35 research outputs found

    Outils microfluidiques pour l’exploration de diagrammes de phase : de la pervaporation à la microdialyse

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    This work deals with the technological development of miniaturized tools for theexploration of the phase diagram of complex fluids (colloidal dispersions, solutions ofpolymers or surfactants, etc). The microfluidic tools we elaborated make it possibleto determine phase diagrams of a series of formulations of complex fluids by consumingonly minute amounts of samples. These devices exploit two types of membraneprocesses to concentrate the chemical species : pervaporation (solvent evaporationthrough a dense membrane) and dialysis (osmotic exchanges through a membrane).Concerning the case of pervaporation, we demonstrated theoretically and experimentallythat a specific microfluidic design exists for which concentration fields of chemicalspecies remain spatially homogeneous along the kinetic path followed withinthe phase diagram. Then, it enables to obtain phase diagrams of multi-componentsmixtures from molecular compounds up to colloids, at the nanolitre scale. We reporta study concerning the understanding of the drying process of commercial silica nanoparticlesusing a dedicated microfluidic experiment involving pervaporation. Wepresent the kinetics of the concentration of the particles within the channel up to theformation of a dense colloidal packed bed which invades the channel at a controlledrate. We developed an original microfluidic tool integrating a dialysis membranewhich makes it possible to control osmotic exchanges at the nanoliter scale. We reportthe protocol of microfabrication of this chip and its specific geometry.We presentpreliminary results showing that this tool can be used to measure osmotic pressures ofcolloidal suspensions.Ce travail de thèse porte sur le développement technologique d’outils miniaturiséspour l’exploration de diagrammes de phase de fluides complexes (dispersions colloïdales,solutions de polymères ou tensioactifs, etc). Les outils élaborés permettent dedéterminer des diagrammes de phase par une approche continue à l’aide de la microfluidique.Ils sont basés sur deux types de procédés membranaires différents : la pervaporation(mécanisme d’évaporation de solvant) et la dialyse (mécanisme d’échangesosmotiques). En s’appuyant sur le processus de pervaporation, il a été montré théoriquementet expérimentalement qu’il existe une géométrie pour laquelle le séchageconfiné est homogène. Il est donc possible de construire des diagrammes de phase demélanges à plusieurs composants de l’échelle moléculaire aux colloïdes. Une étudeconsacrée à la compréhension de la complexité du séchage des nanoparticules de silicecommerciales dans un canal microfluidique de type microévaporateur a été miseen place. La cinétique de concentration des particules est décrite jusqu’à la formationd’un état dense ainsi que les divers phénomènes liés au séchage comme l’existenced’une transition de phase dans un système colloïdal, l’apparition de fractures ou la délaminationdu matériau dense. Un nouvel outil microfluidique intégrant une membranede type dialyse offre la possibilité de contrôler les échanges osmotiques à l’échelle dunanolitre. Le protocole de fabrication ainsi que le dimensionnement de la géométriesont présentés. Grâce à cet outil, il est possible de mesurer des pressions osmotiquesde dispersions colloïdales

    Assessing the Effects of Climate on Host-Parasite Interactions: A Comparative Study of European Birds and Their Parasites

