18 research outputs found

    The effects of estradiol levels on crossmodal perception: a study on the sound induced flash illusion in healthy and menstrually related migraine individuals

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    ObjectiveThe sound-induced flash illusion (SIFI) is a valid paradigm to study multisensorial perception. In the "fission" SIFI, multiple flashes are perceived when observing a single flash paired with two or more beeps. SIFI is largely dependent on visual and acoustic cortex excitability; in migraine, dysfunctional cortical excitability affects SIFI perception. Since estrogen peak occurring during ovulation can increase neuronal excitability, the present study aims to verify whether cortical excitability shifts linked to the menstrual cycle could influence SIFI.MethodsIn a comparative prospective study, we tested the effect of estrogens on crossmodal perception using the SIFI. We recruited 27 females in reproductive age, including 16 healthy and 11 menstrually related migraine females, testing their proneness to SIFI on day 14 (high estradiol) and day 27 (low estradiol) of menstrual cycle.ResultsWomen on day 14 reported less flashes than on day 27 (p = 0.02) in the fission illusion, suggesting a pro-excitatory effect of estradiol on visual cortex excitability during ovulation. Moreover, we confirmed that migraine women perceived less flashes (p = 0.001) than controls, independently from cycle phase. Non-migraineurs women significantly reported more flashes on day 27 than on day 14 (p = 0.04).ConclusionsThis study suggests that estradiol may influence the multisensory perception due to changes of visual cortex excitability, with high estradiol peak leading to increased visual cortical sensitivity during ovulation in non-migraineurs. Visual cortex hyperresponsiveness, here reflected by reduced SIFI, is not influenced by estradiol fluctuations in migraine women, as shown by reduced fission effects on day 14 and 27

    The ability of lumbar spine DXA and phalanx QUS to detect previous fractures in young thalassemic patients with hypogonadism, hypothyroidism, diabetes, and hepatitis-B: A 2-year subgroup analysis from the Taranto Area of Apulia Region.

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    BACKGROUND: Osteoporosis is a leading cause of morbidity in patients affected by ÎČ-thalassemia major or intermediate; we aimed to assess the association between demineralization observed in young thalassemic patients. METHODS: A total of 88 patients with ÎČ-thalassemia were recruited at Microcitemia Center of Taranto Hospital under the Prevention Osteoporosis and Fractures research project from 2008 to 2010. All the patients were screened with both dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and quantitative ultrasound (QUS). T score and Z score values were obtained for each subject. RESULTS: The overall prevalence of demineralization was 84% with DXA and 70% with QUS, whereas normality was found in 16% of patients screened with DXA and in 30% of cases with QUS. Hypogonadism, hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, hepatitis-B, and the presence of previous fragility fractures were significantly associated with the demineralization status (lower T scores values) both with DXA and QUS. CONCLUSION: Our data confirm that DXA and QUS examinations are both useful for detecting bone demineralization in thalassemic patients

    Diatom-derived oxylipins induce cell death in sea urchin embryos activating caspase-8 and caspase 3/7

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    Diatoms are an important class of unicellular algae that produce bioactive secondary metabolites withcytotoxic activity collectively termed oxylipins, including polyunsaturated aldehydes (PUAs), hydroxy-acids (HEPEs), oxo-acids and epoxyalcohols. Previous results showed that at higher concentrations, thePUA decadienal induced apoptosis on copepods and sea urchin embryos via caspase-3 activation; atlower concentrations decadienal affected the expression levels of the caspase-8 gene in embryos of thesea urchin Paracentrotus lividus. In the present work, we studied the effects of other common oxylip-ins produced by diatoms: two PUAs (heptadienal and octadienal) and four hydroxyacids (5-, 9- 11- and15-HEPE) on P. lividus cell death and caspase activities. Our results showed that (i) at higher concentra-tions PUAs and HEPEs induced apoptosis in sea urchin embryos, detected by microscopic observationand through the activation of caspase-3/7 and caspase-8 measured by luminescent assays; (ii) at lowconcentrations, PUAs and HEPEs affected the expression levels of caspase-8 and caspase-3/7 (isolated forthe first time here in P. lividus) genes, detected by Real Time qPCR. These findings have interesting impli-cations from the ecological point of view, given the importance of diatom blooms in nutrient-rich aquaticenvironments

    Cognitive Function and the Ageing Process: The Peculiar Role of Mild Thyroid Failure

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    Over the last decades an increasing body of evidences suggested a possible relationship between thyroid hormone (TH) and the ageing process, and several efforts have been made to determine the actual role of TH dynamic during human life. It is still unclear whether the serum level shift of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone toward higher value, observed during ageing, is a normal adaptive response associated with senescence or an actual mild thyroid dysfunction. A growing body of evidence supports the hypothesis of a reset of the hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid axis in order to contrast the catabolic status of the ageing process. On the other hand, several meta-analyses showed a direct link between subclinical hypothyroidism (sHT) and cardiovascular events (both ischemic heart disease and stroke), although mainly in individuals younger than 65 years. Similarly, a recent meta-analysis documented consistent data on a positive relationship between sHT and cognitive impairment, but only in individuals younger than 75 years. Conclusion The available data suggest a complex relationship between mild thyroid failure and the ageing process as well as the development and progression of several cardiovascular and neurological diseases. In this paper, we reviewed the scientific English literature on sHT and the ageing process focusing on experimental evidences related to cognitive impairment and dementia. Moreover, we focused on new patents of treatments potentially able to improve the care of sHT patients, especially in the elderly, where treatment drawbacks may have negative impact on the long term outcome

