10 research outputs found

    Comparative Population Genetics of Two Invading Ticks: Evidence of the Ecological Mechanisms Underlying Tick Range Expansions

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    Two species of ixodid tick, Ixodes affinis Neumann and Amblyomma maculatum Koch, are simultaneously expanding their ranges throughout the mid-Atlantic region of the US. Although we have some understanding of the ecology and life history of these species, the ecological mechanisms governing where and how new populations establish and persist are unclear. To assess population connectivity and ancestry, we sequenced a fragment of the 16S mitochondrial rRNA gene from a representative sample of individuals of both species from populations throughout the eastern US. We found that despite overlapping host preferences throughout ontogeny, each species exhibited very different genetic and geographic patterns of population establishment and connectivity. I. affinis was of two distinct mitochondrial clades, with a clear geographic break separating northern and southern populations. Both I. affinis populations showed evidence of recent expansion, although the southern population was more genetically diverse, indicating a longer history of establishment. A. maculatum exhibited diverse haplotypes that showed no significant relationship with geographic patterns and little apparent connectivity between sites. Heteroplasmy was also observed in the 16S mitochondrial rRNA gene in 3.5% of A. maculatum individuals. Genetic evidence suggests that these species rely on different key life stages to successfully disperse into novel environments, and that host vagility, habitat stability and habitat connectivity all play critical roles in the establishment of new tick populations

    The Fate of the Interstellar Medium in Early-type Galaxies. II. Observational Evidence for Morphological Quenching

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    The mechanism by which galaxies stop forming stars and get rid of their interstellar medium (ISM) remains elusive. Here, we study a sample of more than two thousand elliptical galaxies in which dust emission has been detected. This is the largest sample of such galaxies ever analysed. We infer the timescale for removal of dust in these galaxies and investigate its dependency on physical and environmental properties. We obtain a dust removal timescale in elliptical galaxies of τ\tau = 2.26 ±\pm 0.18 Gyr, corresponding to a half-life time of 1.57 ±\pm 0.12 Gyr. This timescale does not depend on environment, stellar mass or redshift. We observe a departure of dusty elliptical galaxies from the star formation rate vs. dust mass relation. This is caused by the star-formation rates declining faster than the dust masses and indicates that there exists an internal mechanism, which affects star formation, but leaves the ISM intact. Morphological quenching together with ionisation or outflows caused by older stellar populations (supernova type Ia or planetary nebulae) are consistent with these observations.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in Ap

    LED-based solar simulator to study photochemistry over a wide temperature range in the large simulation chamber AIDA

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    A light source has been built at the AIDA (Aerosol Interactions and Dynamics in the Atmosphere) simulation chamber at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, simulating solar radiation at ground level. Instead of full spectra light sources, it uses a combination of LEDs with a narrow emission spectrum, resulting in a combined spectrum similar to the solar spectrum between 300 and 530 nm. The use of LEDs leads to an energy-efficient, robust and versatile illumination concept. The light source can be used over a wide temperature range down to −90 ∘C and is adjustable in intensity and spectral width as well as easily adjustable to new technological developments or scientific needs. Characterization of the illumination conditions shows a vertical intensity gradient in the chamber. The integral intensity corresponds to a NO₂ photolysis frequency j(NO₂) of (1.58±0.21(1σ))x10−3 s−11.58 \pm 0.21(1σ)) x 10^{-3} s^{−1} for temperatures between 213 and 295 K. At constant temperature, the light intensity is stable within ±1 %. While the emissions of the different LEDs change with temperature, they can be adjusted, and thus it is possible to adapt the spectrum for different temperatures. Although the illumination of the simulation chamber leads to an increase of 0.7 K h−1h^{−1} of the mean gas temperature, it is possible to perform experiments with aqueous droplets at relative humidities up to ≤95 % and also above water or ice saturation with corresponding clouds. Additionally, temperature- and wavelength-dependent photolysis experiments with 2,3-pentanedione have been conducted. The photolysis of 2,3-pentanedione occurs mainly between 400 and 460 nm, resulting in a mean photolysis frequency of (1.03±0.15)x10−4 s−1(1.03 \pm 0.15) x 10^{-4} s^{−1} independent of temperature in the range 213–298 K with a quantum yield of 0.36±0.04. In contrast, the yield of the two main photolysis products, acetaldehyde and formaldehyde, decreases with temperature. Furthermore, the light source was applied to study the photochemistry of aerosol particles. For the atmospheric brown carbon proxy compound 3,5-diacetyl-2,4,6-trimethyl-1,4-dihydropyridine, photochemical reaction products were identified. In aerosol particles containing iron oxalate as a photosensitizer, the photosensitized degradation of organic acids (pinic and pinonic acid) was studied. Although the light source only generates about one-third of the maximum solar irradiation at ground level at Karlsruhe (49.007∘ N, 8.404∘ E; 12:00 UTC+2) on a clear summer day with a substantial intensity gradient throughout the simulation chamber, it could be shown that this type of light source allows reproducible experiments over a wide range of simulated atmospheric conditions and with a large flexibility and control of the irradiation spectrum

