40 research outputs found


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    We investigated the usefulness of Gafchromic MD-55 film (Nuclear Associates, Inc.) for measuring the radiation doses on the radiotherapy of laryngeal cancers. Since larynx has thin wedge-shaped structure in anterior neck adjacent to airway, the radiation doses to the lesion may be diminished because of build-up and build-down. So, the dose has been measured with conventional measuring systems such as thermoluminescent dosimetry (TLD). However, it was not possible to evaluate the dose distribution correctly using TLD, because it is impossible to float a TLD chip in an air cavity. In this study, we employed Gafchromic MD-55 film as a dosimeter, for it can be set on the area of interest and with a measurability of dose range of 3 to 100 Gy, though it has no energy dependency. And this radiometer is composition near the soft tissue of the human body. The dose distributions to larynx were investigated with this film using neck phantom under each radiation beam energy of 4, 6 and 10 MV x-rays. Our neck phantom is made from acrylic resin and simulates a normal larynx on the basis of image information of computed tomography (CT). Moreover we observed secondary build-up and build-down curves in tissue in the vicinity of air cavities, especially at 10 MV x-rays. These findings suggest that patients with TI-T2 glottic cancers with anterior commissure invasion may receive more effective treatment with 4 MV x-rays rather than with 6 MV and 10 MV x-rays.Tl声門癌に対して放射線治療を単独で行うのは確立している方法である。しかし,頚部は解剖学的に複雑であり,前方に薄いⅤ字形で,喉頭が気道に隣接している構造を持つので,病巣への線量はbuild-upとbuild-downの影響による線量低下が生じることが考えられる。すなわち,放射線エネルギーの選択が喉頭癌の局所的制御に影響を及ぼすと言える。この影響は,より高い放射線エネルギーでは,それに伴いより強く起きるということが基礎実験にて報告されている。また,それらの線量測定は,熱ルミネセンス線量計(TLD)のような従来の測定システムで測定されていた。しかし,空気空洞へTLD を単体 で浮かせ線量を正確に測定し評価を行うのは困難である。本研究において,我々は Gafchromic MD-55 film (Nuclear Associates, Inc.)を使用し測定した。 Gafchromic MD-55 film は,フィルムタイプ線量計でありエネルギー依存性がなく,3~100 Gyを測定可能であり,アクリル製頸部ファントムの空気組織境界面及び,空洞部に線量計を容易に精度良く配置することが可能である。また,この線量計は人体の軟部組織に近い組成である。そこで, 4, 6および10MVの各エネルギーでこの線量計を用いてエネルギーの違いによる,頸部ファントムを用いて喉頭の線量評価を行った。その結果,我々は,特に放射線エネルギー10MVで頸部ファントムにおける,前部組織-組織空洞境界面-空洞部の一連したbuild-upおよびbuild-downを線量計で評価することができた。これらの研究の結果、前交連浸潤を有するT1-T2に相当する声門癌患者は,放射線エネルギー6MVおよび10MVではなく,4MVを用いることによって,より効果的な放射線治療を行えると推測できる