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    [Background] Climate change potentially has important effects on distribution, abundance, transmission and virulence of parasites in wild populations of animals. [Methodology/Principal Finding] Here we analyzed paired information on 89 parasite populations for 24 species of bird hosts some years ago and again in 2010 with an average interval of 10 years. The parasite taxa included protozoa, feather parasites, diptera, ticks, mites and fleas. We investigated whether change in abundance and prevalence of parasites was related to change in body condition, reproduction and population size of hosts. We conducted analyses based on the entire dataset, but also on a restricted dataset with intervals between study years being 5–15 years. Parasite abundance increased over time when restricting the analyses to datasets with an interval of 5–15 years, with no significant effect of changes in temperature at the time of breeding among study sites. Changes in host body condition and clutch size were related to change in temperature between first and second study year. In addition, changes in clutch size, brood size and body condition of hosts were correlated with change in abundance of parasites. Finally, changes in population size of hosts were not significantly related to changes in abundance of parasites or their prevalence. [Conclusions/Significance] Climate change is associated with a general increase in parasite abundance. Variation in laying date depended on locality and was associated with latitude while body condition of hosts was associated with a change in temperature. Because clutch size, brood size and body condition were associated with change in parasitism, these results suggest that parasites, perhaps mediated through the indirect effects of temperature, may affect fecundity and condition of their hosts. The conclusions were particularly in accordance with predictions when the restricted dataset with intervals of 5–15 years was used, suggesting that short intervals may bias findings.The Academy of Finland is acknowledged for a grant to TE (project 8119367) and EK (project 250709). PLP was supported by a research grant (TE_291/2010) offered by the Romanian Ministry of Education and Science. T. Szép received funding from OTKA K69068 and JT from OTKA 75618. JMP was supported by a JAE grant from Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. SM-JM, FdL-AM, JF, JJS and FV were respectively supported by projects CGL2009-09439, CGL2012-36665, CGL2009- 11445, CGL2010-19233-C03-01 and CGL2008-00562 by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and FEDER and project EVITAR by the Spanish Ministry of Health. FV was also supported by the European Regional Development Fund. MACT was funded by a predoctoral FPU grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education (AP20043713). PM was supported by grant from the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (project 2P04F07030), and the Foundation for Polish Science

    Microfluidic tools for the exploration of phase diagrams : from pervaporation to microdialysis

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    Ce travail de thèse porte sur le développement technologique d’outils miniaturiséspour l’exploration de diagrammes de phase de fluides complexes (dispersions colloïdales,solutions de polymères ou tensioactifs, etc). Les outils élaborés permettent dedéterminer des diagrammes de phase par une approche continue à l’aide de la microfluidique.Ils sont basés sur deux types de procédés membranaires différents : la pervaporation(mécanisme d’évaporation de solvant) et la dialyse (mécanisme d’échangesosmotiques). En s’appuyant sur le processus de pervaporation, il a été montré théoriquementet expérimentalement qu’il existe une géométrie pour laquelle le séchageconfiné est homogène. Il est donc possible de construire des diagrammes de phase demélanges à plusieurs composants de l’échelle moléculaire aux colloïdes. Une étudeconsacrée à la compréhension de la complexité du séchage des nanoparticules de silicecommerciales dans un canal microfluidique de type microévaporateur a été miseen place. La cinétique de concentration des particules est décrite jusqu’à la formationd’un état dense ainsi que les divers phénomènes liés au séchage comme l’existenced’une transition de phase dans un système colloïdal, l’apparition de fractures ou la délaminationdu matériau dense. Un nouvel outil microfluidique intégrant une membranede type dialyse offre la possibilité de contrôler les échanges osmotiques à l’échelle dunanolitre. Le protocole de fabrication ainsi que le dimensionnement de la géométriesont présentés. Grâce à cet outil, il est possible de mesurer des pressions osmotiquesde dispersions colloïdales.This work deals with the technological development of miniaturized tools for theexploration of the phase diagram of complex fluids (colloidal dispersions, solutions ofpolymers or surfactants, etc). The microfluidic tools we elaborated make it possibleto determine phase diagrams of a series of formulations of complex fluids by consumingonly minute amounts of samples. These devices exploit two types of membraneprocesses to concentrate the chemical species : pervaporation (solvent evaporationthrough a dense membrane) and dialysis (osmotic exchanges through a membrane).Concerning the case of pervaporation, we demonstrated theoretically and experimentallythat a specific microfluidic design exists for which concentration fields of chemicalspecies remain spatially homogeneous along the kinetic path followed withinthe phase diagram. Then, it enables to obtain phase diagrams of multi-componentsmixtures from molecular compounds up to colloids, at the nanolitre scale. We reporta study concerning the understanding of the drying process of commercial silica nanoparticlesusing a dedicated microfluidic experiment involving pervaporation. Wepresent the kinetics of the concentration of the particles within the channel up to theformation of a dense colloidal packed bed which invades the channel at a controlledrate. We developed an original microfluidic tool integrating a dialysis membranewhich makes it possible to control osmotic exchanges at the nanoliter scale. We reportthe protocol of microfabrication of this chip and its specific geometry.We presentpreliminary results showing that this tool can be used to measure osmotic pressures ofcolloidal suspensions

