783 research outputs found

    Modelling the transport of lactic acid, sodium chloride and reducing sugars in carrot slices submerged in brines - Part II. Multivariate approach

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    In this paper following a methodology of (nested) increasing model complexity, it was found that the apparent diffusivities and the partition coefficients associated with the transport of lactic acid and sodium chloride from the brine into carrot slices submerged therein can be modelled as functions of temperature using Arrhenius-type relationships and as exponential functions of the initial concentrations of either solute in the brine. The apparent diffusivities in the free liquid phase, in the case of transport of reducing sugars from the carrots to the brine, are assumed to vary with time as a consequence of the bursting of the carrot cells following first-order kinetics on both the concentration of intact cells and dead cells. In this case, and following a similar methodology, the apparent diffusivity in the free liquid phase, the pseudo-firstorder rate constant for cell bursting, and the partition coefficients are well modelled when they are all assumed to follow temperature dependencies given by Arrhenius-type relationships; the dependencies on the initial concentration of salt in the brine were found not to be statistically significant. The underlying assumptions of normal distribution and constant variance were checked using plots of residuals, whereas the decision on the acceptable complexity of the nested models was taken based on the values of the F-distribution. The analysis developed is relevant for practical purposes because the multivariate models obtained in the form of correlations are simple functions of easily measured operating variables

    Sensor fault tolerant architecture for irrigation canals

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    10th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, 2012, Funchal, Portugalinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Modelling the transport of lactic acid, sodium chloride and reducing sugars in carrot slices submerged in brines - Part I. Univariate approach

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    The transport phenomena pertaining to the independent diffusion of lactic acid and sodium chloride from a brine into carrot slices submerged therein, and of reducing sugars in the opposite direction, were experimentally studied at various temperatures and initial concentrations of salt and acid in the brine. The data sets obtained at each combination of temperature and initial concentration of the brine were independently fit to three analytical models derived from just principles on three alternative mechanisms postulated for the time-variation of the diffusivity. Incremental sum of squares analyses have shown that the diffusion of acid and salt into the carrots is well described by a constant diffusivity, whereas the diffusion of reducing sugars out of the carrots is well described by a diffusivity undergoing a sigmoidal variation with time. This sigmoidal variation may be explained by the assumption that the bursting of the carrot cells is simultaneously proportional to the fraction of intact cells and the fraction of burst cells of the carrot material. The analysis developed is relevant because it allows an approximate prediction of the rates of acid and salt intake, as well as the release rates of reducing sugars, pertaining to bried carrot slices, the basic processes that occur during manufacture of lactic acid carrot pickles

    Data based modeling of a large scale water delivery system

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    Trabalho apresentado em 12th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, 2016, Guimarães, Portugalinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Adenocarcinoma do Íleon. Uma Entidade Rara e de Diagnóstico Tardio

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    INTRODUÇÃO A neoplasia do intestino delgado é uma entidade rara, apresentando uma incidência anual de cerca de 2.1 casos por 100,000 pessoas, sendo o adenocarcinoma, o segundo tipo histológico mais frequente (em 33% dos casos). A localização distal deste tipo de tumor é menos habitual, o que torna o adenocarcinoma do íleon num evento invulgar. A raridade deste tipo de patologia, associada a uma apresentação clínica pouco específica, origina habitualmente um atraso no diagnóstico e tratamento. CASO CLÍNICO Doente de 66 anos admitida no S.U. com quadro de dor abdominal localizada na fossa ilíaca direita com cerca de 6 dias de evolução e agravamento progressivo. Anorexia, náuseas e vómitos no dia de admissão. Empastamento doloroso à palpação na fossa ilíaca direita. Exames complementares revelaram tumor inflamatório do apêndice ileocecal. Intraoperatoriamente constatou-se neoformação com envolvimento do apêndice ileocecal, cego e segmento de íleon distal. Adenopatias na raíz do mesentério. Optou-se pela realização de hemicolectomia direita com ressecção em bloco de íleon distal. O resultado histológico revelou adenocarcinoma do íleon, que se estendia ao apêndice ileocecal e condicionando apendicite aguda (pT4N0). DISCUSSÃO/CONCLUSÃO Este caso apresenta uma patologia pouco frequente, caracterizada por um diagnóstico tardio e de difícil realização. Sublinhamos neste trabalho, a importância de um diagnóstico mais precoce e um tratamento adequado, de forma a obter um aumento da taxa de sobrevivência destes doentes

    A Multi-Agent Control Architecture for Supply Chains using a Predictive Pull-Flow Perspective

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    Com o apoio RAADRI.Supply chains are large-scale distribution networks in which multiple types of commodities are present. In this paper, the operations management in supply chains is posed as a tracking control problem. All inventory levels in the network should be kept as close as possible to the desired values over time. The supply chain state is disturbed due to client demand at the end nodes. A multiagent control architecture to restore all inventory levels over the supply chain is proposed. First the model for the supply chain is broken down into smaller subsystems using a flow decomposition. The operations management for each subsystem will be decided upon by a dedicated control agent. The control agents solve their problems using a pull-flow perspective, starting at the end nodes and then propagating upstream. Adding new components to the supply chain will have as a consequence the inclusion of more control agents. The proposed architecture is easily scalable to large supply chains due to its modular feature. The multi-agent control architecture performance is illustrated using a supply chain composed of four levels (suppliers, consolidation, distribution, end nodes) using different levels of predictions about client demands. With the increase of prediction demand accuracy the proposed control architecture is able to keep the desired inventory level at the end nodes over time, which makes it suitable for use for just in time production strategies

    Comprehensive evaluation of the linear stability of Alfvén eigenmodes driven by alpha particles in an ITER baseline scenario

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    The linear stability of Alfvén eigenmodes in the presence of fusion-born alpha particles is thoroughly assessed for two variants of an ITER baseline scenario, which differ significantly in their core and pedestal temperatures. A systematic approach based on CASTOR-K (Borba and Kerner 1999 J. Comput. Phys. 153 101; Nabais et al 2015 Plasma Sci. Technol. 17 89) is used that considers all possible eigenmodes for a given magnetic equilibrium and determines their growth rates due to alpha-particle drive and Landau damping on fuel ions, helium ashes and electrons. It is found that the fastest growing instabilities in the aforementioned ITER scenario are core-localized, low-shear toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes. The largest growth-rates occur in the scenario variant with higher core temperatures, which has the highest alpha-particle density and density gradient, for eigenmodes with toroidal mode numbers . Although these eigenmodes suffer significant radiative damping, which is also evaluated, their growth rates remain larger than those of the most unstable eigenmodes found in the variant of the ITER baseline scenario with lower core temperatures, which have and are not affected by radiative damping

    Sensitivity of alpha-particle-driven Alfvén eigenmodes to q-profile variation in ITER scenarios

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    A perturbative hybrid ideal-MHD/drift-kinetic approach to assess the stability of alpha-particle-driven Alfv�n eigenmodes in burning plasmas is used to show that certain foreseen ITER scenarios, namely the MA baseline scenario with very low and broad core magnetic shear, are sensitive to small changes in the background magnetic equilibrium. Slight variations (of the order of ) of the safety-factor value on axis are seen to cause large changes in the growth rate, toroidal mode number, and radial location of the most unstable eigenmodes found. The observed sensitivity is shown to proceed from the very low magnetic shear values attained throughout the plasma core, raising issues about reliable predictions of alpha-particle transport in burning plasmas