208 research outputs found

    Managing chronic hepatitis B: A qualitative study exploring the perspectives of people living with chronic hepatitis B in Australia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The implementation of a comprehensive public health response to hepatitis B in Australia is urgently required to reduce the increasing burden of hepatitis B infection on the health system and the community. A significant gap in the public health response to hepatitis B is an understanding of how people with chronic hepatitis B (CHB) respond to CHB.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>A qualitative study involving semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions was conducted. Interviews were held with 20 people with CHB from three states of Australia. In addition, four focus group discussions were held with a total of 40 community and health workers from culturally and linguistically diverse communities in four Australian states.</p> <p>People with CHB reported no formal or informal pre or post test discussion with little information about hepatitis B provided at the point of diagnosis. Knowledge deficits about hepatitis B were found among most participants. Few resources are available for people with CHB or their families to assist them in understanding the infection and promoting their health and well-being. A lack of confidence in the professional knowledge of service providers was noted throughout interviews.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>People with CHB need culturally and linguistically appropriate education and information, particularly at the point of diagnosis. Primary health care professionals need the knowledge, skills and motivation to provide appropriate information to people with CHB, to ensure they have the capacity to better manage their infection.</p

    11th German Conference on Chemoinformatics (GCC 2015) : Fulda, Germany. 8-10 November 2015.

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    Computational modelling of NF-κB activation by IL-1RI and its co-receptor TILRR, predicts a role for Cytoskeletal Sequestration of IκBα in inflammatory signalling.

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    The transcription factor NF-κB (nuclear factor kappa B) is activated by Toll-like receptors and controlled by mechanotransduction and changes in the cytoskeleton. In this study we combine 3-D predictive protein modelling and in vitro experiments with in silico simulations to determine the role of the cytoskeleton in regulation of NF-κB. Simulations used a comprehensive agent-based model of the NF-κB pathway, which includes the type 1 IL-1 receptor (IL-1R1) complex and signalling intermediates, as well as cytoskeletal components. Agent based modelling relies on in silico reproductions of systems through the interactions of its components, and provides a reliable tool in investigations of biological processes, which require spatial considerations and involve complex formation and translocation of regulatory components. We show that our model faithfully reproduces the multiple steps comprising the NF-κB pathway, and provides a framework from which we can explore novel aspects of the system. The analysis, using 3-D predictive protein modelling and in vitro assays, demonstrated that the NF-κB inhibitor, IκBα is sequestered to the actin/spectrin complex within the cytoskeleton of the resting cell, and released during IL-1 stimulation, through a process controlled by the IL-1RI co-receptor TILRR (Toll-like and IL-1 receptor regulator). In silico simulations using the agent-based model predict that the cytoskeletal pool of IκBα is released to adjust signal amplification in relation to input levels. The results suggest that the process provides a mechanism for signal calibration and enables efficient, activation-sensitive regulation of NF-κB and inflammatory responses

    A Dimer of the Toll-Like Receptor 4 Cytoplasmic Domain Provides a Specific Scaffold for the Recruitment of Signalling Adaptor Proteins

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    The Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) is a class I transmembrane receptor expressed on the surface of immune system cells. TLR4 is activated by exposure to lipopolysaccharides derived from the outer membrane of Gram negative bacteria and forms part of the innate immune response in mammals. Like other class 1 receptors, TLR4 is activated by ligand induced dimerization, and recent studies suggest that this causes concerted conformational changes in the receptor leading to self association of the cytoplasmic Toll/Interleukin 1 receptor (TIR) signalling domain. This homodimerization event is proposed to provide a new scaffold that is able to bind downstream signalling adaptor proteins. TLR4 uses two different sets of adaptors; TRAM and TRIF, and Mal and MyD88. These adaptor pairs couple two distinct signalling pathways leading to the activation of interferon response factor 3 (IRF-3) and nuclear factor κB (NFκB) respectively. In this paper we have generated a structural model of the TLR4 TIR dimer and used molecular docking to probe for potential sites of interaction between the receptor homodimer and the adaptor molecules. Remarkably, both the Mal and TRAM adaptors are strongly predicted to bind at two symmetry-related sites at the homodimer interface. This model of TLR4 activation is supported by extensive functional studies involving site directed mutagenesis, inhibition by cell permeable peptides and stable protein phosphorylation of receptor and adaptor TIR domains. Our results also suggest a molecular mechanism for two recent findings, the caspase 1 dependence of Mal signalling and the protective effects conferred by the Mal polymorphism Ser180Leu

    Development and validation of an improved algorithm for overlaying flexible molecules

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    A program for overlaying multiple flexible molecules has been developed. Candidate overlays are generated by a novel fingerprint algorithm, scored on three objective functions (union volume, hydrogen-bond match, and hydrophobic match), and ranked by constrained Pareto ranking. A diverse subset of the best ranked solutions is chosen using an overlay-dissimilarity metric. If necessary, the solutions can be optimised. A multi-objective genetic algorithm can be used to find additional overlays with a given mapping of chemical features but different ligand conformations. The fingerprint algorithm may also be used to produce constrained overlays, in which user-specified chemical groups are forced to be superimposed. The program has been tested on several sets of ligands, for each of which the true overlay is known from protein–ligand crystal structures. Both objective and subjective success criteria indicate that good results are obtained on the majority of these sets