    Microfluidic tools for the exploration of phase diagrams : from pervaporation to microdialysis

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    Ce travail de thèse porte sur le développement technologique d’outils miniaturiséspour l’exploration de diagrammes de phase de fluides complexes (dispersions colloïdales,solutions de polymères ou tensioactifs, etc). Les outils élaborés permettent dedéterminer des diagrammes de phase par une approche continue à l’aide de la microfluidique.Ils sont basés sur deux types de procédés membranaires différents : la pervaporation(mécanisme d’évaporation de solvant) et la dialyse (mécanisme d’échangesosmotiques). En s’appuyant sur le processus de pervaporation, il a été montré théoriquementet expérimentalement qu’il existe une géométrie pour laquelle le séchageconfiné est homogène. Il est donc possible de construire des diagrammes de phase demélanges à plusieurs composants de l’échelle moléculaire aux colloïdes. Une étudeconsacrée à la compréhension de la complexité du séchage des nanoparticules de silicecommerciales dans un canal microfluidique de type microévaporateur a été miseen place. La cinétique de concentration des particules est décrite jusqu’à la formationd’un état dense ainsi que les divers phénomènes liés au séchage comme l’existenced’une transition de phase dans un système colloïdal, l’apparition de fractures ou la délaminationdu matériau dense. Un nouvel outil microfluidique intégrant une membranede type dialyse offre la possibilité de contrôler les échanges osmotiques à l’échelle dunanolitre. Le protocole de fabrication ainsi que le dimensionnement de la géométriesont présentés. Grâce à cet outil, il est possible de mesurer des pressions osmotiquesde dispersions colloïdales.This work deals with the technological development of miniaturized tools for theexploration of the phase diagram of complex fluids (colloidal dispersions, solutions ofpolymers or surfactants, etc). The microfluidic tools we elaborated make it possibleto determine phase diagrams of a series of formulations of complex fluids by consumingonly minute amounts of samples. These devices exploit two types of membraneprocesses to concentrate the chemical species : pervaporation (solvent evaporationthrough a dense membrane) and dialysis (osmotic exchanges through a membrane).Concerning the case of pervaporation, we demonstrated theoretically and experimentallythat a specific microfluidic design exists for which concentration fields of chemicalspecies remain spatially homogeneous along the kinetic path followed withinthe phase diagram. Then, it enables to obtain phase diagrams of multi-componentsmixtures from molecular compounds up to colloids, at the nanolitre scale. We reporta study concerning the understanding of the drying process of commercial silica nanoparticlesusing a dedicated microfluidic experiment involving pervaporation. Wepresent the kinetics of the concentration of the particles within the channel up to theformation of a dense colloidal packed bed which invades the channel at a controlledrate. We developed an original microfluidic tool integrating a dialysis membranewhich makes it possible to control osmotic exchanges at the nanoliter scale. We reportthe protocol of microfabrication of this chip and its specific geometry.We presentpreliminary results showing that this tool can be used to measure osmotic pressures ofcolloidal suspensions

    Solidification of a Charged Colloidal Dispersion Investigated Using Microfluidic Pervaporation

