259 research outputs found

    CPT Violation: What and where to look for

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    In this review I classify the possible ways of CPT violation, and I describe briefly their phenomenology, in both terrestrial and astrophysical experiments, including antimatter factories, neutral mesons and neutrinos, and discuss the various sensitivities. I also pay attention to disentangling genuine quantum-gravity induced CPT violation from `fake' violation due to ordinary matter effects. A particularly interesting situation arises when the breaking of CPT invariance is through unitarity violations, in the sense of the matter theory being viewed as an effective field theory, entangled with decoherening quantum gravity ``environments''. In such a case the quantum mechanical CPT operator is ill defined due to another mathematical theorem, and one has novel effects associated with CPT Violating modifications of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen type correlations of entangled meson states in B and phi meson factories.Comment: 9 pages, latex, uses special macros, Invited plenary talk in LEAP05, 16-22 May 2005, Bonn/GSI and Julich, German

    Some Aspects of String Cosmology and the LHC

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    I discuss some (unconventional) aspects of String Cosmology of relevance to supersymmetric dark matter searches at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. In particular, I analyse the role of time-dependent dilaton fields in relaxing some of the stringent constraints that characterise minimal supersymmetric models in standard cosmology. I also study briefly CPT-violating aspects of brane Universe models with space-time brane defects at early epochs and their potential relevance to the observed Baryon Asymmetry.Comment: 12 pages pdflatex, uses special macros.Plenary talk at the 1st International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics 2012, Kolymbari (Crete, Greece), June 10-16 2012, to appear in the Proc. EPJ WEB of Conferences, updated reference

    Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry in the Universe via String-Inspired CPT Violation at Early Eras

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    In four-space-time dimensional string/brane theory, obtained either through compactification of the extra spatial dimensions, or by appropriate restriction to brane worlds with three large spatial dimensions, the rich physics potential associated with the presence of non-trivial Kalb-Ramond (KR) axion-like fields has not been fully exploited so far. In this talk, I discuss a scenario whereby such fields produce spontaneous Lorentz- and CPT-violating cosmological backgrounds over which strings propagate, which in the early Universe can lead to Baryogenesis through Leptogenesis in models with heavy right-handed neutrinos.Comment: 6 pages Latex, one figure, uses special macros; Invited talk at the International Workshop on CPT and Lorentz Symmetry in Field Theory, University of the Algarve, Faro (Portugal), July 6-7 2017. To appear in the Proceedings (Journal of Phys. Conf. Series (IOP)

    Quantum-Gravity Induced Lorentz Violation and Dynamical Mass Generation

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    In Ref. [1] (by J. Alexandre) a minimal extension of (3+1)-dimensional Quantum Electrodynamics has been proposed, which includes Lorentz-Violation (LV) in the form of higher-(spatial)-derivative isotropic terms in the gauge sector, suppressed by a mass scale MM. The model can lead to dynamical mass generation for charged fermions. In this article I elaborate further on this idea and I attempt to connect it to specific quantum-gravity models, inspired from string/brane theory. Specifically, in the first part of the article, I comment briefly on the gauge dependence of the dynamical mass generation in the approximations of [1], and I propose a possible avenue for obtaining the true gauge-parameter-independent value of the mass by means of Pinch Technique argumentations. In the second part of the work I embed the LV QED model into multibrane world scenarios with a view to provide a geometrical way of enhancing the dynamical mass to phenomenologically realistic values by means of bulk warp metric factors, in an (inverse) Randall-Sundrum hierarchy. Finally in the third part of this note, I demonstrate that such Lorentz Violating QED models may represent parts of a low-energy effective action (of Finsler-Born-Infeld type) of open strings propagating in quantum D0-particle stochastic space-time foam backgrounds, which are viewed as consistent quantum gravity configurations.Comment: 34 pages latex, uses special macros (axodraw), three eps figures incorporate

    Theoretical and Phenomenological Aspects of CPT Violation

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    I review briefly various models and ways of Quantum-Gravity induced CPT violation, and discuss in some detail their phenomenology, in particular precision CPT tests in neutral mesons, and hydrogen/antihydrogen spectroscopy. As I shall argue, severe constraints can be placed in CPT violating parameters, with sensitivities that can safely exclude models with effects suppressed by a single power of Planck mass.Comment: 9 pages latex, Invited talk, LEAP03, Yokohama (Japan), 3-7 March 2003, Proc. Nucl. Instr. Methds. to appea

    Pseudoscalar Fields in Torsionful Geometries of the Early Universe, the Baryon Asymmetry and Majorana Neutrino Mass Generation

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    We discuss here a specific field-theory model, inspired from string theory, in which the generation of a matter-antimatter asymmetry in the Cosmos is due to the propagation of fermions in a non-trivial, spherically asymmetric (and hence Lorentz violating) gravitational background that may characterise the epochs of the early universe. The background induces different dispersion relations, hence populations, between fermions and antifermions, and thus CPT Violation (CPTV) already in thermal equilibrium. Species populations may freeze out leading to leptogenesis and baryogenesis. More specifically, after reviewing some generic models of background-induced CPTV in early epochs of the Universe, we consider a string-inspired scenario, in which the CPTV is associated with a cosmological background with torsion provided by the Kalb-Ramond (KR) antisymemtric tensor field of the string gravitational multiplet. In a four-dimensional space time this field is dual to a pseudoscalar ``axion-like'' field. The thermalising processes in this model are (right-handed) Majorana neutrino-antineutrino oscillations, which are induced in the presence of the KR axion background. These processes freeze out at a (high) temperature Tc>>mT_c >> m, where mm is the Majorana neutrino mass, at which the KR background goes to zero or is diminished significantly, through appropriate phase transitions of the (string) universe. An additional, but equally important, r\^ole, of the KR field is that its quantum fluctuations and mixing with an ordinary axion, which couples to the Majorana neutrinos via appropriate Yukawa couplings, can also lead to the generation of a Majorana neutrino mass through quantum anomalies. This provides a novel way for generating neutrino masses, independent of the traditional seesaw mechanism.Comment: 14 pages bibtex, one eps figure incorporated, uses special macros; Invited plenary talk at XIV Mexican Workshop on Particles and Fields, November 25-29 2013, Oaxaca (Mexico
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