9 research outputs found

    The Neurobiology of Infant Attachment-Trauma and Disruption of Parent–Infant Interactions

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    Current clinical literature and supporting animal literature have shown that repeated and profound early-life adversity, especially when experienced within the caregiver–infant dyad, disrupts the trajectory of brain development to induce later-life expression of maladaptive behavior and pathology. What is less well understood is the immediate impact of repeated adversity during early life with the caregiver, especially since attachment to the caregiver occurs regardless of the quality of care the infant received including experiences of trauma. The focus of the present manuscript is to review the current literature on infant trauma within attachment, with an emphasis on animal research to define mechanisms and translate developmental child research. Across species, the effects of repeated trauma with the attachment figure, are subtle in early life, but the presence of acute stress can uncover some pathology, as was highlighted by Bowlby and Ainsworth in the 1950s. Through rodent neurobehavioral literature we discuss the important role of repeated elevations in stress hormone corticosterone (CORT) in infancy, especially if paired with the mother (not when pups are alone) as targeting the amygdala and causal in infant pathology. We also show that following induced alterations, at baseline infants appear stable, although acute stress hormone elevation uncovers pathology in brain circuits important in emotion, social behavior, and fear. We suggest that a comprehensive understanding of the role of stress hormones during infant typical development and elevated CORT disruption of this typical development will provide insight into age-specific identification of trauma effects, as well as a better understanding of early markers of later-life pathology

    Medical perspective of cupping therapy (កijama): a review

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    Traditional and alternative medicine practitioners have used cupping therapy for centuries.Growing data suggests that it may help treat disorders that are associated to pain in recentyears. An overview of the use of cupping therapy is provided in this article. One of themost effective treatments for Ilaj bil Tadbeer is hijama. A vacuum is created to eitherrelease blood from beneath the skin's surface or merely suction the area without allowingany blood out in this unique therapeutic method, which involves positioning cup-shapedveins on the body's surface. However, the effects in certain clinical trials were really strong.It is suggested that medical professionals or researchers in order to ascertain the efficacyof hijama in the treatment of various illnesses

    A review of medicinal herbs in the management of male infertility

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    Male infertility can be caused by a variety of factors, including neurohormonal imbalances, reproductive tissue disturbances, and qualitative and quantitative degradation of semen. There is a global decline in male reproductive health, and modern therapeutic options to tackle male infertility are expensive, less accessible and have extended treatment durations and adverse effects. When it comes to male reproductive health, herbal therapies are in a much better position to provide more holistic approaches. As aphrodisiacs, a unique class of herbs defined in herbal pharmacology, nourish and stimulate the body's sexual tissues. A careful evaluation of the current information on drugs and their probable functions in treating male infertility is the purpose of this paper

    Correlation of Middle Upper Arm Circumference With Other Anthropometric Indictors and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in Young Adults of Urban Areas of Hyderabad, Pakistan

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    Introduction: Middle Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) is used to assess nutritional status particularly under nutrition. Recently, the use of MUAC has been suggested as a novel anthropometric marker to assess the condition of obesity among the children, adolescents, and young adults. We, therefore, setup / study to evaluate the correlation of MUAC for the assessment of various CVD risk factors. Methodology: The study was carried out from April 2021 to March 2022. Total 366 participants were randomly selected, out of which 190 were male participants and 176 were female participants. The data was collected using interview based questionnaire; middle upper arm circumference was measures using a non stretchable measuring tape. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS ver 23. Results: The mean age of participants was 24.04±4.04, the mean values of WC, WHR, SBP, DBP, and LDL were significantly higher (P< 0.05) in males, the mean values of HDL were significantly higher in females(p< 0.05). Non-significant difference in the mean values of BMI, FBG, Cholesterol and Triglycerides (P> 0.05) were observed between male and female participants. MUAC showed strong positive correlation with BMI, WC and WHR (P<.001). Except HDL all other CVD risk factors showed significant positive correlation with MUAC (P<.001), however, MUAC showed a significantly negative correlation with HDL( r = -.370, P<.001) in males, no correlation of MUAC with HDL ( r = -.028, P<.001) was observed in females. Conclusion: Except HDL significant correlation was observed between MUAC and various CVD risk factors

    Cardioprotective Effects of Nigella Sativa and Enalapril in Doxorubicin-induced Cardiotoxicity

