647 research outputs found

    Nitrogen removal in maturation WSP ponds via biological uptake and sedimentation of dead biomass

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    In this work a set of experiments was undertaken in a pilot-scale WSP system to determine the importance of organic nitrogen sedimentation on ammonium and total nitrogen removals in maturation ponds and its seasonal variation under British weather conditions. Two maturation ponds in series (M1 and M2) were monitored seasonally from September 2004 to May 2007. The nitrogen content in collected sediment samples varied from 4.17 to 6.78 percent (dry weight) and calculated nitrogen sedimentation rates ranged from 291 to 2,868 g N/ha d in M1 and from 273 to 2,077 g N/ha d in M2. The increment of chlorophyll-a in M1 and M2 maturation pond effluents had a very good correlation with the corresponding increment of VSS (algal biomass) and suspended organic nitrogen; therefore, the occurrence of biological (algal) nitrogen uptake was confirmed. After sedimentation of the dead algal biomass, it was clear that algal-cell nitrogen was recycled from the sludge layer into the pond water column. An important portion (51% in M1 and 39% in M2) of the nitrogen taken up by the in-pond algae was finally accumulated as sludge after anaerobic digestion. Biological (mainly algal) uptake of inorganic nitrogen species and further sedimentation of dead biomass is one of the major mechanisms controlling ammonium and nitrogen removal in maturation WSP, particularly when environmental and operational conditions are favourable for algal growth

    Super star clusters and Supernovae in interacting LIRGs unmasked by NIR adaptive optics

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    We report on an on-going near-IR adaptive optics survey targeting interacting luminous IR galaxies. High-spatial resolution NIR data are crucial to enable interpretation of kinematic, dynamical and star formation (SF) properties of these very dusty objects. Whole progenitor nuclei in the interactions can be missed if only optical HST imaging is used. Here we specifically present the latest results regarding core-collapse supernovae found within the highly extincted nuclear regions of these galaxies. Direct detection and study of such highly obscured CCSNe is crucial for revising the optically-derived SN rates used for providing an independent measurement of the SF history of the Universe. We also present thus-far the first NIR luminosity functions of super star cluster (SSC) candidates. The LFs can then be used to constrain the formation and evolution of SSCs via constraints based on initial mass functions and cluster disruption models.Comment: 6 pages. To appear in proceedings of 'Galaxies and their Masks' (Namibia, April 2010), published by Springer, New York, eds. D.L. Block, K.C. Freeman, I. Puerar

    Acción : diario de Teruel y su provincia: Año II Número 116 - (06/04/33)

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    The selective aerobic oxidation of crotyl alcohol to crotonaldehyde was investigated by time-resolved synchronous DRIFTS/MS/XAS over silica and alumina supported Pd nanoparticles. Alcohol and oxygen reactant feeds were cycled through the catalyst bed while dynamic measurements of the palladium oxidation state, molecular adsorbates and evolved product distribution were made simultaneously on a sub-second timescale. Highly dispersed palladium nanoparticles remained in a partially oxidised state <100 degrees C, independent of the redox environment, and were selective for crotonaldehyde formation. Higher temperatures facilitated rapid catalyst reduction on exposure to crotyl alcohol, with palladium metal driving crotonaldehyde decarbonylation to propene and CO, while slower (surface diffusion-limited) reoxidation on exposure to oxygen re-opened selective oxidation pathways. Surface palladium oxide is identified as the desired active species

    Percolation model for structural phase transitions in Li1−x_{1-x}Hx_xIO3_3 mixed crystals

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    A percolation model is proposed to explain the structural phase transitions found in Li1−x_{1-x}Hx_xIO3_3 mixed crystals as a function of the concentration parameter xx. The percolation thresholds are obtained from Monte Carlo simulations on the specific lattices occupied by lithium atoms and hydrogen bonds. The theoretical results strongly suggest that percolating lithium vacancies and hydrogen bonds are indeed responsible for the solid solution observed in the experimental range 0.22<x<0.360.22 < x < 0.36.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Approaches to Address Premature Death of Patients When Assessing Patterns of Use of Health Care Services after an Index Event

