77 research outputs found

    Read-across and new approach methodologies applied in a 10-step framework for cosmetics safety assessment – A case study with parabens

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    Parabens are esters of para-hydroxybenzoic acid that have been used as preservatives in many types of products for decades including agrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, food and cosmetics. This illustrative case study with propylparaben (PP) demonstrates a 10-step read-across (RAX) framework in practice. It aims at establishing a proof-of-concept for the value added by new approach methodologies (NAMs) in read-across (RAX) for use in a next-generation risk assessment (NGRA) in order to assess consumer safety after exposure to PP-containing cosmetics. In addition to structural and physico-chemical properties, in silico information, toxicogenomics, in vitro toxicodynamic, toxicokinetic data from PBK models, and bioactivity data are used to provide evidence of the chemical and biological similarity of PP and analogues and to establish potency trends for observed effects in vitro. The chemical category under consideration is short (C1–C4) linear chain n-alkyl parabens: methylparaben, ethylparaben, propylparaben and butylparaben. The goal of this case study is to illustrate how a practical framework for RAX can be used to fill a hypothetical data gap for reproductive toxicity of the target chemical PP

    Mind the (cultural) gap: International news channels and the challenge of attracting Latin American audiences

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    This article explores the role of cultural proximity in the perception of international news channels in Latin America by focusing on the cases of CGTN (China), RT (Russia) and HispanTV (Iran). Instrumental to the public diplomacy strategies of their home countries, the success of international broadcasters depends on if/whether audiences accept them. Based on a series of focus groups conducted in Mexico and Argentina, this article argues that cultural proximity strongly influences viewers’ aesthetic experience. The findings show that international broadcasters from culturally distant countries bridge the cultural gap by evoking the style of western broadcasters while dissociating themselves from perceived negative images of their own countries of origin. At a deeper level, cultural proximity entails inclusionary and exclusionary processes even within subcultural spheres. Finally, the findings also show how issues of representation can undermine channel identification by audiences

    Synaptic AMPA receptor composition in development, plasticity and disease

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    Disclosing Ribose-5-Phosphate Isomerase B Essentiality in Trypanosomatids.

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    Ribose-5-phosphate isomerase (RPI) belongs to the non-oxidative branch of the pentose phosphate pathway, catalysing the inter-conversion of D-ribose-5-phosphate and D-ribulose-5-phosphate. Trypanosomatids encode a type B RPI, whereas humans have a structurally unrelated type A, making RPIB worthy of exploration as a potential drug target. Null mutant generation in Leishmania infantum was only possible when an episomal copy of RPIB gene was provided, and the latter was retained both in vitro and in vivo in the absence of drug pressure. This suggests the gene is essential for parasite survival. Importantly, the inability to remove the second allele of RPIB gene in sKO mutants complemented with an episomal copy of RPIB carrying a mutation that abolishes isomerase activity suggests the essentiality is due to its metabolic function. In vitro, sKO promastigotes exhibited no defect in growth, metacyclogenesis or macrophage infection, however, an impairment in intracellular amastigotes' replication was observed. Additionally, mice infected with sKO mutants rescued by RPIB complementation had a reduced parasite burden in the liver. Likewise, Trypanosoma brucei is resistant to complete RPIB gene removal and mice infected with sKO mutants showed prolonged survival upon infection. Taken together our results genetically validate RPIB as a potential drug target in trypanosomatids.We would like to thank Professor Ana Tomás from the Institute for Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Porto, Portugal, for providing LimTXNPx antibody; Dr. Paul Michels from Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, for providing Tbenolase antibody; Professor Graham Coombs, Strathclyde University, Glasgow, for LmCS antibody; Professor Buddy Ullman, School of Medicine, Oregan Health and Science University, USA, for LdHGPRT antibody; Dr. Christine Clayton, Zentrum fur Molekulare Biologie der Universitat Heidelberg, Germany, for TbAldolase antibody. We would also like to thank Professor Jeremy Mottram, University of Glasgow, for pGL345HYG and Professor Marc Ouellette, Centre de Recherche en Infectiologie, of Laval University, Canada, for pSPαNEOα and pSPαBLASTα. We would also like to thank Dr. Jane MacDougall from Photeomix, France, for proofreading the English of the manuscript. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement No. 602773 (Project KINDRED).’ The COST Action CM1307: Targeted chemotherapy towards diseases caused by endoparasites has also contributed for this work. We would like to acknowledge Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FTC) for supporting Joana Faria (SFRH/BD/79712/2011) and Inês Loureiro (SFRH/BD/64528/2009). Inês Loureiro was also supported by the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (KINDRED-PR300102-BD). JT is an Investigator FCT funded by National funds through FCT and co-funded through European Social Fund within the Human Potential Operating Programme. Nuno Santarem and Pedro Cecílio are supported by fellowships from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreements No. 602773 (Project KINDRED) and No. 603181 (Project MuLeVaClin), respectively

    Synaptic AMPA receptor composition in development, plasticity and disease

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    How We Got Here

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    Defense Department Communications: Changing Role

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