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    Objective: To determine the combined cardioprotective effects of Nigella Sativa and enalapril in doxorubicininduced cardiotoxicity in rats. Study Design: Experimental randomized control trials. Place and Duration of Study: This research was carried out from September 2020 to August 2021, in the department of pharmacology, in collaboration with the National Institute of Health (NIH) Islamabad, Pakistan. Materials and Methods: For this experiment, 4 groups of adult male rats were taken, each containing 10 rats. Group 1 rats acquired a normal diet without any medication throughout the experiment. On day 8 (after acclimatization) cardiotoxicity was induced in groups 2, 3, and 4 rats by administering doxorubicin 5mg/kg intraperitoneally for 3 consecutive days. After the confirmation of cardiotoxicity, Group 3 rats were administered only angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) enalapril 2mg/kg, while group 4 rats were given a combination of Nigella sativa 100mg/kg and Enalapril 2mg/kg orally for 14 days. Baseline blood samples were taken on day 0 to obtain normal values of Cardiac Troponin T ( cTnT), Cardiac Troponin I (cTnT), and CK-MB enzyme. To confirm cardiotoxicity 2nd sampling was done on day 11, and the final sampling was done through cardiac puncture on day 26. Serum biochemical estimation was done and data were analyzed through SPSS 22 by using one-way ANOVA and paired t-test. A P-value < 0.05 was believed statistically considerable. Results: Enalapril alone produced significant cardioprotective effects as shown by the marked reduction in cTnT, cTnI, and CKMB levels in group 3 (p<0.05), but combined administration of Nigella sativa and enalapril in group 4 mice produced a more significant reduction in Trop T, Trop I, and CK-MB levels (P <0.05). Conclusion: Nigella sativa and enalapril in combination significantly lower cardiac enzyme in Doxorubicininduced cardiotoxicity in rats

    Crimean‐Congo hemorrhagic fever outbreak in Pakistan, 2022: A warning bell amidst unprecedented floods and COVID 19 pandemic

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    Abstract Crimean‐Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is an infection caused by a tick‐borne virus (genus: Nairovirus, family: Bunyaviridae). The most important vector for CCHF is the ixodid tick. Along with tick bite, direct contact with the virus‐affected animal is responsible for its spread. Pakistan witnessed its first case of CCHF in 1976 and has been a major victim of CCHF for years, but spikes in cases are seen after Eid‐ul‐Adha, an Islamic festival involving the sacrifice of cattle. The disease, in particular, is common among butchers, veterinarians, and livestock workers. From the start of this year till June 22, 2022, a total of four cases have been reported across the country. Pakistan faces major challenges in combating CCHF every year due to its specific geographical position and a majority of the population being involved with animal husbandry. There is no approved vaccine for its prevention. All these factors contribute to the burden on the already weakened healthcare system of Pakistan. Strict actions should be taken to contain the spread of the disease. The need of the hour is to engage the general population, raise awareness, and develop policies to ensure disease surveillance. This should be accompanied by fostering collaboration among animal and human health departments for efficient communication and early intervention. The focus should be on medical research to find an efficacious treatment and prophylaxis for the CCHF virus, which will be the cornerstone of future CCHF prevention and control strategies

    In vitro antifungal activity of 9, 10-dihydrophenanthrene-2- carboxylic acid isolated from a marine bacterium: Pseudomonas putida

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    An antifungal compound 9, 10-dihydrophenanthrene - 2 - carboxylic acid was isolated from a marine derivedbacterium Pseudomonas putida isolated from surface water samples of Karachi fish harbor coast line. The structure wasexplored using extensive 1D- and 2D-NMR spectroscopic techniques.The compound was found to be active againstfungal strains obtained from clinical samples whereas strong activity was noted against Candida albicans with a MICvalue of 20”g/ml, as the purified compound showed promising anticandidal activity a multidisciplinary approach isneeded to explore further this compound as potential pharmacological lead compound against Candida spp and will addin the global hunt for clinically functional antifungal agents

    Exploring eating behavior and psychological mechanisms associated with obesity in patients with craniopharyngioma:a scoping review protocol

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    Objective:The objective of the review is to explore the evidence on the behavioral and psychological mechanisms underlying the development of obesity in patients with craniopharyngioma. The review will map the available evidence, identify gaps in the literature, and find avenues of future intervention.Introduction:Craniopharyngiomas are low-grade intracranial tumors of the supersellar region. Obesity is associated with the tumor or surgery or radiotherapy to treat the tumor; however, the behavioral and psychological processes contributing to that association are not clear. This review will provide a synthesized evidence base of the relevant research.Inclusion criteria:This review will consider published studies with all types of study designs, including patients with childhood-or adult-onset craniopharyngioma. Articles assessing factors that may impact eating behavior will be included based on the following categories: eating behavior, obesity, neuroimaging, endocrine response, energy expenditure, sleep, and neuropsychology.Methods:MEDLINE, Embase, and PsycINFO will be searched, in addition to the Cochrane Library, Web of Science, Scopus, ClinicalTrials.gov, NICE evidence search, and International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial Number (ISRCTN). No limits will be placed on the scope of the search. The methodology will follow a three-stage process with two independent reviewers at each stage, including an initial database search, screening of titles and abstracts of retrieved studies, full-text assessment for inclusion criteria, and hand-searching of reference lists. Data will be extracted using a standardized charting form and summarized in tables. The data will be synthesized using a narrative summary and diagrammatic map and will be based on the evidence for each of the proposed research categories. © 2020 JBI