383 research outputs found

    The Radius of Metric Subregularity

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    There is a basic paradigm, called here the radius of well-posedness, which quantifies the "distance" from a given well-posed problem to the set of ill-posed problems of the same kind. In variational analysis, well-posedness is often understood as a regularity property, which is usually employed to measure the effect of perturbations and approximations of a problem on its solutions. In this paper we focus on evaluating the radius of the property of metric subregularity which, in contrast to its siblings, metric regularity, strong regularity and strong subregularity, exhibits a more complicated behavior under various perturbations. We consider three kinds of perturbations: by Lipschitz continuous functions, by semismooth functions, and by smooth functions, obtaining different expressions/bounds for the radius of subregularity, which involve generalized derivatives of set-valued mappings. We also obtain different expressions when using either Frobenius or Euclidean norm to measure the radius. As an application, we evaluate the radius of subregularity of a general constraint system. Examples illustrate the theoretical findings.Comment: 20 page

    Production of lentiviral vector with polycistronic transcripts for reprogramming of mouse fibroblast cells

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    iPS cells were originally generated using monocistronic retroviral vectors carrying the Yamanaka factors 'OSKM'. The development of a polycistronic viral vector with OSKM linked by 2A peptides has simplified reprogramming procedure and reduced the risk of multiple proviral integrations and insertional mutagenesis. In this study, we demonstrated the production of the polycistronic lentiviral vector encoding OSKM in a single cassette without a reporter gene or drug-based selection system. Syncytia formations were clearly seen following the co-transfection of a lentiviral plasmid construct with the structural and packaging plasmids. The virion was collected at 48 hours post-transfection. Afterwards, the viral titers were measured by the expression of Sox2 protein from transduced HT1080 cells. Subsequently, Oct4 expression was successfully detected in mouse fibroblasts in the range of 5, 10 and 20 MOIs with expression of 90.7%, 97.5% and 98%, respectively. The results obtained from this study could be used as a model for the production of OSKM lentiviral vector for newcomers to cellular reprogramming research

    Influence of pH on mechanical relaxations in high solids lm-pectin preparations

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    The influence of pH on the mechanical relaxation of LM-pectin in the presence of co-solute has been investigated by means of differential scanning calorimetry, ζ-potential measurements and small deformation dynamic oscillation in shear. pH was found to affect the conformational properties of the polyelectrolyte altering its structural behaviour. Cooling scans in the vicinity of the glass transition region revealed a remarkable change in the viscoelastic functions as the polyelectrolyte rearranges from extended (neutral pH) to compact conformations (acidic pH). This conformational rearrangement was experimentally observed to result in early vitrification at neutral pH values where dissociation of galacturonic acid residues takes place. Time-temperature superposition of the mechanical shift factors and theoretical modeling utilizing WLF kinetics confirmed the accelerated kinetics of glass transition in the extended pectin conformation at neutral pH. Determination of the relaxation spectra of the samples using spectral analysis of the master curves revealed that the relaxation of macromolecules occurs within ~0.1 s regardless of the solvent pH

    Induced pluripotent stem cells: reprogramming platforms and applications in cell replacement therapy

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    The generation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from differentiated mature cells is one of the most promising technologies in the field of regenerative medicine. The ability to generate patient-specific iPSCs offers an invaluable reservoir of pluripotent cells, which could be genetically engineered and differentiated into target cells to treat various genetic and degenerative diseases once transplanted, hence counteracting the risk of graft versus host disease. In this context, we review the scientific research streams that lead to the emergence of iPSCs, the roles of reprogramming factors in reprogramming to pluripotency, and the reprogramming strategies. As iPSCs serve tremendous correction potentials for various diseases, we highlight the successes and challenges of iPSCs in cell replacement therapy and the synergy of iPSCs and clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)/Cas9 gene editing tools in therapeutics research

    Lack of methylation on transgene leads to high level and persistent transgene expression in induced pluripotent stem cells

