199 research outputs found

    Control of the cell cycle during meiotic maturation of mouse oocytes

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    The overall aim of the work presented in this thesis is to better understand the molecular mechanisms underlying the progression of the meiotic division in mammalian oocytes. The first goal of this project was to investigate the relative contribution of securin and cyclin B1 to the control of the protease separase during the indeterminate period of metaphase II arrest. I found here that although there are conditions in which either securin or MPF can prevent chromosome disjunction, such as during meiosis I, securin is the predominant inhibitor of separase during metaphase II arrest. Thus, CDK1 pharmacological inhibition as well as antibody inhibition of CDK1/cyclin B1 binding to separase, both failed to induce sister chromatid disjunction. Instead, securin morpholino knockdown induced sister chromatid separation, which could be rescued by injection of securin cRNA. I also examined the effect of CDK1 and MAPK activities on securin stability. Inhibition of both kinases, but not either one alone, using roscovitine and UO126, induced the premature destruction of securin during prometaphase of meiosis I. However, this effect is not dependent on securin phosphorylation, given that mutagenesis of CDK1 and MAPK phosphorylation sites on securin did not affect its stability. Finally, I found that CDK1 and MAPK inhibition also causes the premature degradation of other APC/C substrates, such as cyclin B1 and geminin. Interestingly, only the D-box containing substrates and not Ken-box substrates were subject to such effect. However, this prometaphase I instability of the D-box substrates was apparently not mediated by APC/CCdc20 or APC/CCdh1, given that Cdc20 was also targeted for destruction and morpholino-knockdown of both Cdc20 and Cdh1 failed to rescue securin stability. Also, the inhibition of SCFÎČ-TrCP using the dominant negative mutant of its F-box protein (ÎČ-TrCPΔ) could not restore securin levels, suggesting it is not SCFÎČ-TrCP-dependent. Future work will explore whether this effect could be attributed to activation of some meiosis-specific APC/C co-activators or the core APC/C, which was recently reported of being able to directly interact with the D-box containing substrates independently of Cdc20 and Cdh1 (Passmore et al., 2003; Yamano et al., 2004)

    Effect of some Pseudomonas strains and Agave americana L. on wheat germination under salt stress

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    Currently, several efforts focus remedying the problem of agricultural soil salinity using eco-friendly strategies. This study aimed particularly the study of Triticum durum (durum wheat) seeds germination in the presence of Pseudomonas strains and hydro-alcoholic extract of Agave americana L. under saline stress conditions. The preliminary phytochemical screening of A. americana, phylogenetic identification and production of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) by Pseudomonas strains, in vitro impact of hydro-alcoholic extract and Pseudomonas strains combination on salt stress resistance, preliminary effects of A. americana on Triticum durum germination and phytopathogenic fungi inhibition under salt stress were carried out using corresponding protocols. In in vitro trials, phytochemical screening revealed the richness of A. americana in polyphenols (1014.062±161.017 mM GA equivalent/g FW) and flavonoids (51.065±27.391 mg quercetin equivalent/g FW). The ability of Pseudomonas strains to produce the phytohormone indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) varied from 116.67±8.25 ”g/ml to 857.14±80.50 ”g/ml. The leaf extract of A. americana is an effective osmoprotectant that improves the resistance of the strain P1 Pseudomonas plecoglissicida to saline stress. In in vivo experiments, the extract of A. americana did not show any effect on the germination of wheat seeds. However, it effectively inhibited the contamination of seeds by phytopathogenic fungi during germination and saline conditions. Findings of the study revealed that Pseudomonas plecoglissicida and A. americana extract are very promising for the inhibition of phytopathogenic fungi and the alleviation of salt stress

    Tamazight di lakul

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    Direct Power Control for AC/DC/ACConverters in Doubly Fed Induction Generators Based Wind Turbine

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    In this paper direct power control (DPC) strategy is applied to control a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) based wind energy generation system. A three level NPC ac/dc/ac converter is controlled by direct power control method. The rotor side converter is controlled by a novelle switching table based a double active power hysteresis band method. The selects appropriates voltage vector based on the instantaneous errors between the reference and estimated values of active and reactive powers and rotor flux position. Also the grid side is controlled by direct power control based a grid voltage position to ensures a constant DC voltage, Simulation results on a demonstrate robust, precise, and fast dynamic behavior of system.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v2i3.284

    Quelle didactique pour l’enseignement / apprentissage de la langue amazighe?

