1,542 research outputs found

    Classification of linearly compact simple Nambu-Poisson algebras

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    We introduce the notion of universal odd generalized Poisson superalgebra associated to an associative algebra A, by generalizing a construction made in [5]. By making use of this notion we give a complete classification of simple linearly compact (generalized) n-Nambu-Poisson algebras over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero.Comment: 22 page

    Effects of simulated space radiation on selected optical materials

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    The effect of simulated Nimbus spacecraft orbital (1100 km, circular, and polar) radiation on wide bandpass glass filters, narrow bandpass thin film interference filters, and several fused silicas was determined by transmittance measurements over the 200 to 3400 nanom wavelength region. No changes were observed in the filters, which were shielded with fused silica during irradiation, after exposure to a 1-year equivalent orbital dose of electrons, nor in the fused silicas after the same electron exposure plus a 1-year equivalent dose of protons. Exposure to a 1/2-year equivalent dose of solar ultraviolet radiation caused a significant degradation in the transmittance of two ultraviolet-transmitting interference filters but had no effect on two colored glass filters that transmitted in the visible and near infrared regions. As a result of the ultraviolet exposure the fused silicas exhibited losses of several percent over the 200- to 300 nanom wavelength region

    Indeterminacy with inflation-forecast-based rules in a two-bloc model

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    We examine the performance of forward-looking inflation-forecast-based rules in open economies. In a New Keynesian two-bloc model, a methodology first employed by Batini and Pearlman (2002) is used to obtain analytically the feedback parameters/horizon pairs associated with unique and stable equilibria. Three key findings emerge: first, indeterminacy occurs for any value of the feedback parameter on inflation if the forecast horizon lies too far into the future. Second, the problem of indeterminacy is intrinsically more serious in the open economy. Third, the problem is compounded further in the open economy when central banks respond to expected consumer, rather than pro- ducer price inflation. JEL Classification: E52, E37, E58in°ation-forecast-based rules, indeterminacy, open economy, Taylor rules

    Automorphisms and forms of simple infinite-dimensional linearly compact Lie superalgebras

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    We describe the group of continuous automorphisms of all simple infinite-dimensional linearly compact Lie superalgebras and use it in order to classify F-forms of these superalgebras over any field F of characteristic zero.Comment: 24 page


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    In this work we studied the local anaesthetic activity of the essential oil obtained from Lavandula angustifolia Mill., a medicinal plant traditionally used as an antispasmodic. We compared its activity to the essential oils obtained from two citrus fruits, Citrus reticulata Blanco and Citrus limon (L.) Burm. f., which have no medical uses. Biological tests were also performed on the major pure components of L. angustifolia Mill. essential oil: linalol and linalyl acetate as determined by GC and confirmed by GC-MS. Anaesthetic activity was evaluated in vivo in the rabbit conjunctival reflex test, and in vitro in a rat phrenic nerve-hemidiaphragm preparation. The essential oil of L. angustifolia, linalyl acetate and linalol (0.01-10 μg/ml) but not the oils of Citrus reticulata and Citrus limon were able to drastically reduce, in a dose-dependent manner, the electrically evoked contractions of rat phrenic-hemidiaphragm. In the rabbit conjunctival reflex test treatment with a solution of essential oil of L. angustifolia, as well as linalyl acetate and linalol (302500 μg/ml administered in the conjunctival sac) allow a dose-dependent increase in the number of stimuli necessary to provoke the reflex, thus confirming in vivo the local anaesthetic activity observed in vitro

    Sensory Design in the Birth Environment: Learning from Existing Case Studies

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    Studies have shown how built environments for hospitals can influence psychological and physiological conditions and status for childbearing women. Sensory attributes of birth spaces can enhance comfort, feelings of wellbeing, and, to some extent, clinical outcomes. Recently, some case studies of multisensory rooms for the birth environment have been developed based on, e.g., Snoezelen room examples. The aim of this research is to develop an overview of how sensory aspects for birth environments are designed, used, and tested in current and recent studies. Case studies were selected according to sensory aspect significance, observing space factors, and relationship with the experience and comfort of users (women, partners, midwives). All case studies were analysed to collect information about the design and validation process. The collected data were organised in categories and compared for the selected case studies. Main findings were summarised in tables with the aim of underlining how sensory design processes and projects can positively influence comfort for birthing. Conclusions about how to bring forward the issue of sensory design so that it can be used and applied to support childbearing women is discussed

