9 research outputs found

    Fenotipska obilježja virulencije, enteropatogeni serovarovi i tvorba verotoksina sojeva bakterije E. coli izdvojenih iz pasa na Trinidadu u kojih nije ustanovljen proljev

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    The study was conducted to determine the prevalence and selected characteristics of Escherichia coli in non-diarrhoeic dogs from Trinidad. Rectal swabs or faecal samples were collected. Primary isolation of E. coli was done on eosin methylene blue (EMB) agar, haemolysin and mucoid production were detected on blood agar (BA) and sorbitol fermentation was assayed on sorbitol MacConkey agar (SMAC) agar. Agglutination tests, using commercially available antisera, determined O157-positive and enteropathogenic (EPEC) strains of E. coli while the vero cell assay detected verocytotoxigenic E. coli (VTEC) strains. Overall, of a total of 1,391 dogs sampled, E. coli was isolated from 1,266 (91.0%) dogs. Differences were statistically significant amongst E. coli isolated from dog sources (P<0.05; χ2) with the highest (96.0%) and lowest (81.3%) prevalence detected in hunting dogs and pound dogs, respectively. Of the 1,900 E. coli isolates tested, 100 (5.3%), 81 (4.3%) and 133 (7.0%) were mucoid, haemolytic and non-sorbitol fermenting (NSF) respectively. The difference was statistically significant (P<0.05; χ2). For EPEC strains, of the 333 E. coli isolates tested, 189 (56.8%) belonged to ‘enteropathogenic’ serogroups. The difference in prevalence across the various dog sources was statistically significant (P<0.05; χ2). Of the 558 E. coli strains tested, 74 (13.3%) were positive for verocytotoxin production. It was concluded that asymptomatic dogs in Trinidad carry virulent strains of E. coli, posing a threat as reservoirs of infections to human handlers and their owners and therefore are of significance for public health.Istraživanje je poduzeto radi određivanja prevalencije i određenih značajki bakterije Escherichia coli u pasa bez proljeva na Trinidadu. Pretraženi su bili uzorci obrisaka rektuma i izmeta. E. coli bila je izdvojena na eozinmetilensko plavilo agaru. Tvorba hemolizina i sluzi dokazivana je na krvnomu agaru, a fermentacija sorbitola na MacConkey sorbitolskom agaru. Serološka skupina O157 i enteropatogenost dokazani su aglutinacijskim testom pomoću komercijalnih antiseruma, dok su verocitotoksigeni sojevi dokazani testom na staničnoj kulturi VERO. E. coli bila je izdvojena iz 1266 (91,0%) od pretraženih 1391 psa. Statistički značajne razlike ustanovljene su u izdvajanju E. coli (P<0,05; χ2) s najvećom prevalencijom (96,0%) u lovačkih pasa i najmanjom (81,3%) u tornjaka. Od analiziranih 1900 izolata E. coli, 100 (5,3%) je imalo sluzave kolonije, 81 (4,3%) je bio hemolitičan, a 133 (7,0%) izolata nisu fermentirala sorbitol. Razlika je bila statistički značajna (P<0,05; χ2). Od 333 pretražena izolata, 189 (56,8%) ih je pripadalo enteropatogenim (EPEC) serološkim skupinama. Razlika je bila statistički značajna s obzirom na različito podrijetlo pretraženih pasa (P<0,05; χ2). Od pretraženih 558 izolata E. coli, 74 (13,3%) tvorila su verocitotoksin. Može se zaključiti da psi na Trinidadu u kojih nije ustanovljen proljev mogu biti nositelji patogenih sojeve E. coli što predstavlja prijetnju za njihove vlasnike, a taj je nalaz od javnozdravstvenog značenja

    Patogenost izolata bakterije Escherichia coli iz pasa bez proljeva i njihova osjetljivost prema antibioticima