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    Short-lived therapeutic gene expression in mammalian cells by DNA methylation is one of the major challenges in gene therapy. In this study, we assessed the implication of DNA methylation on the duration of GFP expression in mouse embryonic stem (ES) and mouse induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. The cells were transduced with lentivirus (LV) carrying green fluorescent protein (GFP) driven by either human elongation factor (EF1α) or cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter. Transduced iPS cells exhibited higher percentage of GFP+ cells with persistent mean fluorescent intensity than transduced ES cells. Analysis on the integrated copy of transgene in the population of the transduced cells demonstrated similar copy number. However, significant increase in GFP intensity following 5-azaC treatment was observed in transduced ES cells only, suggesting the influence of DNA methylation in transgene silencing. Subsequent DNA methylation analysis showed that the promoter and the GFP region of the provirus in iPS cells had negligible methylation profile compared to transduced ES cells. Interestingly, sustained transgene expression was observed upon directed differentiation of transduced iPS cells towards CD34+ CD45+ cells. Hence, this study has shown that favourable transgene activity from lentiviral transduced iPS cells was due to the lack of methylation at the proviral regions

    p-Adic description of characteristic relaxation in complex systems

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    This work is a further development of an approach to the description of relaxation processes in complex systems on the basis of the p-adic analysis. We show that three types of relaxation fitted into the Kohlrausch-Williams-Watts law, the power decay law, or the logarithmic decay law, are similar random processes. Inherently, these processes are ultrametric and are described by the p-adic master equation. The physical meaning of this equation is explained in terms of a random walk constrained by a hierarchical energy landscape. We also discuss relations between the relaxation kinetics and the energy landscapes.Comment: AMS-LaTeX (+iopart style), 9 pages, submitted to J.Phys.

    Potential therapeutic applications of microbial surface-activecompounds

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    Numerous investigations of microbial surface-active compounds or biosurfactants over the past two decades have led to the discovery of many interesting physicochemical and biological properties including antimicrobial, anti-biofilm and therapeutic among many other pharmaceutical and medical applications. Microbial control and inhibition strategies involving the use of antibiotics are becoming continually challenged due to the emergence of resistant strains mostly embedded within biofilm formations that are difficult to eradicate. Different aspects of antimicrobial and anti-biofilm control are becoming issues of increasing importance in clinical, hygiene, therapeutic and other applications. Biosurfactants research has resulted in increasing interest into their ability to inhibit microbial activity and disperse microbial biofilms in addition to being mostly nontoxic and stable at extremes conditions. Some biosurfactants are now in use in clinical, food and environmental fields, whilst others remain under investigation and development. The dispersal properties of biosurfactants have been shown to rival that of conventional inhibitory agents against bacterial, fungal and yeast biofilms as well as viral membrane structures. This presents them as potential candidates for future uses in new generations of antimicrobial agents or as adjuvants to other antibiotics and use as preservatives for microbial suppression and eradication strategies

    Nonregistration, discontinuation, and nonpublication of randomized trials: A repeated metaresearch analysis

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    BACKGROUND We previously found that 25% of 1,017 randomized clinical trials (RCTs) approved between 2000 and 2003 were discontinued prematurely, and 44% remained unpublished at a median of 12 years follow-up. We aimed to assess a decade later (1) whether rates of completion and publication have increased; (2) the extent to which nonpublished RCTs can be identified in trial registries; and (3) the association between reporting quality of protocols and premature discontinuation or nonpublication of RCTs. METHODS AND FINDINGS We included 326 RCT protocols approved in 2012 by research ethics committees in Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Canada in this metaresearch study. Pilot, feasibility, and phase 1 studies were excluded. We extracted trial characteristics from each study protocol and systematically searched for corresponding trial registration (if not reported in the protocol) and full text publications until February 2022. For trial registrations, we searched the (i) World Health Organization: International Clinical Trial Registry Platform (ICTRP); (ii) US National Library of Medicine (ClinicalTrials.gov); (iii) European Union Drug Regulating Authorities Clinical Trials Database (EUCTR); (iv) ISRCTN registry; and (v) Google. For full text publications, we searched PubMed, Google Scholar, and Scopus. We recorded whether RCTs were registered, discontinued (including reason for discontinuation), and published. The reporting quality of RCT protocols was assessed with the 33-item SPIRIT checklist. We used multivariable logistic regression to examine the association between the independent variables protocol reporting quality, planned sample size, type of control (placebo versus other), reporting of any recruitment projection, single-center versus multicenter trials, and industry versus investigator sponsoring, with the 2 dependent variables: (1) publication of RCT results; and (2) trial discontinuation due to poor recruitment. Of the 326 included trials, 19 (6%) were unregistered. Ninety-eight trials (30%) were discontinued prematurely, most often due to poor recruitment (37%; 36/98). One in 5 trials (21%; 70/326) remained unpublished at 10 years follow-up, and 21% of unpublished trials (15/70) were unregistered. Twenty-three of 147 investigator-sponsored trials (16%) reported their results in a trial registry in contrast to 150 of 179 industry-sponsored trials (84%). The median proportion of reported SPIRIT items in included RCT protocols was 69% (interquartile range 61% to 77%). We found no variables associated with trial discontinuation; however, lower reporting quality of trial protocols was associated with nonpublication (odds ratio, 0.71 for each 10% increment in the proportion of SPIRIT items met; 95% confidence interval, 0.55 to 0.92; p = 0.009). Study limitations include that the moderate sample size may have limited the ability of our regression models to identify significant associations. CONCLUSIONS We have observed that rates of premature trial discontinuation have not changed in the past decade. Nonpublication of RCTs has declined but remains common; 21% of unpublished trials could not be identified in registries. Only 16% of investigator-sponsored trials reported results in a trial registry. Higher reporting quality of RCT protocols was associated with publication of results. Further efforts from all stakeholders are needed to improve efficiency and transparency of clinical research

