546 research outputs found

    Safety distance awareness system for Malaysian Driver

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    It is known that the risk of an accident increases exponentially with the speed of the vehicle and most collisions happen when the driver fails to brake at the required time and distance. The objective of this research is to create a Safety Distance Awareness System which aims at warning the driver of the potential frontal collision and to alter Malaysian driver attitudes. This system is to manipulate Malaysian driver attitude that likes to tailgating and to prevent rear-end collision in Malaysia. This is done by using a Sound Navigation and Ranging (SONAR) range finder to determine the distance of the vehicle or obstacle in front of the host vehicle. With the help of microcontroller, the distance of the host vehicle could be determined and a warning will be issued in the form of both visual and hearing so driver could take the correct preventive measure. There will be few stages of warning, the system will intensify the distress warning until the collision occurs. These SDAs do not take any automatic prevention or control to the vehicle to avoid collision. In overall the research hopes to achieve a more convenient driving experience and a safer driving environment by implementing the SDAS to keep drivers aware of the potential hazards ahead of their vehicle. Hopefully the Malaysian government will involve in this research, since the implementation of Safety Distance Awareness System can provide a new alternative in the safety system hence it can reduce accidents in Malaysia

    MHD stagnation flow of nanofluid past a permeable shrinking surface with various conditions

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    The purpose of the present study is to analyze the effects of slip and heat source/sink on magnetohydrodynamic stagnation-point flow and heat transfer past a permeable shrinking surface with convective boundary condition. The velocity and temperature profiles are analyzed with respect to the involved parameter such as slip parameter, magnetic parameter, heat source/sink parameter, Brownian motion parameter, thermophoresis parameter, suction parameter, shrinking parameter, Prandtl number, Biot number and Lewis number. Using a similarity transformation, the governing partial differential equations are transformed into nonlinear ordinary differential equations and the numerical solutions are solved by bvp4c in Matlab software. The numerical results indicate that the velocity increases with the increase in the values of slip parameter and suction parameter. The temperature profile increases as the increase of the Biot number and heat generation parameter whereas the increases of the heat absorption reduce the temperature


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    Kata kunci: motivasi, hasil belajar, model pembelajaran snowball throwing.Motivasi belajar merupakan kekuatan mental yang mendorong terjadinya proses belajar. Lemahnya motivasi atau tiadanya motivasi belajar akan melemahkan kegiatan belajar dan hasil belajar. Salah satu upaya guru untuk meningkatkan motivasi adalah dengan menciptakan suasana belajar yang menyenangkan. Model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe snowball throwing membuat siswa lebih siap dan semangat dalam menjawab pertanyaan dengan penyajian permainan imajinatif membentuk dan melempar bola salju. Peneliti mengangkat masalah apakah motivasi berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar siswa melalui model pembelajaran snowball throwing pada materi sistem persamaan linear tiga variabel. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh motivasi terhadap hasil belajar siswa melalui model pembelajar snowball throwing pada materi sistem persamaan linear tiga variabel. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian one-shot case study. Sampel dalam penelitian ini dipilih secara acak yaitu kelas X IPA 4 di SMA Laboratorium Unsyiah Banda Aceh dengan jumlah anggota sampel 28 orang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara pemberian tes dan angket. Persamaan regresi yang didapat dari hasil perolehan data yaitu ?= 0,86X - 14,72. Hasil uji linieritas yang menunjukan Fhitung sebesar 0,76 lebih kecil dari Ftabel sebesar 2,07 sehingga dapat dinyatakan persamaan regresi merupakan model regresi linier. Hasil analisis menggunakan korelasi product moment dengan hasil 0,56 dan koefisien determinasi 31,81% yang artinya hasil belajar 31,81% ditentukan oleh motivasi dan 68,19% ditentukan oleh faktor lain. Uji hipotesis menggunakan uji-t dengan taraf signifikan 5% dan dk = 26 diperoleh thitung > ttabel yaitu 3,484 > 2,056. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan ada hubungan positif motivasi terhadap hasil belajar siswa melalui model pembelajaran snowball throwing pada materi sistem persamaan linear tiga variabel