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    E. coli isolated from dogs in Trinidad were tested for their susceptibility to antimicrobial agents using the disk diffusion method. Antimicrobial agents and concentrations included cephalothin (KF, 30 μg), ampicillin (AMP, 10μg), kanamycin (K, 30 μg), neomycin (N, 30 μg), gentamicin (CN, 10 μg), sulphamethoxazole/ trimethoprim (SXT, 23.25 μg/1.75 μg), nalidixic acid (NA, 30 μg) and norfloxacin (NOR, 10 μg). The overall prevalence of resistance to one or more antimicrobial agents for E. coli isolated from dogs was 47.9%. The difference in prevalence across the various sources of the isolates from dogs was statistically significant (P<0.001; χ2). Overall, resistance was highest to cephalothin (30.1%). A total of 45 resistance patterns were observed from dogs from all sources and the predominant pattern was KF (25.6%). It was concluded that the relatively high prevalence of resistance to antimicrobial agents amongst E. coli isolates from non-diarrhoeic dogs in Trinidad may pose zoonotic and therapeutic problems.Izolati E. coli iz pasa u Trinidadu bili su testirani na osjetljivost prema antimikrobnim tvarima difuzijskim testom. Upotrijebljene su sljedeće antimikrobne tvari i njihove koncentracije: cefalotin (KF , 30 μg), ampicilin (AMP, 10 μg), kanamicin (K, 30 μg), neomicin (N, 30 μg), gentamicin (CN, 10 μg), sulfametoksazol/ trimetoprim (SXT, 23.25/1.75 μg), nalidiksična kiselina (NA, 30 μg) i norfloksacin (NOR, 10 μg). Sveukupna prevalencija otpornosti na jednu ili više antimikrobnih tvari za izolate E. coli iz pasa iznosila je 47,9%. Razlika u prevalenciji izolata s različitih izvora bila je statistički značajna (P<0,001; χ2). Općenito je otpornost bila veća prema cefalotinu (30,1%). Ukupno je 45 izolata pokazivalo otpornost s pretežitošću prema cefalotinu (25,6%). Zaključeno je da relativno velika prevalencija izolata E. coli iz pasa bez proljeva u Trinidadu otpornih prema antimikrobnim tvarima može predstavljati problem u zoonotskom i terapijskom smislu

    Serovarovi Salmonella spp. izdvojeni iz zdravih mačaka u Trinidadu i njihova osjetljivost prema antibioticima

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    The prevalence of Salmonella spp. in non-diarrhoeic cats across Trinidad was determined. The serovars of Salmonella spp. isolated were identified and the resistance to eight antimicrobial agents was determined. Of the 94 cats sampled 2 (2.1%) were positive for Salmonella spp. with two serovars identified: S. Johannesburg and a serovar belonging to Group C1. Only 1 isolate was resistant. It was concluded that the isolation of Salmonella spp. from apparently healthy cats poses a health hazard to their owners, since most serovars are known to be potentially pathogenic. Furthermore, the existence of resistance to antimicrobial agents amongst Salmonella isolates from cats could cause chemotherapeutic consequences to their human owners.U Trinidadu je istražena proširenost Salmonella spp. u klinički zdravih mačaka. Izdvojeni serovarovi Salmonella spp. bili su identificirani te im je određena otpornost na osam antimikrobnih sredstava. Od 94 mačke, dvije (2,1%) su bile pozitivne na salmonele s dva identificirana serovara: S. Johannesburg i serovar koji pripada skupini C1. Jedan izolat bio je rezistentan. Može se zaključiti da izdvajanje Salmonella spp. iz zdravih mačaka predstavlja zdravstvenu opasnost za njihove vlasnike, jer je poznato da je većina serovarova potencijalno patogena. Nadalje, rezistencija izolata iz mačaka na antimikrobna sredstva može imati kemoterapeutske posljedice na njihove vlasnike

    Leptospiroza u indijskog bivola (Bubalus bubalis) na Trinidadu.

