750 research outputs found

    Tuned X-HYBRIDJOIN for Near-real-time Data Warehousing

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    Near-real-time data warehousing defines how updates from data sources are combined and transformed for storage in a data warehouse as soon as the updates occur. Since these updates are not in warehouse format, they need to be transformed and a join operator is usually required to implement this transformation. A stream-based algorithm called X-HYBRIDJOIN (Extended Hybrid Join), with a favorable asymptotic runtime behavior, was previously proposed. However, X-HYBRIDJOIN does not tune its components under limited available memory resources and without assigning an optimal division of memory to each join component the performance of the algorithm can be suboptimal. This paper presents a variant of X-HYBRIDJOIN called Tuned X-HYBRIDJOIN. The paper shows that after proper tuning the algorithm performs significantly better than that of the previous X-HYBRIDJOIN, and also better as other join operators proposed for this application found in the literature. The tuning approach has been presented, based on measurement techniques and a revised cost model. The experimental results demonstrate the superior performance of Tuned X-HYBRIDJOIN

    Denial of service attacks and challenges in broadband wireless networks

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    Broadband wireless networks are providing internet and related services to end users. The three most important broadband wireless technologies are IEEE 802.11, IEEE 802.16, and Wireless Mesh Network (WMN). Security attacks and vulnerabilities vary amongst these broadband wireless networks because of differences in topologies, network operations and physical setups. Amongst the various security risks, Denial of Service (DoS) attack is the most severe security threat, as DoS can compromise the availability and integrity of broadband wireless network. In this paper, we present DoS attack issues in broadband wireless networks, along with possible defenses and future directions

    NL-based automated software requirements elicitation and specification

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    This paper presents a novel approach to automate the process of software requirements elicitation and specification. The software requirements elicitation is perhaps the most important phase of software development as a small error at this stage can result in absurd software designs and implementations. The automation of the initial phase (such as requirement elicitation) phase can also contribute to a long standing challenge of automated software development. The presented approach is based on Semantic of Business Vocabulary and Rules (SBVR), an OMG’s recent standard. We have also developed a prototype tool SR-Elicitor (an Eclipse plugin), which can be used by software engineers to record and automatically transform the natural language software requirements to SBVR software requirements specification. The major contribution of the presented research is to demonstrate the potential of SBVR based approach, implemented in a prototype tool, proposed to improve the process of requirements elicitation and specification

    HYBRIDJOIN for near-real-time Data Warehousing

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    An important component of near-real-time data warehouses is the near-real-time integration layer. One important element in near-real-time data integration is the join of a continuous input data stream with a diskbased relation. For high-throughput streams, stream-based algorithms, such as Mesh Join (MESHJOIN), can be used. However, in MESHJOIN the performance of the algorithm is inversely proportional to the size of disk-based relation. The Index Nested Loop Join (INLJ) can be set up so that it processes stream input, and can deal with intermittences in the update stream but it has low throughput. This paper introduces a robust stream-based join algorithm called Hybrid Join (HYBRIDJOIN), which combines the two approaches. A theoretical result shows that HYBRIDJOIN is asymptotically as fast as the fastest of both algorithms. The authors present performance measurements of the implementation. In experiments using synthetic data based on a Zipfian distribution, HYBRIDJOIN performs significantly better for typical parameters of the Zipfian distribution, and in general performs in accordance with the theoretical model while the other two algorithms are unacceptably slow under different settings