    Reporting quality of clinical trial protocols: a repeated cross-sectional study about the Adherence to SPIrit Recommendations in Switzerland, CAnada and GErmany (ASPIRE-SCAGE)

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    OBJECTIVES Comprehensive protocols are key for the planning and conduct of randomised clinical trials (RCTs). Evidence of low reporting quality of RCT protocols led to the publication of the Standard Protocol Items: Recommendations for Interventional Trials (SPIRIT) checklist in 2013. We aimed to examine the quality of reporting of RCT protocols from three countries before and after the publication of the SPIRIT checklist. DESIGN Repeated cross sectional study. SETTING Swiss, German and Canadian research ethics committees (RECs). PARTICIPANTS RCT protocols approved by RECs in 2012 (n=257) and 2016 (n=292). PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES The primary outcomes were the proportion of reported SPIRIT items per protocol and the proportion of trial protocols reporting individual SPIRIT items. We compared these outcomes in protocols approved in 2012 and 2016, and built regression models to explore factors associated with adherence to SPIRIT. For each protocol, we also extracted information on general trial characteristics and assessed whether individual SPIRIT items were reported RESULTS: The median proportion of reported SPIRIT items among RCT protocols showed a non-significant increase from 72% (IQR, 63%-79%) in 2012 to 77% (IQR, 68%-82%) in 2016. However, in a preplanned subgroup analysis, we detected a significant improvement in investigator-sponsored protocols: the median proportion increased from 64% (IQR, 55%-72%) in 2012 to 76% (IQR, 64%-83%) in 2016, while for industry-sponsored protocols median adherence was 77% (IQR 72%-80%) for both years. The following trial characteristics were independently associated with lower adherence to SPIRIT: single-centre trial, no support from a clinical trials unit or contract research organisation, and investigator-sponsorship. CONCLUSIONS In 2012, industry-sponsored RCT protocols were reported more comprehensively than investigator-sponsored protocols. After publication of the SPIRIT checklist, investigator-sponsored protocols improved to the level of industry-sponsored protocols, which did not improve

    Microbial community composition of deep-sea corals from the Red Sea provides insight into functional adaption to a unique environment

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    Microbes associated with deep-sea corals remain poorly studied. The lack of symbiotic algae suggests that associated microbes may play a fundamental role in maintaining a viable coral host via acquisition and recycling of nutrients. Here we employed 16 S rRNA gene sequencing to study bacterial communities of three deep-sea scleractinian corals from the Red Sea, Dendrophyllia sp., Eguchipsammia fistula, and Rhizotrochus typus. We found diverse, species-specific microbiomes, distinct from the surrounding seawater. Microbiomes were comprised of few abundant bacteria, which constituted the majority of sequences (up to 58% depending on the coral species). In addition, we found a high diversity of rare bacteria (taxa at 90% of all bacteria). Interestingly, we identified anaerobic bacteria, potentially providing metabolic functions at low oxygen conditions, as well as bacteria harboring the potential to degrade crude oil components. Considering the presence of oil and gas fields in the Red Sea, these bacteria may unlock this carbon source for the coral host. In conclusion, the prevailing environmental conditions of the deep Red Sea (>20 °C, <2 mg oxygen L−1) may require distinct functional adaptations, and our data suggest that bacterial communities may contribute to coral functioning in this challenging environment.This work was supported from baseline funds to CRV and under the Center Competitive Funding (CCF) Program FCC/1/1973-18-01 by the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST)