5 research outputs found

    Badanie długookresowe ruchomości rdzenia kręgowego u dzieci w wieku szkolnym: aspekty związane z wiekiem i metody jej poprawy

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    Background. The aim of this research was to reveal the age-related characteristics of schoolchildren spinal cord mobility changes and experimentally substantiate the methods of their improvement in the long-term process of physical education. Material and methods. The two age groups were simultaneously investigated: primary school (1- 4th grades) and secondary school (5-9th grades) children. The author’s methods of schoolchildren spinal mobility improvement were included in the physical education lessons of the trial groups, while in the control groups, the lesson was conducted according to the school curriculum. Results. The results of the long-term study revealed features of spinal mobility indicator dynamics at the stage of school ontogenesis. The data of annual testing demonstrates an improvement in the indicators of spinal mobility among the male and female schoolchildren of the experimental groups. The results obtained in the control group show that at the stage of school ontogenesis, their deterioration is possible. Conclusions. This underpins the assertion that a factor of great significance in improving spinal mobility is not the peculiarities of age-related development but the special method. Thus, the necessity to include a special set of exercises aimed at improving spinal mobility, in the content of a school curriculum in physical education, was confirmed.Wprowadzenie. Celem badania było poznanie związanych z wiekiem cech zmian ruchomości rdzenia kręgowego u dzieci w wieku szkolnym oraz eksperymentalne uzasadnienie metod ich poprawy w ramach prowadzonych przez wiele lat zajęć wychowania fizycznego. Materiał i metody. Jednocześnie badano dwie grupy wieku: dzieci ze szkół podstawowych (klasy 1 do 4) i z gimnazjum (klasy 5 do 9). Autorskie metody usprawniania ruchomości kręgosłupa dzieci w wieku szkolnym stosowano na lekcjach wychowania fizycznego w klasach będących przedmiotem badania, natomiast w klasach kontrolnych zajęcia odbywały się zgodnie ze szkolnym programem nauczania. Wyniki. Wyniki badania długookresowego pozwoliły na ujawnienie cech dynamiki wskaźnika ruchomości kręgosłupa na etapie ontogenezy u dzieci w wieku szkolnym. Dane z przeprowadzanych corocznie badań wskazują na poprawę wskaźników ruchomości kręgosłupa wśród uczniów i uczennic klas będących przedmiotem badania. Wyniki uzyskane w grupie kontrolnej wskazują, że na etapie ontogenezy u dzieci w wieku szkolnym może dojść do ich pogorszenia. Wnioski. Stanowi to podstawę twierdzenia, że czynnikiem mającym duże znaczenie w poprawie ruchomości kręgosłupa nie są osobliwości rozwoju związane z wiekiem, ale specjalna metoda. Tym samym potwierdzono konieczność włączenia specjalnego zestawu ćwiczeń poprawiających ruchomość kręgosłupa do szkolnego programu realizacji wychowania fizycznego

    Targeted synthesis of dipeptides containing derivatives of (S)-phenylalanine and study of their antifungal activity

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    New dipeptides containing derivatives of phenylalanine, N-tert-butoxycarbonyl-(S)-alanyl-(S)-α-methylphenylalanine and N-tert-butoxycarbonyl-(S)-alanyl-(S)-α-methyl-4-fluorophenylalanine, were synthesized. The antifungal activity of initial non-protein amino acids, derivatives of phenylalanine, and synthesized dipeptides was studied by selecting widely spread pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic fungal strains as test fungi: Aspergillus versicolor 12134, A. flavus 10567, A. candidus 10711, Penicillium chrysogenum 8190, P. aurantiogriseum 12053, P. funiculosum 8258, Alternaria alternata 8126, Ulocladium botrytis 12027, and Aureobasidium pullulans 8269. The studies showed that the antifungal activity of (S)-α-methyl-phenylalanine amino acid was pronounced against P. aurantiogriseum 12053 and Ulocladium botrytis 12027 fungal strains when applied at a concentration of 0.177 mg/ml; the dipeptide containing the mentioned amino acid showed a high inhibitory effect on the P. aurantiogriseum 12053 strain, exhibiting the same degree of inhibition at concentrations of 0.232 mg/ml and higher. (S)-α-methyl-4-fluorophenylalanine amino acid most significantly suppressed the growth of P. aurantiogriseum 12053, P. funiculosum 8258, Ulocladium botrytis 12027, and Aureobasidium pullulans 8269 fungal strains when a 0.195 mg/ml solution was used. The growth of the P. aurantiogriseum 12053 strain was inhibited even at a lower concentration of 0.13 mg/ml; the dipeptide containing the amino acid significantly inhibited the growth of the P. aurantiogriseum 12053 strain when applied at a concentration of 0.369 mg/ml

    Diffraction on periodic surface microrelief grating with positive or negative optical anisotropy

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    Diffraction optical elements (DOE) are important elements of systems for images displaying and processing. The DOE materials with both positive and negative birefringence enhance performances and functionality of such systems. We have calculated the diffraction of rays passing through optically anisotropic grating with surface microrelief by using our original Exedeep software. At the first time the diffraction parameters for both transmitted and reflected TE- and TM-waves are calculated for materials with both positive and negative optical anisotropy. The simulation results are to be used to create DOE for the visible, UV, IR and THz ranges