4,506 research outputs found

    Restructuring the English Working Class for Global Competitiveness

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    This paper considers the latest developments in an ongoing attempt to restructure the English working class. It divides this project into two distinct phases. The first is associated with destructive policies to undermine the political, social and institutional structures of the working class embedded in the post- War social democratic and compromise. The paper then goes on to show how New Labour initially sought to rebuild the working class in the image of global competitiveness, at the outset of the second phase to restructure the English working class. The paper argues that the present moment in policy development represents a watershed in this second-phase. The aim now is to contain and overcome some of the contradictions thrown up by New Labour’s early policies and to raise the raise the workforce in terms of its position in the Global Division of Labour. To do so, there is a need to move up those sections of the working class currently working in, and competing for, low-value and low paid ‘entry-level’ work, in order to create space for largely inactive elements of the latent workforce to move into. The project is pre-figured by a wholesale acceptance of the politics of global competitiveness. The discussion is undertaken via an analysis of three key sets of policy documents associated with the Harker Review of Child Poverty, the Leitch Review of Skills and the Freud Review of Welfare

    Countering the Cuts: The Class Politics of Austerity

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    The new Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition government in the UK is pursuing a class politics of austerity through a proposed radical reduction in public spending. This paper questions the assumptions underlying the logic of austerity and reveals it to be based on class politics designed to redistribute wealth from the poor to the rich. It also suggests that the crisis which is being used as a catalyst for reform is actually a product of the particular form of capitalism pursued in the UK since the 1970s. Instead of promoting policies to reinstate that particular failed model of capitalist development, the government should instead pursue a radical alternative based on principles of social and environmental sustainability

    Managing Development: EU and African Relations through the evolution of the Lomé and Cotonou Agreements

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    The relationship between the European Union 1 and Africa has been formalised since the beginning of the European integration project in the evolving Yaoundé, Lomé and now Cotonou Agreements. The relationship has shifted in line with the emerging global framework for neoliberal accumulation. This shift has involved the re-designing’ of developmental strategies and their ‘locking-in’ in the long term. Theoretically, this global shift in the organisation of both production and social relations (including popular understandings) has been well documented and the changing dominant patterns of production in advanced industrial economies has been highlighted at length. However, this article aims to develop further the idea of ‘locking-in’, outlined in the work of Stephen Gill, and to place an increased emphasis on the phenomena of both re-designing and locking-in as they apply to the alteration of developmental strategies in Less Developed Countries (LDCs), among which those in Africa have suffered from extreme marginalisation and exploitation. This article reveals the often ignored role of the EU in this process. It argues that the EU, through its institutionalised link with Africa, has played a key role in re-designing developmental strategies to complement the global shift to neoliberal accumulation which, in its latest phase, is aimed particularly at the complex, multifaceted and increasingly integrated project to ‘lock-in’ the gains of capital over labour on a global scale. The article begins with a brief introduction to the complementary projects of ‘re-designing’ and ‘locking-in’ before considering these against the historical evolution of the Lomé and Cotonou relationship

    A qualitative study of satisfaction and dissatisfaction with Jobcentre Plus; an exploration of issues identified in the 2007 Customer Satisfaction Survey with a particular focus on those most likely to be dissatisfied

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    This report presents the findings of qualitative research undertaken with Jobcentre Plus staff and customers to further understand the findings of the 2007 Customer Satisfaction Survey. The research took place in all 11 regions/countries between September and December 2008 and involved interviews with staff from jobcentres and Benefit Delivery Centres, and follow-up telephone interviews and focus groups with customers. The report identifies differences in the drivers of satisfaction and dissatisfaction between different benefit groups. It also explores customer satisfaction with different services and contact channels, identifies what is seen as good customer service and puts forward some suggestions for how this may be improved

    Explaining Levels of Customer Satisfaction with First Contact with Jobcentre Plus: results of qualitative research with Jobcentre Plus Staff

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    This report is a follow up to the First Contact Customer Survey (Research Report 504). As a result of ongoing difficulties accessing data for sampling purposes, the initial plan to undertake qualitative follow-up research with customers was abandoned in favour of research with staff to explore process-related issues which might explain customer responses. The research was undertaken in September and October 2008 and included telephone interviews with senior staff combined with face-to-face interviews and structured observations with staff in Contact Centres, Jobcentres and Benefit Delivery Centres in four Jobcentre Plus regions. Findings relate specifically to staff perceptions of customer satisfaction with first contact

