79 research outputs found

    On the resolution of constant isosteric heat of propylene adsorptionon graphite in the sub-monolayer coverage region

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    An early experimental study by Bezus, Dreving and Kiselev [1] on the adsorption of propylene on Spheron-6 carbon black (graphitized at ∼3000C) reported a plot of constant isosteric heat versus loading in the sub-monolayer region. This contrasts with their report of a linear increase in isosteric heat for propane, a similar molecule to propylene. In this paper, we report extensive Grand Canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) simulations and a high-resolution experimental study of propylene adsorption on Carbopack F, a highly graphitized thermal carbon black, over the same temperature range studied by Bezus et al. From this combined simulation and experimental study we conclude that propylene also shows a linear increase in the isosteric heat versus loading in the sub-monolayer region, indicating that the linear increase in the fluid-fluid interaction in this region more than compensates for the decrease in the solid-fluid interaction that results from the change in orientation of the adsorbate molecules. Our study contradicts the propylene results of Bezus et al., and careful inspection of their isotherm in the sub-monolayer region shows that it does not follow Henry’s law. This calls into question their argument that π-π interactions between propylene molecules are an explanation for the constant heat

    Introduction and scientific justification of data transportability for confined field testing for the ERA of GM plants

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    The concept of Data Transportability (DT) of Confined Field Testing (CFT) to support the Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) of Genetically Modified (GM) plants was first introduced in the literature by Garcia-Alonso et al., in 2014. Since then, DT has been discussed in many countries and regions as a concept to prevent duplication of regulatory studies without compromising quality of the ERA. However, despite its usefulness and scientific justification, DT is not well adopted at this time and many regulatory agencies around the world require additional in-country CFT be conducted before approving GM plants. Based on the current circumstances, the authors organized a parallel session entitled “Introduction and Scientific Justification of DT for CFT for the ERA of GM plants” at 16th ISBR (the International Society for Biosafety Research). This session mainly consisted of the following three parts. The first two speakers, Andrew Roberts and Abigail Simmons provided an overview of DT and examples of conditions for the transportability of field data/conclusions advocated in the peer-reviewed scientific journals. Next, the current status of DT adoption in some countries/regions such as Japan and Africa, and a theoretical case study for Argentina were introduced by Kazuyuki Hiratsuka, Douglas Miano, and Facundo Vesprini, respectively. Lastly, a risk hypothesis-based approach for DT which was developed in advance by the five speakers of this parallel session, was introduced. During the discussion, there was a common understanding that transition to the risk hypothesis-based approach for DT was scientifically appropriate, considering the accumulated evidences that several countries have conducted confirmatory local CFT for more than 20 years but they have not detected any differences related to the ERA assessment endpoints in GM crops. The risk hypothesis-based approach for DT introduced here is expected to play an important role in discussions on the implementation of DT in various parts of the world in the future

    On the resolution of constant isosteric heat of propylene adsorption on graphite in the sub-monolayer coverage region

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    An early experimental study by Bezus, Dreving and Kiselev [1] on the adsorption of propylene on Spheron-6 carbon black (graphitized at ∼3000C) reported a plot of constant isosteric heat versus loading in the sub-monolayer region. This contrasts with their report of a linear increase in isosteric heat for propane, a similar molecule to propylene. In this paper, we report extensive Grand Canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) simulations and a high-resolution experimental study of propylene adsorption on Carbopack F, a highly graphitized thermal carbon black, over the same temperature range studied by Bezus et al. From this combined simulation and experimental study we conclude that propylene also shows a linear increase in the isosteric heat versus loading in the sub-monolayer region, indicating that the linear increase in the fluid-fluid interaction in this region more than compensates for the decrease in the solid-fluid interaction that results from the change in orientation of the adsorbate molecules. Our study contradicts the propylene results of Bezus et al., and careful inspection of their isotherm in the sub-monolayer region shows that it does not follow Henry's law. This calls into question their argument that π-π interactions between propylene molecules are an explanation for the constant heat

    CO Multi-line Imaging of Nearby Galaxies (COMING). III. Dynamical effect on molecular gas density and star formation in the barred spiral galaxy NGC 4303

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    We present the results of 12^{12}CO(JJ=1-0) and 13^{13}CO(JJ=1-0) simultaneous mappings toward the nearby barred spiral galaxy NGC 4303 as a part of the CO Multi-line Imaging of Nearby Galaxies (COMING) project. Barred spiral galaxies often show lower star-formation efficiency (SFE) in their bar region compared to the spiral arms. In this paper, we examine the relation between the SFEs and the volume densities of molecular gas n(H2)n(\rm{H}_2) in the eight different regions within the galactic disk with CO data combined with archival far-ultraviolet and 24 μ\mum data. We confirmed that SFE in the bar region is lower by 39% than that in the spiral arms. Moreover, velocity-alignment stacking analysis was performed for the spectra in the individual regions. The integrated intensity ratios of 12^{12}CO to 13^{13}CO (R12/13R_{12/13}) range from 10 to 17 as the results of stacking. Fixing a kinetic temperature of molecular gas, n(H2)n(\rm{H}_2) was derived from R12/13R_{12/13} via non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE) analysis. The density n(H2)n(\rm{H}_2) in the bar is lower by 31-37% than that in the arms and there is a rather tight positive correlation between SFEs and n(H2)n(\rm{H}_2), with a correlation coefficient of 0.8\sim 0.8. Furthermore, we found a dependence of n(H2)n(\rm{H}_2) on the velocity dispersion of inter-molecular clouds (ΔV/sini\Delta V/ \sin i). Specifically, n(H2)n(\rm{H}_2) increases as ΔV/sini\Delta V/ \sin i increases when ΔV/sini<100\Delta V/ \sin i < 100 km s1^{-1}. On the other hand, n(H2)n(\rm{H}_2) decreases as ΔV/sini\Delta V/ \sin i increases when ΔV/sini>100\Delta V/ \sin i > 100 km s1^{-1}. These relations indicate that the variations of SFE could be caused by the volume densities of molecular gas, and the volume densities could be governed by the dynamical influence such as cloud-cloud collisions, shear and enhanced inner-cloud turbulence.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    A Reference High-Pressure CO2 Adsorption Isotherm for Ammonium ZSM-5 Zeolite: Results of an Interlaboratory Study

