241 research outputs found

    Nano–Bio Interactions: Nanomedicine and Nanotoxicology

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    The 21st century has truly become the age of nanotechnology. Nanomaterials, design strategies, and processing have already made a significant impact in areas of materials science and electronics, with many commercial applications already being available on the consumer market. However, the ability to manipulate material functions and interactions on a scale of tens of nanometers, e.g., biological subcellular organelles, may yet prove to have the most significant impact on human health and the environment

    IoT-based emergency vehicle services in intelligent transportation system

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    Emergency Management System (EMS) is an important component of Intelligent transportation systems, and its primary objective is to send Emergency Vehicles (EVs) to the location of a reported incident. However, the increasing traffic in urban areas, especially during peak hours, results in the delayed arrival of EVs in many cases, which ultimately leads to higher fatality rates, increased property damage, and higher road congestion. Existing literature addressed this issue by giving higher priority to EVs while traveling to an incident place by changing traffic signals (e.g., making the signals green) on their travel path. A few works have also attempted to find the best route for an EV using traffic information (e.g., number of vehicles, flow rate, and clearance time) at the beginning of the journey. However, these works did not consider congestion or disruption faced by other non-emergency vehicles adjacent to the EV travel path. The selected travel paths are also static and do not consider changing traffic parameters while EVs are en route. To address these issues, this article proposes an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) guided priority-based incident management system to assist EVs in obtaining a better clearance time in intersections and thus achieve a lower response time. The proposed model also considers disruption faced by other surrounding non-emergency vehicles adjacent to the EVs’ travel path and selects an optimal solution by controlling the traffic signal phase time to ensure that EVs can reach the incident place on time while causing minimal disruption to other on-road vehicles. Simulation results indicate that the proposed model achieves an 8% lower response time for EVs while the clearance time surrounding the incident place is improved by 12%

    Information fusion-based cybersecurity threat detection for intelligent transportation system

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    Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) are sophisticated systems that leverage various technologies to increase the safety, efficiency, and sustainability of transportation. By relying on wireless communication and data collected from diverse sensors, ITS is vulnerable to cybersecurity threats. With the increasing number of attacks on ITS worldwide, detecting and addressing cybersecurity threats has become critically important. This need will only intensify with the impending arrival of autonomous vehicles. One of the primary challenges is identifying critical ITS assets that require protection and understanding the vulnerabilities that cyber attackers can exploit. Additionally, creating a standard profile for ITS is challenging due to the dynamic traffic pattern, which exhibits changes in the movement of vehicles over time. To address these challenges, this paper proposes an information fusion-based cybersecurity threat detection method. Specifically, we employ the Kalman filter for noise reduction, Dempster-Shafer decision theory and Shannon’s entropy for assessing the probabilities of traffic conditions being normal, intruded, and uncertain. We utilised Simulation of Urban Mobility (SUMO) to simulate the Melbourne CBD map and historical traffic data from the Victorian transport authority. Our simulation results reveal that information fusion with three sensor data is more effective in detecting normal traffic conditions. On the other hand, for detecting anomalies, information fusion with two sensor data is more efficient

    Sedimentational, structural and migmatitic history of the Archaean Dharwar tectonic province, southern India

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    The earliest decipherable record of the Dharwar tectonic province is left in the 3.3 Ga old gneissic pebbles in some conglomerates of the Dharwar Group, in addition to the 3.3–3.4 Ga old gneisses in some areas. A sialic crust as the basement for Dharwar sedimentation is also indicated by the presence of quartz schists and quartzites throughout the Dharwar succession. Clean quartzites and orthoquartzite-carbonate association in the lower part of the Dharwar sequence point to relatively stable platform and shelf conditions. This is succeeded by sedimentation in a rapidly subsiding trough as indicated by the turbidite-volcanic rock association. Although conglomerates in some places point to an erosional surface at the contact between the gneisses and the Dharwar supracrustal rocks, extensive remobilization of the basement during the deformation of the cover rocks has largely blurred this interface. This has also resulted in accordant style and sequence of structures in the basement and cover rocks in a major part of the Dharwar tectonic province. Isoclinal folds with attendant axial planar schistosity, coaxial open folds, followed in turn by non-coaxial upright folds on axial planes striking nearly N-S, are decipherable both in the "basement" gneisses and the schistose cover rocks. The imprint of this sequence of superposed deformation is registered in some of the charnockitic terranes also, particularly in the Biligirirangan Hills, Shivasamudram and Arakalgud areas. The Closepet Granite, with alignment of feldspar megacrysts parallel to the axial planes of the latest folds in the adjacent schistose rocks, together with discrete veins of Closepet Granite affinity emplaced parallel to the axial planes of late folds in the Peninsular Gneiss enclaves, suggest that this granite is late-tectonic with reference to the last deformation in the Dharwar tectonic province. Enclaves of tonalite and migmatized amphibolite a few metres across, with a fabric athwart to and overprinted by the earliest structures traceable in the supracrustal rocks as well as in a major part of the Peninsular Gneiss, point to at least one deformation, an episode of migmatization and one metamorphic event preceding the first folding in the Dharwar sequence. This record of pre-Dharwar deformation and metamorphism is corroborated also by the pebbles of gneisses and schists in the conglomerates of the Dharwar Group. Volcanic rocks within the Dharwar succession as well as some of the components of the Peninsular Gneiss give ages of about 3.0 Ga. A still younger age of about 2.6 Ga is recorded in some volcanic rocks of the Dharwar sequence, a part of the Peninsular Gneiss, Closepet Granite and some charnockites. These, together with the 3.3 Ga old gneisses and 3.4 Ga old ages of zircons in some charnockites, furnish evidence for three major thermal events during the 700 million year history of the Archaean Dharwar tectonic province

