478 research outputs found


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    Objetivou-se caracterizar o uso e a cobertura vegetal do corredor fluvial do rio Paraguai, no município brasileiro de Cáceres/MT. O mapa de uso e cobertura vegetal e de geomorfologia foram combinados em SIG, para avaliação da interferência das atividades antrópicas na dinâmica fluvial. Os Leques fluviais foram ocupados pelas áreas de expansão urbana e as APPs pelas pastagens. Ambas as situações estão contribuindo para a aceleração dos processos erosivos marginais do rio Paraguai

    Scaling analysis of a divergent prefactor in the metastable lifetime of a square-lattice Ising ferromagnet at low temperatures

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    We examine a square-lattice nearest-neighbor Ising quantum ferromagnet coupled to dd-dimensional phonon baths. Using the density-matrix equation, we calculate the transition rates between configurations, which determines the specific dynamic. Applying the calculated stochastic dynamic in Monte Carlo simulations, we measure the lifetimes of the metastable state. As the magnetic field approaches H/J=2|H|/J=2 at low temperatures, the lifetime prefactor diverges because the transition rates between certain configurations approaches zero under these conditions. Near H/J=2|H|/J=2 and zero temperature, the divergent prefactor shows scaling behavior as a function of the field, temperature, and the dimension of the phonon baths. With proper scaling, the simulation data at different temperatures and for different dimensions of the baths collapse well onto two master curves, one for H/J>2|H|/J>2 and one for H/J<2|H|/J<2.Comment: published versio

    Limited diversity in natal origins of immature anadromous fish during ocean residency

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    Author Posting. © The Authors, 2009. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of NRC Research Press for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 67 (2010): 1699-1707, doi:10.1139/F10-086.Variable migration patterns can play a significant role in promoting diverse life history traits among populations. However, population and stage specific movement patterns are generally unknown yet crucial aspects of life history strategies in many highly migratory species. We used a natural tag approach using geochemical signatures in otoliths to identify natal origins of one-year-old anadromous American shad (Alosa sapidissima) during ocean residency. Otolith signatures of migrants were compared to a database of baseline signatures from 20 source populations throughout their spawning range. Samples were dominated by fish from only two rivers, while all other potential source populations were nearly or completely absent. These data support the hypothesis that American shad exhibit diverse migratory behaviors and immature individuals from populations throughout the native range do not all mix on northern summer feeding grounds. Rather, our results suggest populations of anadromous fish are distributed heterogeneously at sea in the first year of life and thus may encounter different ocean conditions at a critical early life history stage.This work was funded by National Science Foundation grants OCE-0215905 and OCE-0134998 to SRT and by a WHOI Ocean Life Institute grant to BDW

    Measurement of single electron emission in two-phase xenon

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    We present the first measurements of the electroluminescence response to the emission of single electrons in a two-phase noble gas detector. Single ionization electrons generated in liquid xenon are detected in a thin gas layer during the 31-day background run of the ZEPLIN-II experiment, a two-phase xenon detector for WIMP dark matter searches. Both the pressure dependence and magnitude of the single-electron response are in agreement with previous measurements of electroluminescence yield in xenon. We discuss different photoionization processes as possible cause for the sample of single electrons studied in this work. This observation may have implications for the design and operation of future large-scale two-phase systems.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Limits on spin-dependent WIMP-nucleon cross-sections from the first ZEPLIN-II data

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    The first underground data run of the ZEPLIN-II experiment has set a limit on the nuclear recoil rate in the two-phase xenon detector for direct dark matter searches. In this paper the results from this run are converted into the limits on spin-dependent WIMP-proton and WIMP-neutron cross-sections. The minimum of the curve for WIMP-neutron cross-section corresponds to 0.07 pb at a WIMP mass of around 65 GeV.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, to be published in Physics Letters

    Demagnetization via Nucleation of the Nonequilibrium Metastable Phase in a Model of Disorder

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    We study both analytically and numerically metastability and nucleation in a two-dimensional nonequilibrium Ising ferromagnet. Canonical equilibrium is dynamically impeded by a weak random perturbation which models homogeneous disorder of undetermined source. We present a simple theoretical description, in perfect agreement with Monte Carlo simulations, assuming that the decay of the nonequilibrium metastable state is due, as in equilibrium, to the competition between the surface and the bulk. This suggests one to accept a nonequilibrium "free-energy" at a mesoscopic/cluster level, and it ensues a nonequilibrium "surface tension" with some peculiar low-T behavior. We illustrate the occurrence of intriguing nonequilibrium phenomena, including: (i) Noise-enhanced stabilization of nonequilibrium metastable states; (ii) reentrance of the limit of metastability under strong nonequilibrium conditions; and (iii) resonant propagation of domain walls. The cooperative behavior of our system may also be understood in terms of a Langevin equation with additive and multiplicative noises. We also studied metastability in the case of open boundaries as it may correspond to a magnetic nanoparticle. We then observe burst-like relaxation at low T, triggered by the additional surface randomness, with scale-free avalanches which closely resemble the type of relaxation reported for many complex systems. We show that this results from the superposition of many demagnetization events, each with a well- defined scale which is determined by the curvature of the domain wall at which it originates. This is an example of (apparent) scale invariance in a nonequilibrium setting which is not to be associated with any familiar kind of criticality.Comment: 26 pages, 22 figure