252 research outputs found

    Inhibitory-κB kinase (IKK) α and nuclear factor-κB (NFκB)-inducing kinase (NIK) as anti-cancer drug targets

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    The cellular kinases inhibitory-κB kinase (IKK) α and Nuclear Factor-κB (NF-κB)-inducing kinase (NIK) are well recognised as key central regulators and drivers of the non-canonical NF-κB cascade and as such dictate the initiation and development of defined transcriptional responses associated with the liberation of p52-RelB and p52-p52 NF-κB dimer complexes. Whilst these kinases and downstream NF-κB complexes transduce pro-inflammatory and growth stimulating signals that contribute to major cellular processes, they also play a key role in the pathogenesis of a number of inflammatory-based conditions and diverse cancer types, which for the latter may be a result of background mutational status. IKKα and NIK, therefore, represent attractive targets for pharmacological intervention. Here, specifically in the cancer setting, we reflect on the potential pathophysiological role(s) of each of these kinases, their associated downstream signalling outcomes and the stimulatory and mutational mechanisms leading to their increased activation. We also consider the downstream coordination of transcriptional events and phenotypic outcomes illustrative of key cancer ‘Hallmarks’ that are now increasingly perceived to be due to the coordinated recruitment of both NF-κB-dependent as well as NF-κB–independent signalling. Furthermore, as these kinases regulate the transition from hormone-dependent to hormone-independent growth in defined tumour subsets, potential tumour reactivation and major cytokine and chemokine species that may have significant bearing upon tumour-stromal communication and tumour microenvironment it reiterates their potential to be drug targets. Therefore, with the emergence of small molecule kinase inhibitors targeting each of these kinases, we consider medicinal chemistry efforts to date and those evolving that may contribute to the development of viable pharmacological intervention strategies to target a variety of tumour types

    MicroRNA let-7c Is Downregulated in Prostate Cancer and Suppresses Prostate Cancer Growth

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    Prostate cancer (PCa) is characterized by deregulated expression of several tumor suppressor or oncogenic miRNAs. The objective of this study was the identification and characterization of miR-let-7c as a potential tumor suppressor in PCa.Levels of expression of miR-let-7c were examined in human PCa cell lines and tissues using qRT-PCR and in situ hybridization. Let-7c was overexpressed or suppressed to assess the effects on the growth of human PCa cell lines. Lentiviral-mediated re-expression of let-7c was utilized to assess the effects on human PCa xenografts.We identified miR-let-7c as a potential tumor suppressor in PCa. Expression of let-7c is downregulated in castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) cells. Overexpression of let-7c decreased while downregulation of let-7c increased cell proliferation, clonogenicity and anchorage-independent growth of PCa cells in vitro. Suppression of let-7c expression enhanced the ability of androgen-sensitive PCa cells to grow in androgen-deprived conditions in vitro. Reconstitution of Let-7c by lentiviral-mediated intratumoral delivery significantly reduced tumor burden in xenografts of human PCa cells. Furthermore, let-7c expression is downregulated in clinical PCa specimens compared to their matched benign tissues, while the expression of Lin28, a master regulator of let-7 miRNA processing, is upregulated in clinical PCa specimens.These results demonstrate that microRNA let-7c is downregulated in PCa and functions as a tumor suppressor, and is a potential therapeutic target for PCa

    CXC receptor-2 knockout genotype increases X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein and protects mice from acetaminophen hepatotoxicity

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    Although acetaminophen is a commonly used analgesic, it can be highly hepatotoxic. This study seeks to further investigate the mechanisms involved in acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity and the role of chemokine (C-X-C motif) receptor 2 (CXCR2) receptor/ligand interactions in the liver's response to and recovery from acetaminophen toxicity. The CXC chemokines and their receptor, CXCR2, are important inflammatory mediators and are involved in the control of some types of cellular proliferation. CXCR2 knockout mice exposed to a median lethal dose of acetaminophen had a significantly lower mortality rate than wild-type mice. This difference was at least partially attributable to a significantly decreased rate of apoptosis in CXCR2 knockout mice versus wild-type mice; there were no differences seen in hepatocyte proliferation in wild-type mice versus knockout mice after this injury. Conclusion : The decreased rate of apoptosis in the knockout mice correlated with an almost undetectable and significantly decreased level of activated caspase-3 and significantly increased levels of X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein, which also correlated with increased levels of nuclear factor kappa B p52 and decreased levels of c-Jun N-terminal kinase; this provides a possible mechanism for the decrease in apoptosis seen in CXCR2 knockout mice. Hepatology 2010Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/77971/1/23715_ftp.pd

    Sperm centriole assessment identifies male factor infertility in couples with unexplained infertility - a pilot study

