1 research outputs found

    A survey on effects of shrimp aquaculture on the coastal waters of Bushehr (Helleh region)

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    This survey was designed in the Helleh and Delvar regions, to understand effects of aquaculture industry on coastal waters of Bushehr, in 2003. In Delvar region, five stations were selected comprise; effluent canals of Delvar 18 and 14, sea (south and north of site), influent water (Piyazi bay). In Helleh region, two stations; effluent canal and Ramleh bay were selected. Sediment and water samples were collected from effluent canal, influent canal and sea during the 9 month period (before until after culture season). The variations of selected water quality parameters were controlled monthly. Results show that, the maximum amount of ammonium in Helleh region was 0.33 mg/lit and in regions of Delvar 18 and 14 were 0.19, 0.20 mg/lit. However the maximum amounts of phosphate in Helleh region was 0.26 mg/lit and in regions of Delvar 18 and 14 were 0.24, 0.23 mg/lit. Correlation coefficients assess between phosphate concentration of effluent canal and sea station (gate of Ramleh) in Helleh region was r=0.91 (α=0.01). Also correlation coefficient