1,119 research outputs found

    Towards an understanding of thermodynamic and kinetic controls on the formation of clay minerals from volcanic glass under various environmental conditions

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    lmogolite is the kinetically and thermodynamically favoured weathering product from rhyolitic volcanic glass in the soil-forming environment. However, on thermodynamic grounds imogolite would also appear to be the favoured alteration product of rhyolitic glass deposited in the nearshore marine environment. On the basis that the rate of conversion of glass to clay minerals is a function of the solubility of the clay mineral, smectite is expected to be formed under mildly diagenetic conditions, and formed more rapidly than imogolite in soil. The derived activation energies for formation of imogolite from glass in soils are appropriate for a diffusion controlled reaction, and appear consistent with the diffusion of the tetrahedrally co-ordinated species Al[iv](OH)₂(H2Q)⁺. In the marine environment, however the mechanism for all reactions appear to be surface reaction control

    Late Holocene mud sedimentation and diagenesis in the Firth of Thames: Bentonites in the making

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    Late Holocene mud sedimentation in the southern Firth of Thames has been described from analysis of a number of shallow marine sediment cores. Three distinct lithofacies are distinguished on the basis of sediment texture and mineralogy. A laterally extensive greenish grey mud, typically bioturbated and massive, with sporadic uncorrelatable interbedded shell layers is termed the Firth of Thames mud facies. Nearer shore sediments are usually coarser and are subdivided into two facies: a siliciclastic sand facies (river mouth sand facies) comprising more prominent interbeds of sand in mud and associated with sedimentation at the mouth of the Waihou River; and a mixed terrigenous-carbonate gravel facies (delta fan gravel facies) associated with deposition on small delta fans adjacent to streams draining the Coromandel Range. The areal distribution of all three facies over the late Holocene has been controlled largely by northward progradation of the coastal Hauraki Lowland associated with the rapid sediment infilling of the Firth of Thames since sea level reached its present height 6500 y B.P. From seismic evidence the Holocene muds are up to 10m thick. The cores in this study penetrated only to 5.5m sub-bottom depth and yielded an oldest radiocarbon age of 5000 y B.P. The age data indicate an average rate of offshore vertical sediment accumulation of 1.5 mm/y. Up to 15 km of progradation of the southern shoreline of the coastal Hauraki Lowland has occurred over the late Holocene at an average rate of up to 2.5 m/y, notably from 3500 y B.P to 1200 y B.P. Progradation is evidenced by the occurrence of coarsening-upward sequences in nearer shore cores of the Firth of Thames, as well as their changing faunal composition, particularly the upward increase in abundance of the foraminifer Ammonia beccarri, a good indicator of brackish water conditions, which suggests a gradual seaward encroachment of the freshwater influence of the Waihou River over the late Holocene. Basal muds which are similar in composition to marine sediments of the Firth of Thames are overlain by peat dated at 6025 y B.P in a peat core from Kopouatai Peat Bog, and suggest that marine conditions existed in this inland region of the Hauraki Depression prior to 6025 y B.P. Muds range from silty clays to clayey silts and consist principally of volcanic glass, smectite and halloysite, with smaller amounts of other volcanic-derived siliciclasts and allophane and illite, as well as skeletal carbonate (mainly aragonite) and organic matter. A contemporaneous decrease in the abundance of volcanic glass (55-15 wt % down-core) and an increase in smectite concentration (8-45 wt % down-core) occurs with sub-bottom depth. Specific mineralogical analyses (XRD and IR) and evidence from scanning electron microscopy suggest the smectite is montmorillonitic in composition and authigenic in nature. Moreover, the absence of smectite in the bottom sediments of rivers draining the Hauraki Lowland precludes a detrital origin. The diagenetic transformation of volcanic glass to smectite in sediments of the Firth of Thames is described by a sequential kinetic model which involves a parabolic dissolution coupled with a first order precipitation of smectite via the formation of an intermediate hydrated glass phase. The rate constant calculated from the sequential kinetic model is 3.35 x 10⁻⁴y⁻¹. The half-life of the glass is 1475 y, implying rapid early diagenetic alteration of volcanic glass to smectite to form late Holocene bentonitic deposits. Thermodynamic stability considerations imply that the first order precipitaion of smectite may be favoured by conditions of pH and Na⁺ activity typical of interstitial fluids having sea water salinity under mildly anoxic conditions

    Megasequence architecture of Taranaki, Wanganui, and King Country basins and Neogene progradation of two continental margin wedges across western New Zealand.

