129 research outputs found

    A Proposed Restricting Of Lebanese Public Debt To Promote Economic Growth

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    The Lebanese economy is subjected to major constraints impeding its growth and its development. Public overborrowing constitutes the main obstacle against this growth. The Lebanese economic situation is briefly presented in this paper. Then, a measurement of the Lebanese public debt dangers is proposed through an econometric model illustrating the snowball effects. After an analysis, a simulation aiming at restructuring this debt, with a valuation of the foreign indebtedness limits, is presented

    The Black-Scholes Model Guideline For Options Course As Taught At Notre Dame University - Lebanon

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    This paper presents the methodology used for Notre Dame University’s finance students to explain and explore the Black-Scholes model without going through the complexity of mathematics to model random movements or through stochastic calculus. I will name and develop the steps that I follow in order to allow students to properly use the Black-Scholes model and to understand the relationship of the model’s inputs to the option price while monitoring the risk via delta and gamma hedging

    The Conflicts that Pave the Way for Peace: Lebanese Poet and Philosopher Mikhail Naimy

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    Mikhail Naimy is a twentieth century Lebanese author and philosopher whose writings verge towards the mystical and the metaphysical. Naimy’s philosophy is a synthesis of his own life conflicts and his built premises and drawn conclusions that trivialize materialism, following the steps of Christ. Among Naimy’s first conflicts was leaving of his hometown Baskinta and its highland Shakhroub for Nazareth to continue his education, and the estrangement he felt that was alleviated by a touch of God. Some of the other conflicts in Naimy’s life were the love affairs that yielded to the understanding that true love should be beyond change, and therefore, beyond the sensual enchainment that confines the metaphysical meaning of love. An added conflict that paved the way for peace was Naimy’s conscription as an American soldier in World War I, at the Normandy front. He witnessed the ugliness and absurdity of war, and this experience led him to believe God lives within humans, never without. As Naimy returned to New York, after World War I, he realized he was held captive against his will in the buck race, a race where humans run after the dollar to make a living, so they end up being enslaved to a currency they deem essential for their survival while they as humans are the primary elements of their own being. As a result, transcendence was the only remedy; this transcendence was through finding the higher cause of existence, embodied in loving and expressed in writing. Finally, Naimy perceives that conflicts are blessings and pave the way for peace through love, faith, and transcendence

    Measuring, Adjusting, And Forecasting Beta: The Case Of All The Lebanese Listed Firms

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    Beta is commonly used in many publications as a measure of risk of an investment or as an index for safety. Such a risk assessment has never been done for the Lebanese stock market. This paper presents the alternative types of models for estimating future correlation coefficients and the sources of their forecast errors. Betas of all the Lebanese listed firms are measured and a special tailored adjustment technique is conceived to fit their constraints

    Overall Lebanese Banks Performance: A Risk-Return Framework

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    The Lebanese commercial banks constitute the corner stone of the financing system in Lebanon. This paper analyzes the performance of the Lebanese banks in terms of profitability and risks for the period 1993 through 2002. A detailed investigation related to the structure and regulation of this industry is presented. The profitability is studied using the Du Pont equation and the overall risk of the Lebanese commercial banks is captured through the structure of the risk index suggested by Hannan and Hanweck (1998)

    Unemployment In Lebanon: Application Of Okuns Law

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    The purpose of this paper is to apply Okun-type relationship to the Lebanese equation in order to estimate the Lebanese potential output. An empirical study covering 400 households is carried out to investigate the employment status using the BLS criterion in determining the most useful measures of the labor market.

    Faculty Member Performance Evaluation And Salary Pricing Modeling For Lebanese Private Universities

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    The purpose of this paper is to present an objective evaluation model that can be applied on private Lebanese universities. A set of interrelated equations is established in order to reflect objectively the results of the faculty member’s performance evaluation. A simulation application is presented to illustrate the particularities of this model and its impact on the salary “pricing”

    Liquidity Planning Between Theory And Practice: An Overall Examination Of The GCC Banks During The Crisis Du Jour

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    After giving a rundown on banks liquidity risk and management, and suggesting a simple model aiming at improving the efficiency of banks liquidity management, this paper gauges the possible impact of the current crisis on the GCC economies, specifically the exposure of banks to asset write-downs, and rising costs of finance coupled with tight liquidity. The current outlook is exceptionally uncertain, with risks still weighing on the downside. The banking system appears adequately capitalized and highly profitable, but risks of a future deterioration of asset quality are still threatening the banks financial situation. Fundamental measures should be taken in order to strengthen the banking supervision to contain the fiscal risks related to the emergency liquidity facilities

    Financing Problems Faced By The Lebanese SMEs: An Empirical Study

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    During the last two decades, there was unanimity around the importance of the role of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the development of economies, of job creation and social stability. This issue concerns industrialized countries as well as developed countries. The purpose of this paper is to study the methods and the financing problems faced by Lebanese SMEs, as well as the behavior of banks in terms of credit allocation. An illustration is presented through a survey covering 56 SMEs: 16 SMEs belonging to the area of Kartaba and 40 SMEs belonging to Beirut suburbs. Moreover, and based on data collected from 30 credit files and on interviews held with important bankers, this paper try to identify the components of the credit assessment process, the risk acceptance criteria, and the categories of loans available for SMEs
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