412 research outputs found

    Mathematical description of differential equation solving electrical circuits

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    Role of placement in determination of service quality measurement of higher education in India

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    In this research paper the methodological development of a new model, namely SQM-HEI (Service Quality Measurement in Higher Education in India) for the measurement of service quality in higher educational institutions is developed. Three dimensions are arrived namely Teaching Methodology(TM), Environmental Change in Study Factor (ECSF) and Disciplinary Action(DA). The Placement is considered as the mediating factor for the outcome of education. For conducting an empirical study, data were collected from final year students of higher educational institutions across Tamilnadu. 1600 valid questionnaires were used for the analysis. The SQM-HEI captures the authentic determinants of service quality within the higher education sector. The developed 30-item instrument has been empirically tested with AMOS 7.0. The developed model is tested for Structural Equation Model and Bayesian estimation and testing. The SEM model output reveals that the RMSEA=0.049, GFI= 0.987 and NFI = 0.928. all the fit indices concludes the best fit of the model. The results from the current study are crucial because previous studies have produced scales that bear a resemblance to the generic measures of service quality, which may not be totally adequate to assess the perceived quality in higher education.SQM-HEI, Service Quality, Higher Education, India

    Optimizing the stake holder’s perspective on enhancing the service quality in health care

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    For the success of health care organizations, accurate measurement of health care service quality is as important as understanding the nature of the service delivery system. Without a valid measure, it would be difficult to establish and implement appropriate tactics or strategies for service quality management. Experts have struggled for decades to formulate a concise, meaningful and generally applicable definition of the quality of health care. However, the complexity and variability of many definitions are very confusing even to experts. Patients, service providers and other parties involved in the process of health care service delivery, understand and describe service quality in different ways. Different perspectives on health care quality lead to different expectations and different methods of quality measurement. Patients tend to evaluate health care quality according to the responsiveness to their specific needs. Most patients define quality as efforts of physicians to do everything possible for a patient. Patient’s expectations about the health care system may differ from those of health care professionals and managers. On the other hand, patients cannot evaluate many technical aspects of health care service quality. Physicians can provide a high level technical quality but still be rated low by patients because of the lack of humanity, responsiveness or satisfaction. For physicians and other health care providers measurement of service quality has typically been driven by medical outcomes. However, outcomes indicative of quality may differ for a patient and physician. Health care administrators often use managerial input measures such as the average number of nursing hours required for an outpatient surgery. This research paper aims to explore the ways and means towards optimizing the competing stake holders perspectives on enhancing the service quality in health care.Service quality; Healthcare; Optimization; India;

    Continuous supply chain collaboration : Road to achieve operational excellence

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    Supply chain management (SCM) is becoming critical as firms recognize that competition is shifting from company versus company to supply chain versus supply chain. In the present competitive scenario, the fierce competition has driven most companies to seek means of enhancing performance beyond their four wall boundaries. The firm’s ability in collaborating with its upstream and downstream partners determines its success in attaining better performance with supply chain collaboration; a firm is able to serve fragmented markets in which end customers require more product varieties and availability with shorter product life cycle and at the same time lower supply chain costs. Hence, this paper introduces the framework of continuous supply chain collaboration (CSCC), which extends the traditional frame of reference in strategic sourcing from a supplier centric to a supply-chain-scope as continuous improvement efforts to enhance the customer satisfaction. CSCC practices are rather exceptional, yet CSCC is believed to be the single most comprehensive framework for attaining operational excellence.Continuous supply chain collaboration (CSCC); Supply chain management: Continuous improvement; Operational excellence; Supply Chain Management

    Mind mapping management

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    A mind map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items linked to and arranged around a central key word or idea. Mind maps are used to generate, visualize, structure, and classify ideas, and as an aid to studying and organizing information, solving problems, making decisions, and writing. The fundamentals of mind map are arranged naturally according to the importance of the concepts, and are classified into groupings, branches, or areas, with the goal of representing semantic or other connections between portions of information. Mind maps may also aid recall of existing memories. The ideas are documented in a mind map radiate from the center of diagram, similar the branches or root system of a tree. The colors are important because they provide an extra dimension of information to help your brain interpret the data more effectively. The mind mapping technique can be used as a authoritative, creative and dynamic way to administer projects, structure and classify multifaceted information, and provide motivating reports that grasp people’s attention. By minimizing words and focusing on associations, mind maps allow project managers and team members to rapidly see dependencies and problems, saving time and money. Using mind maps can notably improve a project team’s productivity.Mind mapping management