    Moving interdisciplinary science forward: integrating participatory modelling with mathematical modelling of zoonotic disease in Africa

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    This review outlines the benefits of using multiple approaches to improve model design and facilitate multidisciplinary research into infectious diseases, as well as showing and proposing practical examples of effective integration. It looks particularly at the benefits of using participatory research in conjunction with traditional modelling methods to potentially improve disease research, control and management. Integrated approaches can lead to more realistic mathematical models which in turn can assist with making policy decisions that reduce disease and benefit local people. The emergence, risk, spread and control of diseases are affected by many complex bio-physical, environmental and socio-economic factors. These include climate and environmental change, land-use variation, changes in population and people’s behaviour. The evidence base for this scoping review comes from the work of a consortium, with the aim of integrating modelling approaches traditionally used in epidemiological, ecological and development research. A total of five examples of the impacts of participatory research on the choice of model structure are presented. Example 1 focused on using participatory research as a tool to structure a model. Example 2 looks at identifying the most relevant parameters of the system. Example 3 concentrates on identifying the most relevant regime of the system (e.g., temporal stability or otherwise), Example 4 examines the feedbacks from mathematical models to guide participatory research and Example 5 goes beyond the so-far described two-way interplay between participatory and mathematical approaches to look at the integration of multiple methods and frameworks. This scoping review describes examples of best practice in the use of participatory methods, illustrating their potential to overcome disciplinary hurdles and promote multidisciplinary collaboration, with the aim of making models and their predictions more useful for decision-making and policy formulation

    An Efficient Method of Modeling Material Properties Using a Thermal Diffusion Analogy: An Example Based on Craniofacial Bone

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    The ability to incorporate detailed geometry into finite element models has allowed researchers to investigate the influence of morphology on performance aspects of skeletal components. This advance has also allowed researchers to explore the effect of different material models, ranging from simple (e.g., isotropic) to complex (e.g., orthotropic), on the response of bone. However, bone's complicated geometry makes it difficult to incorporate complex material models into finite element models of bone. This difficulty is due to variation in the spatial orientation of material properties throughout bone. Our analysis addresses this problem by taking full advantage of a finite element program's ability to solve thermal-structural problems. Using a linear relationship between temperature and modulus, we seeded specific nodes of the finite element model with temperatures. We then used thermal diffusion to propagate the modulus throughout the finite element model. Finally, we solved for the mechanical response of the finite element model to the applied loads and constraints. We found that using the thermal diffusion analogy to control the modulus of bone throughout its structure provides a simple and effective method of spatially varying modulus. Results compare favorably against both experimental data and results from an FE model that incorporated a complex (orthotropic) material model. This method presented will allow researchers the ability to easily incorporate more material property data into their finite element models in an effort to improve the model's accuracy

    IVSPlat 1.0: an integrated virtual screening platform with a molecular graphical interface

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The virtual screening (VS) of lead compounds using molecular docking and pharmacophore detection is now an important tool in drug discovery. VS tasks typically require a combination of several software tools and a molecular graphics system. Thus, the integration of all the requisite tools in a single operating environment could reduce the complexity of running VS experiments. However, only a few freely available integrated software platforms have been developed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A free open-source platform, IVSPlat 1.0, was developed in this study for the management and automation of VS tasks. We integrated several VS-related programs into a molecular graphics system to provide a comprehensive platform for the solution of VS tasks based on molecular docking, pharmacophore detection, and a combination of both methods. This tool can be used to visualize intermediate and final results of the VS execution, while also providing a clustering tool for the analysis of VS results. A case study was conducted to demonstrate the applicability of this platform.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>IVSPlat 1.0 provides a plug-in-based solution for the management, automation, and visualization of VS tasks. IVSPlat 1.0 is an open framework that allows the integration of extra software to extend its functionality and modified versions can be freely distributed. The open source code and documentation are available at <url>http://kyc.nenu.edu.cn/IVSPlat/.</url></p

    Oxygen-sensing neurons reciprocally regulate peripheral lipid metabolism via neuropeptide signaling in <i>Caenorhabditis elegans</i>

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    <div><p>The mechanisms by which the sensory environment influences metabolic homeostasis remains poorly understood. In this report, we show that oxygen, a potent environmental signal, is an important regulator of whole body lipid metabolism. <i>C</i>. <i>elegans</i> oxygen-sensing neurons reciprocally regulate peripheral lipid metabolism under normoxia in the following way: under high oxygen and food absence, URX sensory neurons are activated, and stimulate fat loss in the intestine, the major metabolic organ for <i>C</i>. <i>elegans</i>. Under lower oxygen conditions or when food is present, the BAG sensory neurons respond by repressing the resting properties of the URX neurons. A genetic screen to identify modulators of this effect led to the identification of a BAG-neuron-specific neuropeptide called FLP-17, whose cognate receptor EGL-6 functions in URX neurons. Thus, BAG sensory neurons counterbalance the metabolic effect of tonically active URX neurons via neuropeptide communication. The combined regulatory actions of these neurons serve to precisely tune the rate and extent of fat loss to the availability of food and oxygen, and provides an interesting example of the myriad mechanisms underlying homeostatic control.</p></div