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    © 2018, The Author(s). This paper reports the results of an international interlaboratory study led by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) on the measurement of high-pressure surface excess carbon dioxide adsorption isotherms on NIST Reference Material RM 8852 (ammonium ZSM-5 zeolite), at 293.15 K (20 °C) from 1 kPa up to 4.5 MPa. Eleven laboratories participated in this exercise and, for the first time, high-pressure adsorption reference data are reported using a reference material. An empirical reference equation nex=d(1+exp[(-ln(P)+a)/b])c, [nex-surface excess uptake (mmol/g), P-equilibrium pressure (MPa), a = −6.22, b = 1.97, c = 4.73, and d = 3.87] along with the 95% uncertainty interval (Uk = 2 = 0.075 mmol/g) were determined for the reference isotherm using a Bayesian, Markov Chain Monte Carlo method. Together, this zeolitic reference material and the associated adsorption data provide a means for laboratories to test and validate high-pressure adsorption equipment and measurements. Recommendations are provided for measuring reliable high-pressure adsorption isotherms using this material, including activation procedures, data processing methods to determine surface excess uptake, and the appropriate equation of state to be used


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     本稿では,令和3 年度の武庫川女子大学附属幼稚園において推進された園内研究の成果と課題について報告する。ここでは,「幼稚園教育要領」の改訂を受けて再編成した期の指導計画及び同大学教育学科教員(「附属幼稚園連絡会」)の出席のもと,令和3 年11 月に実施した研究保育と事後研究会における協議内容を中心に報告する。研究保育(異年齢による協同的な遊び「あきの わくわくどっきりらんど たいむ」)を中心に検討した結果,附属幼稚園における研究と実践の成果として見出されたのは,(1)学級の枠を外した異年齢による遊びの構築と教師の協働,(2)幼児のイメージや思い,考えを出発点とした保育実践の構築,(3)言葉による伝え合いの充実と応答的な人間関係の育成,(4)幼児同士で共有するイメージや考えに基づいて遊びを創り出していこうとする心情・意欲・態度の育成の4 点である。今後の課題は,(1)幼児一人一人の思いや考えに基づいた環境構成・援助を確実化させ得る保育体制の確立と教師の協働性の向上,(2)好きな遊びにおける活動と学級活動との連関を意図した保育内容の構築にある

    CO Multi-line Imaging of Nearby Galaxies (COMING) IV. Overview of the Project

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    Observations of the molecular gas in galaxies are vital to understanding the evolution and star-forming histories of galaxies. However, galaxies with molecular gas maps of their whole discs having sufficient resolution to distinguish galactic structures are severely lacking. Millimeter wavelength studies at a high angular resolution across multiple lines and transitions are particularly needed, severely limiting our ability to infer the universal properties of molecular gas in galaxies. Hence, we conducted a legacy project with the 45 m telescope of the Nobeyama Radio Observatory, called the CO Multi-line Imaging of Nearby Galaxies (COMING), which simultaneously observed 147 galaxies with high far-infrared flux in 12^{12}CO, 13^{13}CO, and C18^{18}O J=10J=1-0 lines. The total molecular gas mass was derived using the standard CO-to-H2_2 conversion factor and found to be positively correlated with the total stellar mass derived from the WISE 3.4μ3.4 \mum band data. The fraction of the total molecular gas mass to the total stellar mass in galaxies does not depend on their Hubble types nor the existence of a galactic bar, although when galaxies in individual morphological types are investigated separately, the fraction seems to decrease with the total stellar mass in early-type galaxies and vice versa in late-type galaxies. No differences in the distribution of the total molecular gas mass, stellar mass, and the total molecular gas to stellar mass ratio was observed between barred and non-barred galaxies, which is likely the result of our sample selection criteria, in that we prioritized observing FIR bright (and thus molecular gas-rich) galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in PASJ; 47 pages, 5 tables, 29 figures. On-line supplementary images are available at this URL (https://astro3.sci.hokudai.ac.jp/~radio/coming/publications/). CO data is available at the Japanese Virtual Observatory (JVO) website (https://jvo.nao.ac.jp/portal/nobeyama/coming.do) and the project website (https://astro3.sci.hokudai.ac.jp/~radio/coming/data/