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    We investigate the dynamics of solidification of a charged colloidal dispersion using an original microfluidic technique referred to as micropervaporation. This technique exploits pervaporation within a microfluidic channel to extract the solvent of a dilute colloidal dispersion. Pervaporation concentrates the colloids in a controlled way up to the tip of the channel until a wet solid made of closely packed colloids grows and invades the microfluidic channel. For the charged dispersion under study, we however evidence a liquid to solid transition (LST) preceding the formation of the solid, owing to the presence of long-range electrostatic interactions. This LST is associated with the nucleation and growth of domains confined in the channel. These domains are then compacted anisotropically up to forming a wet solid of closely packed colloids. This solid then invades the whole channel as in directional drying with a growth rate which depends on the microfluidic geometry. In the final steps of the solidification, we observed the occurrence of cracks and shear bands, the delamination of the wet solid from the channel walls, and its invasion by a receding air front. Interestingly, this air front follows specific patterns within the solid which reveal different microscopic colloidal organizations

    A tentative list of reptilian fauna of Algeria and their conservation status

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    Algeria is situated at the crossroads between Europe and Africa. The northern part of the country is listed as an area of high biodiversity. Currently, the ecosystems (rivers, lakes, deserts, forests etc.) and the species are under more pressure than ever. The impact of humans is significant and many factors constitute a strong threat to this fauna, especially reptiles, which are the most vulnerable because of their low mobility. Thus, pollution, the drying up of wetlands and their conversion to agriculture have clearly affected the existence of many species. The herpetofauna of Algeria is one of the most diversified in the Mediterranean Basin, consisting of 104 species of which 16.98% are endemic. We suppose that the present list of reptilian fauna provided in this paper is not exhaustive and it is expected to include more species given the lack of research on reptiles in Algeria and its large area.Our dataset contains information on reptile occurrences in Algeria. The dataset is based on original research by the staff of the Laboratory of Environmental Sciences and Agroecology of Chadli Bendjedid University in Algeria. The conservation status of all recorded species is given

    Solidification of a Charged Colloidal Dispersion Investigated Using Microfluidic Pervaporation

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    We investigate the dynamics of solidification of a charged colloidal dispersion using an original microfluidic technique referred to as micropervaporation. This technique exploits pervaporation within a microfluidic channel to extract the solvent of a dilute colloidal dispersion. Pervaporation concentrates the colloids in a controlled way up to the tip of the channel until a wet solid made of closely packed colloids grows and invades the microfluidic channel. For the charged dispersion under study, we however evidence a liquid to solid transition (LST) preceding the formation of the solid, owing to the presence of long-range electrostatic interactions. This LST is associated with the nucleation and growth of domains confined in the channel. These domains are then compacted anisotropically up to forming a wet solid of closely packed colloids. This solid then invades the whole channel as in directional drying with a growth rate which depends on the microfluidic geometry. In the final steps of the solidification, we observed the occurrence of cracks and shear bands, the delamination of the wet solid from the channel walls, and its invasion by a receding air front. Interestingly, this air front follows specific patterns within the solid which reveal different microscopic colloidal organizations

    Solidification of a Charged Colloidal Dispersion Investigated Using Microfluidic Pervaporation

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    We investigate the dynamics of solidification of a charged colloidal dispersion using an original microfluidic technique referred to as micropervaporation. This technique exploits pervaporation within a microfluidic channel to extract the solvent of a dilute colloidal dispersion. Pervaporation concentrates the colloids in a controlled way up to the tip of the channel until a wet solid made of closely packed colloids grows and invades the microfluidic channel. For the charged dispersion under study, we however evidence a liquid to solid transition (LST) preceding the formation of the solid, owing to the presence of long-range electrostatic interactions. This LST is associated with the nucleation and growth of domains confined in the channel. These domains are then compacted anisotropically up to forming a wet solid of closely packed colloids. This solid then invades the whole channel as in directional drying with a growth rate which depends on the microfluidic geometry. In the final steps of the solidification, we observed the occurrence of cracks and shear bands, the delamination of the wet solid from the channel walls, and its invasion by a receding air front. Interestingly, this air front follows specific patterns within the solid which reveal different microscopic colloidal organizations