    Tangis Pancasila Atas Kemerosotan Moral Generasi Muda Bangsa

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    Globalization will never stop. Globalization is now starting to affect society, especially for the youth generation. Various impacts have been caused by globalization, including negative ones. The youth generation is damaged due to the impact of globalization. Laziness, lies, crime, moral decline, and even many other negative things arise from globalization. If it can say, Pancasila is now crying. The five precepts on which behavior, rules, and guidelines for the life of the Indonesian people are now being forgotten. The ideals that had been hoped for by the heroes who fought for the word 'independence' were dashed. The youth generation is now being colonized again, colonization of the mind. The sublime meaning contained in Pancasila is no longer implanted in every soul of the next generation of life. Pancasila cries seeing the fading of the meaning contained in her is no longer appreciated. Therefore, this study aims to restore the existence of Pancasila to the youth generation. Reminded that Pancasila is the main key as well as a protective shield from problems arising from the negative impact of globalization in our beloved country. Pancasila as a view of life as a nation and state. This research study uses a qualitative method or a descriptive approach where the theory or basis of discussion is obtained from the results of literature studies with various sources such as books, journals, and scientific articles. This method is used to find the truth in a fact that occurs and focuses on social phenomena that occur in society, especially in the souls of the youth generation

    Motif Penggunaan Gadget Sebagai Sarana Promosi Bisnis Online di Kalangan Mahasiswa UIN Sunan Kalijaga

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    The presence of gadgets mainly in the form of smartphones has much to contribute in everyday life, as a media gadget information search, interacting, get entertained, even for the purpose of online business activities for today is widely used among students of UIN Sunan Kalijaga. This study aimed to describe the motives of use gadgets as online business promotion tool among students UIN Sunan Kalijaga. The research approach uses qualitative approach with descriptive qualitative method, focus of research is the use of gadgets motivation among students. Respondent with purposive sampling. The research found patterns of use gadgets as a means of business promotion online, such as, First, the use of gadgets are considered more convenient, easy and simple to do promotions, Second, Online Business is suitable for small businesses run by selling a variety of products. Third, Doing business online using a gadget or self-awareness initiative of informants in sufficient portion of the needs as well as training yourself to be an independent figure


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    ABSTRAKNurul Izzati,2018WANPRESTASI PERJANJIAN GADAI TANAH SAWAH MENURUT SISTEM HUKUM ADAT(Suatu Penelitian di Kecamatan Darussalam Kabupaten Aceh Besar)Fakultas Hukum Universitas Syiah Kuala(v, 56) pp., bibl. M. Jafar, S.H., M.Hum.Gadai tanah sawah di Kecamatan Darussalam Kabupaten Aceh Besar dilakukan sesuai dengan hukum adat. Para pihak dalam melakukan gadai tanah sawah tidak menggunakan uang secara langsung, melainkan dengan sejumlah emas yang telah disepakati oleh keduanya. Namun,dalam penebusan terhadap gadai tanah sawah terjadi wanprestasi oleh pemberi gadai yaitu pemberi gadai menebus tanah sawah yang digadaikan tersebut dengan menggunakan uang yang setara dengan harga emas pada saat tanah digadaikan.Tujuan dari penulisan skripsi ini untuk menjelaskan mengenaibentuk perjanjian gadai tanah sawah, penyebab terjadinya wanprestasi dalam perjanjian gadai tanah sawah, dan penyelesaian wanprestasi dalam perjanjian gadai tanah sawah di Kecamatan Darussalam Kabupaten Aceh Besar.Jenis penelitian ini adalah bersifat yuridis empiris. Penelitian yuridis dilakukan untuk memperoleh data sekunder dengan mengkaji peraturan perundang-undangan, yurisprudensi, dan literatur hukum atau bahan hukum tertulis lainnya, sedangkanpenelitian empiris dilakukan untuk memperoleh data primer melalui wawancara dengan responden dan informan.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa bentuk perjanjian gadai tanah sawah ada yang tertulis dan tidak tertulis yang harus dihadiri oleh saksi yaitu Keuchik, Teungku, Tuha Peut dan perwakilan pihak keluarga. Penyebab terjadinya wanprestasi dalam perjanjian gadai tanah sawahadalah para pihak tidak melakukan perjanjian gadai tanah sawah dihadapan saksi, persoalan ekonomi yang dihadapi oleh pihak pemberi gadai, kurangnya penerapan prinsip kehati-hatian dalam menerima gadai dan tidak terdapat jangka waktu penebusan terhadap tanah sawah yang digadaikan sehingga gadai tanah sawah tersebut berlangsung sampai 25 (dua puluh lima) tahun. Adapun upaya penyelesaian sengketa wanprestasi perjanjian gadai tanah sawah, yaitu dengan musyawarah secara kekeluargaan, apabila hal tersebut tidak juga menyelesaikan permasalahan dapat mengajukan penyelesaian sengketa wanprestasi melalui musyawarah dengan Keuchik, Mukim, dan camat secara berurutan sampai dengan permasalahan terselesaikan.Disarankan kepada masyarakat yang melakukan perjanjian gadai tanah sawah agar dapat melakukan perjanjian di hadapan saksi,menetapkan jangka waktu penebusan, dan kepada Keuchik agar dapat melakukan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat mengenai cara melakukan perjanjian gadai tanah sawah

