8 research outputs found

    Hub genes identification and association of key pathways with hypoxia in cancer cells: A bioinformatics analysis

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    Three human cancer cell lines (A549, HCT116, and HeLa) were used to investigate the molecular mechanisms and potential prognostic biomarkers associated with hypoxia. We obtained gene expression data from Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) datasets GSE11704, GSE147384, and GSE38061, which included 5 hypoxic and 8 control samples. Using the GEO2R tool and Venn diagram software, we identified common differentially expressed genes (cDEGs). The cDEGs were then subjected to Gene ontology (GO) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Gene and Genome (KEGG) pathway analysis by employing DAVID. The hub genes were identified from critical PPI subnetworks through CytoHuba plugin and these genes' prognostic significance and expression were verified using Kaplan-Meier analysis and Gene Expression Profiling Interactive Analysis (GEPIA), respectively. The research showed 676 common DEGs (cDEGs), with 207 upregulated and 469 downregulated genes. The STRING analysis showed 673 nodes and 1446 edges in the PPI network. We identified 4 significant modules and 19 downregulated hub genes. GO analysis revealed all of them were majorly involved in ribosomal large subunit assembly and biogenesis, rRNA processing, ribosome biogenesis, translation, RNA & protein binding frequently at the sites of nucleolus and nucleoplasm while 11 were significantly associated with a better prognosis of hypoxic tumors. Our research sheds light on the molecular mechanisms that underpin hypoxia in human cancer cell lines and identifies potential prognostic biomarkers for hypoxic tumors

    Influence of ripening stages and drying methods on polyphenolic content and antioxidant activities of mulberry fruits

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    This study highlights the influence of ripening (un-ripen, semi-ripen and fully-ripen) and drying (fresh, ambient-dried and sun-dried) on the extract yield, total phenolic contents (TPC) and total flavonoid contents (TFC) of different species (Morus alba, M. nigra, M. macroura and M. laevigata) of mulberry fruit. 1,1-Diphenyl-2-picryl hydrazyl scavenging assay and reducing ability was used to assess the antioxidant capacity of the extracts. An increasing trend in the extract yield (2.9-56%), TPC (201-2287 mg/100 g GAE), TFC (58-1021 mg/100 g CE) and antioxidant activity was observed as the maturity of fruits progressed. On the other hand, fully ripened mulberry fruit at air drying conditions generally have higher antioxidant activity. The ripening stages, as well as the drying conditions has a significant impact on the polyphenols and antioxidant attributes of mulberries

    Population-level median cycle threshold (Ct) values for asymptomatic COVID-19 cases can predict the trajectory of future cases.

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    BackgroundRecent studies indicate that the population-level SARS-CoV-2 cycle threshold (Ct) values can inform the trajectory of the pandemic. The presented study investigates the potential of Ct values in predicting the future of COVID-19 cases. We also determined whether the presence of symptoms could change the correlation between Ct values and future cases.MethodsWe examined the individuals (n = 8660) that consulted different sample collection points of a private diagnostic center in Pakistan for COVID-19 testing between June 2020 and December 2021. The medical assistant collected clinical and demographic information. The nasopharyngeal swab specimens were taken from the study participants and real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was used to detect SARS-CoV-2 in these samples.ResultsWe observed that median Ct values display significant temporal variations, which show an inverse relationship with future cases. The monthly overall median Ct values negatively correlated with the number of cases occurring one month after specimen collection (r = -0.588, p ConclusionsDecreasing population-level median Ct values for asymptomatic COVID-19 cases appear to be a leading indicator for predicting future COVID-19 cases

    Population-level median cycle threshold (Ct) values for asymptomatic COVID-19 cases can predict the trajectory of future cases

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    Background Recent studies indicate that the population-level SARS-CoV-2 cycle threshold (Ct) values can inform the trajectory of the pandemic. The presented study investigates the potential of Ct values in predicting the future of COVID-19 cases. We also determined whether the presence of symptoms could change the correlation between Ct values and future cases. Methods We examined the individuals (n = 8660) that consulted different sample collection points of a private diagnostic center in Pakistan for COVID-19 testing between June 2020 and December 2021. The medical assistant collected clinical and demographic information. The nasopharyngeal swab specimens were taken from the study participants and real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was used to detect SARS-CoV-2 in these samples. Results We observed that median Ct values display significant temporal variations, which show an inverse relationship with future cases. The monthly overall median Ct values negatively correlated with the number of cases occurring one month after specimen collection (r = -0.588, p Conclusions Decreasing population-level median Ct values for asymptomatic COVID-19 cases appear to be a leading indicator for predicting future COVID-19 cases

    Diet, exercise and mental-wellbeing of healthcare professionals (doctors, dentists and nurses) in Pakistan