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    The average glandular dose to glandular tissue m mammography is generally assumed to be a function of beam quality (HVL), x-ray tube target material, tube voltage, breast thickness, breast composition and, to a lesser extent, x-ray tube voltage waveform. The average glandular dose is generally determined from published tables with knowledge of the above function. Tables for a high frequency x-ray generator are not yet published. In our study, the lookup tables for the average glandular dose were made at 28 kV (high frequency x-ray generator), employing a breast simulating tissue (0-100% adipose tissue, 0-100% glandular tissue) phantom for an Mo target - Mo filter source assembly. We tried to estimate breast composition from x-ray mammograms by digital image processing techniques, also using the simulating tissue phantom. Then the system that automatically calculates the average glandular dose from digitized clinical x-ray mammograms was built. It is considered that this system can contribute to objective evaluation of the average glandular dose.乳房X線撮影法において乳腺組織に対する平均放射線吸収線量,すなわち平均乳腺線量は放射線のリスクの最も有用な測定法であり,現在,乳房に対する線量の評価に用いられている指標である。一般に,平均乳腺線量は線質(HVL),X線管球ターゲット材料,管電圧,圧迫乳房厚さ,乳房構成および(ある程度)X線管電圧波形の関数であるとされている。平均乳腺線量は,上記の関数についての情報を備えた表が公表されており,一般にその表を使って決定されている。近年,インバータ式といわれる高周波X線発生装置が普及してきた。しかし,その装置用の表は,まだ公表されていない。我々の研究では,乳房組織をシュミレートするファントム(0~100%乳腺組織,0~100%脂肪組織)を使用して,28kVでMoターゲット―Moフィルタソースアセンブリーを備えた高周波X線発生装置のために,平均乳腺線量用のルックアップテーブルを作成した。同様に,乳房組織をシュミレートするファントムを使用して,乳房X線写真から,ディジタル・イメージプロセシング技術によって,乳房構成の評価を試みた。そして,ディジタイズされた臨床乳房X線写真から,平均乳腺線量を自動的に計算するシステムを構築した。サンプル数が少ないため断定はできないが,日本女性は,基準構成(50%の脂肪および50%の乳腺組織)と比較すると,脂肪が少ない傾向を分析結果は示唆していた。また,平均乳腺吸収線量の限度は,明確に規定されていないが,American College of Radiology(ACR)は4 mGyなどを推奨している。また日本では,3 mGyが推奨されているが,我々の撮影システムはこれらを十分満足していた。このように本システムは,平均乳腺線量の客観的な評価に寄与するとともに,DR(digital radiography)などに応用すると,すなわちルックアップテーブルをDRのコンピュータに保存しておけば,撮影後すぐに乳房構成および平均乳腺線量を算出できる可能性をもつ

    Extended-cycle processによる乳房撮影用増感紙/フィルムシステムの画質改善

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    Extended-cycle process is the term used for a processor in which the processing time has been prolonged usually to approximate 210 seconds. It has been known that the extended-cycle process of some single-emulsion films as used for mammography may enhance film contrast and increase film speed. So the speed was increased in lower speed and higher resolution system than conventional systems by means of using the extended-cycle process in this paper. We investigated how much the resolution of the system was kept. A single screen-single emulsion combination, Konica M-100/CM-H was employed as a low speed and high resolution system. This film after exposure was processed in the different combinations of developing temperatures, 30, 32 and 34℃, and processing time of 210 seconds. On the other hand, Konica M-200/CM-H was employed as a high speed system. This film was processed in the standard-cycle processing (34℃, 90 seconds). Those systems were compared on contrast, speed, screen-film blur and noise by a characteristic curve, MTF (modulation transfer function) and WS (wiener spectrum). Furthermore, the RMI 165 phantom was used to evaluate visibility of mammographic details of these systems. As a result, in the extended-cycle process at the developing temperatures of 32 or 34°C and processing time of 210 seconds for M-100/CM-H, it was possible to increase the speed as much as the higher speed system, M-200/CM-H. Then the contrast, the MTF and the visibility were also improved as compared to the higher speed system. Furthermore patient dose could be reduced at the developing temperature of 34℃ and processing time of 210 seconds in M-100/CM-H.通常,extended-cycle processは処理時間が約210秒に延ばされた現像機のために使われる用語である。乳房撮影に使われるような片面乳剤フィルムにおけるextended-cycle processは,フィルムコントラストを増し,感度をあげることが良く知られている。そこで,本論文ではextended-cycle processにより低感度,高解像度システムの感度を上げ,どの程度解像度が維持されるかを調べた。片面増感紙/片面フィルムの組合わせであるKonica M-100/CM-Hを低感度,高解像度システムとして用いた。露光後のフィルムは現像温度30,32, 34度,処理時間210秒の異なる組合わせで現像処理した。一方,高感度システムとしてKonica M-200/CM-Hを用い,このフィルムは標準現像(34℃,90秒)された。感度,増感紙/フイルムのぼけ,雑音に関して,特性曲線,MTF(modulation transfer function), WS(wiener spectrum)によってこれらのシステムを比較した。さらにこれらのシステムにおける乳房写真の細部視覚評価のためにRM165ファントムを使用した。その結果,M-100/CM-Hに対するextended-cycle process現像温度32, 34℃,処理時間210秒のextended-cycle processにおいて,高感度システムM-200/CM-Hと同等の感度を上げることが可能であった。そのとき,コントラスト,MTF,視覚的検出能も高感度システムより向上した。さらに,現像温度34℃,処理時間210秒では,被曝線量の低減が可能であった


