10 research outputs found

    Obstacles to the Adoption of Secure Communication Tools

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    The computer security community has advocated widespread adoption of secure communication tools to counter mass surveillance. Several popular personal communication tools (e.g., WhatsApp, iMessage) have adopted end-to-end encryption, and many new tools (e.g., Signal, Telegram) have been launched with security as a key selling point. However it remains unclear if users understand what protection these tools offer, and if they value that protection. In this study, we interviewed 60 participants about their experience with different communication tools and their perceptions of the tools' security properties. We found that the adoption of secure communication tools is hindered by fragmented user bases and incompatible tools. Furthermore, the vast majority of participants did not understand the essential concept of end-to-end encryption, limiting their motivation to adopt secure tools. We identified a number of incorrect mental models that underpinned participants' beliefs

    A Performant, Misuse-Resistant API for Primality Testing

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    Primality testing is a basic cryptographic task. But developers today are faced with complex APIs for primality testing, along with documentation that fails to clearly state the reliability of the tests being performed. This leads to the APIs being incorrectly used in practice, with potentially disastrous consequences. In an effort to overcome this, we present a primality test having a simplest-possible API: the test accepts a number to be tested and returns a Boolean indicating whether the input was composite or probably prime. For all inputs, the output is guaranteed to be correct with probability at least 1 - 2-128. The test is performant: on random, odd, 1024-bit inputs, it is faster than the default test used in OpenSSL by 17%. We investigate the impact of our new test on the cost of random prime generation, a key use case for primality testing. The OpenSSL developers have adopted our suggestions in full; our new API and primality test are scheduled for release in OpenSSL 3.0

    Deception Task Design in Developer Password Studies: Exploring a Student Sample

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    Studying developer behavior is a hot topic for usable security researchers. While the usable security community has ample experience and best-practice knowledge concerning the design of end-user studies, such knowledge is still lacking for developer studies. We know from end-user studies that task design and framing can have significant effects on the outcome of the study. To offer initial insights into these effects for developer research, we extended our previous password storage study [42]. We did so to examine the effects of deception studies with regard to developers. Our results show that there is a huge effect - only 2 out of the 20 non-primed participants even attempted a secure solution, as compared to the 14 out of 20 for the primed participants. In this paper, we will discuss the duration of the task and contrast qualitative vs. quantitative research methods for future developer studies. In addition to these methodological contributions, we also provide further insights into why developers store passwords insecurely

    "If you want, I can store the encrypted password". A Password-Storage Field Study with Freelance Developers

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    In 2017 and 2018, Naiakshina et al. [21, 22] studied in a lab setting whether computer science students need to be told to write code that stores passwords securely. The authors' results showed that, without explicit prompting, none of the students implemented secure password storage. When asked about this oversight, a common answer was that they would have implemented secure storage - if they were creating code for a company. To shed light on this possible confusion, we conducted a mixed-methods field study with developers. We hired free-lance developers online and gave them a similar password storage task followed by a questionnaire to gain additional insights into their work. From our research, we offer two contributions. First of all, we reveal that, similar to the students, freelancers do not store passwords securely unless prompted, they have misconceptions about secure password storage, and they use outdated methods. Secondly, we discuss the methodological implications of using freelancers and students in developer studies

    “Think secure from the beginning”: A survey with software developers

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    Vulnerabilities persist despite existing software security initiatives and best practices. This paper focuses on the human factors of software security, including human behaviour and motivation. We conducted an online survey to explore the interplay between developers and software security processes, e.g., we looked into how developers influence and are influenced by these processes. Our data included responses from 123 software developers currently employed in North America who work on various types of software applications. Whereas developers are often held responsible for security vulnerabilities, our analysis shows that the real issues frequently stem from a lack of organizational or process support to handle security throughout development tasks. Our participants are self-motivated towards software security, and the majority did not dismiss it but identified obstacles to achieving secure code. Our work highlights the need to look beyond the individual, and take a holistic approach to investigate organizational issues influencing software security