1,517 research outputs found

    PONDER - A Real time software backend for pulsar and IPS observations at the Ooty Radio Telescope

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    This paper describes a new real-time versatile backend, the Pulsar Ooty Radio Telescope New Digital Efficient Receiver (PONDER), which has been designed to operate along with the legacy analog system of the Ooty Radio Telescope (ORT). PONDER makes use of the current state of the art computing hardware, a Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) and sufficiently large disk storage to support high time resolution real-time data of pulsar observations, obtained by coherent dedispersion over a bandpass of 16 MHz. Four different modes for pulsar observations are implemented in PONDER to provide standard reduced data products, such as time-stamped integrated profiles and dedispersed time series, allowing faster avenues to scientific results for a variety of pulsar studies. Additionally, PONDER also supports general modes of interplanetary scintillation (IPS) measurements and very long baseline interferometry data recording. The IPS mode yields a single polarisation correlated time series of solar wind scintillation over a bandwidth of about four times larger (16 MHz) than that of the legacy system as well as its fluctuation spectrum with high temporal and frequency resolutions. The key point is that all the above modes operate in real time. This paper presents the design aspects of PONDER and outlines the design methodology for future similar backends. It also explains the principal operations of PONDER, illustrates its capabilities for a variety of pulsar and IPS observations and demonstrates its usefulness for a variety of astrophysical studies using the high sensitivity of the ORT.Comment: 25 pages, 14 figures, Accepted by Experimental Astronom

    Planetary Bistatic Radar

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    Planetary radar observations offer the potential for probing the properties of characteristics of solid bodies throughout the inner solar system and at least as far as the orbit of Saturn. In addition to the direct scientific value, precise orbital determinations can be obtained from planetary radar observations, which are in turn valuable for mission planning or spacecraft navigation and planetary defense. The next-generation Very Large Array would not have to be equipped with a transmitter to be an important asset in the world's planetary radar infrastructure. Bistatic radar, in which one antenna transmits (e.g., Arecibo or Goldstone) and another receives, are used commonly today, with the Green Bank Telescope (GBT) serving as a receiver. The improved sensitivity of the ngVLA relative to the GBT would improve the signal-to-noise ratios on many targets and increase the accessible volume specifically for asteroids. Goldstone-ngVLA bistatic observations would have the potential of rivaling the sensitivity of Arecibo, but with much wider sky access.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, To be published in the ASP Monograph Series, "Science with a Next-Generation VLA", ed. E. J. Murphy (ASP, San Francisco, CA


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    Objective: A simple, economic, selective, precise, and accurate UV-Visible spectrophotometric method for the analysis of Chloramphenicol in bulk drug and pharmaceutical formulations was developed and validated in the present study. Methods: Based on oxidative coupling reaction with MBTH reagent at PH-4.5 which is extractable at 620 nm. The Beer's law is obeyed in the concentration range 1-6 ml (10-60 ”g ml-1). Results: The RSD was found to be 0.0194% and recovery is 99.73%. The method was completely validated and proven to be rugged. The interferences of the ingredients and recipients were not observed. The repeatability and the performance of the proved method were established by point and internal hypothesis and through recovery studies. Conclusion: The method was found to be accurate and precise, as indicated by recovery studies close to 100 and % RSD is not more than 2. The summery of validation parameters of proposed UV-Visible method is given


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    A simple, précis, rapid sensitive and accurate spectrophotometric methods have been developed for the estimation of Chloramphenicol UV in pure form and its pharmaceutical formulations based on oxidative coupling reaction UV with MBTH reagent at P H-4 which is extractable at 620 nm. Beer's law is obeyed in the concentration range 1-6 ml (10-60 ”gml-1). The developed method was applied directly and easily for the analysis of the pharmaceutical formulations. RSD was found to be 0.0194 % and recovery 99.73%. The method was completely validated and proven to be rugged. The interferences of the ingredients and excipients were not observed. The repeatability and the performance of the proved method were established by point and internal hypothesis and through recovery studies.Keywords: Spectrophotometry, Chloramphenicol, MBTH, Oxidative coupling