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    Taranaki, Wanganui and King Country basins (formerly North Wanganui Basin) have been regarded as discrete basins, but they contain a very similar Neogene sedimentary succession and much of their geological history is held in common. Analysis of the stratigraphic architecture of the fill of each basin reveals the occurrence of four 2nd order megasequences of tectonic origin. The oldest is the early-early Miocene (Otaian Stage) Mahoenui Group/megasequence, followed by the late-early Miocene (Altonian Stage) Mokau Group/megasequence (King Country Basin), both of which correspond to the lower part of the Manganui Formation in Taranaki Basin. The third is the middle to late Miocene Whangamomona Group/megasequence, and the fourth is the latest Miocene-Pleistocene Rangitikei Supergroup/megasequence, both represented in the three basins. Higher order sequences (4th, 5th, 6th), having a eustatic origin, are evident in the Whangamomona and Rangitikei megasequences, particularly those of 5th order with 41 ka periodicity. The distribution of the megasequences are shown in a series of cross-section panels built-up from well -to-well correlations, complemented by time-stratigraphic cross-sections. The base of each megasequence is marked by marine flooding and represents a discrete phase in basin development. For the first megasequence this corresponded to rapid subsidence of the King Country Basin in a compressional setting and basement overthrusting on the Taranaki Fault, with the rapid introduction of terrigenous sediment during transgression. The Mahoenui megasequence accumulated mostly at bathyal depths; no regressive deposits are evident, having been eroded during subsequent uplift. The second (Mokau) megasequence accumulated during reverse movement on the Ohura Fault, formation of the Tarata Thrust Zone, and onlap of the basement block between the Taranaki Fault and the Patea-Tongaporutu-Herangi High (PTH). The Whangamomona megasequence accumulated during extensive reflooding of King Country Basin, onlap of the PTH High and of basement in the Wanganui Basin. This is an assymetrical sequence with a thin transgressive part (Otunui Formation) and a thick regressive part (Mount Messenger to Matemateaonga Formations). It represents the northward progradation of a continental margin wedge with bottom-set, slope-set and top-set components through Wanganui and King Country basins, with minor progradation over the PTH High and into Taranaki Basin. The Rangitikei megasequence is marked by extensive flooding at its base (Tangahoe Mudstone) and reflects the pull-down of the main Wanganui Basin depocentre. This megasequence comprises a second progradational margin wedge, which migrated on two fronts, one northward through Wanganui Basin and into King Country Basin, and a second west of the PTH High, through the Toru Trough and into the Central and Northern Grabens of Taranaki Basin and on to the Western Platform as the Giant Foresets Formation, thereby building up the modern shelf and slope. Fifth and 6th order sequences are well expressed in the shelf deposits (top-sets) of the upper parts of the Whangamomona and Rangitikei megasequences. They typically have a distinctive sequence architecture comprising shellbed (TST), siltstone (HST) and sandstone (RST) beds. Manutahi-1, which was continuously cored, provides calibration of this sequence architecture to wireline log character, thereby enabling shelf deposits to be mapped widely in the subsurface via the wireline data for hydrocarbon exploration holes. Similar characterization of slope-sets and bottom-sets is work ongoing. The higher order (eustatic) sequences profoundly influenced the local reservoir architecture and seal properties of formations, whereas the megasequence progradation has been responsible for the regional hydrocarbon maturation and migration. Major late tilting, uplift and erosion affected all three basins and created a regional high along the eastern Margin of Taranaki Basin, thereby influencing the migration paths of hydrocarbons sourced deeper in the basin and allowing late charge of structural and possibly stratigraphic traps

    Megasequence architecture of Taranaki, Wanganui, and King Country basins and Neogene progradation of two continental margin wedges across western New Zealand.