    National Evaluation of the Capacity Building Programme in English Local Government: Annex 3. Direct Support in Poor and Weak Local Authorities: Emerging findings

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    This report summarises emerging findings from initial scoping analysis and case study fieldwork with authorities that have received Direct Support from the Capacity Building Programme (CBP) for local government. The report is one of a series of outputs from the national evaluation of the CBP, being undertaken by a team of researchers at the Policy Research Institute (PRI) at Leeds Metropolitan University and the Cities Research Unit at the University of West of England

    Experimental and theoretical investigations of the photochemistry of styrene and the creation and characterisation of shaped femtosecond ultraviolet laser pulses

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    This thesis is composed of three projects that are linked by the theme of light-molecule interactions. These are covered separately in Chapters 2, 3, and 4. In Chapter 1 some background to the thesis is described so that the various links between the science in the different chapters, and the motivation for the project as a whole are explained. Elements of photochemistry, both experimental and theoretical, are described in this chapter and some material about the most important experimental tools used in this work, ultrafast lasers, is covered, as well as the methodology of time-resolved spectroscopies, and timeresolved photoelectron spectroscopy in particular; the field of laser control of chemistry is also briefly reviewed. Chapter 2 is an account of the design and use of a UV pulse shaper and characterisation setup. This is an applied optics experiment, whose application is to the control of photochemical reactions with specifically shaped ultrafast laser light. Several demonstrations of the pulse shaping capacity of this new experiment are presented. In Chapter 3, calculation of the excited electronic states of the molecule styrene is described. This project is a computational study of the electronic spectroscopy and ionisation of the styrene molecule. In Chapter 4, the direct observation of internal conversion in styrene using time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy is reported. This is an experimental laser spectroscopy project in which some of the results from the computations in the theory project, Chapter 3, will be used to analyse the experimental spectra. Chapter 5 summarises the conclusions drawn from Chapters 2, 3 and 4 and provides an outlook for future research based on the work in this thesis. Throughout this thesis, but more particularly in Chapters 1 and 2, there is quite a large volume of literature review and background material. This content reflects the personal perspective from which the thesis was approached. Much of the field of ultrafast optics and spectroscopy was entirely new to the writer at the outset of the PhD programme, and most of the review-based writing about these topics found here was originally written early on in the PhD project, as a means of helping to bridge the gap between work on optical experiment design and an undergraduate training in chemistry

    The contested and contingent outcomes of Thatcherism in the UK

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    The death of Margaret Thatcher in April 2013 sparked a range of discussions and debates about the significance of her period in office and the political project to which she gave her name: Thatcherism. This article argues that Thatcherism is best understood as a symbolically important part of the emergence of first-phase neoliberalism. It engages with contemporary debates about Thatcherism among Marxist commentators and suggests that several apparently divergent positions can help us now reach a more useful analysis of Thatcherism’s short- and long-term outcomes for British political economy. The outcomes identified include: an initial crisis in the neoliberal project in the UK; the transformation of the party political system to be reflective of the politics of neoliberalism, rather than its contestation; long-term attempts at the inculcation of the neoliberal individual; de-industrialisation and financial sector dependence; and a fractured and partially unconscious working class. In all long-term outcomes, the contribution of Thatcherism is best understood as partial and largely negative, in that it cleared the way for a longer-term and more constructive attempt to embed neoliberal political economy. The paper concludes by suggesting that this analysis can inform current debates on the left of British politics about how to oppose and challenge the imposition of neoliberal discipline today

    National Evaluation of the Capacity Building Programme in English Local Government: Annex 4: Follow On Study of Progress in Seven Case Study Improvement Partnerships

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    This report is one of a series of outputs from the national evaluation of the Capacity Building Programme for local government in England (CBP), being undertaken by a team of researchers at the Policy Research Institute (PRI) at Leeds Metropolitan University and the Cities Research Unit at the University of West of England. This report summarises the findings from the second phase of fieldwork with regional and sub-regional Improvement Partnerships, established to facilitate capacity building and improvement activity in local authorities. The research underpinning this report was undertaken in seven case study Improvement Partnerships (see Section 2) in October and November 2006 and follows a similar – baseline – exercise undertaken during the same period during 2005. It thus both draws on the earlier research (see Section 3) and identifies evidence of progress and impact (see Section 10) since the baseline phase