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    Unexplained infertility affects about one-third of infertile couples and is defined as the failure to identify the cause of infertility despite extensive evaluation of the male and female partners. Therefore, there is a need for a multiparametric approach to study sperm function. Recently, we developed a Fluorescence-Based Ratiometric Analysis of Sperm Centrioles (FRAC) assay to determine sperm centriole quality. Here, we perform a pilot study of sperm from 10 fertile men and 10 men in couples with unexplained infertility, using three centriolar biomarkers measured at three sperm locations from two sperm fractions, representing high and low sperm quality. We found that FRAC can identify men from couples with unexplained infertility as the likely source of infertility. Higher quality fractions from 10 fertile individuals were the reference population. All 180 studied FRAC values in the 10 fertile individuals fell within the reference population range. Eleven of the 180 studied FRAC values in the 10 infertile patients were outliers beyond the 95% confidence intervals (P = 0.0008). Three men with unexplained infertility had outlier FRAC values in their higher quality sperm fraction, while four had outlier FRAC values in their lower quality sperm fraction (3/10 and 4/10, P = 0.060 and P = 0.025, respectively), suggesting that these four individuals are infertile due, in part, to centriolar defects. We propose that a larger scale study should be performed to determine the ability of FRAC to identify male factor infertility and its potential contribution to sperm multiparametric analysis

    Estrogen-dependent dynamic profile of eNOS-DNA associations in prostate cancer

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    In previous work we have documented the nuclear translocation of endothelial NOS (eNOS) and its participation in combinatorial complexes with Estrogen Receptor Beta (ERβ) and Hypoxia Inducible Factors (HIFs) that determine localized chromatin remodeling in response to estrogen (E2) and hypoxia stimuli, resulting in transcriptional regulation of genes associated with adverse prognosis in prostate cancer (PCa). To explore the role of nuclear eNOS in the acquisition of aggressive phenotype in PCa, we performed ChIP-Sequencing on chromatin-associated eNOS from cells from a primary tumor with poor outcome and from metastatic LNCaP cells. We found that: 1. the eNOS-bound regions (peaks) are widely distributed across the genome encompassing multiple transcription factors binding sites, including Estrogen Response Elements. 2. E2 increased the number of peaks, indicating hormone-dependent eNOS re-localization. 3. Peak distribution was similar with/without E2 with ≈ 55% of them in extragenic DNA regions and an intriguing involvement of the 5′ domain of several miRs deregulated in PCa. Numerous potentially novel eNOS-targeted genes have been identified suggesting that eNOS participates in the regulation of large gene sets. The parallel finding of downregulation of a cluster of miRs, including miR-34a, in PCa cells associated with poor outcome led us to unveil a molecular link between eNOS and SIRT1, an epigenetic regulator of aging and tumorigenicity, negatively regulated by miR-34a and in turn activating eNOS. E2 potentiates miR-34a downregulation thus enhancing SIRT1 expression, depicting a novel eNOS/SIRT1 interplay fine-tuned by E2-activated ER signaling, and suggesting that eNOS may play an important role in aggressive PCa

    Lin28 Promotes Growth of Prostate Cancer Cells and Activates the Androgen Receptor

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    Prostate cancer (CaP) progresses to a castration-resistant state assisted by multifold molecular changes, most of which involve activation of the androgen receptor (AR). Having previously demonstrated the importance of the Lin28/let-7/Myc axis in CaP, we tested the hypothesis that Lin28 is overexpressed in CaP and that it activates AR and promotes growth of CaP cells. We analyzed human clinical CaP samples for the expression of Lin28 by quantitative real-time RT-PCR, Western blot analysis, and IHC. Growth characteristics of CaP cell lines transiently and stably expressing Lin28 were examined. The clonogenic ability of CaP cells expressing Lin28 was determined by colony formation and soft agar assays. Increase in expression of AR and subsequent increase in transcription of AR-target genes were analyzed by quantitative real-time RT-PCR, luciferase assays, and ELISA. LNCaP cells stably expressing Lin28 were injected into nude mice, and tumorigenesis was monitored. We found that Lin28 is overexpressed in clinical CaP compared to benign prostates. Overexpression of Lin28 enhanced, while down-regulation reduced, growth of CaP cells. Lin28 enhanced the ability of CaP cells to form colonies in anchorage-dependent and anchorage-independent conditions. LNCaP cells stably expressing Lin28 exhibited significantly higher tumorigenic ability in vivo. Lin28 induced expression of the AR and its target genes such as PSA and NKX3.1. Collectively, our findings demonstrate a novel role for Lin28 in CaP development and activation of the AR axis

    Controlling the Bureaucracy of the Antipoverty Program

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    Rapid progress made in various areas of regenerative medicine in recent years occurred both at the cellular level, with the Nobel prize-winning discovery of reprogramming (generation of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells) and also at the biomaterial level. The use of four transcription factors, Oct3/4, Sox2, c-Myc, and Klf4 (called commonly "Yamanaka factors") for the conversion of differentiated cells, back to the pluripotent/embryonic stage, has opened virtually endless and ethically acceptable source of stem cells for medical use. Various types of stem cells are becoming increasingly popular as starting components for the development of replacement tissues, or artificial organs. Interestingly, many of the transcription factors, key to the maintenance of stemness phenotype in various cells, are also overexpressed in cancer (stem) cells, and some of them may find the use as prognostic factors. In this review, we describe various methods of iPS creation, followed by overview of factors known to interfere with the efficiency of reprogramming. Next, we discuss similarities between cancer stem cells and various stem cell types. Final paragraphs are dedicated to interaction of biomaterials with tissues, various adverse reactions generated as a result of such interactions, and measures available, that allow for mitigation of such negative effects