    Investigation of numerical technique to evaluate frequency response analysis (FRA) data measurement of auto power transformer

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    Power and distribution transformers are expensive and important units in electric power networks. Majority of dielectric and mechanical failures in transformers are due to mechanical displacements in the winding structure. Detection of these winding displacements in advance of a dielectric failure can reduce unplanned maintenance costs and provide the possibility to improve system reliability by preventing outages and breakdowns. Frequency Response Analysis (FRA) is a powerful and sensitive diagnostic test technique to evaluate transformer winding displacements by measuring their electrical transfer functions over a wide frequency range. In the past, it has really required trained experts to interpret the FRA test results in a subjective manner to make a judgement as whether the amount of agreement or disagreement between the two or more sets of FRA measurements is significant enough for further testing and inspection of the transformer. Therefore, a quite number of numerical techniques have been proposed to analyze the FRA data such as Standard Deviation (SD), Absolute Sum of Logarithmic Error (ASLE), Correlation Coefficient (CC), and others. Several of the numerical techniques were evaluated for its suitability, reliability and sensitivity for different cases of auto power transformer, 1000 MVA, 400/ 275/ 13 kV HV neutral winding terminations and comparison methods. It is concluded that Absolute Sum of Logarithmic Error (ASLE) is more reliable and sensitive. The ASLE technique should included as an analysing technique in any FRA test to get better interpretation and increase opportunities to provide more objective comparison of FRA test results

    Khalwat: keperluan kepada hukuman sebat dan alternatif

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    Khalwat adalah merupakan kesalahan jenayah syariah yang paling kerap berlaku di Malaysia berbanding kesalahan jenayah syariah yang lain. Penangkapan para pesalah khalwat seringkali dilaporkan oleh media elektronik dan media cetak. Malah lambakan kes khalwat yang belum selesai di mahkamah jelas menunjukkan masih ramai individu yang tidak gentar dengan undang-undang dan hukuman yang sedia ada. Sehubungan itu, artikel ini mengenal pasti permasalahan berkaitan peruntukan undang-undang yang mengawal selia jenayah khalwat di Malaysia. Setiap negeri di negara ini mempunyai peruntukan bagi kesalahan khalwat di bawah enakmen kesalahan jenayah syariah negeri masing-masing. Namun penulisan ini hanya mengkaji peruntukan khalwat di bawah Enakmen Jenayah Syariah (Selangor) 1995. Ia turut membincangkan keberkesanan hukuman penjara dan denda yang diperuntukkan di bawah enakmen kesalahan jenayah syariah negeri buat masa ini. Artikel ini kemudiannya mencadangkan agar hukuman sebat dan alternatif seperti perintah menghadiri kelas bimbingan dan agama dikenakan terhadap pesalah khalwat yang disabitkan. Ini kerana hukuman sedemikian dilihat sebagai satu metod terbaik bagi menginsafkan pesalah khalwat agar tidak mengulangi kesalahan tersebut
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