4 research outputs found

    The use of multiple-criteria decision-making theory to measure students’ perceptions of high-fidelity simulation

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    Background High fidelity simulation (HFS) has great potential to improve decision-making in clinical practice. Previous studies have found HFS promotes self-confidence, but its effectiveness in clinical practice has not been established. The aim of this research is to establish if HFS facilitates learning that informs decision-making skills in clinical practice using Multiple-Criteria Decision Making Theory (MCDMT). Method The sample were 2nd year undergraduate pre-registration adult nursing students. MCDMT was used to measure the students’ experience of HFS and how it developed their clinical decision-making skills. MCDMT requires characteristic measurements which for the learning experience were based on five factors that underpin successful learning and for clinical decision making an analytical framework was used. The study utilised a repeated-measures design to take two measurements: the first one after the first simulation experience and the second one after clinical placement. Baseline measurements were obtained from academics. Data were analysed utilising the MCDMT tool. Results After their initial exposure to simulation learning students reported that HFS provides a high quality learning experience (87%) and supports all aspects of clinical decision-making (85%). Following clinical practice the level of support for clinical decision-making remained at 85% suggesting that students believe HFS promotes transferability of knowledge to the practice setting. Conclusion Overall, students report a high level of support for learning and developing clinical decision-making skills from HFS. However, there are no comparative data available from classroom teaching of similar content so it cannot be established if these results are due to HFS alone

    Oportunidades de empleo para el desarrollo personal y profesional de las mujeres en la enseñanza científica y universitaria - algunas experiencias búlgaras

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    Decent Work measurements and monitoring is high in the agenda of International Labour Organization (ILO). “Employment opportunities for personal and professional development” is an indicator with a high rank within accepted emerging set of Decent Work indicators. Research team begins investigation to explore this indicator within area of science and university education and involvement of women. Some examples for contribution of women in achieving girls and women education and development of education system in Bulgaria in historical periods are given. Paper presents data for proportion of women in modern Bulgarian Higher education system. Future research within Decent Work network is anticipated to collect, analyze and compare data for partner universities.La medición y el seguimiento del trabajo decente ocupan un lugar destacado en la agenda de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT). “Oportunidades de empleo para el desarrollo personal y profesional” es un indicador con un alto rango dentro del conjunto emergente aceptado de indicadores de Trabajo Decente. El equipo de investigación comienza a explorar este indicador en el ámbito de la educación científica y universitaria y la participación de las mujeres. Se ofrecen algunos ejemplos de la contribución de las mujeres a la educación de niñas y mujeres y al desarrollo del sistema educativo en Bulgaria en periodos históricos. El documento presenta datos sobre la proporción de mujeres en el moderno sistema búlgaro de enseñanza superior. Se prevé que en el futuro la red de Trabajo Decente recopile, analice y compare los datos de las universidades asociadas