    Lin28 Promotes Growth of Prostate Cancer Cells and Activates the Androgen Receptor

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    Prostate cancer (CaP) progresses to a castration-resistant state assisted by multifold molecular changes, most of which involve activation of the androgen receptor (AR). Having previously demonstrated the importance of the Lin28/let-7/Myc axis in CaP, we tested the hypothesis that Lin28 is overexpressed in CaP and that it activates AR and promotes growth of CaP cells. We analyzed human clinical CaP samples for the expression of Lin28 by quantitative real-time RT-PCR, Western blot analysis, and IHC. Growth characteristics of CaP cell lines transiently and stably expressing Lin28 were examined. The clonogenic ability of CaP cells expressing Lin28 was determined by colony formation and soft agar assays. Increase in expression of AR and subsequent increase in transcription of AR-target genes were analyzed by quantitative real-time RT-PCR, luciferase assays, and ELISA. LNCaP cells stably expressing Lin28 were injected into nude mice, and tumorigenesis was monitored. We found that Lin28 is overexpressed in clinical CaP compared to benign prostates. Overexpression of Lin28 enhanced, while down-regulation reduced, growth of CaP cells. Lin28 enhanced the ability of CaP cells to form colonies in anchorage-dependent and anchorage-independent conditions. LNCaP cells stably expressing Lin28 exhibited significantly higher tumorigenic ability in vivo. Lin28 induced expression of the AR and its target genes such as PSA and NKX3.1. Collectively, our findings demonstrate a novel role for Lin28 in CaP development and activation of the AR axis

    Disruption of Microtubules Sensitizes the DNA Damage-induced Apoptosis Through Inhibiting Nuclear Factor κB (NF-κB) DNA-binding Activity

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    The massive reorganization of microtubule network involves in transcriptional regulation of several genes by controlling transcriptional factor, nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) activity. The exact molecular mechanism by which microtubule rearrangement leads to NF-κB activation largely remains to be identified. However microtubule disrupting agents may possibly act in synergy or antagonism against apoptotic cell death in response to conventional chemotherapy targeting DNA damage such as adriamycin or comptothecin in cancer cells. Interestingly pretreatment of microtubule disrupting agents (colchicine, vinblastine and nocodazole) was observed to lead to paradoxical suppression of DNA damage-induced NF-κB binding activity, even though these could enhance NF-κB signaling in the absence of other stimuli. Moreover this suppressed NF-κB binding activity subsequently resulted in synergic apoptotic response, as evident by the combination with Adr and low doses of microtubule disrupting agents was able to potentiate the cytotoxic action through caspase-dependent pathway. Taken together, these results suggested that inhibition of microtubule network chemosensitizes the cancer cells to die by apoptosis through suppressing NF-κB DNA binding activity. Therefore, our study provided a possible anti-cancer mechanism of microtubule disrupting agent to overcome resistance against to chemotherapy such as DNA damaging agent

    Addressing Reported Pro-Apoptotic Functions of NF-κB: Targeted Inhibition of Canonical NF-κB Enhances the Apoptotic Effects of Doxorubicin

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    The ability of the transcription factor NF-κB to upregulate anti-apoptotic proteins has been linked to the chemoresistance of solid tumors to standard chemotherapy. In contrast, recent studies have proposed that, in response to doxorubicin, NF-κB can be pro-apoptotic through repression of anti-apoptotic target genes. However, there is little evidence analyzing the outcome of NF-κB inhibition on the cytotoxicity of doxorubicin in studies describing pro-apoptotic NF-κB activity. In this study, we further characterize the activation of NF-κB in response to doxorubicin and evaluate its role in chemotherapy-induced cell death in sarcoma cells where NF-κB is reported to be pro-apoptotic. Doxorubicin treatment in U2OS cells induced canonical NF-κB activity as evidenced by increased nuclear accumulation of phosphorylated p65 at serine 536 and increased DNA–binding activity. Co-treatment with a small molecule IKKβ inhibitor, Compound A, abrogated this response. RT–PCR evaluation of anti-apoptotic gene expression revealed that doxorubicin-induced transcription of cIAP2 was inhibited by Compound A, while doxorubicin-induced repression of other anti-apoptotic genes was unaffected by Compound A or siRNA to p65. Furthermore, the combination of doxorubicin and canonical NF-κB inhibition with Compound A or siRNA to p65 resulted in decreased cell viability measured by trypan blue staining and MTS assay and increased apoptosis measured by cleaved poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase and cleaved caspase 3 when compared to doxorubicin alone. Our results demonstrate that doxorubicin-induced canonical NF-κB activity associated with phosphorylated p65 is anti-apoptotic in its function and that doxorubicin-induced repression of anti-apoptotic genes occurs independent of p65. Therefore, combination therapies incorporating NF-κB inhibitors together with standard chemotherapies remains a viable method to improve the clinical outcomes in patients with advanced stage malignancies
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