkes, Alessandro Farsi, Thomas Gerrits, Varun Verma, Sven Ramelow, Sae Woo Nam, and Alexander L. Gaet

    High quantum efficiency photon-number-resolving detector for photonic on-chip information processing

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    We demonstrate a high-efficiency, photon-number resolving transition edge sensor, integrated on an optical silica waveguide structure. The detector consists of three individual absorber/sensor devices providing a total system detection efficiency of up to 93% for single photons at a wavelength of 1551.9 nm. This new design enables high fidelity detection of quantum information processes in on-chip platforms

    High-efficiency Bragg grating enhanced on-chip photon-number-resolving detectors

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    The recent trend towards integration of quantum optics experiments has produced a demand for on-chip single photon detectors with high quantum efficiencies. In previous work we demonstrated integrated photon number resolving detectors for use at telecommunications wavelengths [1], here we outline developments of this design which have enabled improvements in the quantum efficiency, permitting an on-chip detection efficiency of 92% to be obtained in the device of Fig. 1. ..

    Hawking Radiation of Black Holes in Infrared Modified Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz Gravity

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    We study the Hawking radiation of the spherically symmetric, asymptotically flat black holes in the infrared modified Horava-Lifshitz gravity by applying the methods of covariant anomaly cancellation and effective action, as well as the approach of Damour-Ruffini-Sannan's. These black holes behave as the usual Schwarzschild ones of the general relativity when the radial distance is very large. We also extend the method of covariant anomaly cancellation to derive the Hawking temperature of the spherically symmetric, asymptotically AdS black holes that represent the analogues of the Schwarzschild AdS ones.Comment: no figures, 16 pages,accepted by EPJ

    Performance of the CREAM calorimeter in accelerator beam test

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    The CREAM calorimeter, designed to measure the spectra of cosmic-ray nuclei from under 1 TeV to 1000 TeV, is a 20 radiation length (X0) deep sampling calorimeter. The calorimeter is comprised of 20 layers of tungsten interleaved with 20 layers of scintillating fiber ribbons, and is preceded by a pair of graphite interaction targets providing about 0.42 proton interaction lengths (\lambda int). The calorimeter was placed in one of CERN's SPS accelerator beams for calibration and testing. Beams of 150 GeV electrons were used for calibration, and a variety of electron, proton, and nuclear fragment beams were used to test the simulation model of the detector. In this paper we discuss the performance of the calorimeter in the electron beam and compare electron beam data with simulation results.The CREAM calorimeter, designed to measure the spectra of cosmic-ray nuclei from under 1 TeV to 1000 TeV, is a 20 radiation length (X0) deep sampling calorimeter. The calorimeter is comprised of 20 layers of tungsten interleaved with 20 layers of scintillating fiber ribbons, and is preceded by a pair of graphite interaction targets providing about 0.42 proton interaction lengths (\lambda int). The calorimeter was placed in one of CERN's SPS accelerator beams for calibration and testing. Beams of 150 GeV electrons were used for calibration, and a variety of electron, proton, and nuclear fragment beams were used to test the simulation model of the detector. In this paper we discuss the performance of the calorimeter in the electron beam and compare electron beam data with simulation results