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    The influence for developing temperature and processing time within film processing conditions was investigated using four mammographic films, Konica New CM, Fuji UM-MA HC, Kodak Min-R M and Kodak EB/RA (for rapid system). And Fuji UR-2, a double-emulsion film, was used as a control. Those sensitometric strips exposed by a sensitometer were processed in the different combinations of developing temperatures ranging from 28 to 36℃, processing times from 45 to 210 sec. Average gradient, relative speed and base plus fog obtained from the measured film characteristic curves were evaluated for the different developing temperatures and times. Fuji UR-2 was scarcely affected and mammographic films were greatly affected in the different combinations without an increase in base plus fog except EB/RA. In New CM, UM-MA HC and Min-R M, the average gradients and the relative speeds increased as the developing temperature was higher and the developing time was longer, but the increases were limit on the combination of 36℃ and 210 sec in New CM and UM-MA HC. In EB/RA, the average gradients were almost constant and the relative speeds increased slightly like the double-emulsion film. These results suggested that it would be possible to contribute to dose reduction and advancement of contrast in New CM, UM-MA HC and Min-R M by changing these processing parameters.フィルム処理条件において,現像温度と処理時間に対する影響を4種類のマンモグラフィ用フィルムKonica New CM, Fuji UM-MA HC,Kodak Min-R M,迅速処理用Kodak EB/RAについて調べた。そして,比較基準用として両面乳剤フィルムFuji UR-2を用いた。感光計で露光したフィルムを現像温度28~36℃,処理時間45~210秒で処理した。特性曲線から得られたフィルム特性(平均階調度,相対感度,カブリ濃度)を異なる現像温度,現像時間に対して評価した。UR-2はほとんど影響を受けず,マンモグラフィ用フィルムは,カブリ濃度が上昇することなく,現像条件の影響を大きく受けた。New CM, UM-MA HC,Min-R Mは現像温度の上昇,処理時間の延長に伴い,平均階調度と相対感度は増加した。しかし,New CM, UM-MA HCの36℃,210秒で増加は限度に達した。EB/RAの平均階調度は一定で,相対感度は両面乳剤フイルムと同 様にわずかな増加であった。これらの結果は,New CM, UM-MA HC, Min-R Mにおいて,処理条件を変化させることにより,被曝低減,コントラスト向上に貢献できる可能性を示唆していた

    Influence on the character of films used for density control of an automatic processor by the difference in the way of preserving

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    自動現像機の濃度管理に用いられるフィルムの保存については,種々の報告がなされており,最良の方法が確立されているとは言い難い。さらに,レギュラフィルムとオルソフィルムの保存方法の違いによる濃度管理への影響,あるいはこれらの比較については,これまでほとんど報告されていない。本論文では,われわれは,レギュラフィルム,フジnew-RXとオルソフィルム,コニカSR-G,SR-VおよびSR-Hを用い,開封後,室温,冷蔵,冷凍の3種類の保存方法を採用した。われわれは,35週間3種類の保存方法で4種類 のフィルムのgross fog,speed indexとaverage gradientへの影響を調査した。その結果レギュラフィルムは,3種類の保存方法による差が認められなかった。オルソフィルムでは,冷蔵・冷凍保存に大きな特性変動が認められた。その原因として,オルソフィルムは増感色素が結露に対して敏感に影響を受けたと考えられた。Though there are various reports on the way of preserving films used for density control of the automatic processor, it is hard to say that the best method isestablished. In addition, the influences on density control or their comparisons by the difference way of preserving film between regular and orthochromatic films have been hardly reported until now. In this paper, three ways of preserving films were employed, which were at a room temperature, in a refrigeration and in a freezer after the films were opened, using a regular film, Fuji new-RX and three orthochromatic films, Konica SR-G, SR-V and SR-H. We investigated the influences on gross fog, speed index and average gradient of four films on three different ways of preserving film for 35 weeks. As a result, new-RX film wasn't influenced by the ways of the preservation. On the other hand, the orthochromatic films were so influences sensitively that the films couldn't be used for density control. It was considered that sensitizing dye stuff got denatured by dew condensation