    Mediating effects of broadband consumers’ behavior in India

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    Internet usage is rapidly growing in areas like cosmopolitan cities, semi-urban cities in India. I-enabled services offered by various government agencies, educational institutions and commercial activities force users of these services to seek superior internet access like broadband, WiMax is likely to replace traditional broadband and dial-up access soon. Interestingly, reforms in telecom sector are taking place at a rapid pace in India. Many private players started internet services affecting monopolistic public sector telecoms. The advent of private ISPs, the consumer behavior and brand choice of broadband consumers are witnessing dynamic shift in favor of private players. Cost competitiveness, transparency, paradigm shift in consumer responsiveness etc weigh in favor of Public Sector telecoms. This paper attempts to identify the factors affecting broadband consumer behavior. Further, paper studies the causes and effects, mediating effects of consumer behavior and conceptualizes a model to capture these effects. The results suggest that adoption of broadband service is playing a mediatory role in consumer satisfaction.Broadband, Adoption, Normative constructs, mediating

    Book review: Uncivil city: ecology, equity, and the commons in Delhi by Amita Baviskar

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    In Uncivil City: Ecology, Equity, and the Commons in Delhi, Amita Baviskar explores the last two decades of environmental politics in Delhi, showing how the demands of ‘bourgeois environmentalism’ not only exclude the poor and marginalised from participating in environmental action but also positions them at the receiving end of violent modes of demolition and clearing. Published as we urgently examine urban inequalities in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, this book is critical to understanding the emergence of bourgeois environmentalism as a factor in the designing of New Delhi, writes Barathi Nakkeeran. Uncivil City: Ecology, Equity, and the Commons in Delhi. Amita Baviskar. SAGE. 2020

    Comparative functional genomics approach for the annotation of proteins in Unclassified Halophilic archaeon DL31

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    The structure, function and sub-cellular location prediction for the unknown proteins from Unclassified Halophilic archaeon DL31 were carried out for characterization of the proteins in their respective families. The 991 genes for hypothetical proteins in Halophilic archaeon DL31 chromosome were predicted by the application of computational methods and Bioinformatics web tools. The structure predictions for 206 unknown proteins were possible whereas functions were predicted in 825 protein sequences. The function prediction for the proteins were done by using Bioinformatics web tools like CDD-BLAST, INTERPROSCAN and PFAM by searching protein databases for the presence of conserved domains. The Sub-cellular location predictions were done for all the unknown proteins by using CELLO v 2.5 server. While tertiary structures were constructed using PS2 Server- Protein Structure Prediction server. This study revealed structural, functional and Sub-cellular localization of unknown proteins in Unclassified Halophilic archaeon DL31chromosome

    The management learning tool: Andragogy

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    The name andragogy was first used by a German grammar school teacher named Alexander Kapp in 1833 to portray the educational theory of the Greek philosopher Plato. He used it to refer to the normal process by which adults engage in continuing education. The first use of the term "andragogy" to catch the extensive attention of adult educators was in 1968, when Knowles, then a professor of adult education at Boston University, introduced the term (then spelled "andragogy") through a journal article. Andragogy is an educational theory that utilizes the adult’s life experiences to teach and aid in learning rather than using someone else’s experience in an attempt to teach. Since this is a way of teaching and learning, the principles lend andragogy to be accepted as a theory. Andragogy applies to any form of adult learning and has been used extensively in the design of organizational training programs (especially for "soft skill" domains such as management development). Andragogical methods are best when they can be applied are in community situation and industry/corporate situations that are supportive of a self-directed learner. Human Resource departments should also consider andragogical principals when designing their employee development programs, providing the organization whose management style is one that is represented by McGregor’s Theory Y. By placing a value on training and development, employees will be motivated to learn new skills to help them in their career development.Andragogy, Management learning tool