17 research outputs found


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    In this study, the authors clarified experience of nurses with the dilemma toward the wish for recovery of cancer patients who discontinued treatment. An interview survey was performed for 14 nurses who had ever care cancer patients who discontinued their treatment. Experience of nurses with the dilemma toward the wish for recovery of cancer patients who discontinued treatment consisted of the following categories ;[ I am not able to respond to the patient’s wish though I want to],[There is difference how to spend the time remained between the patient and me],[I do not have a sufficient power to support the end of the patient’s life],[I feel disconsolate being unable to realize the patient’s wish for recover]and[I’m a nurse. I never run from my patients]. The nurses with dilemma had experience in facing nursing cares driven by the sense of responsibility as a nurse while holding pain in their heart. Ethical problems may be underlying in this experience, and the need of team work, not individual responses, has been suggested. Therefore, support to reveal experience of nurses in daily nursing care is needed


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    To clarify the practical approaches of nurses in cancer chemotherapy, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 10 nurses certified for cancer chemotherapy in Tokushima Prefecture. The interview data were classified into the following categories : [not neglecting any step, as failure is unacceptable], [accurately predicting the symptoms of chemotherapy, rather than simply waiting for patients to report them], [making efforts to fulfill patients' desire to live], [bearing a heavy responsibility for handling toxic drugs], and [playing a role in generalizing chemotherapy]. The results suggest that the practical approaches of nurses in cancer chemotherapy three features place importance on “achieving positive effects while minimizing risks”, “not narrowing down the scope of life”, and “reducing resistance to chemotherapy”

    ケイチョクガタ ノウセイ マヒ ニ ヨル シタイ フジユウシャ ノ ダツ トレーニング キカン ノ ソウイ ガ カシ キンリョク ニ オヨボス エイキョウ

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    As for the physically handicapped person due to spastic type cerebral palsy, the difference of detraining period was verified for the impact on the lower extremity muscle strength. The obtained results are as follows. 1.The knee joint muscular strength was significantly enhanced by the detraining of three months. 2.The hip joint muscular strength was not significantly enhanced by the detraining of three months. 3.The muscular strength of the knee joint and the hip joint was weakened by the detraining of six months. From these results, it is suggested that the detraining period may effect on the lower limb muscle strength. It is also suggested that the effect of detraining may depend on muscle contraction style. These findings are not necessarily corresponded to the results of the previous study that were conducted to healthy people as a subject of the research. Therefore, further study is expected

    Two Relapsed Stage III Childhood Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma Patients with NPM-ALK Fusion in Bone Marrow from Initial Diagnosis

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    Childhood anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) accounts for approx. 10–30 of cases of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and the ALCL99 study reported 60–75 disease-free survival; however, a relatively high relapse rate was observed (25–30 ). We report 2 patients with Stage III ALCL who relapsed 6–18 months after the end of ALCL99 chemotherapy. A retrospective molecular analysis identified the nucleophosmin (NPM)-anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) fusion gene in the first diagnostic bone marrow samples taken from both patients. However, antibodies against the ALK protein appeared to be relatively low in the serum of both patients (×100 and ×750). An increase in chemotherapy intensity may be beneficial if Stage III ALCL patients are shown to be NPM-ALK chimera-positive in the first diagnostic bone marrow sample

    Two Relapsed Stage III Childhood Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma Patients with NPM-ALK Fusion in Bone Marrow from Initial Diagnosis

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    Childhood anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) accounts for approx. 10–30 of cases of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and the ALCL99 study reported 60–75 disease-free survival; however, a relatively high relapse rate was observed (25–30 ). We report 2 patients with Stage III ALCL who relapsed 6–18 months after the end of ALCL99 chemotherapy. A retrospective molecular analysis identified the nucleophosmin (NPM)-anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) fusion gene in the first diagnostic bone marrow samples taken from both patients. However, antibodies against the ALK protein appeared to be relatively low in the serum of both patients (×100 and ×750). An increase in chemotherapy intensity may be beneficial if Stage III ALCL patients are shown to be NPM-ALK chimera-positive in the first diagnostic bone marrow sample

    ケイチョクガタ ノウセイマヒ ニヨル チュウコウネン シタイ フジユウシャ ノ チョウキ カシ キンリョク トレーニング ニオケル ケイネンテキ ヘンドウ

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    As targeting the physically handicapped person who can have their own walking, the effect of long−term isokinetic muscle exercise training was verified from the point of view of the aging, and the following results were obtained. 1) In the muscle strength of ankle joint, its value of 50 years old person were significantly higher, compared with the value of 40 years old person. 2) In the muscle strength of knee joint, its value of 40 years old person were significantly higher, compared with the value of 50 years old person. 3) No significant differences were observed in the numerical values between the 40s and 50s old person. From the above result, the following possibility was also shown that the training effect for the handicap improvement is higher than the muscle weakness associated with aging in the person having the cerebral palsy. However, the further verification is needed about the relation between the handicap improvement by the muscle training and the muscle weakness associated with aging

    A case of acute kidney injury due to native kidney BK polyomavirus-associated nephropathy in a human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 carrier

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    Abstract Background BK polyomavirus-associated nephropathy (BKPyVAN) has become a major cause of kidney dysfunction and graft loss in kidney transplant recipients. On rare occasion, polyomavirus has also been known to affect native kidneys of immunocompromised individuals. Only a small number of opportunistic infections have been reported in the carrier phase of human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1). This is the first reported case of BKPyVAN in native kidneys of an HTLV-1 carrier. Case presentation A 61-year-old man was referred to our hospital from a primary care physician for work-up and treatment of pneumonia. He was diagnosed with Pneumocystis pneumonia and identified as a HTLV-1 carrier who had not yet developed adult T-cell leukemia (ATL). The pneumonia was successfully treated with sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim. He had never been diagnosed with any kind of kidney dysfunction. Laboratory investigations showed a serum creatinine of 5.3 mg/dL, and urinary sediment showed cells with nuclear enlargement and inclusion bodies suggesting viral infection. The urinary Papanicolaou stain showed inclusions in swollen, ground-glass nuclei, typical of “decoy cells”. Renal biopsy showed degeneration of tubules with epithelial enlargement, vacuolar degeneration, nuclear inclusion bodies, and detachment from the tubular basement membrane. Tubular nuclei showed positive staining positive for simian virus 40 large-T antigen. Polymerase chain reaction tests for BK polyomavirus DNA of both urine and plasma were positive. These findings confirmed a diagnosis of BKPyVAN. Intravenous immunoglobulin therapy did not improve renal function, necessitating maintenance hemodialysis therapy. Conclusions BKPyVAN should be considered when acute kidney injury occurs with opportunistic infection. HTLV-1 carriers can develop opportunistic infections even before the onset of ATL