    The PoSE Project: An Innovative Approach to Promote Healthy Postures in Schoolchildren

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    none6nomixedBortone, Ilaria*; Argentiero, Alberto; Agnello, Nadia; Denetto, Valentina; Neglia, Cosimo; Benvenuto, MarcoBortone, Ilaria; Argentiero, Alberto; Agnello, Nadia; Denetto, Valentina; Neglia, Cosimo; Benvenuto, Marc

    The PoSE Project: the Potential of Technological Learning for Postural Education in Schoolchildren

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    Back pain in children and adolescents is quite common, so developing preventive strategies for back pain is highly desirable. This article describes a planned school-based postural education project (PoSE) to promote healthy behaviors among middle school students and their families and to moderate postural diseases. As first s tep, we e valuated which a spects of postural behaviors were integrated in children’s lifestyle through a questionnaire. Then, the educational program consisted of interactive lessons on back posture and good principles both in class and at home. A participatory approach was used to evaluate attempts to involve all who have a stake in outcomes in order to take action and effect change. The strength of the participatory approach used in this study lies in the contribution to empowerment social change

    Updated incidence rates of fragility fractures in Italy: extension study 2002–2008

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    Objectives. We aimed to update the incidence rates of major fragility fractures in Italy, including those which do not result systematically in hospital admissions, on the basis of hospitalization rates provided in our previous researches. Methods. We analyzed italian national hospital discharge data from year 2002 to 2008 in order to determine age- and sexspecific incidence rates of hip, vertebral, humeral, and forearm fractures occurred in people aged 40 to 100 years of age. Re-hospitalizations of the same patients have been excluded from the analysis. Hospital discharge data have been adjusted taking into account recently published information concerning fracture-specific hospitalization rates. Results. We estimated a total of 91,494 hip fractures in year 2008 among people aged 40 to 100 years old, with a +18.1% increase across the seven-year period. Women aged >75 years old (n=55,950) accounted for about 60% of total fractures observed both in males and females. Concerning males, the highest incidence was observed between 80 and 84 years old (about 5,000 hip fractures). Overall incidence rate per 100,000 inhabitants computed for hip fractures was 283.5, with marked age- and sex-specific differences. Clinical vertebral fractures were estimated to be almost 61,000 in 2008, with a +6.3% increase over seven years. Overall incidence rate per 100,000 inhabitants computed for clinical vertebral fractures was 189.0, but this value doubled between 75 and 95 years of age. For the same year 2008, we estimated a total of 57,400 humeral and 94,000 forearm/wrist fractures, with a +13.2% and +0.7% increase over the seven-year period, respectively. Overall humeral fractures incidence per 100,000 was estimated in 178.0, with highest rates (up to 600 and over) observed in women between 75 and 95 years of age, while incidence per 100,000 for wrist fractures was computed in 298.0, with top values observed in women between aged 55 years old and over. Conclusion. The burden of major osteoporotic fractures in Italy is still increasing. Preventive strategies aimed to reduce fractures incidence should be carried out at regional leve

    Melanoma in the Italian Population and Regional Environmental Influences: A National Retrospective Survey on 2001–2008 Hospitalization Records

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    Objective: To assess the burden of regional environmental factors influencing the incidence of Melanoma in the Italian population and overcome the problem of partial population coverage by local cancer registries and thematic archives. Methods: We analyzed the Italian national hospitalization records from 2001 to 2008 provided by the Ministry of Health, excluding hospital re-admissions of the same patients, in order to assess the occurrence of Melanoma over a 8-year period. Data were presented by age groups (absolute number of cases from 20 to ≄80 years old) and per Region (rates per 100,000 inhabitants) for each year. Results: The overall number of new hospitalizations due to malignant Melanoma increased by 16.8% from 2001 (n = 4846) to 2008 (n = 5823), with the rate per 100,000 inhabitants passing from 10.5 to almost 12.0 at a national level. The majority of new diagnoses of malignant Melanoma was observed in two age groups: 61–70 years old (from 979 in 2001 up to 2109 in 2008, corresponding to 15.1 and 18.1 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants, respectively) and 71–80 years old (from 954 in 2001 up to 1141 in 2008, corresponding to 19.5 and 21.8 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants, respectively). The number of hospitalizations due to Melanoma increased in all age groups with the only exception of the youngest patients aged 20–30 years old. The highest increases over the 8-year period were observed in people aged ≄81 years old (+34%), 61–70 years old (+20%) and surprisingly in the age group 31–40 years old (+17%). Southern Regions showed lower hospitalization rates compared to Northern Italy and Region Lazio. The highest increases between 2001 and 2008 were observed in Trentino/Alto Adige, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Valla d’Aosta and Veneto Region. Conclusions: Hospitalizations due to malignant Melanoma in Italy seem to be influenced by environmental or population-related factors showing a decreasing incidence rate from the Northern to Southern Regions

    Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy

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