    The Portable Ice Nucleation Experiment (PINE): A new online instrument for laboratory studies and automated long-term field observations of ice-nucleating particles

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    Atmospheric ice-nucleating particles (INPs) play an important role in determining the phase of clouds, which affects their albedo and lifetime. A lack of data on the spatial and temporal variation of INPs around the globe limits our predictive capacity and understanding of clouds containing ice. Automated instrumentation that can robustly measure INP concentrations across the full range of tropospheric temperatures is needed in order to address this knowledge gap. In this study, we demonstrate the functionality and capacity of the new Portable Ice Nucleation Experiment (PINE) to study ice nucleation processes and to measure INP concentrations under conditions pertinent for mixed-phase clouds, with temperatures from about −10 to about −40 C. PINE is a cloud expansion chamber which avoids frost formation on the cold walls and thereby omits frost fragmentation and related background ice signals during the operation. The development, working principle and treatment of data for the PINE instrument is discussed in detail. We present laboratory-based tests where PINE measurements were compared with those from the established AIDA (Aerosol Interaction and Dynamics in the Atmosphere) cloud chamber. Within experimental uncertainties, PINE agreed with AIDA for homogeneous freezing of pure water droplets and the immersion freezing activity of mineral aerosols. Results from a first field campaign conducted at the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Southern Great Plains (SGP) observatory in Oklahoma, USA, from 1 October to 14 November 2019 with the latest PINE design (a commercially available PINE chamber) are also shown, demonstrating PINE\u27s ability to make automated field measurements of INP concentrations at a time resolution of about 8 min with continuous temperature scans for INP measurements between −10 and −30 ∘C. During this field campaign, PINE was continuously operated for 45 d in a fully automated and semi-autonomous way, demonstrating the capability of this new instrument to also be used for longer-term field measurements and INP monitoring activities in observatories

    Measurement report : Introduction to the HyICE-2018 campaign for measurements of ice-nucleating particles and instrument inter-comparison in the Hyytiala boreal forest

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    The formation of ice particles in Earth's atmosphere strongly influences the dynamics and optical properties of clouds and their impacts on the climate system. Ice formation in clouds is often triggered heterogeneously by ice-nucleating particles (INPs) that represent a very low number of particles in the atmosphere. To date, many sources of INPs, such as mineral and soil dust, have been investigated and identified in the low and mid latitudes. Although less is known about the sources of ice nucleation at high latitudes, efforts have been made to identify the sources of INPs in the Arctic and boreal environments. In this study, we investigate the INP emission potential from high-latitude boreal forests in the mixed-phase cloud regime. We introduce the HyICE-2018 measurement campaign conducted in the boreal forest of Hyytiala, Finland, between February and June 2018. The campaign utilized the infrastructure of the Station for Measuring Ecosystem-Atmosphere Relations (SMEAR) II, with additional INP instruments, including the Portable Ice Nucleation Chamber I and II (PINC and PINCii), the SPectrometer for Ice Nuclei (SPIN), the Portable Ice Nucleation Experiment (PINE), the Ice Nucleation SpEctrometer of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (INSEKT) and the Microlitre Nucleation by Immersed Particle Instrument (mu L-NIPI), used to quantify the INP concentrations and sources in the boreal environment. In this contribution, we describe the measurement infrastructure and operating procedures during HyICE-2018, and we report results from specific time periods where INP instruments were run in parallel for inter-comparison purposes. Our results show that the suite of instruments deployed during HyICE-2018 reports consistent results and therefore lays the foundation for forthcoming results to be considered holistically. In addition, we compare measured INP concentrations to INP parameterizations, and we observe good agreement with the Tobo et al. (2013) parameterization developed from measurements conducted in a ponderosa pine forest ecosystem in Colorado, USA.Peer reviewe

    Measurement report : Introduction to the HyICE-2018 campaign for measurements of ice-nucleating particles and instrument inter-comparison in the Hyytiala boreal forest