    The influence of air attenuation in characteristic curve for mammographic screen-film system

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    マンモグラフィ専用装置を使用して,距離法で低エネルギー領域のX線におけるマンモグラフィ用増感紙/フィルムシステムの特性曲線を得るためには,空気滅弱の影響を考慮する必要がある。その影響について,実効エネルギーから空気減弱分を補正,照射線量測定による補正,Bednarek法を応用した新距離法の3種類の方法を使って検討した。さらに,一般撮影装置でも,マンモ用システムに対して距離法で特性曲線を作成し,エネルギ ーの変化による影響についても検討した。その結果,3方法の特性曲線およびグラディエント曲線は,新距離法が高濃度域でわずかにずれるもののほぼ一致した。新距離法に対する平均階調度,最大階調度の最大誤差は,2.7%,0.2%であり,一般撮影用装置の距離法と3方法との間では,一般撮影用装置の距離法に対して最大誤差は2.7%,1.5%であった。以上のことから,エネルギーの変化による特性曲線への影響はほとんどなく,低エネルギー領域での特性曲線は空気特配の補正を行うことのみで得られると考えられる。It is necessary to take air attenuation into account when we use inverse square sensitometry to obtain characteristic curve for the mammographic screen-film system at low x-ray energies as used with the dedicated unit. Three kinds of the inverse square sensitometry approach of correcting by air attenuation obtained from effective energy, of correcting by exposure dosimetry and of using modified the technique of Bednarek were employed to investigated the influence of x-ray energy in the characteristic curves for the mammographic screen-film system. In addition, the inverse square sensitometry with the general radiographic unit was employed and the influence of x-ray high energy in the characteristic curves was also investigated for the same screeri-film system. Though characteristic curves and gradient curves of the new inverse square sensitometry were a little lower than the others in high-density region, the curves with three kinds of methods almost coincided. Maximum relative errors of average gradient and maximum gradient for modified the technique of Bednarek were found to be 2.7% and 0.2% among the others respectively. Moreover, maximum relative errors of gradient and maximum gradient for the inverse square sensitometry with the general radiographic unit were 2.7% and 1.5% among three kinds of methods with the dedicated unit respectively. It was considered that the characteristic curves for the mammographic screen-film system were little influenced by x-ray energy and could be obtained only by correcting air attenuation from above results

    Estimation of balium preparations with high density and low viscosity

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    In this paper we compared the balium preparations having high density and low viscosity (BP-HDLV) with those currently in use. We adopted the stomaches of pigs and the new phantom manufactured by ourselves. We especialy noted the quality of the contrast. The results indicate that BP-HDLV do not always make high contrast. The contrast is related to fluidity besides density. The fluidity of BP-HDLV should be improved. In adition, it costs much to increase content of balium. Therefore, we can not find out positive significance to use these BP-HDLV

    Suitability on the densitometry systematize in Laser Densitometer Model 1710 for Gafchromic MD-55-2 film