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    Background. “Health is wealth” is a time tested adage. Health becomes more relevant when it comes to professionals whose job is to provide people with services that maintain an optimum state of mental, physical and social well-being. Healthcare professionals (HCP) differ from general population in regards to the nature of their work, stress, burnout etc. which begs the need to have a robust state of health for the ones who provide it to others. We initiated this study to see if healthcare professionals “practice what they preach others.”Methods. We employed a cross-sectional study design with convenience-sampling technique. Questionnaires were administered directly to the three groups of healthcare professionals (Doctors, Dentists and Nurses) across the province Punjab after their consent. 1,319 healthcare professionals took part in the study (response rate of 87.35). Warwick Edinburg Mental Wellbeing Scale (WEMWBS) was used to assess mental wellbeing. USDA Dietary Guidelines-2010 were employed to quantify diet. American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines were employed for the analysis of exercise.Results. A total of 1,190 healthcare professionals formed the final sample with doctors and nurses forming the major proportion. Out of 1,190 participants only one healthcare professional was found to eat according to USDA Dietary Guidelines; others ate more of protein group and less of fruits, dairy and vegetable groups. 76% did not perform any exercise. 71.5% worked >48 h/week. More than 50% of healthcare professionals were sleeping <7 h/day. WEMWBS score of the entire sample was 47.97 ± 9.53 S.D.Conclusion. Our findings suggest that healthcare professionals do not practice what they preach. Their mental wellbeing, diet and exercise habits are not up to the mark and should be improved to foster the whole healthcare system for individual and community benefits

    Dyslipidemia and impaired liver function biomarkers in patients with hepatitis B liver cirrhosis

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    المخلص: أهداف البحث: أجريت الدراسة لتحديد التغيرات في التمثيل الغذائي للدهون وحالة إنزيم الكبد لمرضى تليف الكبد الإيجابي (الفيروس الكبدي ب). طرق البحث: تم تضمين ما مجموعه 300 مريض تليف كبدي مصاب بفيروس التهاب الكبد ب و200 عنصر تحكم سليم في دراسة الحالة والشواهد هذه. تم تجنيد المرضى من مختلف مستشفيات الرعاية الثالثية في لاهور من مارس إلى أكتوبر 2021. تم جمع عينات الدم وتحليلها من أجل المستضد السطحي لالتهاب الكبد البائي ومستضد غلاف التهاب الكبد ب والعلامات الحيوية لوظائف الكبد ودهون المصل. تم تأكيد تليف الكبد عن طريق التصوير بالموجات فوق الصوتية وخزعة الكبد. النتائج: كان من الواضح أن المؤشرات الحيوية لوظائف الكبد في الدم كانت أعلى بشكل ملحوظ، في حين أن مستويات الدهون في الدم كانت أقل بكثير في مرضى تليف الكبد المصابين بفيروس التهاب الكبد ب مقارنة بالضوابط. كشفت الدراسة عن عدم وجود علاقة معنوية بين الجنس والعمر مع عسر شحميات الدم في مرضى تليف الكبد. ارتبط تصنيف درجات تشمع الكبد وتدريجها سلبا بمستويات الكوليسترول الكلي. علاوة على ذلك، لوحظ الجنس والمستويات العالية من إنزيمات الكبد كعوامل خطر كبيرة مرتبطة بخلل شحميات الدم في مرضى تليف الكبد الإيجابي ب. كانت القيم الفاصلة المثلى لأنزيمات الكبد ودهون المصل من أجل تشخيص تليف الكبد أعلى من نطاقاتها الطبيعية. الاستنتاجات: يمكن الاستنتاج أنه يمكن استخدام تركيزات الدهون في الدم كمؤشر سريري لتقييم تلف الكبد في المرضى المصابين بفيروس التهاب الكبد ب. Abstract: Objective: This study was conducted to determine changes in lipid metabolism and liver enzyme status among HBV-positive patients with liver cirrhosis. Methods: A total of 300 HBV-positive patients with liver cirrhosis and 200 healthy controls were included in this case–control study. The patients were recruited from several tertiary care hospitals in Lahore from March to October 2021. Their blood samples were collected and analyzed for HBsAg, HBeAg, liver function biomarkers, and serum lipids. Liver cirrhosis was confirmed by ultrasonography and liver biopsy. The data were analyzed with chi-square test, Student's t-test, logistic regression, and ROC curve analysis. Results: Serum liver function biomarkers were significantly higher, and serum lipid levels were substantially lower, in HBV-infected patients with liver cirrhosis than in controls. No significant associations of sex and age with dyslipidemia were observed in patients with cirrhosis. Grading and staging scores for liver cirrhosis were negatively associated with total cholesterol levels. Moreover, sex and high levels of liver enzymes were significant risk factors associated with dyslipidemia in HBV-positive patients with liver cirrhosis. The optimum cut-off values of liver enzymes and serum lipids for the prognosis of liver cirrhosis exceeded normal ranges. Conclusion: Serum lipid concentrations may serve as a clinical index to assess liver damage in HBV-positive patients

    Comparative study of Banana figs prepared from two different varieties

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    <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong><strong>—</strong> <em>The study was conducted to evaluate the sensory and physicochemical properties of banana products .The tests were undertaken to ascertain the suitability of the solutions for preservation of sweet bananas as added-value foods and to reduce post-harvest losses. Prepared banana figs of both varieties were presented to a panel of judges for evaluation of organoleptic attributed. The maximum total soluble solids (22.84 and 12.30), Titratable acidity (0.0148 and 0.0403), non reducing sugar (11.250), Ash (1.1144 and 1.9346) were showed by variety giant in banana fig, whereas, the variety dwarf  showed maximum pH, Vitamin C content, total sugar and reducing sugar. On other hand the maximum (24.48</em><em>°Brix</em><em>) total soluble solids was observed in banana figs prepared after 90 days. The maximum total sugar (20.36%), non-reducing sugar (14.08%) Ash (1.12%) were showed by the banana figs prepared after 90 days. </em><em>Sensory evaluations of banana figs revealed that they exhibited significant difference in the score of all attributes among the two with exception of consistency .</em><em>The results showed that the 90 days produced good results for frying and drying of banana figs.</em></p