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    Mon propos porte sur les aspects didactiques de l’enseignement /apprentissage de la langue amazighe. Plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment, il est question des mĂ©thodes utilisĂ©es depuis l’introduction de cette langue dans le systĂšme Ă©ducatif. Il n’est pas nĂ©cessaire de s’appesantir sur les aspects sociolinguistiques qui caractĂ©risent cette langue et qui constituent des « travers1 » pour les praticiens en charge de cet enseignement car « cette langue est non amĂ©nagĂ©e et Ă©clatĂ©e en dialectes2 » dont chacun d’eux a le statut de langue maternelle dans son aire gĂ©ographique qui lui est propre. Face Ă  cette situation inĂ©dite dans l’institution scolaire, de nombreuses questions assez dĂ©licates ont alors surgi. Quelle variante enseignĂ©e et dans quelle rĂ©gion ? Avec quels outils didactiques ? Avec quels contenus ? Quelle mĂ©thode choisir ? Et quelle graphie utilisĂ©e

    Le mussem de MeknĂšs. Le dĂ©clin d’une tradition spirituelle

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    RĂ©sumĂ©Les mussem-s sont des fĂȘtes saisonniĂšres, Ă  la fois foires et pĂšlerinages cĂ©lĂ©brĂ©s aux environs du sanctuaire d’un saint personnage. Au Maroc, lors des festivitĂ©s annuelles cĂ©lĂ©brant le jour de la naissance du prophĂšte Muhammad, le Palais royal organise Ă  MeknĂšs le mussem du Chaykh al-KĂąmil, censĂ© reprĂ©senter le pĂšlerinage des disciples de la confrĂ©rie soufie des AĂŻssĂąwa. Cet article dĂ©crit et analyse l’organisation et le fonctionnement de ce mussem dans le champ culturel et religieux du Maroc. Les donnĂ©es de l’auteur proviennent d’une enquĂȘte de terrain menĂ©e auprĂšs du public pĂšlerin, des membres de la confrĂ©rie des AĂŻssĂąwa, des hauts responsables de l’ordre religieux et des autoritĂ©s publiques. Par une approche socio-anthropologique et historique, le but est de saisir la signification et les enjeux de ce mussem dans la sociĂ©tĂ© marocaine contemporaine pour conclure sur son dĂ©clin depuis les annĂ©es 1980.The mussem of MeknĂšs : The Decline of a Spiritual TraditionAbstractThe mussem-s are seasonal festivals, both celebrated pilgrimages and fairs around the shrine of a holy man. In Morocco, during the annual festivities celebrating the day of birth of the prophet Muhammad, the government organizes in MeknĂšs the mussem of the Shaykh al-Kamil, the pilgrimage for the members of the sufi brotherhood of AĂŻssĂąwa. This article describes and analyzes the organization and the functioning of this mussem in the field of culture and religion of Morocco. The Data of the author comes from an investigation conducted among the pilgrim audience, members of the brotherhood of AĂŻssĂąwa, senior officials of the religious order and public authorities. With a socio-anthropological and historical approach, the goal is to capture the meaning and the implications of this mussem in contemporary Moroccan society to conclude on the wane since the 80’s

    Des soufis en banlieue parisienne

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    Cet article dĂ©crit et analyse l’organisation et le fonctionnement d’une zāwiya française de la confrĂ©rie soufie marocaine QĂądiriyya-BĂ»dchichiyya. Les donnĂ©es de l’auteur proviennent de l’observation participante, d’entretiens libres et semi-directifs appliquĂ©s Ă  une enquĂȘte de terrain Ă  l’intĂ©rieur de l’une des zāwiya-s de cette confrĂ©rie situĂ©e en banlieue parisienne. Par une approche microsociologique, le but est de saisir, d’une part, les modalitĂ©s selon lesquelles une confrĂ©rie maghrĂ©bine contemporaine s’implante en France, et, d’autre part, ce que la doctrine mystique reprĂ©sente aux yeux d’adeptes vivant dans une sociĂ©tĂ© laĂŻque de tradition catholique.This article is a microsociological study of a French zāwiya of the Moroccan soufi brotherhood QĂądiriyya-BĂ»dshishiyya. The data of the author come from the participating observation, of free and semi-directing interviews applied to an investigation inside one of the zāwiya-s of the brotherhood located in Parisian suburbs. The aim is to discover how a contemporary North-African brotherhood takes root in France and what the mystical doctrine represents for the disciples who lives in a secular society of catholic tradition.Este artĂ­culo describe y analiza la organizaciĂłn y el funcionamiento de una zĂąwiya francesa de la cofradĂ­a sufi marroquĂ­ QĂądiriyya-BĂ»dshishiyya. Los datos del autor provienen de la observaciĂłn participante, de entrevistas abiertas y semi-dirigidas aplicadas a una investigaciĂłn de campo de tres semanas (febrero de 2004) dentro de una de las zĂąwiya-s de esta cofradĂ­a situada en la periferia de Paris. Desde un enfoque microsociolĂłgico, el objetivo es comprender, por un lado, las modalidades a travĂ©s de las cuales una cofradĂ­a magrebĂ­ contemporĂĄnea se implanta en Francia, y, por otro lado, lo que la doctrina mĂ­stica representa a los ojos de adeptos que viven en una sociedad laica de tradiciĂłn catĂłlica

    Analyse du manuel de langue amazighe de 7e A.F.

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    Je me propose d’analyser le nouveau manuel de langueamazighe destinĂ© aux apprenants de 7 annĂ©e. Mon analyse seracentrĂ©e aussi bien sur les contenus linguistiques que sur lessoubassements des choix sociolinguistiques et didactiques. Pour ce faire, je commencerai par dresser un Ă©tat des lieux pour mieux situer le public visĂ© puis je procĂ©derai Ă  un rapide descriptif avant de passer à l’analyse proprement dite
