11 research outputs found

    Hartree approximation in curved spacetimes revisited II: The semiclassical Einstein equations and de Sitter self-consistent solutions

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    We consider the semiclassical Einstein equations (SEE) in the presence of a quantum scalar field with self-interaction λϕ4\lambda\phi^4. Working in the Hartree truncation of the two-particle irreducible (2PI) effective action, we compute the vacuum expectation value of the energy-momentum tensor of the scalar field, which act as a source of the SEE. We obtain the renormalized SEE by implementing a consistent renormalization procedure. We apply our results to find self-consistent de Sitter solutions to the SEE in situations with or without spontaneous breaking of the Z2Z_2-symmetry.Comment: 32 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum backreaction of O(N)O(N)-symmetric scalar fields and de Sitter spacetimes at the renormalization point: renormalization schemes and the screening of the cosmological constant

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    We consider a theory of NN self-interacting quantum scalar fields with quartic O(N)O(N)-symmetric potential, with a coupling constant λ\lambda, in a generic curved spacetime. We analyze the renormalization process of the Semiclassical Einstein Equations at leading order in the 1/N1/N expansion for different renormailzation schemes, namely: the traditional one that sets the geometry of the spacetime to be Minkowski at the renormalization point, and new schemes (originally proposed in [1,2]) which set the geometry to be that of a fixed de Sitter spacetime. In particular, we study the quantum backreaction for fields in de Sitter spacetimes with masses much smaller than the expansion rate HH. We find that the scheme that uses the classical de Sitter background solution at the renormalization point, stands out as the most appropriate to study the quantum effects on de Sitter spacetimes. Adopting such scheme we obtain the backreaction is suppressed by H2/Mpl2H^2/M_{pl}^2 with no logarithmic enhancement factor of lnλ\ln{\lambda}, giving only a small screening of the classical cosmological constant due to the backreaction of such quantum fields. We point out the use of the new schemes can also be more appropriate than the traditional one to study quantum effects in other spacetimes relevant for cosmology.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures; v2 agrees with the published version; in v2 we introduced new clarifications and we replaced the figures by new ones in order to fix a mistake in v1 and to provide additional details of the result

    The consistency condition for the three-point function in dissipative single-clock inflation

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    We generalize the consistency condition for the three-point function in single field inflation to the case of dissipative, multi-field, single-clock models. We use the recently introduced extension of the effective field theory of inflation that accounts for dissipative effects, to provide an explicit proof to leading (non-trivial) order in the generalized slow roll parameters and mixing with gravity scales. Our results illustrate the conditions necessary for the validity of the consistency relation in situations with many degrees of freedom relevant during inflation, namely that there is a preferred clock. Departures from this condition in forthcoming experiments would rule out not only single field but also a large class of multi-field models.Comment: 26+11 page

    Constraints on conformal ultralight dark matter couplings from the European Pulsar Timing Array

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    International audienceMillisecond pulsars are extremely precise celestial clocks: as they rotate, the beamed radio waves emitted along the axis of their magnetic field can be detected with radio telescopes, which allows for tracking subtle changes in the pulsars' rotation periods. A possible effect on the period of a pulsar is given by a potential coupling to dark matter, in cases where it is modeled with an "ultralight" scalar field. In this paper, we consider a universal conformal coupling of the dark matter scalar to gravity, which in turn mediates an effective coupling between pulsars and dark matter. If the dark matter scalar field is changing in time, as expected in the Milky Way, this effective coupling produces a periodic modulation of the pulsar rotational frequency. By studying the time series of observed radio pulses collected by the European Pulsar Timing Array experiment, we present constraints on the coupling of dark matter, improving on existing bounds. These bounds can also be regarded as constraints on the parameters of scalar-tensor theories of the Fierz-Jordan-Brans-Dicke and Damour-Esposito-Farèse types in the presence of a (light) mass potential term

    Constraints on conformal ultralight dark matter couplings from the European Pulsar Timing Array

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    International audienceMillisecond pulsars are extremely precise celestial clocks: as they rotate, the beamed radio waves emitted along the axis of their magnetic field can be detected with radio telescopes, which allows for tracking subtle changes in the pulsars' rotation periods. A possible effect on the period of a pulsar is given by a potential coupling to dark matter, in cases where it is modeled with an "ultralight" scalar field. In this paper, we consider a universal conformal coupling of the dark matter scalar to gravity, which in turn mediates an effective coupling between pulsars and dark matter. If the dark matter scalar field is changing in time, as expected in the Milky Way, this effective coupling produces a periodic modulation of the pulsar rotational frequency. By studying the time series of observed radio pulses collected by the European Pulsar Timing Array experiment, we present constraints on the coupling of dark matter, improving on existing bounds. These bounds can also be regarded as constraints on the parameters of scalar-tensor theories of the Fierz-Jordan-Brans-Dicke and Damour-Esposito-Farèse types in the presence of a (light) mass potential term