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    Taranaki, Wanganui and King Country basins (formerly North Wanganui Basin) have been regarded as discrete basins, but they contain a very similar Neogene sedimentary succession and much of their geological history is held in common. Analysis of the stratigraphic architecture of the fill of each basin reveals the occurrence of four 2nd order megasequences of tectonic origin. The oldest is the early-early Miocene (Otaian Stage) Mahoenui Group/megasequence, followed by the late-early Miocene (Altonian Stage) Mokau Group/megasequence (King Country Basin), both of which correspond to the lower part of the Manganui Formation in Taranaki Basin. The third is the middle to late Miocene Whangamomona Group/megasequence, and the fourth is the latest Miocene-Pleistocene Rangitikei Supergroup/megasequence, both represented in the three basins. Higher order sequences (4th, 5th, 6th), having a eustatic origin, are evident in the Whangamomona and Rangitikei megasequences, particularly those of 5th order with 41 ka periodicity. The distribution of the megasequences are shown in a series of cross-section panels built-up from well -to-well correlations, complemented by time-stratigraphic cross-sections. The base of each megasequence is marked by marine flooding and represents a discrete phase in basin development. For the first megasequence this corresponded to rapid subsidence of the King Country Basin in a compressional setting and basement overthrusting on the Taranaki Fault, with the rapid introduction of terrigenous sediment during transgression. The Mahoenui megasequence accumulated mostly at bathyal depths; no regressive deposits are evident, having been eroded during subsequent uplift. The second (Mokau) megasequence accumulated during reverse movement on the Ohura Fault, formation of the Tarata Thrust Zone, and onlap of the basement block between the Taranaki Fault and the Patea-Tongaporutu-Herangi High (PTH). The Whangamomona megasequence accumulated during extensive reflooding of King Country Basin, onlap of the PTH High and of basement in the Wanganui Basin. This is an assymetrical sequence with a thin transgressive part (Otunui Formation) and a thick regressive part (Mount Messenger to Matemateaonga Formations). It represents the northward progradation of a continental margin wedge with bottom-set, slope-set and top-set components through Wanganui and King Country basins, with minor progradation over the PTH High and into Taranaki Basin. The Rangitikei megasequence is marked by extensive flooding at its base (Tangahoe Mudstone) and reflects the pull-down of the main Wanganui Basin depocentre. This megasequence comprises a second progradational margin wedge, which migrated on two fronts, one northward through Wanganui Basin and into King Country Basin, and a second west of the PTH High, through the Toru Trough and into the Central and Northern Grabens of Taranaki Basin and on to the Western Platform as the Giant Foresets Formation, thereby building up the modern shelf and slope. Fifth and 6th order sequences are well expressed in the shelf deposits (top-sets) of the upper parts of the Whangamomona and Rangitikei megasequences. They typically have a distinctive sequence architecture comprising shellbed (TST), siltstone (HST) and sandstone (RST) beds. Manutahi-1, which was continuously cored, provides calibration of this sequence architecture to wireline log character, thereby enabling shelf deposits to be mapped widely in the subsurface via the wireline data for hydrocarbon exploration holes. Similar characterization of slope-sets and bottom-sets is work ongoing. The higher order (eustatic) sequences profoundly influenced the local reservoir architecture and seal properties of formations, whereas the megasequence progradation has been responsible for the regional hydrocarbon maturation and migration. Major late tilting, uplift and erosion affected all three basins and created a regional high along the eastern Margin of Taranaki Basin, thereby influencing the migration paths of hydrocarbons sourced deeper in the basin and allowing late charge of structural and possibly stratigraphic traps

    Efficient negation using abstract interpretation

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    While negation has been a very active área of research in logic programming, comparatively few papers have been devoted to implementation issues. Furthermore, the negation-related capabilities of current Prolog systems are limited. We recently presented a novel method for incorporating negation in a Prolog compiler which takes a number of existing methods (some modified and improved by us) and uses them in a combined fashion. The method makes use of information provided by a global analysis of the source code. Our previous work focused on the systematic description of the techniques and the reasoning about correctness and completeness of the method, but provided no experimental evidence to evalúate the proposal. In this paper, we report on an implementation, using the Ciao Prolog system preprocessor, and provide experimental data which indicates that the method is not only feasible but also quite promising from the efficiency point of view. In addition, the tests have provided new insight as to how to improve the proposal further. Abstract interpretation techniques are shown to offer important improvements in this application

    An integrated sequence stratigraphic, palaeoenvironmental, and chronostratigraphic analysis of the Tangahoe Formation, southern Taranaki coast, with implications for mid-Pliocene (c. 3.4–3.0 Ma) glacio-eustatic sea-level changes

