869 research outputs found

    Sistema de monitoramento de pragas de frutas: projeto CNPq 48.0075/01-8.

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    Problema do monitoramento. Sistema em funcionamento. Proposta de extensão para o PIF. Considerações finais e recomendações.bitstream/CNPTIA/9910/1/doc12.pdfAcesso em: 29 maio 2008

    MIPWeb: uso da internet na gestĂŁo dos dados gerados pelo manejo integrado de pragas.

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    Sistema MIPWeb. Arquitetura do sistema. Versão cliente ou local. Versão servidor. Requisitos computacionais. Dados gerenciados. Operação do sistema. Operações realizadas na versão local do sistema. Operações realizadas na versão servidor.bitstream/CNPTIA/10653/1/doc44.pdfAcesso em: 29 maio 2008

    Boundary states, matrix factorisations and correlation functions for the E-models

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    The open string spectra of the B-type D-branes of the N=2 E-models are calculated. Using these results we match the boundary states to the matrix factorisations of the corresponding Landau-Ginzburg models. The identification allows us to calculate specific terms in the effective brane superpotential of E_6 using conformal field theory methods, thereby enabling us to test results recently obtained in this context.Comment: 20 pages, no figure

    Patient-specific computational modeling of subendothelial LDL accumulation in a stenosed right coronary artery: effect of hemodynamic and biological factors

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    Patient-specific computational modeling of subendothelial LDL accumulation in a stenosed right coronary artery: effect of hemodynamic and biological factors. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 304: H1455-H1470, 2013. First published March 15, 2013; doi:10.1152/ajpheart.00539.2012.-Atherosclerosis is a systemic disease with local manifestations. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) accumulation in the subendothelial layer is one of the hallmarks of atherosclerosis onset and ignites plaque development and progression. Blood flow-induced endothelial shear stress (ESS) is causally related to the heterogenic distribution of atherosclerotic lesions and critically affects LDL deposition in the vessel wall. In this work we modeled blood flow and LDL transport in the coronary arterial wall and investigated the influence of several hemodynamic and biological factors that may regulate LDL accumulation. We used a three-dimensional model of a stenosed right coronary artery reconstructed from angiographic and intravascular ultrasound patient data. We also reconstructed a second model after restoring the patency of the stenosed lumen to its nondiseased state to assess the effect of the stenosis on LDL accumulation

    Collective Charge Excitation in a Dimer Mott Insulating System

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    Charge dynamics in a dimer Mott insulating system, where a non-polar dimer-Mott (DM) phase and a polar charge-ordered (CO) phase compete with each other, are studied. In particular, collective charge excitations are analyzed in the three different models where the internal-degree of freedom in a dimer is taken into account. Collective charge excitation exists both in the non-polar DM phase and the polar CO phase, and softens in the phase boundary. This mode is observable by the optical conductivity spectra where the light polarization is parallel to the electric polarization in the polar CO phase. Connections between the present theory and the recent experimental results in kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu2(CN)3 are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Um sistema Web para a gerência dos dados da produção integrada de frutas.

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    Qual a intensidade de infestação da Ceratitis Capitata no noroeste Espírito-Santense? E da Stenodiplosis sp (larva-do-broto-terminal) em cajueiros do norte cearense? Ou, ainda, da Grapholita moesta no nordeste rio-grandense? Para responder estas e outras perguntas semelhantes a Embrapa Informática Agropecuária desenvolveu o MIPWeb, um sistema informatizado desenvolvido com tecnologia Web, para auxiliar na gestão dos dados gerados pelo Manejo Integrado de Pragas (MIP), dentro do programa nacional da Produção Integrada de Frutas (PIF). Ele foi projetado para auxiliar os técnicos do Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA) no acompanhamento da PIF concernente aos procedimentos de monitoramento e de controle do MIP e do nível de infestação de moscas-das-frutas em todas as propriedades que participam da PIF

    Weak itinerant ferromagnetism in Heusler type Fe2VAl0.95

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    We report measurements of the magnetic, transport and thermal properties of the Heusler type compound Fe2VAl0.95. We show that while stoichiometric Fe2VAl is a non-magnetic semi-metal a 5% substitution on the Al-site with the 3d elements Fe and V atoms leads to a ferromagnetic ground state with a Curie temperature TC = 33+-3 K and a small ordered moment ms = 0.12 mB/Fe in Fe2VAl0.95. The reduced value of the ratio ms/mp = 0.08, where mp = 1.4 mB/Fe is the effective Curie-Weiss moment, together with the analysis of the magnetization data M(H,T), show magnetism is of itinerant nature. The specific heat shows an unusual temperature variation at low temperatures with an enhanced Sommerfeld coefficient, g = 12 mJK-2mol-1. The resistivity, r(T), is metallic and follows a power law behavior r(T) = r0+AT^n with n = 1.5 below TC. With applying pressure, TC decreases with the rate of (1/TC)(dTC /dP) = -0.061 GPa-1. We conclude substitution on the Al-site with Fe and V atoms results in itinerant ferromagnetism with a low carrier density.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figure

    Roundtable “Unification Church in Japan as a Sociocultural and Political Phenomenon”

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    In the second half of 2022, the Japanese political world was shaken by a major scandal: in July 2022, former Prime Minister and a prominent member of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party Abe Shinzō was killed at an election rally. The assassin, caught at the crime scene, declared that the murder was a revenge for the victim’s connection with the Unification Church, which, according to the perpetrator’s words, had led his family to financial ruin. Initially, this explanation seemed fantastical, but the investigation that followed revealed that both Abe Shinzō himself and many other Japanese politicians had been maintaining connections with the Unification Church for many years. This caused an uproar in Japanese society, especially given the rather controversial reputation of the Unification Church. On January 26, 2023, the Association of Japanologists and the research laboratory “Center for Japanese, Korean, and Mongolian Studies” of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University) held a roundtable “Unification Church in Japan as a Sociocultural and Political Phenomenon”. The participants of the roundtable analyzed the situation around the Unification Church and its role in Japanese politics in detail, studied the specific features of the “new religions” in Japanese society, and considered the factors determining their influence on the political world of Japan
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