    Use of Petroleum Coke as an Additive in Metallurgical Coke Making

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    The use of petroleum coke as an additive in coal blends has been tested and established successfully to produce metallurgical coke of acceptable quality at JSW. The performance of coke produced from coking coal blends containing petroleum coke was successfully tested in Blast furnaces. The amount of petroleum coke that may be incorporated in the blend without impairing the coke quality considerably depends mainly on the particle size and the rheological properties of the coal blend. The addition of petroleum coke produces a decrease in Maximum Fluidity (MF) in the blend due to the liberation of low molecular weight substances during heating within the plastic range and hydrogen containing species available to generate fluidity in co carbonization system. The use of low volatile petroleum coke as an additive resulted in better yield and reduction of coke ash.The ability of petroleum coke to interact with coal during plastic stage to impart good bonding between components and maintain the coke quality to match the Blast Furnace requirements is well established through laboratory studie

    Topical Ferumoxytol Nanoparticles Disrupt Biofilms and Prevent Tooth Decay in Vivo Via Intrinsic Catalytic Activity

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    Ferumoxytol is a nanoparticle formulation approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for systemic use to treat iron deficiency. Here, we show that, in addition, ferumoxytol disrupts intractable oral biofilms and prevents tooth decay (dental caries) via intrinsic peroxidase-like activity. Ferumoxytol binds within the biofilm ultrastructure and generates free radicals from hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), causing in situ bacterial death via cell membrane disruption and extracellular polymeric substances matrix degradation. In combination with low concentrations of H2O2, ferumoxytol inhibits biofilm accumulation on natural teeth in a human-derived ex vivo biofilm model, and prevents acid damage of the mineralized tissue. Topical oral treatment with ferumoxytol and H2O2 suppresses the development of dental caries in vivo, preventing the onset of severe tooth decay (cavities) in a rodent model of the disease. Microbiome and histological analyses show no adverse effects on oral microbiota diversity, and gingival and mucosal tissues. Our results reveal a new biomedical application for ferumoxytol as topical treatment of a prevalent and costly biofilm-induced oral disease

    The nature of the basement in the Archaean Dharwar craton of southern India and the age of the Peninsular Gneiss

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    The Archaean Peninsular Gneiss of southern India is considered by a number of workers to be the basement upon which the Dharwar supracrustal rocks were deposited. However, the Peninsular Gneiss in its present state is a composite gneiss formed by synkinematic migmatization during successive episodes of folding (DhF1, DhF1a and DhF2) that affected the Dharwar supracrustal rocks. An even earlier phase of migmatization and deformation (DhF∗ ) is evident from relict fabrics in small enclaves of gneissic tonalites and amphibolites within the Peninsular Gneiss. We consider these enclaves to represent the original basement for the Dharwar supracrustal rocks. Tonalitic pebbles in conglomerates of the Dharwar Supergroup confirm the inference that the supracrustal rocks were deposited on a gneissic basement. Whole rock Rb-Sr ages of gneisses showing only the DhF1 structures fall in the range of 3100-3200 Ma. Where the later deformation (DhF2) has been associated with considerable recrystallization, the Rb-Sr ages are between 2500 Ma and 2700 Ma. Significantly, a new Rb-Sr analysis of tonalitic gneiss pebbles in the Kaldurga conglomerate of the Dharwar sequence is consistent with an age of ~2500 Ma and not that of 3300 Ma reported earlier by Venkatasubramanian and Narayanaswamy (1974). Pb-Pb ages based on direct evaporation of detrital zircon grains from the metasedimentary rocks of the Dharwar sequence fall into two groups, 3300-3100 Ma, and 2800-3000 Ma. Stratigraphic, structural, textural and geochronologic data, therefore, indicate that the Peninsular Gneiss of the Dharwar craton evolved over a protracted period of time ranging from > 3300 Ma to 2500 Ma

    Influence of Ni Catalyst Layer and TiN Diffusion Barrier on Carbon Nanotube Growth Rate

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    Dense, vertically aligned multiwall carbon nanotubes were synthesized on TiN electrode layers for infrared sensing applications. Microwave plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition and Ni catalyst were used for the nanotubes synthesis. The resultant nanotubes were characterized by SEM, AFM, and TEM. Since the length of the nanotubes influences sensor characteristics, we study in details the effects of changing Ni and TiN thickness on the physical properties of the nanotubes. In this paper, we report the observation of a threshold Ni thickness of about 4 nm, when the average CNT growth rate switches from an increasing to a decreasing function of increasing Ni thickness, for a process temperature of 700°C. This behavior is likely related to a transition in the growth mode from a predominantly “base growth” to that of a “tip growth.” For Ni layer greater than 9 nm the growth rate, as well as the CNT diameter, variations become insignificant. We have also observed that a TiN barrier layer appears to favor the growth of thinner CNTs compared to a SiO2 layer