    Characterization of fine metal particles using hyperspectral imaging in automatic WEEE recycling systems

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    Waste from electric and electronic equipment (WEEE) represents the fastest growing waste stream in EU. The large amount and the high variability of electric and electronic products introduced every year in the market make the WEEE recycling process a complex task, especially considering that mechanical processes currently used by recycling companies are not flexible enough. In this context, hyperspectral imaging systems (HSI) can represent an enabling technology able to improve the recycling rates and the quality of the output products. This study shows the preliminary results achieved using a HSI technology in a WEEE recycling pilot plant, for the characterization of fine metal particles derived from WEEE shredding

    Pressure-energy correlations in liquids. V. Isomorphs in generalized Lennard-Jones systems

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    This series of papers is devoted to identifying and explaining the properties of strongly correlating liquids, i.e., liquids with more than 90% correlation between their virial W and potential energy U fluctuations in the NVT ensemble. Paper IV [N. Gnan et al., J. Chem. Phys. v131, 234504 (2009)] showed that strongly correlating liquids have "isomorphs", which are curves in the phase diagram along which structure, dynamics, and some thermodynamic properties are invariant in reduced units. In the present paper, using the fact that reduced-unit radial distribution functions are isomorph invariant, we derive an expression for the shapes of isomorphs in the WU phase diagram of generalized Lennard-Jones systems of one or more types of particles. The isomorph shape depends only on the Lennard-Jones exponents; thus all isomorphs of standard Lennard-Jones systems (with exponents 12 and 6) can be scaled onto to a single curve. Two applications are given. One is testing the prediction that the solid-liquid coexistence curve follows an isomorph by comparing to recent simulations by Ahmed and Sadus [J. Chem. Phys. v131, 174504 (2009)]. Excellent agreement is found on the liquid side of the coexistence, whereas the agreement is worse on the solid side. A second application is the derivation of an approximate equation of state for generalized Lennard-Jones systems by combining the isomorph theory with the Rosenfeld-Tarazona expression for the temperature dependence of potential energy on isochores. It is shown that the new equation of state agrees well with simulations.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figures, Section on solid-liquid coexistence expande

    Measurement of squalene in olive oil by fractional crystallization or headspace solid phase microextraction coupled with gas chromatography

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    Squalene is the most abundant component in the unsaponifiable fraction of olive oil with strong antioxidant properties. Its concentration in olive oils varies between 0.2 and 16.2 g/kg depending on the cultivar(s) used. The propose of this work was to determine the effectiveness of two different extraction methods for squalene determination by gas chromatography (GC) coupled to a flame ionization detector (FID) or to mass spectrometry (MS). In a first approach, oil samples were dissolved in methanol/acetone mixture 7:3 (v/v) and triglycerides separated by fractional crystallization at −20°C. The organic layer was removed, reduced to dryness and the residue reconstituted in n-heptane (containing squalane as external standard) and analyzed by GC-FID. A headspace (HS) solid phase microextraction (SPME) GC-MS method has been also developed in order to have an environmentally friendly (i.e. solventless) extraction procedure. The linear range investigated with both methods was 1.0-10 g/kg. Within-day and between days precision values, expressed as RSD%, were 4 and 7% (GC-FID), and 3 and 6% (GC-MS), respectively. The limit of detection (LOD) at a signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio of 3 were 0.019 (GC-FID) and 0.003 (GC-MS) g/kg; the limit of quantification (LOQ) calculated at S/N = 10 were 0.063 (GC-FID) and 0.008 (GC-MS) g/kg, well below the typical squalene concentration levels found in olive oils. The obtained percentage recoveries were 70 ± 2 (GC-FID) and 98 ± 3 (GC-MS), and were not concentration dependent. The potential of the method has been demonstrated by the analysis of several different olive oil samples produced from different cultivars and different locations
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