333 research outputs found

    Morphological Confirmation Of Probasidium For Laurobasidium Hachijoense Comb. Nov. Proposed By The Molecular Analysis

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    Basidia are evidently formed inside the galls not on the surface.L.hachijoense has probasidium and its basidium emerged from probasidium.No clamp was observe

    Dynamical Correlations among Vicious Random Walkers

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    Nonintersecting motion of Brownian particles in one dimension is studied. The system is constructed as the diffusion scaling limit of Fisher's vicious random walk. N particles start from the origin at time t=0 and then undergo mutually avoiding Brownian motion until a finite time t=T. In the short time limit tTt \ll T, the particle distribution is asymptotically described by Gaussian Unitary Ensemble (GUE) of random matrices. At the end time t = T, it is identical to that of Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble (GOE). The Brownian motion is generally described by the dynamical correlations among particles at many times t1,t2,...,tMt_1,t_2,..., t_M between t=0 and t=T. We show that the most general dynamical correlations among arbitrary number of particles at arbitrary number of times are written in the forms of quaternion determinants. Asymptotic forms of the correlations in the limit NN \to \infty are evaluated and a discontinuous transition of the universality class from GUE to GOE is observed.Comment: REVTeX3.1, 4 pages, no figur

    Numerical Study on Deformation Behavior of Rigid-Plastic Inhomogeneous Material Using Three-Dimensional Models

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    It is important to study the microscopic deformation behavior of inhomogeneous material, for most engineering materials are inhomogeneous. The aim of the present study is to clarify by numerical analysis some features of microscopic plastic strain distributions, the mean flow stress and the material factors affecting on it. The rigid-plastic solution is important not only for plastic deformation problems with large strain, but also for creep deformation problems through the plastic analogy in the creep analysis. The effects of material parameter and loading conditions on the deformation behavior of the material are examined and discussed based on the result of calculation. The effects of the aspect ratio of the inhomogeneous regions on the deformation mode are studied. The patterns of the strain concentration and the averaged flow stress of the inhomogeneous material are also discussed. The results of rigid-plastic material are compared with those of the elastic material

    Diagnosis and treatment of macrocytic anemias in adults

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    Anemia is one of the most common health problems in the primary care setting. Macrocytosis in adults is defined as a red blood cell (RBC) mean corpuscular volume (MCV) >100 femtoliter (fL). Macrocytic anemias are generally classified into megaloblastic or nonmegaloblastic anemia. Megaloblastic anemia is caused by deficiency or impaired utilization of vitamin B12 and/or folate, whereas nonmegaloblastic macrocytic anemia is caused by various diseases such as myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), liver dysfunction, alcoholism, hypothyroidism, certain drugs, and by less commonly inherited disorders of DNA synthesis. Macrocytic anemias are treated with cause-specific therapies, and it is crucial to differentiate nonmegaloblastic from megaloblastic anemia. Because MDS and myeloid neoplasms commonly affect the elderly, primary care physicians may encounter more cases of macrocytic anemias in the near future, as the older population increases. When MDS is suspected along with leukocytopenia and/or thrombocytopenia with anemia, a hematology consultation may be appropriate

    Two new species of Exobasidium causing Exobasidium diseases on Vaccinium spp. in Japan

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    Abstract Two new Exobasidium species on Vaccinium spp. in Japan are described and discussed. Exobasidium kishianum, which causes Exobasidium leaf blight on I/. hirtum var. pubescens and V. smallii, is characterized by its ellipsoid to ovoid basidiospores with (0-)1-3 septa. Its systemic infection is also observed. Exobasidium inconspicuum, cansing Exobasidium leaf blister on V. hirtum vat. pubescens, is characterized by its obovoid or ellipsoid to oval basidiospores with 0-4 septa. Mode of germination of the basidiospores is by germ tube in both species

    X-Ray bright optically faint active galactic nuclei in the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam wide survey

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    We construct a sample of X-ray bright optically faint active galactic nuclei by combining Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam, XMM-Newton, and infrared source catalogs. 53 X-ray sources satisfying i band magnitude fainter than 23.5 mag and X-ray counts with EPIC-PN detector larger than 70 are selected from 9.1 deg^2, and their spectral energy distributions (SEDs) and X-ray spectra are analyzed. 44 objects with an X-ray to i-band flux ratio F_X/F_i>10 are classified as extreme X-ray-to-optical flux sources. SEDs of 48 among 53 are represented by templates of type 2 AGNs or starforming galaxies and show signature of stellar emission from host galaxies in the optical in the source rest frame. Infrared/optical SEDs indicate significant contribution of emission from dust to infrared fluxes and that the central AGN is dust obscured. Photometric redshifts determined from the SEDs are in the range of 0.6-2.5. X-ray spectra are fitted by an absorbed power law model, and the intrinsic absorption column densities are modest (best-fit log N_H = 20.5-23.5 cm^-2 in most cases). The absorption corrected X-ray luminosities are in the range of 6x10^42 - 2x10^45 erg s^-1. 20 objects are classified as type 2 quasars based on X-ray luminsosity and N_H. The optical faintness is explained by a combination of redshifts (mostly z>1.0), strong dust extinction, and in part a large ratio of dust/gas.Comment: 25 pages, 14 figures, 5 tables, accepted for publication in PAS