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    Background: Studies of the use of health care after the onset of disease are important for assessing quality of care, treatment disparities, and guideline compliance. Cohort definition and analysis method are important considerations for the generalizability and validity of study results. We compared different approaches for cohort definition (restriction by survival time vs. comorbidity score) and analysis method [Kaplan-Meier (KM) vs. competing risk] when assessing patterns of guideline adoption in elderly patients. Methods: Medicare beneficiaries aged 65-95 years old who had an acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in 2008 were eligible for this study. Beneficiaries with substantial frailty or an AMI in the prior year were excluded. We compared KM with competing risk estimates of guideline adoption during the first year post-AMI. Results: At 1-year post-AMI, 14.2% [95% confidence interval (CI), 14.0%-14.5%) of beneficiaries overall initiated cardiac rehabilitation when using competing risk analysis and 15.1% (95% CI, 14.8%-15.3%) from the KM analysis. Guideline medication adoption was estimated as 52.3% (95% CI, 52.0%-52.7%) and 53.4% (95% CI, 53.1%-53.8%) for competing risk and KM methods, respectively. Mortality was 17.0% (95%CI, 16.8%-17.3%) at 1 year post-AMI. The difference in cardiac rehabilitation initiation at 1-year post-AMI from the overall population was 0.1%, 1.7%, and 1.9% compared with 30-day survivor, 1-year survivor, and comorbidity-score restricted populations, respectively. Conclusions: In this study, the KM method consistently overestimated the competing risk method. Competing risk approaches avoid unrealistic mortality assumptions and lead to interpretations of estimates that are more meaningful

    Effects of sea temperature and stratification changes on seabird breeding success

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    As apex predators in marine ecosystems, seabirds may primarily experience climate change impacts indirectly, via changes to their food webs. Observed seabird population declines have been linked to climate-driven oceanographic and food web changes. However, relationships have often been derived from relatively few colonies and consider only sea surface temperature (SST), so important drivers, and spatial variation in drivers, could remain undetected. Further, explicit climate change projections have rarely been made, so longer-term risks remain unclear. Here, we use tracking data to estimate foraging areas for eleven black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla) colonies in the UK and Ireland, thus reducing reliance on single colonies and allowing calculation of colony-specific oceanographic conditions. We use mixed models to consider how SST, the potential energy anomaly (indicating density stratification strength) and the timing of seasonal stratification influence kittiwake productivity. Across all colonies, higher breeding success was associated with weaker stratification before breeding and lower SSTs during the breeding season. Eight colonies with sufficient data were modelled individually: higher productivity was associated with later stratification at three colonies, weaker stratification at two, and lower SSTs at one, whilst two colonies showed no significant relationships. Hence, key drivers of productivity varied among colonies. Climate change projections, made using fitted models, indicated that breeding success could decline by 21 – 43% between 1961-90 and 2070-99. Climate change therefore poses a longer-term threat to kittiwakes, but as this will be mediated via availability of key prey species, other marine apex predators could also face similar threats

    Persistence of Ebola virus RNA in some body fluids of Ebola virus disease (EVD) survivors – the Nigerian experience

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    Introduction: Ebola virus (EBOV) has been shown to persist in some body fluids of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) survivors with implication for future transmission particularly in Nigeria where EVD was experienced for the first time in 2014. Thus, this paper was aimed at providing information on the duration of persistence of EBOV in Nigeria. Materials and Methods: Ten consenting EVD survivors were enrolled. Baseline specimens; urine and semen (males), urine and high vaginal swab (HVS) (females) were obtained within one month after discharge from the Ebola Treatment Centre (ETC) and subsequently every fortnight. Samples were analyzed using quantitative Real-Star Filovirus Screen RT-PCR kit 1.0 at the National Reference Laboratory in Lagos.Results: Ten EVD survivors comprising 4 (40%) males and 6 (60%) females with age ranges of 28 to &gt;33 years (mean age: 33.0 ± 6.9 years) were evaluated. EBOV RNA was not detected in the urine of all the participants and HVS from the females. However, EBOV RNA was detected in the semen of all 4 (100%) male participants at baseline, and at 2 months after discharge from the ETC. Two men were still positive for EBOV RNA 4 months after discharge from the ETC despite persistent negative vireamia. Conclusions: Our data confirm that a negative viremia in the convalescent period is not predictive of the absence of the virus in semen. Despite an early clearance of the virus from the urine and HVS, there was persistence of EBOV RNA in semen of male survivors 4 months after recovery
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