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    The formation of ice particles in Earth's atmosphere strongly influences the dynamics and optical properties of clouds and their impacts on the climate system. Ice formation in clouds is often triggered heterogeneously by ice-nucleating particles (INPs) that represent a very low number of particles in the atmosphere. To date, many sources of INPs, such as mineral and soil dust, have been investigated and identified in the low and mid latitudes. Although less is known about the sources of ice nucleation at high latitudes, efforts have been made to identify the sources of INPs in the Arctic and boreal environments. In this study, we investigate the INP emission potential from high-latitude boreal forests in the mixed-phase cloud regime. We introduce the HyICE-2018 measurement campaign conducted in the boreal forest of Hyytiala, Finland, between February and June 2018. The campaign utilized the infrastructure of the Station for Measuring Ecosystem-Atmosphere Relations (SMEAR) II, with additional INP instruments, including the Portable Ice Nucleation Chamber I and II (PINC and PINCii), the SPectrometer for Ice Nuclei (SPIN), the Portable Ice Nucleation Experiment (PINE), the Ice Nucleation SpEctrometer of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (INSEKT) and the Microlitre Nucleation by Immersed Particle Instrument (mu L-NIPI), used to quantify the INP concentrations and sources in the boreal environment. In this contribution, we describe the measurement infrastructure and operating procedures during HyICE-2018, and we report results from specific time periods where INP instruments were run in parallel for inter-comparison purposes. Our results show that the suite of instruments deployed during HyICE-2018 reports consistent results and therefore lays the foundation for forthcoming results to be considered holistically. In addition, we compare measured INP concentrations to INP parameterizations, and we observe good agreement with the Tobo et al. (2013) parameterization developed from measurements conducted in a ponderosa pine forest ecosystem in Colorado, USA.Peer reviewe

    Online Ice-Nucleating Particle Measurements in the Southern Great Plains (SGP) Using the Portable Ice Nucleation Experiment (PINE) Chamber

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    We present our field results of ice-nucleating particle (INP) measurements from the commercialized version of the Portable Ice Nucleation Experiment (PINE) chamber from two different campaigns. Our first field campaign, TxTEST, was conducted at West Texas A&M University (July–August 2019), and the other campaign, ExINP-SGP, was held at the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Southern Great Plains (SGP) site (October–November 2019). In both campaigns, the PINE made semi-autonomous INP measurements at a high-time-resolution of 8 min for individual expansions with continuous temperature scans from −5 to −35 °C in 90 min. The PINE instrument was set to have a minimum detection capability of ~0.3 INPs per liter of air. To complement our online PINE measurements, polycarbonate filter impactor and liquid impinger samples were also collected next to the PINE. Offline droplet-freezing assays were later conducted from the filter and impinger samples for the immersion freezing mode. Our preliminary results suggested that the immersion freezing mode was the dominant ice-nucleation mechanism at the SGP site compared to the deposition mode. We did not find any statistical correlation between cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) and INP concentration during our ExINP-SGP period, suggesting that CCN activation is not a significant prerequisite for ice nucleation at the SGP site. In addition, we analyzed the relationship between various aerosol particle size ranges and INP abundance. At SGP, we found an increase in INPs with the super-micron particles, especially for diameters >2 μm across the entire heterogeneous freezing temperature range examined by PINE. Lastly, we computed a variety of INP parameters, such as, ice nucleation active surface site density, water activity-based freezing, and cumulative INP per liter of air, representing the ambient INPs in the SGP. Our field campaign results demonstrated the PINE’s ability to make remote INP measurements, promising future long-term operations including at isolated locations

    Comparative population genetics of two invading ticks: Evidence of the ecological mechanisms underlying tick range expansions

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    Two species of ixodid tick, Ixodes affinis Neumann and Amblyomma maculatum Koch, are simultaneously expanding their ranges throughout the mid-Atlantic region of the US. Although we have some understanding of the ecology and life history of these species, the ecological mechanisms governing where and how new populations establish and persist are unclear. To assess population connectivity and ancestry, we sequenced a fragment of the 16S mitochondrial rRNA gene from a representative sample of individuals of both species from populations throughout the eastern US. We found that despite overlapping host preferences throughout ontogeny, each species exhibited very different genetic and geographic patterns of population establishment and connectivity. I. affinis was of two distinct mitochondrial clades, with a clear geographic break separating northern and southern populations. Both I. affinis populations showed evidence of recent expansion, although the southern population was more genetically diverse, indicating a longer history of establishment. A. maculatum exhibited diverse haplotypes that showed no significant relationship with geographic patterns and little apparent connectivity between sites. Heteroplasmy was also observed in the 16S mitochondrial rRNA gene in 3.5% of A. maculatum individuals. Genetic evidence suggests that these species rely on different key life stages to successfully disperse into novel environments, and that host vagility, habitat stability and habitat connectivity all play critical roles in the establishment of new tick populations

    Datasets to: Measurement report: Introduction to the HyICE-2018 campaign for the measurements of ice nucleating particles in the boreal forest of Hyytiälä

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    <p>This repository contains the datasets used in the study 'Measurement report: Introduction to the HyICE-2018 campaign for the measurements of ice nucleating particles in the boreal forest of Hyytiälä'. Detailed information and technical aspects of the data can be found in the publication.</p> <p>Update (version 2 - January 2024): The repository was updated and now contains the complete HyICE-2018 datasets for the instruments uL-NIPI and PINE. </p> <p> </p&gt