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    Sediments of the mid-Pliocene (c. 3.4–3.0 Ma) Tangahoe Formation exposed in cliffs along the South Taranaki coastline of New Zealand comprise a 270 m thick, cyclothemic shallow-marine succession that has been gently warped into a north to south trending, low angle anticline. This study examines the sedimentologic, faunal, and petrographic characteristics of 10 Milankovitch-scale (6th order), shallow-marine depositional sequences exposed on the western limb of the anticline. The sequences are recognised on the basis of the cyclic vertical stacking of their constituent lithofacies, which are bound by sharp wave cut surfaces produced during transgressive shoreface erosion. Each sequence comprises three parts: (1) a 0.2–2 m thick, deepening upwards, basal suite of reworked bioclastic lag deposits (onlap shellbed) and/or an overlying matrix supported, molluscan shellbed of offshore shelf affinity (backlap shellbed); (2) a 5–20 m thick, gradually shoaling, aggradational siltstone succession; and (3) a 5–10 m thick, strongly progradational, well sorted “forced regressive” shoreline sandstone. The three-fold subdivision corresponds to transgressive, highstand, and regressive systems tracts (TSTs, HSTs, and RSTs) respectively, and represents deposition during a glacio-eustatic sea-level cycle. Lowstand systems tract sediments are not recorded because the outcrop is situated c. 100 km east of the contemporary shelf edge and was subaerially exposed at that time. Well developed, sharp- and gradational-based forced regressive sandstones contain a variety of storm-emplaced sedimentary structures, and represent the rapid and abrupt basinward translation of the shoreline on to a storm dominated, shallow shelf during eustatic sea-level fall. Increased supply of sediment from north-west South Island during “forced regression” is indicated from petrographic analyses of the heavy mineralogy of the sandstones. A chronology based on biostratigraphy and the correlation of a new magnetostratigraphy to the magnetic polarity timescale allows: (1) identification of the Mammoth (C2An.2r) and Kaena (C2An.1r) subchrons; (2) correlation of the coastal section to the Waipipian Stage; and (3) estimation of the age of the coastal section as 3.36–3.06 Ma. Qualitative assessment of foraminiferal census data and molluscan palaeoecology reveals cyclic changes in water depth from shelf to shoreline environments during the deposition of each sequence. Seven major cycles in water depth of between 20 and 50m have been correlated to individual 40 ka glacio-eustatic sea-level cycles on the marine oxygen isotope timescale. The coastal Tangahoe Formation provides a shallow-marine record of global glacio-eustasy prior to the development of significant ice sheets on Northern Hemisphere continents, and supports evidence from marine δ18O archives that changes in Antarctic ice volume were occurring during the Pliocene

    Zero-Temperature Relaxation in Spin-Polarized Fermi Systems

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    The effect of zero-temperature attenuation, which has been recently observed in spin dynamics of Fermi liquids, on various processes in helium and ferromagnetic systems is described. A brief review of theoretical and experimental data on zero-temperature attenuation in transverse spin dynamics of helium systems is followed by a discussion of coupling between longitudinal and transverse processes, the Castaing instability in 3He and 3He−4He mixtures, and applications to pure ferromagneticmetals

    Opposing oceanic and atmospheric ENSO influences on the Ross Sea Region, Antarctica

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    International audienceHere we discuss the cause and effect of opposing atmospheric and oceanic ENSO forcings in the Ross Sea, that lead to a net warming in the eastern Ross Sea and a net cooling in the western Ross Sea during El Niño years. During La Niña years the opposite is observed. The oceanic ENSO effect causes a ~1 K warming with a 3 month lag during El Niño years in comparison to La Niña time periods. During El Niño events, the atmospheric ENSO effect leads to a shift and weakening of the Amundsen Sea Low, causing enhanced import of colder West Antarctic air masses into the western Ross Sea. We find that this indirect ENSO effect is about one order of magnitude stronger (up to 15 K) in the western Ross Sea than the direct effect (~1 K), leading to a net cooling during El Niño and net warming during La Niña events

    Lightweight Computation Tree Tracing for Lazy Functional Languages

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    A computation tree of a program execution describes computations of functions and their dependencies. A computation tree describes how a program works and is at the heart of algorithmic debugging. To generate a computation tree, existing algorithmic debuggers either use a complex implementation or yield a less informative approximation. We present a method for lazy functional languages that requires only a simple tracing library to generate a detailed computation tree. With our algorithmic debugger a programmer can debug any Haskell program by only importing our library and annotating suspected functions

    Solar Forcing Recorded by Aerosol Concentrations in Coastal Antarctic Glacier Ice, McMurdo Dry Valleys

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    Ice-core chemistry data from Victoria Lower Glacier, Antarctica, suggest, at least for the last 50 years, a direct influence of solar activity variations on the McMurdo Dry Valleys (MDV) climate system via controls on air-mass input from two competing environments: the East Antarctic ice sheet and the Ross Sea. During periods of increased solar activity, when total solar irradiance is relatively high, the MDV climate system appears to be dominated by air masses originating from the Ross Sea, leading to higher aerosol deposition. During reduced solar activity, the Antarctic interior seems to be the dominant air-mass source, leading to lower aerosol concentration in the ice-core record. We propose that the sensitivity of the MDV to variations in solar irradiance is caused by strong albedo differences between the ice-free MDV and the ice sheet