21 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional cathodoluminescence imaging and electron backscatter diffraction: tools for studying the genetic nature of diamond inclusions

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    As a step towards resolving the genesis of inclusions in diamonds, a new technique is presented. This technique combines cathodoluminescence (CL) and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) using a focused ion beam-scanning electron microscope (FIB-SEM) instrument with the aim of determining, in detail, the three-dimensional diamond zonation adjacent to a diamond inclusion. EBSD reveals that mineral inclusions in a single diamond have similar crystallographic orientations to the host, within ±0. 4°. The chromite inclusions record a systematic change in Mg# and Cr# from core to the rim of the diamond that corresponds with a ~80°C decrease of their formation temperature as established by zinc thermometry. A chromite inclusion, positioned adjacent to a boundary between two major diamond growth zones, is multi-faceted with preferred octahedral and cubic faces. The chromite is surrounded by a volume of non-luminescent diamond (CL halo) that partially obscures any diamond growth structures. The CL halo has apparent crystallographic morphology with symmetrically oriented pointed features. The CL halo is enriched in ~200 ppm Cr and ~80 ppm Fe and is interpreted to have a secondary origin as it overprints a major primary diamond growth structure. The diamond zonation adjacent to the chromite is complex and records both syngenetic and protogenetic features based on current inclusion entrapment models. In this specific case, a syngenetic origin is favoured with the complex form of the inclusion and growth layers indicating changes of growth rates at the diamond-chromite interface. Combined EBSD and 3D-CL imaging appears an extremely useful tool in resolving the ongoing discussion about the timing of inclusion growth and the significance of diamond inclusion studies. © 2010 The Author(s)

    The new class II transposon Tn163 is plasmid-borne in two unrelated Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae strains

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    Ulrich A, Pühler A. The new class II transposon Tn163 is plasmid-borne in two unrelated Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae strains. Molecular & General Genetics. 1994;242(5):505-516.Tn163 is a transposable element identified in Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae by its high insertion rate into positive selection vectors. The 4.6 kb element was found in only one further R. leguminosarum bv. viciae strain out of 70 strains investigated. Both unrelated R. leguminosarum bv. viciae strains contained one copy of the transposable element, which was localized in plasmids native to these strains. DNA sequence analysis revealed three large open reading frames (ORFs) and 38 bp terminal inverted repeats. ORF1 encodes a putative protein of 990 amino acids displaying strong homologies to transposases of class II transposons. ORF2, transcribed in the opposite direction, codes for a protein of 213 amino acids which is highly homologous to DNA invertases and resolvases of class II transposons. Homology of ORF1 and ORF2 and the genetic structure of the element indicate that Tn163 can be classified as a class II transposon. It is the first example of a native transposon in the genus Rhizobium. ORF3, which was found not to be involved in the transposition process, encodes a putative protein (256 amino acids) of unknown function. During transposition Tn163 produced direct repeats of 5 bp, which is typical for transposons of the Tn3 family. However, one out of the ten insertion sites sequenced showed a 6 bp duplication of the target DNA; all duplicated sequences were A/T rich. Insertion of Tn163 into the sacB gene revealed two hot spots. Chromosomes of different R. leguminosarum bv. viciae strains were found to be highly refractory to the insertion of Tn163