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    The seroprevalence of leptospirosis in water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) reared for meat in semi-intensive and extensive managed farms in Trinidad was determined. All sera were tested for specific antibodies against 17 internationally recognized serovars of Leptospira using the microscopic agglutination test (MAT). Animals with titres greater or equal to 100 were considered as seropositive indicating exposure to Leptospira and those with titres greater or equal to 800 were interpreted as cases of acute leptospirosis. Of a total of 226 apparently healthy water buffalo from five major farms in Trinidad tested, 33 (14.6%) were seropositive with titres ranging from 100 to 400. Three (60.0%) of 5 farms had seropositive animals with seropositivity rates ranging from 2.0% (1 of 50) on Farm A to 32.7% (16 of 49) on Farm B. The difference was statistically significant (P0.05; X2) effect on infection rate. The prevalent antibodies to serovars of Leptospira were farm-specific with specific antibodies to serovars Copenhageni and Georgia being predominant on Farm B having been detected in 10 (62.5%) and 9 (56.3%) respectively of 16 seropositive animals. On Farm D however, also with 16 seropositive animals, specific antibodies to serovars Patoc and Bratislava were most frequently detected, found in 11 (68.8%) and 5 (31.3%) respectively of seropositive animals. This is the first documentation of leptospirosis in water buffalo in the Caribbean region and the health risk posed to farm workers, abattoir workers and veterinarians cannot be ignored.Određivana je serološka prevalencija leptospiroze u indijskog bivola (Bubalus bubalis) uzgajanoga za meso u poluintenzivnoj i ekstenzivnoj proizvodnji na Trinidadu. Uzorci seruma bili su pretraženi mikroskopskom aglutinacijom na specifi čna protutijela za 17 međunarodno važnih serovarova leptospira. Životinje s titrom ≥1:100 smatrane su serološki pozitivnima što znači da su bile izložene infekciji leptospirama, dok su one s titrom ≥1:800 smatrane akutno zaražene leptospirama. Ustanovljeno je da su 33 (14,6%) bivola bila serološki pozitivna u titru od 1:100 do 1:400 od ukupno 226 pretraženih klinički zdravih indijskih bivola podrijetlom s pet velikh farmi na Trinidadu. Serološki pozitivne životinje ustanovljene su na tri od pet pretraženih farmi sa stopom serološke pozitivnosti od 2% (1 od 50) na farmi A, do 32,7% (16 od 49) na farmi B. Razlika je bila statistički značajna (P0,05; X2). Nalaz protutijela za određeni serovar leptospira bilo je specifi čan za farmu. Tako su protutijela za serovarove Kopenhagen i Georgia pretežito dokazana na farmi B, s tim da su za serovar Kopenhagen bila dokazana u 10 (62,5%), a za serovar Georgia u 9 (56,3%) od 16 serološki pozitivnih životinja. Međutim, na farmi D gdje je također ustanovljeno 16 serološki pozitivnih životinja, najčešće su dokazana protutijela za serovarove Patoc i Bratislava. Protutijela za serovar Patoc dokazana su u 11 (68,8%), a za serovar Bratislava u pet (31,3%) bivola. Ovo je prvi dokaz leptospiroze u indijskih bivola na Karibima što predstavlja rizik za infekciju u farmskih i klaoničkih radnika te veterinara

    Seroprevalence and risk factors of Toxoplasma gondii infection among pregnant women in Trinidad and Tobago Seroprevalencia y factores de riesgo de la infección por Toxoplasma gondii en mujeres embarazadas en Trinidad y Tobago

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine the seroprevalence of toxoplasmosis and the frequency of risk factors for the disease in women attending antenatal clinics in hospitals and local health centers in Trinidad and Tobago. METHODS: From November 2002-September 2003, 232 pregnant women at the antenatal clinics of two large hospitals were sampled during their first trimesters. From October 2003-February 2005, 218 pregnant women at five health care centers were followed through three trimesters, wherever possible, and blood samples collected. Sera were screened for Toxoplasma gondii IgG and IgM immunoglobulins using an enzyme immunoassay. Data on demographics, as well as practices considered to be risk factors for toxoplasmosis, were obtained. RESULTS: Of the 232 women sampled at the two hospital clinics, 83 (35.8%) and 8 (3.4%) were seropositive for immunoglobulins of T. gondii IgG and IgM, respectively. Of the 218 women at the health centers, 76 (34.9%) had evidence of past infection (IgG), while 26 (11.9%) were seropositive for IgM immunoglobulin, suggesting new infections during pregnancy. Only having "3 or more" children was significantly associated with infection by T. gondii. CONCLUSION: In Trinidad and Tobago, the seroprevalence of past infection by T. gondii in pregnant women is relatively low (39.3%) for patients in both hospital and health center clinics. Consequently, there is an elevated risk of primary infection during pregnancy and the potential for congenital infection.<br>OBJETIVO: Determinar la seroprevalencia de toxoplasmosis y la frecuencia de los factores de riesgo de la enfermedad en mujeres que asisten a consultas prenatales en hospitales y centros de salud en Trinidad y Tobago. MÉTODOS: Entre noviembre de 2002 y septiembre de 2003 se tomaron muestras de 232 mujeres que asistieron a consultas prenatales en dos grandes hospitales durante su primer trimestre de embarazo. Entre octubre de 2003 y febrero de 2005 se realizó el seguimiento durante tres trimestres, siempre que fue posible, y se tomaron muestras de sangre de 218 embarazadas atendidas en cinco centros de salud. Se analizaron las muestras de suero para detectar anticuerpos de las clases IgG e IgM contra Toxoplasma gondii mediante ensayos inmunoenzimáticos. Se tomó nota de los datos demográficos y las prácticas consideradas factores de riesgo para la toxoplasmosis. RESULTADOS: De las 232 mujeres estudiadas en los dos hospitales, 83 (35,8%) y 8 (3,4%) resultaron seropositivas para anticuerpos IgG e IgM contra T. gondii, respectivamente. De las 218 mujeres estudiadas en los centros de salud, 76 (34,9%) presentaban evidencias de infección pasada (anticuerpos IgG), mientras 26 (11,9%) eran positivas a anticuerpos IgM, lo que indicaba una infección reciente durante el embarazo. El único factor asociado significativamente con la infección por T. gondii fue tener tres hijos o más. CONCLUSIONES: En Trinidad y Tobago, la seroprevalencia de infección pasada por T. gondii encontrada en mujeres embarazadas que se atendían en los hospitales y los centros de salud fue relativamente baja (39,3%). Por consiguiente, existe un elevado riesgo de infección primaria durante el embarazo con la posibilidad de infección congénita