    Web structure mining of dynamic pages

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    Web structure mining in static web contents decreases the accuracy of mined outcomes and affects the quality of decision making activity. By structure mining in web hidden data, the accuracy ratio of mined outcomes can be improved, thus enhancing the reliability and quality of decision making activity. Data Mining is an automated or semi automated exploration and analysis of large volume of data in order to reveal meaningful patterns. The term web mining is the discovery and analysis of useful information from World Wide Web that helps web search engines to find high quality web pages and enhances web click stream analysis. One branch of web mining is web structure mining. The goal of which is to generate structural summary about the Web site and Web pages. Web structure mining tries to discover the link structure of the hyperlinks at the inter-document level. In recent years, Web link structure mining has been widely used to infer important information about Web pages. But a major part of the web is in hidden form, also called Deep Web or Hidden Web that refers to documents on the Web that are dynamic and not accessible by general search engines; most search engine spiders can access only publicly index able Web (or the visible Web). Most documents in the hidden Web, including pages hidden behind search forms, specialized databases, and dynamically generated Web pages, are not accessible by general Web mining applications. Dynamic content generation is used in modern web pages and user forms are used to get information from a particular user and stored in a database. The link structure lying in these forms can not be accessed during conventional mining procedures. To access these links, user forms are filled automatically by using a rule based framework which has robust ability to read a web page containing dynamic contents as activeX controls like input boxes, command buttons, combo boxes, etc. After reading these controls dummy values are filled in the available fields and the doGet or doPost methods are automatically executed to acquire the link of next subsequent web page. The accuracy ratio of web page hierarchical structures can phenomenally be improved by including these hidden web pages in the process of Web structure mining. The designed system framework is adequately strong to process the dynamic Web pages along with static ones

    Retinoblastoma and vision

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    The assessment of vision has a growing importance in the management of retinoblastoma in the era of globe-conserving therapy, both prior to and after treatment. As survival rates approach 98-99% and globe salvage rates reach ever-higher levels, it is important to provide families with information regarding the visual outcomes of different treatments. We present an overview of the role of vision in determining the treatment given and the impact of complications of treatment. We also discuss screening and treatment strategies that can be used to maximise vision

    Context-Aware Human Activity Recognition (CAHAR) in-the-Wild Using Smartphone Accelerometer

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    Sclero-conjunctival ischaemia secondary to intra-arterial chemotherapy for retinoblastoma

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    PURPOSE Intra-arterial chemotherapy (IAC), delivered directly to the globe via the internal carotid artery is now an established treatment for retinoblastoma. We report a case of anterior segment ischaemia following treatment with multiple intra-arterial chemotherapy (IAC) infusions. OBSERVATIONS A 5 month old female presented with bilateral retinoblastoma and was treated with 12 infusions of IAC. Her right eye was enucleated at diagnosis. After her seventh IAC treatment, she developed ipsilateral sixth and third cranial nerve palsies. After the twelfth IAC, she developed an area of conjunctival and scleral ischaemia between 12 and 3 o'clock meridians in her left eye. However, she maintained visual acuity of LogMAR 0.34. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPORTANCE The median number of IAC treatments in large studies is three. It is possible that repeated doses of IAC have an accumulative negative effect on the ocular blood supply, risking anterior segment and neurologic sequelae. This case highlights the significant challenge of balancing the salvage of eyes and vision with the potentially significant morbidity associated with IAC

    Reduction of severe visual loss and complications following intra-arterial chemotherapy (IAC) for refractory retinoblastoma.

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    BACKGROUND: Intra-arterial chemotherapy (IAC) for retinoblastoma has been documented as causing visual loss and ocular motility problems. A lack of safety data has precluded its acceptance in all centres. METHODS: Retrospective cohort study of patients with retinoblastoma from 2013 to 2015 who had a healthy foveola and relapsed following systemic chemotherapy. All required IAC. The correlation of complications with doses of melphalan +/- topotecan used and putative catheterisation complications was assessed. Ocular complications were determined using vision, macular (including pattern visual evoked potentials (PVEPs)), retinal electroretinograms (ERGs) and ocular motility functions. Efficacy (tumour control) was also assessed. RESULTS: All eyes had age appropriate doses of melphalan with five having additional doses of topotecan. Severe physiological reactions requiring adrenaline were seen in six patients during the catheterisation procedure. Difficulty was documented in accessing the ophthalmic artery in 7/27 catheterisations. The median/mean number of courses of chemotherapy was three. No child had severe visual loss as assessed by age appropriate tests (median follow-up 20.9 months, range 3.7-35.2 months). One child had nasal choroidal ischaemia and a sixth nerve palsy. Post-IAC PVEPs were performed in eight and reported as normal. All post-IAC ERGs were normal apart from one (total dose 20 mg melphalan 0.8 mg topotecan). Tumour control was achieved in six of nine cases. CONCLUSION: The proportion of visual and ocular motility complications may be reduced by providing age-adjusted doses of melphalan. Dose rather than complications from catheterisation is the most important risk factor for ocular injury
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