4 research outputs found

    Unlocking collections: New records of Lepidoziaceae (Marchantiophyta) for the islands of Fiji

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    It is clearly evident that the bryophyte flora of the islands of Fiji remains inadequately documented. Here, five liverwort species of Lepidoziaceae are reported as new to the Republic of Fiji: Lepidozia haskarliana, Neolepidozia cuneifolia, N. wallichiana, Telaranea major and Tricholepidozia melanesica

    Local and expert knowledge improve conservation assessment of rare and iconic Fijian tree species

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    In many developing countries, threatened species lists are unavailable and IUCN Red Lists are very incomplete. Because limited resources are available for conservation in developing countries, detailed field assessments and scientific study of threatened species are often not feasible. However, considerable knowledge about biodiversity exists among experts and local land users. We used questionnaires as part of field surveys to compile information about the abundance, conservation threats, distribution, and ecology of populations of four threatened and iconic target species in Fiji (Acmopyle sahniana, Dacrydium nausoriense, Podocarpus affinis [all Podocarpaceae], and Cynometra falcata [Leguminosae]). These questionnaires were completed in the field for all known populations by an assessor, compiling field observations and measurements with information from local land users and local and outside experts. For the four species in this study, the questionnaires improved estimates of population size, identified previously unknown populations, provided estimates of regeneration, and identified key conservation threats. Species of highly fragmented remnants in drier climates were less protected than those in more contiguous forests of moist climates. The methods employed provided rapid, cost-effective information that can be used to revise IUCN Red List and conservation status assessments and are applicable to other Pacific Island and developing countries

    Microhabitat specialization of tropical rain-forest canopy trees in the Sovi Basin, Viti Levu, Fiji Islands

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    Island biotas often have lower species diversity and less intense competition has been hypothesized as a result. This should result in lower habitat specificity compared with mainland habitats due to larger realized niches. We investigate microhabitat associations of canopy trees with regard to differences in topography on an oceanic island (Viti Levu, Fiji) using twenty 10 × 60-m plots. We find high tree-species diversity (112 species with dbh ≥ 10 cm in a total of 1.08 ha) and high endemism (c. 60%), compared with other islands in Western Polynesia. Our sample plots aggregate into three distinct groups that are mostly defined by micro-topography: (1) ridges and steep slopes (well-drained sites), (2) moderate slopes and ridge flats (moderate drainage), and (3) flats (poor drainage). Associations with microhabitat are found for more than 50% of the 41 most common species but only one species is apparently restricted to a single habitat. These findings are similar to other rain forests and demonstrate considerable niche differentiation among island rain-forest tree species

    One hundred new species of lichenized fungi: a signature of undiscovered global diversity

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