    Cross-cultural medical education: Using narratives to reflect on experience

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    Introduction. Educating students in a multi-cultural society is a challenge as teachers, students and the community they serve all tend to representvarious social groups. Skills alone are not adequate for competency in understanding cultural aspects of consultations. A combination of knowledge, skills and attitude is the most widely accepted current approach to teaching culturally competent communication to medical students. Collaborative reflection on narratives of experienced clinicians’ cultural encounters served to construct an understanding of how to develop these attributes.Process. An interest group of medical teachers met to address the specific needs of teaching a relevant cross-cultural curriculum. Participants offerednarratives from their professional life and reflected on these encounters to understand how to improve the current curriculum to better address theneeds of the students and patients they serve.Results. Through narratives, participants were able to reflect on how their experience had allowed them to develop cultural awareness. All storiesrepresented how attitudes of respect, curiosity and unconditional positive regard were held above all else. The process of collaborative reflection withpeers unpacked the complexity and potential in the stories and different learning opportunities were discovered. Learning was personalised becausethe stories were based on real experiences.Conclusion. The use of collaborative reflection on narratives of clinical encounters could facilitate insights about cultural aspects of medical practice. Elements such as curiosity, respect and unconditional positive regard are illustrated in a unique way that allows students to appreciate the real-life aspects of cross-cultural clinical encounters

    Study of clinical outcome in intra articular distal humerus fractures treated with dual plating

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    Background: In adults, distal humerus fractures are uncommon and intra-articular, oftenly involve both the medial and lateral columns. Open reduction and surgical fixation with plating gives good results. The aim of this study is to evaluate clinical outcome in intra articular distal humerus fractures treated with dual plating.Methods: This is a prospective type of study of 20 cases of supra condylar fracture humerus with inter condylar extension treated surgically with dual plating one on the medial boarder and another on posterior surface of lateral column using standard dorsal approach, olecranon osteotomy.Results: The range of age was between 18-52 years, with mean age of 32.55 years. The maximum incidence was between 18 to 40 years i.e. 16 cases (80%). With road traffic accident (RTA) as major cause of injury. Most   of the patients were males 14 (70%) with right upper limb was involved in 12 (60%) cases. According   to MEP score clinical outcome was excellent in 4(20%) good in 10(50%) fair in 5(25%) and poor in one (10%).Conclusions: Distal humerus fractures are known for their complex nature and technical difficult in surgical management. Proper anatomical articular reconstruction and stable fixation helps in restoring painless and functional elbow

    Endoscopy in Renal Cancer Organ Preservation Treatments

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    This chapter traces the shift in treatment of localised renal cancer from major open surgery to endoscopic (ie laparoscopy) techniques. It also details the shift in treatment intent for localised Renal cancer toward Organ preservation. With advancement in technology and experience, the principles of endoscopic surgery have been adapted to treat renal malignancy with minimum complications and with maximal preservation of Renal function so much so that endoscopic techniques are seen as the “gold standard” by many. The chapter details these minimally invasive techniques of laparoscopic and Robotic partial nephrectomy and compares and contrasts both Oncological and Functional outcomes from both

    Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of the crude methanolic extracts of Mentha spicata

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    The chemical constituents and antioxidant activity of the crude extracts of Mentha spicata were investigated. Phytochemical analysis indicated the presence of sugar, flavonoids and alkaloids in the crude extracts of Mentha spicata. GC-TOFMS (Gas Chromatography Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry) analysis indicated the presence of fatty acid methyl esters (hexa decane, hepta decane, octa decane) terpenoids, terpenoid alcohol, caryophyllene and glycosides. Total phenolic components of the crude extracts was found to be 27.26±0.62 mg/g gallic acid equivalent which was determined by Folin-Ciocalteu method. The DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) radical scavenging activity was found to increase with increasing concentrations and  was found to be 54.84±0.57% with an IC50 value of 25.2”g/ml. The reported antioxidant activity may be due to the presence of flavonoids and fatty acid methyl esters which has the scavenging potential by reducing the free radicals. Â