    Achado de bactérias selecionadas em crianças de Trinidad com doença amigdaliana crônica Selected bacterial recovery in Trinidadian children with chronic tonsillar disease

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    Faringoamigdalite na população pediátrica é largamente tratada com antibióticos. OBJETIVO: Estudar a microflora presente na superfície e no núcleo de amígdalas após adenoamigdalectomia eletiva em crianças. MÉTODO: Amígdalas de 102 crianças de Trinidad foram prospectivamente estudadas por meio de culturas e identificações bacteriológicas feitas a partir de amostras das superfícies e núcleos de suas amígdalas entre 2005-2006. RESULTADOS: A partir de 360 amígdalas, foram isolados Streptococcus spp. (51,3%), Staphylococcus spp. (42,3%) e Gram-Negativos (6,4%). A identificação de estafilococos e estreptococos tanto na superfície quanto no núcleo foi semelhante (p>0,05). Encontramos mais (p<0,001) Streptococcus spp. nas superfícies (82,2%) do que nos núcleos (63,3%); a prevalência de estreptococos alfa-hemolíticos foi maior (p<0,001) do que aquela de estreptococos beta-hemolíticos nas superfícies (74,4% vs. 18,6%) do que nos núcleos (58,9% vs. 13,7%). Não houve concordância entre superfícies e núcleos com relação a estreptococos (p<0,0004) e estreptococos alfa-hemolíticos (p<0,007). Estreptococos beta-hemolíticos foram mais identificados (p<0,05) em crianças dentre 6-16 anos do que naquelas entre 1-5 anos de idade (31% e 23,8% vs 12,5% e 8%). A prevalência de S. pyogenes na superfície e no núcleo foi de (84,6% vs 70%) e (50,0% vs 25,0%) em crianças de maior faixa etária e crianças mais novas, respectivamente. Klebsiella spp. (6,6%, 2,2%), Proteus (4,4%, 4,4%) e Pseudomonas (4,4 %, 1,1%) cresceram nas superfícies e núcleos, respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: As superfícies amigdalianas tinham mais estreptococos e estreptococos hemolíticos do que seus núcleos. Crianças mais velhas tiveram mais estreptococos beta-hemolíticos, e são altamente colonizadoras de S. pyogenes. Sugerimos estudos que investiguem os mecanismos de aderência estreptocócica em crianças de Trinidad.<br>Pharyngotonsillitis in children is widely treated with antibiotics. AIM: To examine tonsil surface and core microflora following elective adenotonsillectomy in children. METHODS: Tonsils of 102 Trinidadian children were prospectively examined for surface and core bacteriological culture and identification between 2005-2006. RESULTS: Tonsils (360) yielded 800 isolates of Streptococcus spp. (51.3%), Staphylococcus spp. (42.3%) and Gram-negative genera (6.4%). Surface and core recovery of staphylococci and streptococci were similar (p>0.05). More (p<0.001) surfaces (82.2%) than cores (63.3%) grew Streptococcus spp.; &#945;-haemolytic Streptococcus prevalence was higher (p<0.001) than ß-haemolytic Streptococcus on surfaces (74.4% vs. 18.6%) than cores (58.9% vs. 13.7%). Surfaces and cores were not concordant for streptococci (p<0.0004) and &#945;-haemolytic Streptococcus (p<0.007). Surface and core ß-haemolytic Streptococcus yield was higher (p<0.05) in 6-16 than 1-5 year olds (31% and 23.8% vs 12.5% and 8%). S. pyogenes surface and core prevalence was (84.6% vs 70%) and (50.0% vs 25.0%) in older and younger children respectively. Klebsiella spp. (6.6 %, 2.2%), Proteus (4.4%, 4.4%) and Pseudomonas (4.4 %, 1.1%) grew on surfaces and cores respectively. CONCLUSION: Tonsil surfaces yield higher surface than core carriage for streptococci overall and for &#945; haemolytic streptococci. Older children grow more &#946;-haemolytic streptococci and are high colonizers of S. pyogenes. Studies probing the mechanisms of streptococcal adhesions in Trinidadian children are suggested