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    医療の高度化に伴い,放射線治療分野においても急速な技術革新が行われている。QOL(Quality of Life)を考慮に入れた治療が求められる多くの場合,放射線治療が大きな選択肢の一つであることは言うまでもない。このような状況下の中で,正常組織に影響を与えず病巣に限局した放射線を照射する技術が開発され,外照射においては,欧米に習い我が国でも研究段階から臨床へ移り変わろうとしている。その際に,投与線量評価を欠かすことができないが,従来から使用されているいずれの線量計も新しい治療法に対応しきれていない。そこで,フィルムタイプ線量計, Gafchromic MD-55-2 film の開発により,いくつかの問題が解決されてきている。しかし,この線量計を精度良く測定する濃度測定器が必要になるが,現段階において規格化されたガイドラインが存在しないのが現状である。そこで本研究では,当施設で保有しているⅩ線フィルム線量測定用 Laser Densitometer Model 1710 を用いて Gafchromic MD-55-2 fllm による線量測定を行い,問題点の抽出を行うとともに線量測定精度の考察を行った。For the medical advancement, the speedy technical innovation is performed also in the radiotherapy. When patients can search for QOL (Quality of Life), the radiation therapy is one of the choices. The radiation therapy system for limited irradiation to lesion without affecting normal tissue has been developed over several years. On the technology of external irradiation in our country, the level is improving to clinical stage from study grade. In such things, a new requirement will come out also as for the measuring method of the medication dose. However, conventional various radiometers have many problems to the dosimetry of the new radiotherapy method. Gafchromic MD-55-2 film, which has new form of radiochromic film based on poly-diacetylene and has been introduced for medical applications recently, is expected to solve some problems. Now, in clinical usage of this film, there is no comprehensive guideline for densitometry system and it's calibration yet. So, in this paper, the densitometry of Gafchromic MD-55-2 film was performed with Laser Densitometer Model 1710 for general-purpose film dosimetry system. And then, problems in the densitometry were extracted and the accuracy of dosimetry was investigated

    Dose Distributions at Standard Diagnostic X-Ray Energy

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    Exposure dose has been indicated by surface dose or transit dose, but they could not indicate dose distributions inside the body. Modulex as the radiation therapy planning system was used for dose distributions at standard diagnostic X-ray energy. X-ray is low energy X-ray at standard diagnostic radiography, so alterations of the energy and the scattering dose distribution by absorbers are quite different from those at high energy X-rays. Mix-DP was put to the homogeneous tissue use, then Bone equivalent phantom or Lung equivalent phanton was put to the inhomogeneous tissue use. Density correction factors for inhomogeneous phantoms were gotten by the calculation of the water equivalent thickness. In Bone the inhomogeneous correction depended strongly on the bone thickness. In Lung it was in need of one density correction factor and the scattering correction method for the decrease of the back scattering. The calculated dose distributions by Modulex agreed with measured data when each correction was carried out, and it was indicated that those data apply to inclinical situations

    Physical Properties of Screen-Film Systems - New System for Chest Radiography -

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    胸部専用の新しい増感紙/フィルムシステムについて物理的画質特性を測定し、従来のシステムと比較を行った。測定した新システムは、日本コダックのインサイトシステムからHC/IT-1、富士メディカルシステムのADシステムからHG-M/UR-1、コニカのEXシステムからXG-S/ES-C である。従来のシステムとして富士メディカルシステムのHR-4/Super HR-S を使用した。その結果、新システムは22~73%感度は高く、特性曲線においては低濃度部を持ち上げ、最大コントラストは高濃度側にシフトしていた。空間周波数2cycles/mmで相対鮮鋭度を比較すると、新システムが10~30%程度の低下となっていた。ノイズは、濃度1.0で新システムが35~46%の減少となった。以上より、新システムは、縦隔部の濃度を上げ、粒状性の改善を重視した設計となっていることが分かった。The new three screen-film systems, Kodack INSIGHT system HC/IT-1, Fuji AD system HG-M/UR-1, and Konica EX system XG-S/ES-C for chest radiography were evaluated. In addition, the conventional system Fuji HR-4/Super HR-S was measured for comparison with new systems. The evaluation method is as follows. The image quality characteristics, speed, contrast, resolution and granularity were measured. The sensitivity and contrast were determined by measuring the MTF (modulation transfer function) and NCTF (normalized contrast transfer function). The granularity was estimated by measuring the Wiener spectrum. The speed of the new systems were improved by 22% to 73%. The dinsities at the maximum gradient value were shifted to high density (2.0-2.7). However, they had 10% to 30% less resolution. The other hand, the granularities were improved by 21% to 37% at 1.0 density. These results suggested that the emphasis of new systems was put on improving the image quality of mediastinum region, maintaining performance of the conventional system